《Secrets! JImin FF》Chapter 9


You glance at Jimin who is now driving the car thinking if it is the right time to tell him about the letters you have been receiving.

"Jimin i have something important to tell you." You finally speak after much thinking and Jimin looks at you for a moment then brings the car to a stop.

He turns and face you as he sees your serious look.

"What is it Y/n-ah, you are making me worry?" He says as his eyes show worry and lead you to carry on.

"We have a small problem." You tell him and smile a little as you open your bag and hand him the letters.

Jimin's eyes widen when he reads the letters that where identical with one another and then shocked turns to look at you who just gave him an awkward smile.

"What are these?" He asks as he goes once again through them.

"They have been coming at the house and leaving this after the day we did it." You tell him as your worry is now clearly shown on your face.

Jimin looks at you and bring his right hand and cups your cheek and with a sweet reassuring smile tells you.

"Don't worry, my love. I will find a solution to this somehow. You did good to tell me." He says and you just smile at his sweetness and your heart starts thumbing up and you were feeling all warm inside cause of the love he has been showing you.

He then pecks your lips softly and as your foreheads are now touching he smiles at you brightly and whispers under his breath.

"How can you be so lovable ?" And at his words you immediately flash red as he giggles at your sweet reaction and then turns the engine on again to finally leave for work .

It would be your first official day at work and even tho you were a little nervous you are no more cause you will have Jimin by your side and that calmed you down enough.


And besides it's not only Jimin that will be there to help you since Jungkook works there as well you can ask him too if you need help with something. Even tho you can not clearly speak friendly to them cause being acquaintances with the Ceo and the Voice president of the company might get you in some gossiping that you would rather avoid.

Your position is not little after all.You will be now one off the sale managers of one of the companies biggest cloth Brands and you indeed have much work and responsibility on your shoulders.


Jungkook fixes his bow tie and looks at his mirror then goes to open his door that just ringed.

Once he see Sujon his face becomes serious as he makes way for her to enter then after checking if someone followed her he closes the door behind her.

"What are you doing here at this hour?Shouldn't you be on your way to work?" Jungkook asks here as a hint of worry hits him.

All these unknown phone calls have put him to the edge and it have become really difficult to keep himself composed as he still hasn't tell anything to Sujon about it ,in an attempt to not worry her.

"Jungkook, What do you mean?Are you not happy to see me?" Sujon asks him while her eyes seemed to have a rather unfriendly vibe.

"What are you talking about honey, i am always happy to see you." Jungkook says as he smiles at her and put his arms around her waist.

"Well it seems i am not the only one you are happy around this days Jeon Jungkook." Sujon says as she pushes Jungkook away and a smirk forms on his face immediately as her Jealousy was being obvious.

Jungkook was rather happy at this moment cause she was never jealous of him before. He always was the only one suffering seeing her with Jimin while she new that he would be always there , waiting for her to come on his arms.


Knowing that she was afraid that she might lose him made his hopes raise up and he could not hide the smile that engulfed his face.

He grabs Sujon and kiss her with passion and as he could feel her shiver under his touch Jungkook felt rather happy.

"Jungkook, you will be late for work." Sujon tells him while panting breathless after Jungkook's kiss.

"Work? I am already working on you baby." Jungkook says and lifts Sujon on his arms and while kissing each other ,he heads towards his bedroom that he barely some minutes ago left.

----Time skip----

Sujon had just put the last plate off the dinner on the table while Jimin had finished his shower and came down the stairs.

Jimin pecks her cheek softly as he takes a seat and after a while so does she.

Jimin looks around and after not seeing you anywhere he decided to ask about your where abouts since your did came home from work with him.

"Did Y/N-ah went somewhere?" Jimin asks calmly and your sister answers him after gulping down her food.

"Oh, mom called her and said she wanted to meet her and since it's this late she said she will be staying there for the night."

Jimin just nods at Sujon's response even tho he was feeling uneasy inside for the fact that he is alone with his fiance in the whole house.

They eat in a comfortable silence and after Jimin helped her pick up the plates and put them to the sink she stays to wash them as Jimin goes up to his room saying that he is rather tired today and he is going to sleep earlier.

Sujon after finishing with the dished goes up to her room where Jimin was laying on his side off the bed.

He looks at him and a small smile grows on her face as he approaches him slowly.

She puts her hands around his waist engulfing him into a hug and then starts giving some small kisses down his neck.

Jimin opens his eyes and turns around to face her and smiles at her sweetly.

"Honey, sorry but i am really tired today." Jimin says to her as he kisses her forehead and goes to turn around again.

Jimin's eyes suddenly widen as Sujon was now above him , riding him and had a playful smile on her face.

Jimin tries to control himself and just giggles at her action then says.

"Oh, come on baby ,please don't ,i am really tired." He says once again trying to avoid her without making it obvious that he really doesn't want to touch her.

"What is it baby? You don't want me anymore?" She says then leans down on Jimin leaving kisses down his neck .

Her hands roam down his body till she approaches the crotch area and then Jimin grab her hand and flip her over now being he on top.

He pins her on the bed with her hands above her head and while biting his lower lip, smiling leans closer to Sujon's face.

"You want me that badly, hah?" Jimin says in a low seductive voice while Sujon just bits her lower lip trying to not make a moan cause she got turned on just by his voice.

Jimin leans closer and just kisses her forehead then pats her head sweetly while smiling at her.

"Next time baby,I am really not in the mood ,okay?" He states and get away from her turning his back on her leaving her with wide mouth in disbelieve.

"Then i will change your mood." Sujon not wanted to give up says and takes of her shirt then throws away the blanket that was covering them and once again hover above Jimin covering his body with her wet kisses.

A sudden crack is heard and as Jimin pushes Sujon off off him and sits up to look at the sounds direction is met with your widen eyes that where looking at them through the space of the half open door.

---To be continued.....

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