《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 4


You were arranging your clothes and your other belongings in your new room as after some days of bugging you, you had ended up actually going along with your sister's wishes.

Today your sister had come and picked you up to go leave with her and her fiance as it had been decided.

You really didn't plan to go at first. Especially after taking into consideration the situation and recalling the memories of that moment in the elevator where you passed two hours locked in there with Jimin while playing rock paper scissors and even tho it was a silly game and you were glad that his so-called idea to pass the time it wasn't anything else, you still had found his presence alone too much for you to bear.

In those two hours, your heart almost stopped beating many times as he was being rather teasing on your interaction or so you had perceived his smiles and suggestive glances. Glances that you might have been the only one that was a misunderstanding and that actually proved that you definitely would do good to not be left alone with him any time soon.

I guess this is just his way of being friendly with me.

You concluded in your head for the millionth time as you had gone over the events way too many times in your head then as you finished with arranging everything, you stepped out of the room they had given you and went down the stairs, where to your surprise, you saw Jungkook and your sister alone in the kitchen, thing that made you run to them as fast as you could.

"Is everything okay, sis?" You asked her, not even bothering to greet him.

Jungkook however didn't seem to have been insulted by the fact that you ignored him. He just looked your way and even tho you couldn't help but stare daggers at him he just gifted you a smile and greeted you good morning.

You didn't have the chance to address his good behavior which you totally didn't need as you saw it nothing but a hypocritical act on that moment as Jimin came down the stairs suddenly all dressed up for work, having his phone on his hand and once he noticed you all gathered on the kitchen he halted his feet for a second before proceeding to approach your way.

"Oh! Jungkook, you are here, Good morning and also Good morning to this sweet lady." He greeted his friend with a smile then landed his eyes at you, his choice of words making you feel your cheeks getting flustered.


How can he be like this in front of your sister too? How can he be so flirty?

He proceeded to peck your sister's lips and sat down to eat breakfast that your sister had prepared.

"Y/N, Won't you go changeup. You will be late." Your sister looked your way as she spoke to you and you gave her a confused look in return as you didn't quite catch what was she referring too.

"Yeah, you should Y/N, you are gonna come with me to work today and I will show you around."

Jimin spoke and your eyes grew wide now recalling that his company actually had accepted you. You weren't sure if you wanted to work there after finding out who was the CEO of that company though but you couldn't turn down the position that you worked so hard for just because he happened to be there.

Like hell, I am gonna leave with him and let Jungkook here. Not happening.

"Ah, it's okay, thanks for the offer even without your help I am sure I will learn the places eventually." You try to avoid leaving with him even tho you know well enough you need that tour, simply because your sister had brought you here to help her shield herself from this Jungkook guy. And you were surely going to do just that.

"Are you trying to avoid me? Why? Do you like me or something?"

Jimin questioned you and you couldn't help but freeze in place. Your heart dropping to your feet as panic started rising inside you.

"Wa-Waa-what are you talking about.M-me never. You ?! Hell no!!"

You strongly protested as you waved your hands in a denying manner and Jungkook and your sister started to laugh while Jimin raised his eyebrows slightly before speaking again.

"Why? Am I not hot enough for you?" You could feel yourself sweating cold sweat and as they continued laughing, soon making you realize that he was just teasing you, and upon realizing that, you couldn't help but grow mad and you left your facial expression express your annoyed emotions clearly, giving them all a death stare that made them stop.

"Sorry, you don't have to make that face, I was just teasing you." He stated and smiled kindly before proceeding to take another bite from his breakfast in the midst of you caught him mouthing at your sister 'she is grumpy ' making her giggle.

You looked at them with a desire to slap the shit out of all of them but you compressed your urge and instead went upstairs to get ready, mostly just because you wanted to get away from them at that moment.


When you returned, you noticed that Jungkook was no longer in the kitchen and that made you feel relieved.

"Let's go Y/N." Jimin spoke as soon as he saw you and quickly got up from his chair, soon heading to take his black leather briefcase and waited for you by the door as you proceeded to bid 'goodbye' to your sister then you followed him out the door.

How did I end up actually going? Agh

You complained as you walked out of the house and towards his car. The rise to work was surprisingly calm and peaceful for your emotions as he didn't speak much.

You spend the whole day with him at work and fortunately there he behaved more seriously, thing that you were really grateful for, cause your heart can really not take much when it comes to him.

Even a small smile was able to make your heartbeat increase, even the most simple words could make you love him more and that was not good at all.

You two returned back home at around 21:00 and to your surprise, once you entered inside, the lights were all turned off.

Where did Sis go? At this hour she should be home.

You wondered as you looked around and proceeded to switch the lights on while Jimin just walked in and casually took off his jacket and loosened up his necktie. A move so simple yet he really looked too attractive while doing that.

Or in your eyes so it seemed.

"Emm, do you know where my sister could be?" You reluctantly spoke to him and he gazed past his shoulder in order to face you for a moment.

Once again he looked too hot while doing that.

Damn, just why?

You cursed at yourself and your own thoughts that found everything he was to do attractive. You felt like you were under some kind of spell or something. A spell that was making you go against your logical thoughts that kept screaming to you that it was wrong of you to view him in that light.

"Didn't she told you? She will be gone for two days on a business trip to Japan."

He calmly stated but his words only calm didn't make you.

Two days alone with him??!! WHY!!

You couldn't help but feel your panicking feelings rise, making you not know what to do. Feelings that started showing as you started pacing up and down forgetting the presence of Jimin who was now staring at you in confusion.

Once you noticed his stare and realized that your nervousness was showing, you stopped immediately, looking around awkwardly and embarrassed y yourself till you started to just lowering your head, cursing underneath your breath.

"I-I will go make us dinner then." You finally found something to utter and derive his attention elsewhere and spoke those words with enthusiasm while avoiding looking at his eyes before quickly making your way upstairs to change your clothes and come prepare something to eat.

When you came back Jimin was no longer in the living room thing that sure was pleasing for you and a small exhale of relief had managed to escape from your lips before you finally made your way to the kitchen and started cooking dinner.

You were halfway done when a slight coughing sound caught your attention making as you lift up your head and meet with a wet haired Jimin that seemed like he had just finished taking a shower.

Your heart was almost flying off your chest only by glancing at him so you quickly lowered your head again and pretended you had yet to notice him.

You focused on the food however you couldn't help but struggle to throw away completely the thoughts of him that were dominating your head. The feelings that filled your heart whenever you were around him were just too many. The love you had been waiting to meet again for two years was in front of you but you had to ignore him and that sure was not an easy task as it wasn't a none hurtful one as well. Because you had surely felt heartbroken after hoping to find him for so long, only to be proved that you can't be with him. Your emotional state sure was not at its best after that engagement party no matter how much you tried to escape from those feelings and avoid thinking of them. Yet just like at that moment, you slipped inside those thoughts unwillingly way too often. However this time something broke that trail of thoughts way to abruptly as you suddenly felt a pair of hands getting wrapped around you and bringing you into a warm back hug.

You couldn't help but freeze at the fact that he was right behind you and he had initiated such an action. A position that soon made your hands start to tremble and heart go wild almost to a point that you could swear you couldn't feel it anymore.

He leaned closer, letting his chin lay on your right shoulder and then slowly in a rather seductive voice, whispered.

---To be continued...

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