《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 14


Your whole body started trembling as you couldn't control your emotions anymore and as the pain in your heart was too much to bare you felt your legs becoming weak and you stepped over near the wall and supported yourself by leaning on it so you wouldn't collapse .

Sujon's eyes flew directly at your direction and so do Jungkook's as they were both looking at you shocked and you just lower your head in shame as you wanted the earth to open up and swallow you whole.

Jimin lets the video of you and him committing the sexual intercourse play for a while but even he didn't dare to look at it.

"So..How does it feel Sujon? Does it hurt? Are you hurting the way i did when i saw yours with Jungook?" Jimin finally speaks as he pauses the video and a desperate breath left your mouth as if you were unable to breath till the moment it stopped.

Sujon suddenly collapses on her knees as she cries and sobs loudly while Jungkook is just standing there frozen as he is having a mental breakdown.

"Crying? So,you crying now. To bad, it is not enough." Jimin says and gets down to Sujon's level that was still sobbing on the floor,devastated.

Jimin's eyes were full of hurt.They were the eyes off someone who was ripped apart. Someone who's wounds were bleeding even now and who had to step down to this low level to make his Fiance taste her own poison.

Jimin grabs Sujon by her chin violently and makes her face him .

"TELL ME.DOES IT FEEL GOOD, HAH!!!??" Jimin shouts at her face and she just cries more as Jimin lets go of her face abruptly and gets up again now putting his hands on his hair and messing them crazily.

The frustration and anger in him was obvious and you could do nothing but observe how broken and hurt he really was.

Jimin's tears start to flow down his cheeks and he brush them angrily off then started braking stuff around the house.


The place was covered with braking and shattering sounds and you felt like your blood was not flowing through your veins anymore.

You glance at your sister who was still sobbing hard on the floor then your eyes land on Jungkook, who had his fist clenched up tightly and was biting his lip till it bleed.

Jungkook's tears were rolling down as well even tho he was trying so hard to keep himself from crying. His brother was breaking down in front of his own eyes and he was the cause off it all and this just made him feel terrible.

"How could you do this to me Jimin? How? She is my sister, damn it!!How?!" Your sister suddenly screamed remaining at her position and Jimin stops and looks at her direction.

His eyes furious and scary, hurt and about to go insane.

"What?!!How could i??!! You must be kidding me??!!" Jimin retorts while laughing tho his eyes were full off pain.

"If there is someone between us all that has a right to speak and demand anything that is Y/N-ah.She is the only one that was actually innocent in this case so don't you dare try to play me the victim." Jimin storms out and you look at him meeting his eyes.

He looks down avoiding your gaze and speaks again softly this time around.

"You..i used you and this is the only thing i feel guilty off but i hope you understand why."

Your legs give up on you finally and you slide down to the floor as you now were feeling like you had no strength on your body left to keep you on your feet.

You were devastated . Every breath you inhaled made you feel sick and every memory that was flashing in your head made you want to die.

Jimin grab his keys and his coat.

"I want you all to disappear of my life. For your good when i come back i hope i don't find anyone in house!"

Jimin slams the door behind him and Jungkook let's his body fall on the floor as well.


You were now all crying and sobbing on your own.

A night that turned into your worst nightmare.

---Time skip---

Jimin opens the door of his house and enter without bothering to turn on the lights.

It was almost 4 in the morning now and he just got home after some heavy drinking that he did at a bar after leaving his house.

He was barely walking straight and he made his way towards the stairs while small pieces of glass fragments were being heard crushing underneath his feet.

The house a mess as he left it but even the messy floor and the gloomy atmosphere could not compare with how messed up and gloomy he himself was.

He lost his best friend and brother , he lost pieces of his own heart but mostly he lost himself as he had to do something low like using someone to achieve his goal and that was something he had never done before to anyone .

That actually only shows how much hurt and devastated he Jimin really is, cause for a gentle hearted person like Jimin , who always cared about others before his own self, it must have hurt him beyond imagination to make him act this mean and heartless.

Jimin makes his way up the stairs and instead of going to his room his foot take him to yours and he lets his body plop on your bed.

He turns around and hugs your pillow and as he could still smell the scent off you on it he lets his eyes close feeling comfortable.

He hugs the pillow tightly as he used to hug you cause he now wanted to be in your warm arms that comfort him and somehow made him feel at peace .

He used you and all the words he had ever say to you were nothing but mere lies but he can not deny that when you would have your arms around him, for some reason his worries would go away and he tended to forget that all this was just a game that had an end.

Jimin shift on the other side with the pillow still in his arms and his eyes suddenly land on a piece of paper lying on the commode near your bed.

He picks it up and reads it out loud with a soft tone in his voice.

"That night in the club in New York , i fell in love for the first time in my life.

That night when your eyes met mine for the first time i felt my heart beat explode and i knew, you were the one for me.

You disappeared the next morning like the moon disappeared from the sky but your presence in my heart never did.

My love for you was never a game of lust or pleasure.I was and am truly and wholeheartedly in love with you Jimin.

My heart is aching now and your flame has burn me to ashes but i can not blame you cause i let you do this to me.

I was blind and didn't sow that all this was too easy and to great to be true.

I am ashamed off myself but i do not regret it,cause my actions were driven only by my love.

I understand you and i apologize in my sister's place.

I wish you can be happy one day and smile.

I will disappear this time like the moon that is vanishing from the sky slowly as the rays off the sun are waking up.

I will take my pieces and go and i will make you a stranger again like you were before that night.


By someone who loved you..Y/N-ah."

Jimin throws the letter at the floor and buries himself on your bed sheets ,memories of him and you filling his head.

"Jimin.My only Jimin."

"I love you."

"Y/N-ah,you will always stay with me right? "

"I will never leave you."

Tears made their way in his eyes again as he now stands there looking at the ceiling.

---To be continued...

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