《Demigods Meet Mortals》Linda Martin (Lou Ellen Blackstone)


I advise you to not read this chapter if you haven't watched the Netflix show Lucifer, there are no spoilers of any kind, but just a warning.


'Well, maybe it would be better if you try to approach your wife in a different way, as it seems you are in hot water with her.' I advised, mentally filing the new information from today's appointment to write down when Richard leaves. He nodded after a few seconds, 'You know what, I think a little cool off time will be good for both of us.' He decided before thanking me and walking out the office door. I sighed, dragging myself behind the desk and began typing away at the computer, when I heard the door open again.

I looked up, curious since my next appointment was in ten minutes, to see a teenage girl propping herself on the sofa. I tilted my head, 'Good afternoon, Miss..?' I drawled out, indicating that I needed a name. The girl flashed me a small smile, 'Blackstone.' She offered, and I nodded, before realizing she was my next client. 'Oh! Miss Blackstone, you're a little early, but no matter, we can begin now.' I said and moved to the chair in front of her. Not to lie, but she was younger than I expected, who knew that my next client would be a teenager?

'So, Miss Blackstone, what seems to be bothering you?' I asked, and the smile slowly faded away from her face, 'Oh, it's just that...I've been staying at a sort of sanctuary of sorts for people like me, we all train until we're ready,' She explained, I nodded shortly, 'Well Lou Ellen,' I paused to seek approval for being on first name basis, she nodded. 'What exactly are you training to be ready for?' I asked, Lou Ellen thought about it for a second, leaving me silence.


My eyes scanned the green eyed girl closely, trying to identify anything that would explain what exactly did 'people like her', have to 'train' for. My eyes landed on her hands, it was faint, but I could tell that they were calloused, Lou Ellen absently allowed her fingers to dance in the air, I squinted my eye before my shoulders tensed. Light green smoke twirled around her fingers, but it disappeared almost immediately.

Lou Ellen took a deep breath, 'Well, I'll just say it like this: My friends and I, we all stay at this camp, mainly because of who we were all born to be. Our parents are very...controlling.' She explained, 'And they will often pick some of their children from this camp of ours to do their...bidding.' She supplied halfheartedly. I nodded slowly, 'And how does that make you feel?' I asked softly, she stared at me, as if it never occurred to her that it was always going to be her opinion that mattered.

'Well, I guess it just irritates me, that our parents think this of us, but,' She let out a sarcastic chuckle, 'I haven't had the worst of it, some of my friends have been through so much worse, some's been through hell, one of them basically πέθανε!' She cried out the last part in a different language. I decided to do some digging into what that word could mean.

Lou Ellen suddenly let out a soft sigh, 'But...he came back, my friends were safe, everything was fine.' She stood up, 'You know what? This really helped, thanks doc.' She grinned, and it was contagious, I stood up and offered my hand to shake, she reached out to accept, but suddenly, the glass window shattered, and shattered pieces of glasses were hurled at Lou Ellen and I, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain that was about to come at me from glass, but nothing hit me.


I opened my eyes, sucking in my breath, the pieces of glass stayed frozen in air. For a moment, I thought that Amenadiel had somehow stopped time, but I chided myself, because it was obvious the only thing frozen was the glass. I looked up, and could see Lou Ellen with teeth clenched, 'Doctor, I suggest you hide somewhere for now till this cools over.' She growled out, and I obliged, knowing it was wise to get out of the way of the fighting of celestial beings, and from the looks of it, Lou Ellen Blackstone was a celestial being. I shuddered, remembering what the goddess of creation did to me, and she did it in the body of Charlotte Richards.

I scrambled behind a desk, and as soon as I did, Lou Ellen clenched her outstretched hands into fists, pushing one hand to the side, all the glass smashed against the wall, Lou Ellen stretched her fingers out at her sides, at battle stance, a roar rang out as a black dog the size of a garbage truck jumped into the room, I clamped a hand over my mouth, resisting the urge to scream, celestial being or not, no way can a nineteen year old girl defeat it, I grabbed my phone and texted Mazikeen to get here as soon as possible.

Lou Ellen's eyes widened and she did a back flip, straightening her feet to kick the monster. The monster howled in surprise, and Lou Ellen took that time to get under the monster, I couldn't understand what she was doing, Lou closed her eyes, cupping her hands, I stared in shock as green smoke gathered in her palms, and Lou punched it at the monster's stomach, it fell over, and Lou Ellen grabbed a hidden dagger from her waist and stabbed it down, the monster disappearing in gold dust.

Lou Ellen gave me an apologetic smile before running out the window. 'What the hell happened here?' I could hear Maze shout out, and I let out a sigh, Maze ran to me, and raised an eyebrow, 'Celestial being, monster.' I said simply, worry lines appeared on Maze's face, but she shook it off. I remembered something, 'Maze, what does πέθανε mean?' I asked, Maze's eyes widened, 'It means passes away in Greek, why?' I nodded and muttered thanks before falling asleep.

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