《Until we die (BxB)✔️》37


Its been a six days now since the attack on Tristan and the pack and nothing is getting better besides Tristan.

The pack is completely broken Due to the massive losses of people here and we've called in a neighboring pack to help with medical problems and help getting us back on our feet with everything.

I know this packs son and his dad is the alpha, who of course knew my dad too. He came in to help us in no time once I explained everything over the phone, which was much harder than is would seem.

Alpha Alex and part of his pack from the crystal moon pack are here camping out in our now cleaned up lawn, giving medical help and just help getting us back together as much as we can over this week. We have plenty of money and all, so we aren't finically broken, but we are as a pack.

The mass loss of people here, and the loss of both our Luna and Alpha has hit everyone hard. I don't really think about it as much as I probably should, but it's because my parents died.

I have Tristan and Lou and a pack to take care of, so that is my focus.

I haven't left the clinic room much, only to meet with Alpha Alex and his number three maybe once a day, as of right now I am considered alpha and Dusty is my beta, I haven't chosen a number three yet. But while I'm in here Dusty is pretty much running things with alpha Alex.

Things are getting there, we have everyone who passed away ready for burial which will take place in a few days, we're letting things settle before all of that, and my parents burial in the next few days following the mass burial, only because six other packs are coming to the funeral. But I want Lou to be able to be there.

I don't think I've gotten over them seeing as I have my constant care on an on and off Tristan and a barley holding on Lou. Lous coded at least once every day scarring the crap out of everyone, but she didn't yesterday day and hasn't yet today either which is great. Though she is still hooked up to breathing machines and is bandages almost from head to toe at this point because of her burns. She hasn't woken up yet and I don't expect her to do that really any time soon, she needs the rest.

She's five. She shouldn't be in this situation.

I've been seated next to both of them in the room just watching over them, praying to god they get better. I guess the knife Tristans dad used was covered in wolves bane which made him react worse.

Tristan has been on and off in consensus over the past few days, when he's awake he doesn't talk but I talk to him before he passes out again.

He'll be up for an hour or two, and though I can't get him to say anything I make sure he eats and takes his meds for his PTSD. I know what's he thinking, it's a no brainer with him, I can tell. He's blocking me out and I know that he is barley talking to Phillip. He's probably blaming himself right now for everything.

I talk to him while he's ups we aren't in silence, I know he doesn't like the silence. I see him watch Lou and the window, the doors, anywhere he can to make sure he knows what is going on.


I don't blame him.

He's worried about Lou, I've talked to him about her too. She's all cut up and slightly burned, currently she is on oxygen to help her breathe and her heart keeps stopping so they have her hooked up to something that lays on her chest to give her a boost every couple hours.

Both of them are out of it as a knock comes at the door making me look up, Alpha Alex and Dusty come in quietly and look around the room sadly before Pulling up chairs and sitting by me.

"We thought we'd come by Hunter, we didn't meet today. Hope you don't mind."

"I'm so sorry Alex, I didn't realize what time it is..." My voice starts to shake as my knees bounce lightly as I talk.

"It's quite all right, just thought I should check in on you. I know that there is a whole lot going on in your life right now."

"How are they?" Dusty watches Lou with sad eyes as he speaks, I can feel his anger and sadness right here and now with him too, Lou is a little sister to him.

Dusty and I grew up together and Lou was all ways there with me. I was there when she said her first word, took her first steps, when she first went to the bathroom by her self, I was there for everything. And so was dusty, if anything, Dusty is her brother no matter what.

She was so happy when he came back home this summer.

I know he is hurting right now, his mate Died yesterday of infections to her wounds. There wasn't anything they could do to help her and all he has left is Tristan, Lou and I. Dylan is missing and Stephanie is helping out pretty much as my number three right now. Lane is currently watching Sarah as she is being help captive too.

"As best they can. Tristan is doing better, is awake every couple hours for a few hours before he passes out again and is doing fine. It's Lou I am worried about."

"What happened?" I turn to Alpha Alex realizing he doesn't know what happened To Lou.

