《My Annoying Brothers》


I'm already 15 years old, I have been close with Suga Oppa these days because the others all have extra lessons after school.

Note we all are at school aka hell for me.

I'm already used to people calling us creepy...I walked to my locker then walked to the classroom

On the way I bump into a boy I was annoyed that time so my hair turned orange.

" Wow Nice hair you got there "

He smiled to me

" Thanks...? "

I said with one oh my eyebrow up

" What's Your name? "

He asked me

" Why do you want to know? "

I asked him back

" Just Want to... "

He said

" The name is Y/n "

I said with no emotion

" Oh Nice name... "

The bell rang

" Bye Y/n I gotta go "

Then he run to his classroom

What was that? Weird boy taking to me?

" Who Was that ? "

Someone said behind me

" I don't know Jonnie Oppa he just said that I have nice hair and name "

I said

" Good we're be watching him "

Oppa said

" Yeah Yeah whatever "

Then I waked away after a few minute I arrived at my classroom...I walked in

" Ms.Kim you are late again! "

Ms. Jenny Said

" Do I look like I Care? "

I replied and sat at my seat

" Go to the school council office now! "

She said

" Yeah whatever "

I said as I walked out

Then finally I arrived

Knock knock

I walked in

" Sup Jin Oppa "

I said waving to him

" What Did you do again!? "

He asked me

" Me? Just went into class late "


I said

" Its been 17 times already that you are late to class "

Jin said shaking his head

" Look Like I Care? No I don't! "

I said with an annoyed face

" Don't Talk to me like that young lady "

I look at him frustrate

" Whatever I'm going "

After that I walked to the rooftop, I saw Suga Oppa talking to....a girl?

I waked closer to them, I tapped his shoulder

" Pretty girlfriend you got there Oppa "

I said

" Who is she Yoongi!? "

She said

" My little sister Y/n "

Oppa said calming his girlfriend down

" Thanks For introducing "

I said annoyed then he just walked down with his girlfriend

' She isn't pretty but more to the weird '

I think...

Then I saw that weird guy again on the friking rooftop...WHY!?

" Hi Y/n "

He said

" H-Hi ? What is your name by the way? "

I said

" It's Mark "

He responded back

" Oh "

I said

" So...what are you doing up here this time? "

He asked me

" Me? I went to class late

My oppa scolded me for going late

I found out that my other oppa has a weird girlfriend

And last why are you here? "

I said

" This is my hangout place "

Mark said

" Same! "

I said


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