《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 13


You open your balcony's door and Jungkook enters your room with his hands covering his upper naked body.

"I was freezing." Jungkook says as you notice that he was shivering a bit.

"Shut up. Speak quieter ." You tell him and look around to find something to cover him.

You end up throwing your blanket at him and he covers himself with it then you pace up and down the room while biting your nails thinking off how will you take him out the house without Jimin finding out.

"Y/N-ah, I am really sorry about what you saw, and embarrassed as well. You must be thinking really bad off me now." Jungkook says whispering cause you had told him to be quiet and lowers his head in embarrassment.

"Don't be. I have nothing to blame you about. The one i should have a conversation with is my sister and believe me we have to say a lot." You tell him as you continue your pace and you started to feel kinda angry at your sister for lying to you that she cleared things out with Jungkook and dragging you down in this mess as well.

"Look, we will go down for dinner in a while so when we do ,go sneak on the room and take your clothes that are under the bed and then come back to my room and wait here for me. Once they go all to sleep i will get you out,Okay." You tell him as this was the only plan you could think of as for the moment and Jungkook just nods his head obediently.

After a while you go down and the table was already set as your sister seemed to have set it earlier .

While eating you were moving your feet under the table cause you couldn't keep still because off how nervous you were.

Your sister was keeping Jimin occupied while opening random conversations and you kept looking at her from time to time and mouthing your plan to her while Jimin was looking else were.

Every time Jimin's eyes fall on you you felt hella nervous and like he could see right through you but you just gave him a smile and continue eating your food even faster.

Finally after some hellish hours you excuse yourself to sleep and go upstairs.

Once in your room you look around but you don't see Jungkook around.


"Jungkook..pst.Jungkook!Were did you go.It's me get out." You whisper as you look around the room and suddenly your closets door opens and Jungkook comes out off it startling you.

"Yah!You scared the shit outta me.Why did you went in there?" You ask him while keeping your chest with your hand feeling your heart that was still pumping from the scare.

It's not that you get scared easily but this is a different occasion and your nerves were stretched.

"I was hiding in case someone else besides you come in." Jungkook says and close the closet behind him and makes his way to your bed were he sits at the corner of it.

"At least you took your clothes back.That's something." You tell him and sit beside him.

"Now what?" Jungkook asks you after some moments of silence .

"Now we have to wait till they fall asleep and get you out." You tell him and let your back lay backwards on your bed letting your exhausted body take a minute of rest.

Jungkook follows your actions and lays down as well and now you both are just staring at the ceiling while your heads were filled with different thoughts each.

You were thinking about Jimin, that he might not like it so much when he finds out about this.Even tho he wants to break up with Sujon to be with you, he surely would feel bad to know that he had been cheated on and especially he would be more hurt knowing that Jungkook betrayed him as well.

For Jimin ,Jungkook is really important and you know that he really loves him a lot and to him Jungkook is the brother that he never had and the person he accepts as his own family.

After a hour or so pasted you get up and go towards the door and slowly open it and pick outside .

After hearing nothing but silence you turn around and motion with your hand for Jungkook to follow you.

You both step down the stairs tip toeing and after looking around and found nothing you go at the main door and slowly reach for the handle to open it while Jungkook was waiting behind your back.

Once you touch the knob an alarm is set on and you and Jungkook panic immediately.


The lights suddenly turn on and as you turn around you both are faced with Jimin who was sitting on the sofa comfortably while sipping on his red wine and with a remote controller that was on his hand .

Your sister rushed down the stairs and once she see you and Jungkook by the door standing frozen and Jimin at the sofa cold sweat covered her body.

Jimin titles his head towards the stairs and after noticing that Sujon was there he pushes the button on the remote controller and the alarm stops ringing immediately.

You were now covered in fear and anxiety as you had no idea what is going on or what will happen next.

Jimin lets the glass with the red wine on the table and gets up having a deadly serious face on that made you shiver just by laying eyes on him.

"You really must take me for a complete idiot, don't you?" Jimin firmly speaks up and even tho his tone was not scary or aggressive for some reason it made you step back a bit.

"Well..i was planning to drag it a little longer but you really are playing with my patience here."

Jimin says and makes his way to his black leather briefcase and takes some files out off it.

Your sister steps down the stairs and stands beside you and Jungkook, her face pale and her expression as confused as your and Jungkook's were.

Jimin comes towards you and throws the content of the paper on the faces of Jungkook and your sisters and as the many photos of Sujon and Jungkook in intimate moments scatter around the floor your eyes grow wide and so do the eyes of your sister's and Jungkook's ,who's eyes were not only portraying confusion now but fear as well.

"You thought you could have fun behind my back and i would never find out? Just for how stupid do you get me?!!" Jimin raises his voice at then second question and you could see your sisters eyes get filled with tears while Jungkook was just staring at the Photo's that were lying under his feet.

"Do you know how it feels,to be lied to on your face and still have to smile and play it a fool? Do you know how it feels to be anxious every moment you turn your back that the woman you love might be in someone else arms?"

Jimin shouts as his emotions take the best off him and you just look at him now your eyes getting filled with tears as well.

"Do you know how it felt when i learned that you were cheating on me? Hah,I thought that i would never feel a worst feeling but i was wrong cause when i learned with who you were cheating on my...hah..i can't even."

Jimin continues talking and now fixes his sight at Jungkook.

"We grew up together.You were the one i trusted the most. I was there by your side whenever you needed me. Wasn't i a good brother to you ,hah?" Jimin shouts at Jungkook and you you can see that his words were pure pain for both of them.

"I hated you both, yet, i still couldn't just come and beat the hell out off you cause it would hurt me." Jimin says and laughs while his eyes were filled with tears off anger.

"Every time she touched me, every time she said she loved me.Every fucking time i started feeling how would you feel, like i was the one who was wrong, like i was the one betraying you."

Jimin suddenly kicks the table and the glass with the wine falls off and shatters . You were now all unmoved and with tears flowing down your faces.

"I loved her more than i had love any woman before but once i learned about you and her there was nothing but pain in my heart. I wanted to make her pay,make her feel the pain that i was feeling. So she would understands the one you love going with your own brother."

Jimin says and goes and takes the remote again in his hands and pressed a button .

Everyone's eyes follow the screen of the television that just got turned on and so do yours.

And once you are faced with the scene that was being played on your hearts stops and as you glance over at the cold teary eyes of Jimin you feel your heart ripping apart and becoming dust as you now realize the whole truth.

---To be continued...

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