《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 8


Jimin and your sister had gone out for a night date while you were staying home looking at the letters you have been finding every day at the door.

You are scared and because they are continues , you decided that you will let Jimin know about it this time.

You can't take all this pressure alone and all this situation has put much stress on your shoulders.

The sound off the door bell gets your attention and you quickly put the letters back at your bag before going to open it.

Your eyes widen in surprise once you see Jungkook standing in front of you with a box that seemed like cake.

"Emm...Come in." You tell him as you make way for him to pass and he greets you with a smile and makes his way to the living room.

"Oh, where are the others?" He asks once realizing that no one seemed to be around.

"They are on a dinner date.They will be coming late i think." You tell him and he becomes awkward immediately.

"I didn't know,i brought cake and i thought we could watch a movie all together like last night.You too this time." He says and places the box on the table.

"Well , the cake won't be wasted that's for sure." You tell him with a smile as you go and open the box to find a delicious looking chocolate ice cream cake.

In Jungkook's face a smile grows up at the sight of you that were looking at the cake with sparkly eyes.

"Then i better be going." He says and heads towards the door.

"Why don't you stay?I won't eat you?" You tell him and he just laughs.

"Come on, let's eat this great cake together." You tell him and smile brightly while he sits back down on the couch and waits for you to come back from the kitchen with the knife and the plates.

You don't know why but you no longer think that badly of Jungkook.

I guess you just started to understand him more after the position that you have put yourself and you sympathized for him a lot.

And since you knew that he could never have what he wanted ,which was your sister, he would need a friend to tell his pain and of course that friend could not be Jimin.

You start eating the cake and once you take the first bit your eyes grow wide and you look at Jungkook while mumbling between your chewing.


"Wooow lord..this is amazing." He burst out laughing at your reaction and you smile at him with your cheeks puffy cause they were filled with food and that's make him laugh even more.

"Y/N-ah, you are so cute." Jungkook says while holding his stomach from the laughing and you just give him an eye smile as you dig to the cake for good.

You had almost eat the half cake , only the two off you and you were now both rubbing your belles cause they were feeling heavy.

"I think we over did it." Jungkook says and makes and tired face and you just nod at him.

His was feeling comfortable with you and he was really thankful that he stayed instead of being alone home torturing himself with questions like, if Jimin is touching Sujon or not ,or to what might they be doing.

Jungkook's phone suddenly rings and his happy expression turns to a frown as he leans to the table to pick it up.

Once he once again sees the blocked ID caller his face darkens and uneasiness covers his body.

"Hello,Who is this?" Jungkook answers his call and you sit up looking at his now serious face.

As you see his face darkens you started to worry and wonder what might be happening.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" Jungkook suddenly shouts and gets up from the couch ,his eyes full off anger.

You got surprised and your eyes widen when you suddenly see him throwing his phone with force at the wall opposite him and as the phone shatters in pieces , a part of the phone came to contact with the glassy vase that was positioned in a small table glued to the wall.

The vase fall down causing the floor to be filled with not only Jungkook's phone pieces but pieces of glass as well.

You stand their frozen for a while as what happened had got you by surprise and as you glance at Jungkook who seemed to be trying to calm himself down while heavy breaths leaving his mouth.

"J-Jungkook, is everything okay?" You managed to bring yourself to ask as you slightly touch his shoulder bringing him back to reality.

He turns around and you step back in fear but when he sees you he just looks down and sights heavily then speaks.

"Sorry, I am so sorry.Did i scared you?" He says and his eyes became apologetic and caring.

You wave your hands in front of you at a denying manner and smile a little at him to reassure him even tho he really did scared you a little.


"It's okay . I understand, everyone can get mad sometimes." You say and make your way to go pick up the glasses from the floor.

Jungkook follows you and you both bend down and start picking up the glasses in silence.

"Thanks for being understanding Y/N-ah." He says and as you look at him he gives you a sweet smile which you return and continue cleaning up the shattering pieces.

You had almost clean it all and you get up to go to the kitchen to find a broom and clean the small pieces that might have escaped the eyes of you and Jungkook.

As you make the first two steps you felt a pain on your sole and as you speak in pain you lose your balance and fall but Jungkook's reflection saved you as you landed in his arms.

"You okay?" He asks you worried and you just flinch in pain distorting your face.

"I think i stepped on a glass piece." You tell him as you bit your lower lip to prevent yourself from screaming .

Jungkook picks you up bridal style and carefully avoids the glasses as he heads to the couch to lei you their but his steps come to a stop at the sound off the voice that called out to him.

"Jungkook?!" Sujon's voice called and as Jungkook turn with you still one his arms to face the voice your eyes widen at Sujon's and Jimin's presence at the door and your heart dropped as you glanced at Jimin's not so pleased face.

Jungkook lays you on the couch and as Jimin and Sujon approach you closer he explains while rubbing the back of his neck nervously .

"I broke a vase accidentally and she stepped on a piece of glass." Your eyes look at Jimin whose face now became immediately worried and bend down before you grabs you leg and examines it carefully.

"Sujon,bring the first aids kit here,please." He orders your sister in a demanding cold voice like he orders his stuff at work.

Your sister looks at you worried and immediately runs to the kitchen to find the aid kit.

"And you Jungkook, Go get me some water. We need to clean the wound ." Jimin speaks again at his serious voice without getting his eyes of your injured foot.

Jungkook does as he is told and now you are left with Jimin alone and a sudden nervousness takes over your body at the thought of his jealousy that got displayed very clearly yesterday .

He lifts up his head and look at your eyes and your eyes look away cause his gaze was too intimidating.

"Does it hurt?" He asks and you answer him with a nod still not facing his way.

He suddenly gets up and push you as a result your back touching the couch and leans closer to you.

Your eyes grow shocked and you low yelled at him while pushing him.

"Are you crazy? They will come back any m-" Your words are cut off by Jimin's passionate kiss that made your mind go blank.

His tongue fierce and dominant made you forget everything and as he pulled back, your are left breathless and panting .

"Did that helped you forget the pain,baby?"He said in a low toned voice that sent chills down your spine while having a satisfied smile .

Then he just smirks at your reaction and maintain his position not bulging up a bit.

"Jimin, what are you doing?" Your sister voice is heard and you look her way now in total fear.

Jimin just smiles at her and get away from you then approaches her and takes from her hands the first aid kit then calmly says.

"Can you believe your little sister is crying over a small cut like this.She is such a cry baby." He giggles and your eyes widen at how he managed to play it so smoothly while you thought that everything was over, and you were doomed.

Your sister comes and sits beside you while Jungkook came with the water and as Jimin started cleaning the wound your sister was patting your hair telling you sweetly that you should be strong and not cry.

Jungkook and Jimin were chatting over how deep is the wound and your sister was just trying to cheer you up cause you had to go to your first day at work tomorrow but now you have to postpone it but honestly you were not hearing any off it cause your mind was now a mess and a you look at Jimin expression your eyes widen and you thought .

With what kind off man did i get involved??!!

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