《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 3


"I can't believe you?!!" You stormed at your sister while pacing up and down the room.

"Y/N, it's not what you think, please let me explain." Your sister tried to calm you down but you really weren't up for any excuses.

Your mind had been blown away with all these events that happened today. And unfortunately, you weren't mentally prepared for non of them.

"You were kissing his best friend!! What is there to explain.??!!" You stormed at her once again. You were really mad and not because it was unfair to Jimin. You would be mad no matter who the other party is cause you had a really strong sense of justice and you lived with the motive to not do something to someone that you don't want to happen to you.

And today that moto had become a bee a bit ironic since it seems you went with your sister's Fiance but you didn't know who he was back then so it doesn't count. Or at least that's what you tried to say to yourself in order to not lose your sanity at that moment and keep your emotions at bay a bit as well as in order for you to feel less ashamed.

"Y/N, He just kissed me out of nowhere, really, I love Jimin a lot.I am not cheating on him!!"

She claimed passionately and you stopped and looked at her eyes trying to see if she was really telling the truth.

"Hey, I am your sister, can't you believe me?!" You let a deep exhale as she looked a bit offended at your suspicious gaze and then proceeded to scratch the back of your neck annoyed with the situation.

"Fine, I believe you. But you need to talk with that Jungkook guy and clear things up immediately, you hear me." You strongly demanded as you bought back the events that had happened some minutes ago, with Jungkook quickly apologizing and leaving in a quest stressful state from the room, leaving you and your sister alone. The way he left sure showed his hurry to escape which could mean that he was at wrong as your sister was claiming so you decided to believe her words and your sister just nodded and smiled at you, saying ' thank you' repeatedly and she promised to you that she will talk to him and find out why he behaved so out of line with her as well as keep a distance from Jungkook from now on.

You two went back to the party after that short exchange of words, you feeling as if you were about to explode from rush of emotions but of course, you couldn't show any signs of distress in front of anyone as they would start questioning things and you definitely couldn't answer to anything. Emotions that grew wilder and more difficult to be kept under control as once you entered the big venue room you noticed Jimin coming your way.


He smiled slightly on his way there and once close enough he grabbed the hand of your sister and pulled her at his side, soon engulfing her in a back hug and proceeding to peck her cheek sweetly.

"Where did my sweet lady disappeared to?" Jimin asked as his lips lowered at the side of her neck and left a peck there too but this time his gaze was directed at you while doing so.

His gaze made you feel uneasy inside so you just looked else where.

"Just showing around my little sister, baby." She answered before swiftly managing to get herself out of his grasp and returning at your side, locking arms with you.

"Jimin, Say, can my sister come to live in our apartment with us too, I am bored all by myself and she won't like staying at moms for long." She asked of him cutely out of the blue, a request that made you look at her in shock and your body to act on its own, you taking her hand off you.

"Ah, there is no need for that. I will be great staying with mom, no need really." You tried to decline as politely as you could while smiling slightly in order to not scream as you were in your head.

"If this is my future wife's wish, I have no issue. The house is big enough for all of us after all." Jimin kindly responded, his eyes falling on you as a sweet smile rested on his lips.

A smile that made your heart beat race and you felt like butterflies had suddenly awakened on your stomach.

Damn, why do I have to be like this?

You remained quiet for a bit and your sister took the chance and started pleading you, soon leaning to your ear and letting you know that she was in need of you by her side to help her keep Jungkook away. Words that you admit that made you want to accept as you could never decline to help someone especially your sister which you had a soft spot for.

Living at the same house could bring many benefits cause you could supervise the situation better but, he just smiled at you once and you almost died, living with him and seeing such smiles every day could really make it hard or even impossible to get over him.

"I don't know. I will start work next week too and I want something near my new office." You tried to make excuses since you weren't even sure if any of the companies that had interviewed you would end up actually hiring you but despite your logical excuse, it seemed that luck was not on your side today.

As Jimin asked the name of the company you will start working for and you randomly chose to tell him one of the two, he and your sister soon after, putting bright smiles on their faces making you just look at them in wonder.


"Silly, that's Jimin's Company. His family owns it." Your sister informed you and you couldn't help but let your eyes widen in shock, displaying your emotions of surprise.

What is this sorcery!!??!!

"It's decided then. You will start living with us from tomorrow and we can go to work together." Jimin smiled brightly as he spoke of this news as if they were something positive while you faked a smile, since in your head all you truly wanted to do was just to go bang your face on a wall and just drop unconscious already.

----Time skip---

The party was finally coming to an end and you were sitting in a chair at a corner cause your feet were hurting you.

Well, you wish your feet were the only problem that you had had to face today but unfortunately that was too much to wish for.

I should definitely go home and mark this day on the calendar as the worst day of my life.

You thought to yourself as you observed the guests leaving one by one in silence.

After a while the place was almost empty, only some workers still cleaning up some stuff but you were too deep in your worrying thoughts to notice till the lights turned off and darkness engulfed you.

You stood up surprised by the sudden darkness that engulfed you and after a quick scanning of your surroundings, you just facepalmed yourself for day dreaming like an idiot then proceeded to take your bag to leave. On your way out, however, you happened to notice a jacket laying on a chair and you went and picked it up.

You observed it for a minute as it looked rather familiar but you couldn't remember who was wearing it exactly so you just thought that you will let it down to the guard in case someone comes looking for it.

You slowly went out, your footsteps being the only sound that echoed on the corridors as you walked towards the elevator which was to take you to the first floor, and right when you were about to press the calling button the elevator's door suddenly flew open, making you step back in surprise.

"Oh! How come you are still here Y/N?!" Jimin asked as he looked at you with a surprised expression as well.

"I..I." You stuttered unable to form the words cause of the shock of unexpectedly facing him.

"Oh, That's my jacket.I turned back to get this." He said and took the jacket off your hand.

"Oh, yeah I J-Just found it, there." You manage to say before entering the elevator, in your head scolding yourself for being so visibly awkward.

However, the awkwardness was not the only thing you were feeling as anxiety and nervousness took over you in a matter of seconds as you saw the elevator's door closing, leaving you alone with him inside. Your eyes to the floor as the elevator started moving, not you daring to even glance over at him.

A sudden noise and a shake followed abruptly bringing the movement of the elevator to halt thing that made you lose your balance and land on Jimin's arms as he managed to catch you before you fall forward.

The elevator's lights flickered for a little hurting your vision and then the environment became steady again.

However, Once the unexpected event stopped completely, you looked in front of you only to be met with Jimin's jawline since he was looking around at that certain moment.

He soon turned his gaze at you and you couldn't help but notice the proximity of your faces had as they were wat too close for your heart to take, making your heartbeat go crazy while your mind went blank.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked you in a worried tone and you shook your head and collected yourself, quickly stepping out of his arms.

"I am fine, just fine." Jimin looked around again after hearing your response, then proceeded to press some of the buttons but no one seemed to work then he took his phone of his pocket but once he did so he realized that there was no connection in the elevator because of the material that he himself had required for it to have when he had bought it. He left an exhale escape his lips before proceeding to ruffle his hair in annoyance, regretting a bit his then desition.

"It seems we have to stay here for a while." He informed you and your feet almost gave up on you.

Why!!I can't take being alone with him like this !!!

He turned around and leaned his back at the elevator's wall, clueless at the nerve-wracking state that you were into then he left his eyes land at you before leaving a playful smile to appear on his lips and speak.

"Do you have any good idea how to pass our time?!"

You froze at the facial expression that he had one and decided to not answer at all.

"It seems we will go with my idea then." Jimin said as he winked at you while taking a step closer.

----To be continued.....

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