《Demigods Meet Mortals》Clary Frayman (Clarisse La Rue)


I turned my head back to the back of the line of students and my eyes fell onto Clarisse La Rue, her brown stringy hair in a messy ponytail, a bandanna wrapped around her head, and she kept her hand at the side, her body was tense, and her eyes kept flying around, looking at everything and everyone.

'Alright class, listen up! As you know, today we will be touring the museum with another class from Westfield High School. So when I call your name, you're going to raise your hand so the students from Westfield knows who they are partners with!' Miss Caitlyn said loudly enough for us to understand, she then turned to talk with Miss Summerfield, the teacher for Westfield High, and the two classes erupted in loud chaos, I glanced towards Clarisse again, and she was not paying attention to anything that was happening.

Miss Summerfield checked something on her clipboard before turning back towards the two classes. 'Tahi, rua, toru!' She called out, and every fell silent and the two classes chorused out together, 'Wha.' Miss Summerfield told us to pay attention to Miss Caitlyn as she was about to say the parings.

Miss Caitlyn smiled and read the words on her clipboard out loud, 'Jessica, with Sasha.' She recited, 'Connor, Cindy, Clary,' She paused and I brightened, excited to know who my partner would be, 'Clarisse.' She finished and continued with the rest of the classes. I slumped, not looking forward to working with Clarisse La Rue.

'Hey punk, let's move.' I snapped to attention, to realize it was Clarisse who spoke, she looked forward as she walked, I followed behind, and overtook her, turning back to realize she was smiling. What. The. Heck. 'What the hell?' I hear someone scream out, and I turned, and screamed as well, two cheerleaders stood, blocking the entrance, but the worse part was they were Greek monsters, this was one of the moments where I wished I didn't know the existence of Greek and Roman Mythology.


The one in front had flaming red hair flying around, her eyes were yellow, she had a metal leg and a donkey leg, the other cheerleader looked normal enough, but she had the same weird legs. 'Empousai.' I hear someone say in a hush whisper. The one with red hair swung around a whip, a grin on her face, 'I ssmell a demigod.' She sang out, and Clarisse stepped in front of the class, she snarled.

'Let me guess, you two are Tammi and Kelli, the two Empousai Prissy, I mean Percy killed?' Clarisse called out, and now it was the Empousai's turns to snarl, 'The Jacksson boy kept usss in Tartaruss for sso long, we want revenge!' Tammi screamed out, and lunged at Clarisse, somehow, Clarisse dodged it.

She smirked and reached behind and grabbed her long hockey stick bag, and wacked the one called Kelli with it. In the short distraction, Clarisse zipped open the bag, and pulled out a spear with red sparks flying off the edge, Clarisse's smile got wider, and she slashed and stabbed left and right, she was insane.

In a few minutes, the two Empousai were gone, Clarisse only had two or three scars, and a smirk on her face. 'What in Hades happened here?' Someone shouted out, and I turned, it was Chris Rodriguez, a student who seemed to have just came back from somewhere. Clarisse laughed, 'You missed the whole show punk.' She shouted at him, and Chris smirked, he jogged over to Clarisse and handed her a lemon square, to which Clarisse took gratefully.

'I'm Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares, the god of War. I am Drakon Slayer, a heroine of Olympus.' Clarisse shouted out proudly to the two classes. Chris took Clarisse's hand in his, 'And I'm Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes, survivor of the labyrinth, helper to save Olympus.' He called out, the two shared a knowing smile before Clarisse say in a hush tone, which I could barely hear, 'Back to beating Prissy in lava wall.' She whispered, and Chris chuckled before they walked out of the museum.


And I guess that was how we ended the second term of the year.

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