《The Light You Give》25.
I climb into the passenger's side while Seth climbs into the driver's seat. Slamming the car door shut.
"You don't have to get involved in my shit all the time you know," Seth mutters angrily.
"Drive," I say angrily.
With an angry huff, Seth puts the car into reverse and backs out of the parking lot. He drives carefully down the road, his jaw tight. His knuckles whitening around the steering wheel.
Silence lapses in the car. Angry, harsh, tense silence. Seth pulls into the point's, cark park and stops the car. Before he rubs his forehead angrily.
"You really need to stop getting mixed up in my shit," Seth says angrily.
"Don't. Say that. You wouldn't be in half of these fucking situations if we weren't friends. Or if I didn't fucking sleep around. Or even fucking not date Tommy. It's not your shit if I'm a part of it as well." I snap angrily.
"Coming to check on me when Luke and I are having a discussion huh? That's not getting involved in my shit?" He yells angrily.
"Oh my god. I did not know why Luke texted Bea to tell me to go to the end of the hallway. You can't fucking be angry at me for making sure your okay either." I shout undoing my seatbelt and turning to face him.
"No, your right I can't be. But I am my own fucking person. I don't need you to come and do damage control every fucking second in case I've exploded. This isn't about you being asked to come down to check on me this is about you fucking not letting me let my anger out." He shouts.
"You know what you sound like right now. Your mad because I keep breaking up your fights? Your mad because I can handle myself and I don't need you to come to fight battles that I drag you into?" I say anger filling me, threatening me to burst.
"No. No. Just look I'm not mad at you. I just need someone to turn my anger onto." He says after being silent for a moment.
"Luke and Bea?" I ask him gently.
"That. Then there's that comment about you just being one of my fucking sluts. People think that of me. That I just pick girls up off the street and date a new girl every month. I know I'm not a good person for doing shit like that. But I'm so angry at myself for all that shit and just." He says angrily.
"Hey hey hey. It is not your fault you like sex. At this age, it's fucking hard because all the girls want relationships and all the boys want to use their newfound manhood. It's human nature. You never treated a girl badly. You took them all out on proper dates. You just didn't have feelings for them. Which is perfectly okay. Don't beat yourself up over that shit." I say gently, grabbing his hand and squeezing his hand gently.
Seth closes his eyes gently and lets his head fall back against the seat, gripping onto my hand. He mutters something quietly which I don't hear.
"I'm sorry." He says after a while, opening his eyes.
"You're alright," I say gently. Tracing his knuckles gently.
"Can we not go back to school?" Seth asks, turning to me. His eyes were slightly red.
"Of course," I say with a nod. "Want me to drive?" I ask him carefully. He hesitates before nodding.
I climb out of the passenger side and walk around to his side. He pushes open the door and climbs out. He opens his arms and I wrap my arms around him. He buries his nose into my hair and lets out a soft sigh.
After a while he let's go. And moves around to the passenger's side. I climb in and adjust the seat and rearview mirror before starting the car. I can feel Seth's eyes watching me carefully. I take a few turns. As we end up on Lake Drive.
"Yours or mine?" I ask him. He shrugs.
"My brothers might be home," I say with a wince.
"Mine works then." He says carefully. I nod and turn onto his street. Parking the car after a few rookie attempts.
"Always a perfectionist," Seth says with a chuckle.
"Shh, you're interrupting me," I say as I do one last turn. "There," I say putting the car into park and pulling it out of the ignition.
I climb out of the car. While Seth hops out of his side. I lock the car and throw the keys to Seth, before making my way inside.
"Just gonna go change," I call out as I climb the stairs one at a time. I put on some shorts and a sports bra before tying my hair into a messy bun.
"You hungry?" He calls out, pulling open the fridge as I make my way down the stairs.
"No thank you," I say flopping onto the couch and putting my feet up on the back of it. I pull open my phone and check my emails.
"Oh my god. I got a few college emails." I say jumping up excitedly.
"Who are they from?" Seth asks, his face lighting up.
"Louisiana. UVC, Mississippi, Stanford and holy shit there's one from Navarro." I say excitedly.
"Open them. Navarro last." Seth says swinging himself onto the couch. "Lousiana sent out theirs. I'll check mine after you." He says.
"Ok first UVC," I say opening the UVC email. "Accepted," I say with a grin. Before opening the Mississippi one "Accepted, Mississippi." I say grinning.
"Now the other ones," Seth says grinning.
