《Demigods Meet Mortals》Matt Sloan (Leo Valdez)


It was the day. The day of the Goode High School swim meet. Thankfully, mum was sense able enough to transfer me from Merriwether Collage Prep to Goode. Away from those weird freaky giant friends and the weird kid. Anyway, it was the swim meet competition and I knew we were going to win, why? Because I'm here. We always won, and this year will be no exception.

I walked up to the loser Leo Valdez when I saw him cheering another school on instead of Goode, which is his school, loser. 'Hey Valdez! Check who you're cheering for, you're from Goode, not Alister High, so make sure you pay attention, loser.' Valdez looked ticked off.

'Hey Sloan. My friends are in Alister High, so I'm obviously going to cheer Percy on.' I paled a little when he said his friend's name. Percy? Percy Jackson? The boy who fought those weird giants back in Merriwether like he did things like that everyday? That Percy Jackson?

Just then my suspicion was confirmed. 'Matt?' A annoyed voice said. I turned around and jumped, Percy Jackson. Percy frowned, oops, probably said that out loud. He sighed and walked away, giving Leo a slight nod.

That day, we lost. Probably because I was too distracted with Percy the weird kid being here, and that I was going against him. But the strangest thing that happened was when the side wall of the indoor pool room exploded from the outside during the awards ceremony. And in came, what else? A Minotaur.

Somehow, I noticed that Percy was holding a sword and Leo took a big sledge hammer out of his strange tool belt he always wore, how did that fit inside the tiny pocket? I thought just as Percy ran up to it and jumped, bringing his sword down on the beast. After getting a safe distance away from it, he taunted it, he taunted a Minotaur.


'Hey big boy, long time no see, huh? I would have thought that you would go find something else to do other then bothering me. Oh well, this time I have a more interesting way for you to die. Leo.' Leo jumped down from the bleachers and stood next to Percy. 'Oh yeah, the super McShizzle is here.' He threw his hammer at the Minotaur's head and somehow tossed a fireball at it too, Percy somehow managed to swirl tons of water around it from the pool and a hole appeared and it went all the way down.

'Nice job Hazel. That was a big hole.' Leo commented. That's when I noticed that there was a chocolate brown skinned girl was standing behind the hole. Percy frowned and turned to us, everyone who was hiding. 'Well, I guess we have to tell you who we are, unless you could ignore what just happened..?' Ashley Chen raised an eyebrow, and Percy sighed. Leo stood forward, 'Alright. I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus. Percy Jackson here is the son of Poseidon. You see Miss metal detector, Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. And of course, we are the heroes of Olympus!' With that, the three were gone. After asking around, this one girl, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, said that she saw a 'blonde superman' flew them out, whatever that meant.

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