《Demigods Meet Mortals》Amber Terian (Nico di Angelo)


Hey, I'm Amber Terian, and I go to Arizona High. But I'm sure you're all here to read about my encounter with the Ghost King.

We were in the school hall along with every other student in our school. Principal Ford was going to talk to us about Parent Day and how that unless we were going to be absent on that day or if our parent were busy with things it was going to be mandatory for all of us.

I could tell that was going to be difficult for some people who didn't want to bring their parents over to school for reasons. My eyes scanned the mob of people in my classroom and landed on Nico Di Angelo. He had his head down and he had a emotionless face, but I noticed that his hand was clenched tight into a fist.

Nico looked up and caught me staring, I turned around and blushed, I probably looked awful, staring at my classmate like that. Later that day, I noticed Nico giving me occasional glances every once in a while, and he probably thinks I'm weird. I know he does.

I walked out the front door of the school and heard a phone ring, Nico's. 'Hazel? Hey!' I heard he say into the phone, 'Yeah I missed you too. How's the camp holding up?' I frowned and tilted my head, Is he in a relationship with this Hazel girl?

'Good morning Arizona High! Today is Parent Day so students are going to be telling the school what their parents do for a living.' I groaned, this is going to be a long day. Parent after parent went on stage, same boring jobs, until one dad and mum went on.

The man was tall and slim, his pale skin slightly glowed against the dark clothing he wore, a black suit with red trims at the end, dozens of terrified faces seemed to be moving on his suit. A silver skull ring shined on his finger, and he held a helmet in his left hand.


The lady was young and regal, brown hair tied up in a high bun with strands swaying, she wore a black and burgundy dress and held a wilted rose in her fingers. a wreath of flowers rested on her head, every piece in place, as if everything she held belonged there.

I looked towards the line of students, wondering who could possibly be their child. And saw Nico di Angelo. Nico walked up to his parents and cleared his throat, 'Hi. I'm Nico di Angelo. And these are my parents.' He glared at his dad, as if saying, why are you doing this to me???

His mum smiled coldly, 'Good morning, I'm Persephone, Nico's step mother.' That explains why the mum and Nico didn't look alike. Wait. Persephone?! That means Nico's stepmother is a goddess! His dad introduced himself as well. 'Good day, I'm Hades, Nico's father.' Nico scowled. The principal looked slightly worried, but told Hades and Persephone to tell us about their jobs and themselves.

Hades started, 'Like I said, I'm Hades, and I am God of the Underworld and Riches, and my wife Persephone is the Goddess of Spring.' Nico spoke up, 'You know, I actually didn't mind being here, but I guess, thanks to Hades, I can't. Oh, and before I forget, I'm Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades and Maria Di Angelo,' Persephone rolled her eyes at the name Maria, 'And I helped the seven in the war with Gaia by bringing the Athena Parthenos to my camp. I would say what else I've done, but I am too lazy to, so yeah.' The stage darkened into a shadow, and when it lightened, Di Angelo and the two immortals were gone.

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