"Same thing as my Parents, except her wolf saved her. she's burned slightly and her sides and legs all cut up, but they'll heal just fine. A lot of her nerves were damaged due to all the cutting the Rouges did and odiously there is a lot of blood loss. Her heart keeps stoping out but there isn't any damage to the brain thank god. She's been coding and hasn't woken up yet either." My voice cracks as tears come down Dustys face.

Dusty stands and walks over to her, sitting on her bed and raising her Hand to kiss it. Silently whispering prayers over her as Alpha Alex stands and nods to me. Out of all of us, Dusty is the most religious.

"Well, Hunter things will get better. Everything is running smoothly in the pack so don't worry about them. Just focus on your sister and Mate. But I do have to ask you when you want the Alpha and Luner ceremony, you are Alpha now Hunter."

"I-I know. We'll get worked out soon, I just...I just need to get them taken care of first. I need this pack on their feet and ready for the next steps. And Tristan has to be up and okay for that all too."

"Alright. I'll leave you and dusty to talk for a moment, just tell him to meet me at my tent."


"Thank you Alpha."

"Of course son." As Alpha Alex leave the room I look over to see Dusty sitting on Lous bed still, crying as he hold her hand. I get up and walk over to him, pulling him up softly to hug him, and as soon as he is in my arms he brakes down. Tears soak my shirt as he weeps, crying out about everything.

"She needs to get better Hunter. She has too. She has to make it. I can't loose her too. Please, please tell me she'll make it."

"She will Dust, I know she will. Lou won't give up, her wolf is strong and will talk her through this."

"Hunter what happened? In the past few days our lives have gone to hell! I can't take this! My mother died on the from line and my dad passed away of heartbreak a day later! My mate died and I don't know what to do! She was my rock Hunter. She was my everything and she's gone! She's gone forever! I can't lose Lou! I can't loose you or anyone else! Hunter just make it all stop."

"I'm sorry Dust, I know. I know how you feel, it's going to be okay though. We're going to get through this, everyone is going to be fine, she's goin to be fine."

"It Hurts Hunter. It hurts too bad. I just want to curl up and die, I can't do this!"

Pulling away I grab his face and make him look at me. Tears flow down is reddened face and he sniffs, grabbing my wrist with his trying to get away from me.

"Dustin Robin Leehatcher, look at me. You are goin to get through this, you have me, Lou, Tristan and the rest of our pack behind you. I am not going to let you sit around and die. You are my best friend and I will not loose you. I know, it hurts, it's going to hurt for a long time, but we're going to get through this together. I promise you I am here. Roxie was amazing and wonderful and she loved you, but she wouldn't want you to join her this soon. Do you think she would want to you to just give up after she died? To give up on life its'self?"

"N-No. She would kick my ass in heaven and send me back down with a black eye." He laughs as he cries, and Roxie would. She would re-kill him in heaven, bring him back to life and shoot his ass down back to earth with a cannon.

"yes, she would. You have everyone to support you Dust, I know its going to hurt and life a bitch right now but you are going to get through this. Your going to start a new chapter in your life, and I want that to start with you being my Beta."



"Of course I will." I let go of Dusty and he turns around to look at Lou with a sad smile. "I'll be back Hummer, don't you dare do anything without me here okay? I love you." Dusty dips down and kisses Lous head softly, brushing her hair back behind her ear as he turns and hugs me, patting my back as I grip him tightly.

"I love you too man."

"I'll see you later."

"Wow, no I love you babe?"

"Thats for Tristan you ass." Dustys fun nature comes back to us as we walk to the door and as he leaves us three in here. As I turn around I see Tristans eyes open and watching me silently, a small smile comes to his face as I walk to him.

A smile is a smile even if it is barley there, and I will gladly take a smile from my mate at any point in time.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?"

My face widens in shock when Tristan starts to talk, perfectly fine for now. I smile as he does so, grabbing his hand and kissing it, god I miss him voice.

"I don't feel bad or anything, just tired, and a little Hungry. How's Lou?"

"...uh...Better than yesterday, are you sure your feeling fine, Can I do anything? God I missed your voice, I love you so much Tristan."