"Ok Lousiana. Accepted." I say grinning. Seth beams at me. "Stanford. I probably won't get it to this one let's be real. " I say chuckling. "Waitlisted," I say shocked.
"That's amazing," Seth says grinning.
"Now the big one," I say my finger hovering over the open. "I'm too scared," I say moving my finger away.
"Do it. Now or never." Seth says supportively. I nod and take in a deep breath. As I close my eyes and click on the Navarro email.
I peek open one eye carefully. To read Accepted in green bold letters.
"Oh my god," I say jumping up excitedly. "I got accepted," I shout.
"That's incredible Lace," Seth says grinning and standing up. I wrap my arms around him as he hugs me tightly.
"You deserve it." He says with a grin.
"Your turn," I say releasing him. He pulls out his phone and opens his email.
"Okay. Louisiana, Stanford, U of A, Harvard." He says wincing at all the big names. "First U of A." He says tapping into it.
"Accepted." He says with a grin. I grin at him. "Ok next up. Stanford." He says carefully. After a moment of hesitation, he opens it.
"Accepted." He says grinning.
"That's amazing," I say grinning.
"Now Harvard. This one's not going to be accepted I can feel it." Seth says carefully.
"Where's the positivity," I ask him shaking my head.
"Waitlisted." He says grinning.
"That's amazing," I say grinning at him. He stares at the last email.
"A wise man once told me. Do it. Now or never." I say to him. He chuckles and quickly full send, he clicks on it.
"I got accepted." He says grinning.
"That's amazing. Your dream school." I say, He jumps up and pulls me up with him. He wraps me into a massive bear hug and plants a kiss on my lips.
"We got into our dream schools." He says grinning at me.
"We did," I say with a smile. He kisses me again. Both of us were unable to keep the smiles from our faces.
We pull apart.
"Wow. Do you know what college you're going to choose? Is Navarro set in stone?" He asks me.
"Well. I haven't completely decided. I'm either going to do junior college at Navarro and then transfer to Louisiana for the last two years. And focus more on soccer. Or I'll go fully to Louisiana." I explain.
"So you're going to do at least two years at Louisiana?" He asks me smiling.
"Yep," I say popping the p.
"We're going to be going to school together." He says nudging my hip slightly as we move into the kitchen.
"Lucky you," I say sticking my tongue out at him. Swinging myself onto the bench. "Oh, we should probably let the others know we're alright," I say pulling out my phone.
"I'm going to make Pancakes. Want one?" He asks me as I dial Bea's number.
"Yes, please. Not Blueberry though." I say rolling my eyes at the face he makes.
"Hey Bea," I say into the phone.
"Where are you guys? Everything alright?" She asks into the phone.
"Yeah. We're fine. Everything's fine. We just looked at our colleges. Have you guys?" I ask.
"Oh my god no I completely forgot. I'll call you back." She says hanging up immediately.
"She's checking college emails now," I inform Seth.
"Ahh." He says nodding. Cracking an egg into the bowl.
"Watching you cook is really fucking hot," I say suddenly. As I watch him whip the eggs. His head snaps up, his gaze meeting mine with a grin.
"Is it now?" He asks raising his eyebrows at me.
"Yeah," I say nodding and chuckling to myself. Seth moves to stand in between my legs.
"Is that why whenever I'm in the kitchen you like to come down and watch?" He asks his voice lowering.
"Not intentionally. But it might have an impacting factor." I say teasingly. "Do you know what's the best though? After getting your insides rearranged like a game of operation. A man cooks for you afterwards. Kinda is its own round in itself." I say boldly.
"I can't say I've tried that but I will gladly give it a go for you." He says his hands running down my back, resting against my ass.
With that my phone rings. I wince before picking it up.
"Hey, Bea," I say into the phone. Seth grins and trails his hands up the sides of my legs. Goosebumps prick my legs. I slap his hand away but he just grins and keeps doing it.
"Okay. What ones did you get into?" She asks me, her voice excited.
"Ok Lousiana, Louisiana. UVC, Mississippi I got in. I got waitlisted at Stanford. And.. I got into Navarro." I shout excitedly.
"Oh my god," Bea screams through the other side of the phone.
"Ok, your turn," I reply.
She got into all of her applied colleges except Princeton and she got waitlisted at OTC. Everyone takes turns telling me their colleges and eventually I put them on speakerphone so Seth can hear as well.
"Okay well, we gotta go to homeroom. See you later." Bea says through the masses of noise. They must be in the hallway.
"Okay see you soon. Love you." I say.
"Love you too," Bea says before hanging up.
