《Demigods Meet Mortals》Amelia Ross (Percabeth)



'Everyone, listen carefully, we must land this deal with Jackson Enterprises, this is the biggest deal we've got in ten years, which is why I vote for Miss Ross and Mr James to go.' The director explained, and everyone at the meeting table gave polite applause, my eyes widened, and Dexter James' did too, the two of us exchanged glances nervously, we stood up together, and thanked the director before hurrying out.

'This is insane! How are we going to do this?' Dexter asked me, I shrugged nervously, and we headed over to my desk to start working.

Awkward silence filled the cab before Dexter turned to me, 'Hey Amelia, so, what's the game plan?' Dexter asked curiously, and I thought about it for a second before answering. 'Well, I think let's just speed through it, we just got to be able to land the deal with Mr and Mrs Jackson, they are, after all, the most successful marine biology company in New York.' I finished off, and Dexter agreed.

I sucked in my breath once we got out of the cab, the aquarium looked amazing, tall building with three levels of exhibits, and the rest all business floors. Dexter's eyes were gleaming with excitement, and he dragged me to the receptionist, she had choppy brown hair pushed to one side, a feather braided in, and her eyes were mesmerizing, they were like kaleidoscope eyes, if those even existed, the smiled at the two of us, 'Morning! I'm Piper, and just to let you know, I'm filling in for a sick receptionist. So, what do you need help with?' Piper asked cheerfully, and I smiled automatically, her cheer was contagious.

Taking a business card out of his jacket pocket, Dexter gave Piper a kind smile, 'We're here to talk to Mrs Jackson?' He asked, and Piper nodded, gesturing for us to wait for a moment, she picked up a cell phone and called someone, I could see a weird symbol at the back of the phone, an Omega symbol. Weird. Piper pressed the phone to her ear, 'Hey Annabeth? Did you have a...' She glanced briefly at Dexter and mine name cards, 'Dexter James and Amelia Ross coming?' She bit her lip before slowly nodding, 'Okay, I'll bring them up, bye!' I could hear a muffled, bye Pipes, before Piper hung up.


'Follow me you two.' Piper smiled and led us to the elevator up to the fourth floor. Once out, Piper told us to head to the office with the name Chase on it. She then turned to the left and started chatting with an African American girl that owned a pair of bright gold eyes. I nudged Dexter and we headed towards the door, I hesitated before knocking, 'Come in.'

I pushed the door open, and let Dexter in behind me, a women who I assumed was Mrs Jackson sat in an office chair, eyes glued to a laptop, the logo was a glowing blue triangle, (I was instantly feeling self conscious about my appearance, like Piper, she was beautiful in a unique way, wavy blond hair in a ponytail, and a slim but tan body, obviously any other California girl, but her eyes were gorgeous, they were light grey, with a hint of white in them, I immediately knew it wasn't wise to be an enemy of hers.

'Hello, I assume you are Miss Ross, and you're Mr James?' She asked, tilting her head, her eyes cautious. I nodded, and Dexter stepped forward, starting to explain the business details, I added on and continued to explain what we would do, all the while Mrs Jackson nodding and occasionally typing on her laptop.

'So we would be able to use the profit to-' I said, but was interrupted by a telephone ringing, Mrs Jackson gave me an apologetic smile and picked up the phone, 'Hazel? Is something wrong?' Mrs Jackson said into the phone, and her expression soon changed to one of alarm, 'Don't worry Hazel, I'll get Percy down there.' She said and hung up, explaining that she needed to fix something in exhibit D, we followed her.


The sight made me want to gag, but I resisted, Mrs Jackson didn't seem the least big disgusted at the sight of bloody red water, two sharks were circling each other in the tank, and Mrs Jackson just calmly called someone, who arrived at the scene in less than two minutes. 'Percy, the sharks.' Mrs Jackson simply said, and the man nodded before climbing up a ladder, and jumping into the shark tank.

A scream got buried in my throat as Mr Jackson swam in between the sharks wearing a shirt and shorts that were probably drenched and turning red. His mouth moved, indicating he was saying something, and the two sharks seemed to try to nod before swimming away, I felt myself lean back towards Dexter in shock, he caught and righted me. Mr Jackson came out of the water with a grin before it was turned into a shocked smile, he dove back into the water, before hopping out, completely drenched.

Mrs Jackson smiled at Dexter and I, 'Now, where were we?' She asked after kissing her husband on the lips.

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