《My Annoying Brothers》


- After 3 hours Y/n's POV -

I went to the bathroom to take a bath then I went to my room to dress up, I saw a uniform on my bed hmm...

Maybe Jin Oppa prepared it for me.

I finished dressing up and went downstairs, all of my oppas are there waiting for me I ran to them before going into the school bus.

Everybody were talking to each other happily until we went in... They started to stare at me like I'm dangerous, we went to sit at the back then...

" The family are here! "

One girl said

" I know "

Another girl said

" Is that little girl in the family too? "

ANOTHER girl saif

" Think so "

Jesus how many girls are in this bus

" That poor child... "

Jesus fucking christ

Umm do those girls know that I can literally hear them from hear but in another thoughts I'm sad that they called my family Creepy...

My family is the most lovely family in the entire world!!!!

I don't know what's up with me but now I'm standing in front of those girls

" Unnie "

I said walking towards her

" Eww Creepy why are you calling us unnie!? "

That girl said

" Aww am I that creepy "

My hair turned to orange since I'm annoyed

" What the... "

She just sit there shocked

" Did her hair color just change!? "

Another girl yelled/asked me

" Are you blind? "

I asked them

" Yah how old are you talking to us like this!? "

they both said it


My hair turned red then Jin oppa came

" I'm so sorry for our little sister behavior... "


He bowed

" But oppa th- "

Before I could finish my sentence Jin oppa cut me

" No but Y/n "

He said

" Fine! "

I yelled at him and get back to my seat

Somehow I really feel bad for yelling at him but I'm mad!

- Yoongi's POV -

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a fought between those girls and...


My eyes widen as I saw Y/n and the girls having arguments.

They were yelling like god my ears then Jin hyung immediately went out off his seat then go to Y/n and told her to stop like hyung...

Let her be herself!

Then the other events I didn't know because I slept...again...

- Back to Y/n's POV -

After a few minutes we arrived at hell as known as school

I'm still mad so my hair ya know was still red then when I walked in people were staring at my hair like something's wrong with it, but for me it's just like they don't know what the word ' Fabulous ' means...

They only know what ' Creepy ' is...

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