"I love you too Hunter, I'm so sorry about everything."

"It's okay. it's going to be okay." Tristan nods as he smiles at me, gripping my hand as we just watch each other for a moment. "Were you awake when Dusty was here?"

"Y-Yeah, I didn't want to interrupt you, I saw someone else in here too."

"You wouldn't have interrupted anything Tristan! Please don't just sit like that ever, I would have been by your side again in a heart beat!"

"Sorry. W-Who was a th-that other guy?"

"That was Alpha Alex from a neighboring pack, him and some of his pack are here helping us right now. I forgot to check in with him today and he wanted to see you, I know he wants to meet you but we didn't know you were up or I would have said something."


"It-s fine Tristan."

"Why was he talking about...an Alpha and Luner ceremony?"

"Do you remember much of what I've told you over the past few days?" Tristan shakes his head and apologizes once again even though I know its because he is so out of it right now. "Um, My parents passed away when we were in the woods Tristan. I'm the new Alpha, and because we are mated, You're the new luna or Luner in our case."

"W-What?" Tears fall out of Tristans eyes as he stares at the wall in total shock. "W-When...how?"

"I don't know. I don't want to know how they died either. I now have custody of Lou and I'm the new Alpha Tristan, I need you to know that there are going to be a lot of changes. I am practically adopting Lou and have a full time responsibility, and so do you. I can't mourn them right now, I mentally and pshyicaly can't and I don't want to either."


"Please, Tristan. Can we not talk about them?" Tristan nods as he cries, little whimpers leaving his mouth every couple minutes as we sit in silence together. "Im sorry, I know you loved them. I just, I can't believe they're really gone, I just need to get you and Lou better." Tristan nods and looks over at Lou before sighing.

"How...are you adopting Lou?"

"I'm her only family, so my parents put me as her legal guardian when I turned eighteen, they don't really trust anyone else." Tristan nods and smiles at me, taking my hands in his before talking again.

"Can you help me up? I need to use the bathroom."

"Yeah." I stand up and Help Tristan up carefully so he doesn't hurt his side at all. Just touching him sends sparks down my spine and it makes Grey happy inside too. Holding his hand isn't enough anymore, I want to Hold him in my arms everyday as of right now and just keep him in them all the time no matter what. I get protective of him when we reach the bathroom door, holding onto him for a moment before he taps my arm and smiles slightly at me.

"Hunter, I love this and all, but I really, really need to pee...so if I could just go before I pee on the floor, it'd be great."

"S-sorry." Tristan Laughs a tiny bit making me beam with a smile as he shuts the door, the last time sorting like this happened he wouldn't talk for days and it took a while for me to even tough him but now he is just here, accepting.

As soon as Tristan is out I grab him and pull him to the bed where I set him in my lap and cuddle him up. Wrapping my arms around him and resting my head int he crook of his next, signing in contempt as I get two hold my baby in my arms once again.

My eyes stay on Lou as I hug Tristan, just in case. But Tristan holds onto my arms tightly like he doesn't want to let go.

"Please don't leave me Hunter. I know a lot of people are hurting right now, and that we are lucky at this point in life, but I can't loose you. Please, please don't leave me. I love you so much and I can't loose you."

"You aren't loosing me anytime soon babe, I love you so much and I will never leave you in my life." Tristan leans his head back and kisses me on the cheek, only I pull his head up and turn it so I can kiss his lips making him moan and smile.

God I missed him.


as Tristan has been up for five hours, it's now around seven at night and Tristan is in my lap as Dusty sits and holds Lou's hand as we sit and talk, trying to ignore the facts that our lives are in pieces right now.

Tristans cried over six times today and Dusty hasn't shed a tear sense earlier. He's just sat there watch Lou as we talk.

When Tristan starts to fall asleep in my arms again as I rub his back and kiss his head every couple of minutes, Dusty smiles and just turns his head again, watching and talking to Lou as a doctor leaves, telling us Lou is doing much better and should be Fine from here on out once she wakes up but we still need to keep an eye on her incase.

