《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 7


You were completely freaked out. From who was that letter? And how does he know?

Was what he knew the thing you thought he knew? Was he staking you? And what does he intend to do by sending that letter?

Questions were bombarding your mind the past two days but still you hadn't say anything to Jimin. You didn't know if you should cause maybe it's just some prank and you would worry him for nothing.

What should you do?You can't let your sister find out like this. She will feel betrayed and hate you forever.

"Hey~Earth calls Y/N-ah, where are you daydreaming again." Your sister says and you smile at her then continue cutting some tomatoes for the salad.

You and your sister were almost done with the dinner and now you were just waiting for Jimin to come back from work to eat all together.

The door finally opens but as you look up to see him you notice Jungkook following him inside.

Is he staying for dinner too?

You thought and unfortunately your thoughts were confirmed as Jimin greeted you and your sister then said to Jungkook to make himself at home .

Jimin got upstairs to change and Jungkook took a seat at the couch not facing towards the kitchen.

You look over at your sister who seemed like was avoiding to look his way and you whisper slowly to her ear the question that came to your mind.

"You cleared things up with him didn't you?"

She looks your way and with an reassuring smile tells you.

"Don't worry , i did. He said he was drunk and he doesn't have any feeling for me thankfully .It was all a misunderstanding." She says but for some reason you can not completely believe her.

You were sure he had feelings for Sujon cause you can see it at the way he looks at her but it seems your sister can not.


This is actually good in a way cause that lie makes your sister less uncomfortable but you have to be careful and keep Jungkook in check so he won't let his feelings take over him again and blow everything up.

You understood Jungkook's situation better now and you really sympathized with him in a way, even tho your positions are not exactly the same.

He is just someone that loves someone he shouldn't, like you, but with the difference that the one you love responded to you and you are now playing the role of the third person in someones else relationship while he is just having an one sided love.

Jimin came down and you all gathered to eat while chit chatting for random stuff .

While eating you suddenly feel something rubbing your leg and you look to see Jimin's leg playing with yours like a cuddling cat.

You flash red immediately from embarrassment and look at Jimin that was sitting opposite you, giving him a glare indicating at him to stop but he just looks up from his plate and winks at you while licking his lips.

As he continues you feel yourself getting hot and bothered and as his leg got up and up you suddenly choke on your food.

Jungkook that was sitting beside you pats your back in an attempt to calm you down and your sister pours you a glass of water and hands it to you and you drink it slowly while thanking her and Jungkook between your coughs.

While drinking the water you look at Jimin who seemed that was barely keeping his laughter in.

Such a bastard. I almost died here.

After you calm yourself down you start eating again slowly .

"Oh, Honey you have something on your face." Your sister says to Jimin and she leans and kisses his lips then smiles at him sweetly.


Jimin smiles back and pecks her lips again making you feel awkward and look away of the sweet scene that was being played in front of your eyes.

A scene that definitely made your heart rip slowly and painfully.

As you turned your head your eyes are met with Jungkook's that for some reason didn't want to look at them either .

You imagined what the reason may be as you understood that you were not the only one that his heart was in pain when they kissed but of course Jungkook still didn't know that you shared the same feelings at the moment.

"Why are you two looking at each other for so long.?" Jimin's voice brought you both into reality and you look away from each other bringing your gazes back to your food.

"Ah,nothing big hyung.I was just wondering if she is better." Jungkook says nervously and with an awkward smile that follows after his words.

"And why are you worrying about her Junghkook-shi, do you perhaps have a crush on my little sister." Her words make Jungkook's face become blunt and serious and you knew just by looking at him that her words might have hurt him just now.

"Ah, of course not why would he?" You respond at his state trying to get him out of the situation.

Jungkook turns his head and smiles at you and you smile back at him then turn back to eating.

While eating you feel a strong gaze and you look up to see Jimin with the most scary expression you have ever see him wear.

You gulp down slowly as you imagine that he might have got mad as this scene with Jungkook might have seemed like flirting but you were just trying to help him and actually you don't even know yourself why you did it.

After the dinner was over you let your sister take care of the dishes and after bidding goodnight to Jimin and Jungkook that were casually sitting on the couch watching TV , you went upstairs.

They were planing to watch a movie but you said you couldn't stay cause your head was hurting and with that excuse they let you go.

The real reason of course was because you didn't want to see for a whole movie your sister being at Jimin's arms cuddling and kissing him whenever she wanted to.

It was really too much to take.

After you finished your business at the bathroom you opened the door to head to your room but a sudden pair of arms pin you to the wall and as you look up you are met with Jimin's angry eyes.

"Jimin!!What are you doing, get down there . They might become suspicious !!" You tell him as you push him slightly away from your body.

"I don't care!" He crushes his lips on yours, giving you a kiss that made you feel dizzy and left you breathless.

He breaks up the kiss and as you gasp for air desperately he cups up your cheeks and with a smile tells you.

"Next time don't you dare flirt with anyone in front of me Y/N-ah. Cause."

---To be continued....

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