《Demigods Meet Mortals》Joe Johnson (Frank Zhang)


I sighed and buried my face in my hands, one video edited, four more to go. Seriously, I'm starting to wish I was never elected for class leader. The lunch and after/before school meetings, assembly videos to edit, the classes I have to miss to complete my student leader duty, and how I'm still expected to be the same, or better than other students in class. But there's actually someone who appreciate and understands what I'm going through, even though I don't know how, and that person is Frank Zhang.

Frank is what you would call the odd one out, with his bulky figure and friendly personality, it makes him feared and loved by all. But to me? He's just a really good friend. But he always seemed to be on guard, and never relaxed, and the fitness blocks of the day? He didn't even get tired. And I finally found out why...

It was Friday and I submitted my edited assembly video when I got to school, and just in time, too, because we had assembly that day. Miss Elaine droned on and on about how since the Greek gods revealed themselves, we will be switching the times of some blocks to fit in Greek mythology. And we will be having some people over to teach us, and they were kids.

'Hey guys. I'm Percy, these are my cousins, Jason, Thalia, Nico, and Hazel, and my friend Will. And today we will be talking about Greek mythology.' Percy said and everyone groaned and opened their new Greek mythology textbooks to the first page.

Hazel continued, and for some reason Zhang looked happy and relaxed, and I noticed Hazel smile at him and Percy, Jason, and Nico nod at Frank, what? Hazel went through the basics with us, 'There are seven children of Kronos, Zeus, god of the sky and king of the gods, Poseidon, god of the sea, Hades, god of the underworld and riches, Hera, queen of the gods and goddess of marriage and birth. There is also Demeter, goddess of agriculture and Hestia, goddess of the hearth. Chiron the centaur is also a child of Kronos.' We scribbled it all down and Jason continued.


'There are also roman aspects of the Greek gods and goddess, but their actually not different people, just different personalities of the same people. For example, Dionysus, god of wine, his roman form is Bacchus. Hera's roman form is Juno, in which she is more war like, same as the other gods.'

Thalia continued with the monsters. 'There are many monsters in Greek 'mythology'. For example, the most well known ones are monsters like, Typhon, Python, the Chimera, Medusa, Minotaur, and so on. There is also a group of maidens who are called the hunters of Artemis who hunt these monsters. Now it's time for a question.'

Percy began. 'Who is the goddess, titan or primordial of the earth. This is real easy.' He added. Frank's hand shot up, and Percy pointed at him. 'Gaea is the primordial of the earth. Her Roman name is Terra.' Percy smiled.

Will asked the second question. 'Does anyone know what materials can kill the monsters that Thalia mentioned?' Nobody raised their hands, so Will picked on Frank, who sighed. 'Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and Stygian Iron. There might be some others, but I can't really remember them.'

'Alright, before we all get too bored, let's move to the gym. We have a little surprise for all of you.' At that he smiled, and Nico's smile looked ghostly.

After moving to the gym, Percy, Nico, Thalia, Jason, and Hazel all took a sword out of the holders, and the weird thing was that their swords were all some sort of weird metal.

Will walked in front of the group and looked at us. 'The swords they're holding are all made of imperial gold and celestial bronze, which can harm demigods and monsters. But it will go through mortals as they are not as powerful in their places as demigods, monsters, and gods.' I noticed how he said mortals instead of us, strange.


'Who would like to try this first with Thalia?' Frank raised his hand along with others but strangely they chose Frank, who took a sword out of the holder and stood in front of Thalia. 'How bout you go easy on me, Thals?' Thalia smiled. 'You don't need me to go easy on you.' I frowned, Frank seemed to know these people. They both grinned and began sparring, slashing and dodging, jumping, sliding, and stabbing like crazy, and in the end, there was no winner.

'Good job my son.' A voice boomed out, and Frank paled before groaning. Everyone turned, and saw the most incredible sight of all, Mars, Roman god of war, standing in front of us. 'Mortals, you need to know that my son and his friends are demigods, and they deserve to be known. Introductions.' Mars said and disappeared, the apparently demigods sighed and turned to us.

Percy began. 'I'm Percy, son of Poseidon. That is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades and Will Solace, son of Apollo. Frank Zhang, is obviously a son of Mars, like you already know, and goodbye, we ain't coming back.'

And they never did.

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