And as soon as the doctor leaves Dusty goes back to talking to her softly, telling Lou how brave she is and how she is going to get through this all. I smile as Dusty talks to her, completely ignoring the world over her.

"Dusty, I'm going to run and get something to eat, you need anything?"

"Just a water is fine. I'll keep an eye on them."

"Thanks." Leaving the room quickly, I get our food and start back for our room.

As I walk down the Halls I see Nurses pushing past me in a rush, I continue my walk until I hear crying from Tristan and Lous room. My head whips back so hard I could have gotten whiplash. My mind goes into ver drive as I rush into the room to see at east three nurses around Lous bed with Dusty gripping her hand and talking to her, Tristan is currently sitting up, bitting his nails as he watches what he can, not able to do anything.

As I get to Lous bed I see her eyes open with tears streaming down her little cheeks as she watch dusty. I hold her other hand as her eyes move to me, little whimpers coming out of her throat as she starts to choke on the tube down her throat.

"She needs to calm down Alpha, I can't remove the tube if her throat keeps contracting around it."

"Lou Lou, Look at me, look at me sweetie, I need to you to relax okay? You're going to be okay and I know that it really hurts right now but we have to get this tube out. I need you to hold Dustys hand really really tight and try not to cry. You're doing so well but I have to help the nurse okay?" Lou eyes move over to dusty as he cups her face and holds her hand tightly.

"Hummer you are doing so so good. I know it hurts but its going to feel so good soon. just watch me okay, I was your eyes on me."Dusty talks to her as I help the one nurse who is removing the tube as another nurse holds her down and the other replaces her tubes.

As we pull the long as tube out of My little sisters throat, her hand turns white from how hard she is gripping Dusty and her pillow is soaking wet from her tears. Once the tube is out she cries out and sobs as we let her go.

"You did so good Lou. I'm very proud of you, hummer your doing really really great. can I sit with her?" Dusty turns to the nurse who nods because of how healed Lou is already thanks to the werewolf genes.

Dusty picks a crying Lou up in his arms before Sitting in her bed and pulling her blanket over them as he rocks her gently in his lap, somehow getting her to calm down a bit as she grips his shirt and cries lightly.

I sit and rub her back as the nurses tell me she should sleep and maybe eat something before that, but that she'll be okay. Tristan comes over and sits next to us as Dusty talks to Lou, kissing her head as she calms down a tad bit more and barley cries any more.

"Lou, I don't want you to talk right now because it'll hurt even more but can you try to eat something for me? Maybe drink some water?"

Lou nods her head at me as I get up and go to the little fridge they put in here a few days ago for all of us and grab the small pudding cup for Lou and a tiny bit of water for her to try.

As I sit down I ask if I can go talk to Tristan for a moment and if Dusty can help her seeing as her hands are bandaged still and she can't use them, I get a nod as tears roll down her face quietly.

I sigh and nod to Dusty who calmly talks to Lou through everything. I watch from the corner with Tristan at my side, snuggling into me watching along with me as we look at Dusty.

She can barley hold herself up, she's hurting. She's confused, she's fine for gods sake.She doesn't understand anything going on.

Dusty smiles lightly at Lou as she clutches his shirt as much as she can which isn't very tightly if she is really even holding the fabric while he gets a small spoon out for her. "Can you open up a tiny bit for me Hummer?" Lou try to open her mouth and it takes a moment but she gets there and Dusty takes the small spoon and lightly feeds her. She tries to swallow but chokes on the pudding and coughs it up on Dustys shirt, she starts to cry again but instantly Dusty smiles and wipes her tears.

"Hey Hummer, it's okay. Hey, its fine we just have to try again okay? I want you to try again because you need to eat something. Isn't that little tummy of yours hungry?" Lou nods and Dusty smiles at her. "Don't tell your brother, but I didn't like this shirt that he gave me anyways." Lous smiles somehow as Dusty laughs with her, her tears going away as she opens her mouth again and this times swallows the pudding though it does take a moment again, but this time she doesn't spit is all back up on Dustys shirt.

"Hunter, why does Dusty call her Hummer?"

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