《Demigods Meet Mortals》Meet Solangelo


Nico crossed his arms as he was basically being dragged to the van. The group of demigods consisting of the seven, Will, Nico, and Clarisse were going to Camp Jupiter, apparently the camp was caught off-guard with a monster attack, and so the group were heading there to help heal people and do damage control. The only reason Nico was going? He wanted to see Hazel.

The only thing that sucked was the fact that it was a 40 hour drive, and that was because Percy and Nico were on board, honestly, they could still fly with Nico on board, but saying it was both of them was just to save Percy the embarrassment. Nico was sitting in the window seat at the back of the Delphi's Strawberry Service van, conveniently next to an assumed straight Will Solace. The group had already driven around 36 hours, and Nico Di Angelo didn't sleep through the ride for even a minute.

Nico didn't have time to drink coffee in the morning, so was really sleep deprived from listening to Leo prance around camp singing Let It Go off key after failing an experiment in Bunker Nine. The only reason Nico didn't want to sleep was because he wasn't alone, and sometimes when he was tired-which was all the time-Nico would talk in his sleep, and he did not want to risk Will knowing of his crush on him.

But unfortunately for Nico, soon enough his eyes began to close and he couldn't fight it, his eyelids felt so heavy. Nico was already half asleep when he began leaning forward, before a hand seemed to pull him back, and Nico's head landed on something that felt suspiciously like someone's lap. He could feel someone's arm instinctively wrap over his side and a hand running through his hair. Unfortunately for Nico, he was too tired to even realise what was happening.


And so, around four hours later Nico woke up, but he remained still, keeping his eyes closed, just relaxing for a little while, and he didn't feel the hand around him and the lap he was lying on. Nico was going to sit up, that is, until he heard a heated conversation, and wanted to listen in, knowing that the mood would be killed if Nico would sit up.

'Gods Solace, if you like him, just ask the boy out already! It's more torture for us to watch you shy away when around him than it is for you.' Annabeth said. 'But what if he doesn't like me back? Or say no? Our carefully crafted sort-of friendship would be ruined.' Someone who sounded suspiciously like Will replied. There was a collective groan from the entire van.

Nico never understood when people in romance novels say they're heartbroken, that is, until that moment. Nico's heart basically sunk to his shoes. Will Solace, his crush, was in fact gay, but unfortunately, crushing on someone else, that was what Nico thought, until he heard Piper's retort.

'Oh my gods Will, the guy is literally using you as a pillow right this minute.' Piper said, her voice deadly calm, though desperation was still there. Nico's heart raced, they couldn't have been saying that he was Will's crush, could they?

Nico decided to pretend to wake up, not wanting Will to feel his heart race once realising he was lying on his crush's lap.

Nico feigned a yawn, before glancing around the van, he was definitely a better actor now than he was before. 'What did I miss?'

Having to help the Roman Apollo kids heal injured demigods definitely took Will's mind off of the demigods' discussion in the van while he assumed Nico was asleep, but after seeing Nico edge around Will the entire two hours they were at Camp Jupiter, the son of Apollo wasn't too sure.


'Solace,' A voice called, and Will turned around to see that it was Hazel, Nico's supposedly younger sister, the Hades children family age differences was definitely hard to interpret. Will offered Hazel a smile as the gold eyed girl stopped beside him. 'Need anything Hazel?' Will asked, and Hazel raised an eyebrow, a grin on her face.

Hazel helped Will clean up all the medical equipment as she spoke. 'So, I heard about the Di Angelo related argument in the van.' Will sighed, his shoulders slumped, 'Let me guess, Annabeth, Piper, or Leo told you?' Will asked, voice low, and a cheeky smile appeared on Hazel's face.

'No, Nico did.'

Will froze, he was so still you would've thought Kronos had frozen time, Hazel snickered at his reaction. 'My poor brother is freaking out right now, I suggest you go talk to him. Like, now. The boy is messing up my candle collection.' Hazel chided, and Will unfroze. He was horrified that Nico had heard, but knew that Hazel was right, and Nico did in fact need an explanation.

As Will was slowly making his way to Hazel's room with dread, the girl stopped him. 'Will, I'm perfectly fine with you liking and perhaps dating my brother, I want him to be happy.' Hazel said, her tone gentle. 'But, if you so much as joke about hurting him, I will end your bright Apollo life.' Will nodded, before heading to Hazel's room once again.

Will knocked lightly before opening the door to Hazel's room, the place was well designed, definitely not a vampire lair. The place gave off a cozy, vintage feel. Will could see off to the left, Hazel's candle collection was in deed messed up, and Nico was sitting on the edge of his sister's small bed, clicking the button of his fidget cube repeatedly. Gods he regretted getting the boy that cube for Christmas.

Nico glanced up at the door, his scowl disappearing, instead replace with a panicked expression. 'Hey Nico, I heard from Hazel that you heard our conversation in the van earlier?' Nico winced, sliding off the bed and stopping two metres in front of Will, keeping his distance. It was Will's turn to wince.

'Listen, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just. . .happened.' Nico explained in a hurry, his voice slightly higher than normal, red creeping up the back of his neck. Will closed his eyes for a second as Nico softly rambled on about how he didn't mean to listen in.


Nico slowed to a stop, worry in his eyes as Will stared at Nico with a weird glint in his eyes. 'Nico Di Angelo, just answer this one question for me,' Will began, his words slow. 'We're demigods, our years are limited, so I'm just going for it: Do you like me?' Will asked, his voice rising, his face going slightly red. Nico's mouth opened slightly, shock showing on his face.

'Yes. I mean, sure, I guess I like you. . .' Nico's voice trailed off.

Will smiled slightly, hope in his eyes, though slight fear was evident. 'So Nico, you wouldn't mind if I did this. . ?' Will's voice dissipated as he inched closer to Nico, and basically broke the invisible barrier that held them apart as he pressed his lips against the shorter boy's. A few seconds later, the two demigods pulled apart, Nico's eyes were wide.

'So. . .What now?'

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