《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 5


Jungkook derived his gaze elsewhere,avoiding the eyes of the lady that was lying beside him with only the white sheets off his bed covering her body.

"Sujon, How much longer will we keep this up?" He questioned her, as a wave of guilt rose inside him, just like it would any other time they would end up in this situation.

Sujon brought her hand and with her fingers touched Jungkook's chin, bringing him to face her. Her eyes were soft and caring towards him.

"Baby, you know i don't like doing this either." She claimed with the sweetest tone her voice could master.

Jungkook grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his face as he didn't quite need to hear that at that instant. "Then why don't you break up with him already. I can't do this anymore Baby, can't you understand? I feel guilty."

Jungkook left his gaze to portray his feelings as his eyebrows frowned in a pleading way.

His heart was aching cause he really didn't like himself for doing this to his best friend but he couldn't contain himself cause he really was in love with Sujon.

"I know. You must hate me for making you feel like this." She replied, dropping her gaze down sadly.

Jungkook stayed and looked at her for a moment before bringing his arms and engulfing her into a hug, soon apologetic words escaping from his lips as he sure didn't want to be pressuring her. All he wanted was for him to finally be her one and only and for them to be able to live their love without the need to hide from anyone. However, he suppressed all those feelings and wishes she had and just whispered that he understood her.

He will try to keep it in longer even though it killed him every time he was to see Jimin near Sujon but he has no right to speak. He was the third one after all.

Sujon loosened his hands around her and then proceeded to give him a slow and teasing kiss. A kiss that had him soon again under the sweet spell of love that he had for her. Thing that made Jungkook pull her back in once she broke the kiss. He starting another one that let the passion he had for her show freely.

She was like a tasteful poison that he couldn't resist even though he knew she didn't belong fully to him. Even though he knew that what he was doing would come back to hunt him one day. Yet he would like to believe that day will be late enough to come.


After what happened yesterday night you were too shocked despite the fact that you had managed to escape from his embrace without anything else going down and run upstairs, locking yourself to your room from which you had yet to come out.


It was now afternoon and you knew that he would be at work but your feet still didn't support you to get you up well enough. But it wasn't because you were tired, it was more out of fear and lack of courage to actually confront him.

Unfortunately, though you couldn't stay locked in there forever so you pushed yourself, to slowly get up and even though you were trembling still, you managed to open your door, carefully peeking outside to see if anyone was around.

After you made sure that you were alone, you walked further and went down to the kitchen to eat something because you had grown rather hungry since yesterday.

You pulled together something easy and quick and after you were done eating it, you looked at the clock that displayed 10 pm, making you rush to quickly clean the place and go back to your room in an attempt to avoid him at all cost.

Even though you were aware that you can not avoid him forever and the thought that he might have remembered about that night he had with you, made you extremely curious, you still weren't ready to talk about it with him, simply because you were afraid of the words he might say.

Words that could crush your heart and hurt you in an unimaginable way. Because he mattered to you and as thus his opinion too. If it was to be stated that the night you passed with him was nothing for him, it definitely would hurt your emotions because for you it was so much more. Of course, you weren't expecting nor wishing to have a meaning for him at this point but in order to shield your heart, you preferred to not knowing that information.

Now in your room with not much to do, you decided to take a shower and acted on it quickly, gathering your clothes and grabbing your favorite towel, and entering the bathroom which you made sure for the door to be locked before proceeding to undress yourself and have a long relaxing bath.

After you finished, you head back to your room running quickly pass the corridor and locked yourself successfully again in your room where you proceeded to wear your most preferred Pyjamas.

After a while lying on your bed staring at the ceiling, your eyelids started feeling heavier and soon you let them close and allowed yourself drift to sleep.

A slumber from which a sudden noise of something crushing at the floor awakened you and even though you were a little scared initially, you decided to go check, in case it was some burglar in the house.

You passed by Jimin's room but didn't dare to wake him up as fear of seeing him was somehow bigger than the fear of coming face to face with some burglar and you just took a deep breath, gathering yourself together before proceeding to step down the stairs.


Your heart was beating in anxiety once you reached near the light switch on the wall which you quickly turned on, in an attempt to catch whoever was in there, unprepared but once the place was filled with light, your eyes couldn't help but grow wide at the image of the person that was barely standing on his feet.

He is drunk!! Why did he drink so much?!

You wondered as you observed Jimin stumbling over his own feet for a bit then you decided to go near him and help him stand straight.

Jimin just looked at you for a second and proceeded to say nothing but let his weight fall on your shoulder, making you instantly regret going to help.

Despite the struggle, you carried him to his room and sat him on his bed before bringing your hands on your back and rub the lower part of it in an attempt to soothe the pain that his weight had managed to cause to you.

He is so heavy. If I knew that he wasn't sleeping on his bed I wouldn't have gone down there at all.

You thought to yourself while you were looking around then your eyes returned back to his figure which to your surprise found him suddenly undressing. Thing that made your eyes grow wide as well as panic and act on the moment, taking hold of his hands to stop him from unbuttoning another button of his shirt.

"I need to take a shower." He claimed casually and you just close your eyes tight in annoyance as it now seemed that you had to help him get to the bathroom.

After leaving an exhale you helped him get up and once you open the bathrooms door you put him in and fixed his water without looking at him on the whole process then you got out of there quickly.

Upon reaching his room again you started pacing up and down, waiting for him to return as you were nervous and worried for him because he was in a drunken state and he sure was taking too long in there.

Maybe I should have stayed and helped him. Who am I kidding if I see him naked I might not be able to control myself.

The door finally opened, bringing the chain of your worrying thoughts to a halt and revealing a half-naked Jimin as he had only a towel covering his lower body.

Your cheeks flared up immediately at the sight and once again you started looking anywhere but him as you spoke to him.

"Seems like you are better now so you won't need me. I am going. Good night J-J-Jimin."

You made your steps towards the door, initiating to get out of there as quickly as you could but your wish wasn't fulfilled as a hand took hold of your arm and pulled you, soon bringing you closer to his chest.

You looked at him shocked before trying to push his hands away from your body.

"J-Jimin, What are you doing. You are drunk , let go please." You told him as you keep struggling to free yourself from his grip but with no success.

"I am perfectly fine and I know what I am doing." He replied before crushing his lips against yours.

Your eyes widened at the sudden action and initially, you had tried to push him off but your heart was betraying you cause you liked that kiss too much.

He broke the kiss, his eyes gazing into yours with clear desire before he pulled you slowly towards the bed then laid you down and hovered above before proceeding to leave hot kisses down your neck.

Your heart was skipping like crazy as memories of that night flashed before your eyes.

I must stop him.He is drunk. This is not right.

You thought like you felt that moment as a bittersweet taste yet you didn't utter any objections. He stopped kissing you either way for an instant as he leaned back and stared at you before proceeding to rip your shirt open with a simple movement of his hands then he glanced at you with eyes full of lust.

You felt as if your world came to a stop while you were looking at his eyes at that instant. A gaze that made you feel just like that night. A gaze that didn't last long as he returned back to kissing you again. An action that filled your body with pleasure slowly as well as made you start to lose you sanity, your mind getting taken over by the love and craving you had for this man.

He is my biggest sin and the sweetest love I have ever felt.

You gave in to his touch as you started responding to him, yet still, the question that tomorrow he might not remember anything or worst, regret it, crossed your mind but now it was too late to go back.

---To be continued...

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