《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 15


You let your exhausted body plop on the hotel's bed and sigh deeply.

Since what happened two days ago with Jimin you had just focused on work trying to forget and don't think about the things that killed you every time that passed through your mind.

Even tho he hurt you like no one ever did. Even though you were bleeding so badly inside and the pain was unbearable, you still couldn't help but continue love him the same way you always did.

And as memories of his touch,his words,his smiles now had become bitter sweet you still couldn't help but bring them to mind again and again.

You sow him today at worked.He passed by coldly not even sparing a look and your heart ached at every step he took away from you.

It was all a lie.He's love was all a lie but i still wish he had even the slightest feelings for me.

Why must i be such an idiot?!!

Your eyes close slowly and you drift asleep one more night with thoughts of Jimin and an unbearable heartache.


Jimin enters into the club and after some minutes of looking around he finally finds the one he got up at 2:00 at night to look for.

He looks at the barman who greets him friendly and hands him Jungkook's phone and jacket , then proceeds to help Jimin carry the now unconscious Jungkook at his car.

After a not so long drive Jimin arrives home and carries Jungkook's body into his house.

He let's his body plop on the sofa unable to carry him all the way up the stair to a room cause off how heavy Jungkook was.

"I can't believe that i am carrying your drunken ass at 3:00 in the morning"Jimin scoffs irritated as he straightens his hurting back.

Jimin goes to the kitchen and prepares bitter coffee and a glass off cold water then goes back to the living room and splashes the cold water on Jungkook's face.


Jungkook regain consciousness immediately and gets up on his feet while panicked moving his arms like he was drowning.

"Sit down ,you idiot." Jimin says and pulls Jungkook back at the couch.

Jungkook's eyes widen when he sees where he was and with who he was and immediately becomes stiff and nervous.

"Drink this it will wake you up." Jimin puts the cup off coffee in front of Jungkook , at the table and Jungkook just turns and gives him a wondering look.

"What?!Why are you looking at me like that? Drink it!" Jimin says casually and takes a seat beside him on the couch.

"Have you put poison in it?" Jungkook asks in disbelief of Jimin's kindness and Jimin just hits the back of his neck harshly causing him to growl.

"If i wanted to kill you i would have found a more satisfying way you idiot. Now drink the damn coffee!"

Jungkook takes a sip and immediately makes a face of disgust as the bitter taste of the coffee hit him.

A smile grows at Jimin's lips seeing Jungkook's facial expression as he is really enjoying Jungkook's suffering.

"Hyung,stop laughing." Jungkook says and giggles as well then once he is met with Jimin's eyes he becomes serious again.

"Hyung..i..i..-"Jungkook starts off but is cut by Jimin's words.

"Don't say it.I know you did it cause you really love her." Jimin says and looks down on his feet avoiding Jungkook's gaze.

"Hyung, that still doesn't change the fact that i betrayed you." Jungkook says his tone getting lower at every word and his fist clenching more as well.

"I am not saying i can trust you just like that again Jungkook. I am just saying that i am not willing to throw away my brother for a woman. We will eventually fix things between us by time so just don't mention this ever again , can you."


Jimin's voice serious and his gaze sincere and as Jungkook was once again feeling the kindness of his brother his eyes got filled with tears once again and his heart with pain and guilt.

"Yah,Are you crying? Men are not supposed to cry you idiot.Grow up." Jimin says and puts his back while smiling at him more.

Jungkook just sniffs and hit Jimin's arm and gives him a smile as well.

"Who is crying?Of course i am not. I am not a kid." Jungkook retorts and pushes Jimin playfully.

"Yah, stop pushing.You wanna fight? I will beat your ass easily cause you are drunk." Jimin says as he gets Jungkook in a head lock and ruffles his hair while laughing out loud.

Soon the house is filled with laughter and silly conversations as nothing had happened between them. After all there are some boned that no matter what happened are unbreakable and once reunite again ,it's like not a day has passed and not a thing had happened.

That is what is called true friendship. To forgive ,to understand and to move on in order not to lose one another.

---Time skip---

You rush quickly heading at the company as you had overslept and were being already 10 minutes late.

My supervisor will kill me.

You thought as you looked at the clock on your phone screen and run towards the elevators.

You see one closing it's doors just now and you yell at the person who was in to keep it for you and quickly get inside as he did so.

"Phiuu!Thanks a lot. I was already late en--" Your voice won't come out once you see the person you were now all alone in the elevator with.

His gaze cold and professional made you just look in front of you while you fix your bag awkwardly not speaking at him nor even daring to look his way.

You started tapping your foot nervously as you couldn't wait for the elevator to open it's doors again for you to be free.

Jimin looks over to you as the sound of your hills tapping the floor was being rather annoying and once you notice you stop and give him an awkward smile while mouthing sorry.

This situation was really the worst, as at work he is your boss and no personal stuff related are allowed to be shown.

Your heart started feeling pain again as memories of you and him in the elevator after the engagement party came to mind.

That night was hard on you as well cause your hear was beating for him and he was someone you weren't allowed to had feelings for .He was someone you thought he would never have feelings for you as well and it seems you were right, cause all this was a game and obviously he never loved you.

This time around he is still untouchable since he is your boss and of course you shouldn't have any feeling for him not yet alone to want to hug him or smile at him as you wanted now.

I must be really stupid. How can i love him after the way he treated me. No,Y/N-ah, you won't do this to yourself. You have to forget about him.

You motivate yourself and clear your throat having no nervousness any more.

Jimin suddenly pushes the stop button and the elevator stops and you turn to face him surprised and confused as to why he did that.

"Emm,Excuse me Sir.What are you doing?"

You ask him keeping the formalities.

Jimin takes a step closer and you take a step back keeping steady the distance between you two.

"Isn't it obvious?!I am trapping you."

---To be continued...

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