《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 6


Engulfed under the sounds of food getting ready, you stood in the kitchen preparing breakfast for three as you knew that your sister will be coming back from her business trip that morning.

You still weren't sure how you would be able to face her, however, especially after sleeping with her fiance shamelessly like that. In the end, you hadn't been able to resist the temptation of having him once more and you sure carried lots of guilt after it.

This time you had no excuse for yourself. You wanted it even if you knew who he is, you still wanted him. Despite how wrong it was you let it happen.

You might have resisted him at first in your head but your heart was his long before this night so your feelings had utterly betrayed you and had brought your tries to become nothing but that. He was a trap you could not avoid and that was one of the reasons that you wanted to keep yourself away from him, to begin with.

Yet, You thought that since he didn't remember you, nor wanted you, things were to have been easier for you and you could have proceeded to get over him with time but now that he responded to your feelings, you just couldn't control yourself.

A thousand questions had filled your mind, however. Questions full of uncertainty regarding his stance on the situation. Did he love you or was it just plain lust for him?

Did he just want to play with someone? Did he even have any feelings towards you? And what was to happen now that you ended up going this far with him?

His footsteps were what had made you snap out of your worrying thoughts and as you lifted your head you noticed Jimin entering the kitchen. His presence made your thoughts vanish as anxiety bubbled inside you and you proceeded to avoid eye contact with him.

What could he be thinking about you now? You went with your sister's fiance and the first time you gave yourself to him , he was a complete stranger. He must think that you are easy to not say something worst.

You felt your heart dropping at the thought that only while you proceeded to turn off the stop which you had on at that moment and then return back on the cheese which you were cutting to top over the omelet that you had made. You tried to focus on what you had at hand till Jimin approached you and grabbed the knife that you were holding, taking it away and dropping it on the sink.


He grabbed your neck with his two hands gently and brought your face towards his. He said nothing at that instant but stared at your eyes. A gaze that effected you as your body started to slightly tremble once again.

"Y/N, No matter what you might be thinking, I want you to know that I am not playing around."

He kept the eye contact stable as he uttered those words that left you surprised but also relieved that you hadn't gone till this point for something onesided then he brought his face closer and left his foreheads to rest against yours.

"That night I fell in love with a stranger I thought I will never see again, that's why I gave another chance to Sujon later, cause I thought that I will never meet you again."

He added and Your heartbeat flutters out of happiness to hear that he had felt the exact same way that you had and that night carried the same significance for both.

Is this even possible? Jimin, why do i love you so much?

Your eyes suddenly got filled with tears as you proceeded to engulf him into a tight hug.

"I know this is complicated, but give me some time. I will break up with her when I find the right time. I don't want to hurt her." He looked at your eyes softly as he spoke and you nodded to him in understanding.

You surely didn't want to hurt your sister either so you were willing to wait as much as it takes.

"This should stay between us okay, Y/N?" Jimin requested of you and you smiled slightly at him and nodded again then he proceeded to brush away your tears off your eyes gently.

You stood there for a bit, just staring into each other's eyes till he suddenly pecked your lips making you push him out of reflex and look around freaked out.

"J-Jimin , what are you doing? Sujon can come back any minute ?"

You reminded him but he just took hold of your waist and brought you closer, a playful smile playing on his lips before he initiated another kiss with you.

"It's okay, we will hear the door's password ring," Jimin stated before proceeding to lift you up and position you on top of the kitchen counter.

He didn't hesitate to kiss you passionately as he positioned himself between your legs, soon leaving his hands to roam underneath your shirt.


It didn't take long for the both of you to get lost into each other's touches till a beeping sound echoed in the atmosphere, making you jump down the counter and fix yourself quickly while Jimin casually took one step away from you, brushing his lips with his thumb.

The door didn't take long to open, revealing your sister who was dragging her blue suitcase behind her.

She smiled as she saw you two from afar then proceeded to close the door and Jimin ran to her side in order to help with her suitcase.

He proceeded to hug her and she hugged him back with a smile on her face.

"Welcome, baby." He pecked her lips as he smiled brightly looking at her and at that moment you couldn't help but feel your heart drop, ending up getting your eyes away from the sight quickly.

"I missed you, honey." Your sister told him and grabbed his neck giving him a deeper kiss from the one he initiated.

You just picked up the knife and continued your cooking, pretending like their interaction hadn't impacted your feelings nor it felt like a poison that was running through your body, making you feel in pain.

"Sis, did you miss me?" She addressed you as she approached the kitchen and once near enough, hopped on your back, hugging you.

Your heart started to ache at her lovable action as guilt started taking over your soul.

"Of course I did. How did your trip go?" You responded gifting her a smile even though you were hating yourself that very instant.

Seeing her so happy just made you think how much of a horrible person you were to be able to destroy that angelic smile of hers

"It was boring as every related to work trip but I still managed to buy you a small gift." Your sister ran to her bag full of enthusiasm and soon got out of it a little box and returned back to the kitchen, giving that to you.

You smiled again as you thank her then stood there and observed in wonder the red package which was now on your hands.

"What are you looking at? Come on, open it." She urged you joyfully before she proceeded to bring her hands around Jimin's waist, hugging him.

Jimin put his hand around her shoulder naturally and brought her closer to his chest while giving her a warm loving smile.

Honestly, you felt like crying at the sight, and to imagine that you will have to see this for god knows how long.

Keeping a secret is not that easy as anyone would think, It is actually going to be very hurtful as it seems.

You unwrapped the gift and once you opened it you were met with a small snowball that had in it a big heart written on it 'The best sister ever'.

Your hands couldn't help but start to tremble yet you managed to cover your nervousness and smile at her, thanking her, fortunately, without your voice cracking even tho you were feeling a big lump on your neck.

She gave you a quick hug before getting away from you and taking Jimin's hand to go help her with her suitcase and soon they both went upstairs while playfully kissing and touching each other like an in-love couple that they were.

Once you were left alone in the kitchen hearing only their laughter that filled the house, your eyes couldn't help but start getting filled with tears while your heart dived in pain.

Is this how it feels being the third one?

So this must be the punishment of my sin.

You thought as you lowered your head and brought your hand over your chest, feeling the ache physically as well then the doorbell echoed, drawing your attention towards it. You didn't hesitate much to get out of the kitchen and go open it, thing that once you did, you were left staring at the doorstep.

You looked around but you could see no one near.

It must be some kids playing pranks.

You concluded before turning around to close the door however at the corner of your eye, you happened to notice an envelope at the floor and you proceeded to pick it up.

"Shouldn't this be at the mailbox ?" You wondered to yourself then took the initiative to rip the letter open since it had your surname on it so it must have been for you.

Once your eyes read the letters typed on the white paper your body displayed the shock and fear you were feeling as it felt like someone had just bathed you in a cold sweat and your feet felt like they were about to give up on you at any moment.

"I know what you were doing last night."


---To be continued...

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