"You are very distracting," I say raising my eyebrows at Seth whose hands have been tracing my thighs and back.
"It's my job." He says with a grin. I roll my eyes at him.
"Let's go watch a movie" I suggest.
"Pancakes?" He asks.
"Oh yeah," I say looking at the discarded whipped eggs.
"We can make them later." He says grabbing plastic wrap and plastic wrapping the bowl before chucking them in the fridge.
I climb off the bench and make my way upstairs. Seth skips a step as he climbs the stairs. He pushes open his door.
"Welcome to my humble abode." He says jokingly as he holds the door open for me.
I walk through as he smacks my ass. I roll my eyes and chuckle as I jump onto his bed and pull the covers up over my head.
"No don't take up my bed." Seth whines.
"Shhh, I'm sleeping," I say with a giggle. The duvet is ripped off me and I pout.
"Gotcha. Scooch over." Seth says gesturing for me to move.
I grin and let out a fake exaggerated yawn. I stretch my arms and legs across the bed with a soft sigh.
"Well then," Seth says flopping onto me.
I let out an oof as his weight lands half on top of me.
"Your fat," I say as he chuckles.
"That's why you should move next time." He says wrapping his arms around my shoulders while resting his head on my chest.
"Boobies." He says smiling to himself.
"Oh my god," I say letting out a laugh while smacking his head.
"I'm just kidding." He says holding a hand up in surrender.
"Good," I say taking a section of his hair and beginning to braid it.
"That's nice." He murmurs.
"I'm glad," I say with a small smile.
"You smell good. Why do you always smell good?" He asks.
"That's a secret I'll never tell," I say quoting gossip girl.
"And you taste good too." He says lifting himself up and pressing his lips to mine gently.
"That was smooth," I say as we pull apart.
"I know." He says raising his eyebrows quickly.
"Movie time?" I ask him. He sighs and rolls off me.
"Wow, it's good to be able to breathe." I joke taking in an exaggerated breath. He stops and throws me a 'are you for real?' Look before grabbing the remote and jumping back into the bed. This time to a spot I had made moving over.
"So kind of you to move over for me." He says giving me a smile.
"I know," I say smiling at him sweetly.
"Put on finding dory," I say as he scrolls past the kid's section.
He shakes his head and scrolls down to 365 days.
"No. By the time the movie finishes Bea will be back and I will be horny as fuck. And me being horny as fuck without a fuck is me being angry." I say with a moan.
"We can watch Kathy and Kim after and then you'll be mega turned off." He says.
"Fine. I'll watch it with you." I say with a huff. He turns it on.
I curl up in the duvets. My leg rested against his gently. As we watch the movie intently.
"If anyone did that to me I would have an orgasm on the spot," I say as Massimo grabs her by the neck as she's walking away and kisses her.
"Hold on lemme note that down," Seth says jokingly.
"Shut up," I say rolling my eyes. He puts an arm around my shoulder and I roll into him, slinging my leg across his torso, resting my head against his chest watching the screen.
After a little while longer I find myself clenching my legs.
"Someone's a bit horny," Seth says teasingly.
"I told you this would happen," I say warning. As the movie continues I find my legs tensing more and more.
"You alright there?" Seth asks me with a chuckle.
"Nope," I say shaking my head. And moving from him.
"Are you on birth control?" He asks me carefully.
"Rod," I say with a nod, careful to stay across from him, returning my attention to the screen.
"Can you please fuck me senseless before I actually scream?" I ask him seriously.
He grins and shakes his head at me. Moving closer to me again.
I hold a hand out.
"I'm trying not to get horny here," I warn him. He pulls me closer to him anyway.
"Do I make you horny baby?" He asks. Quoting a tik tok.
"Can we put on some music?" I ask him curiously. He nods and pauses the movie. He goes to tv Spotify and hands me the remote.
I put on 'the take' before dropping back onto the pillow.
"How is that helping you?" Seth asks me.
"It's not," I inform him.
"What's it doing then?" He asks me.
"I don't know I just shhh," I tell him. He opens his mouth but I put my finger to his mouth.
"Lace." He says gently. I look at him.
"Can we watch the rest of the movie?" He asks me. I roll my eyes and nod.
He puts it back on and I roll onto my side. Seth's arm wraps around me, tugging me close to him.
"You got a death wish?" I ask him. He shakes his head and rests his head on mine gently.
Finally, it finishes and I let out a sigh.
"Kath and Kim?" I ask him. He nods just as I hear the front door open.
"For fucks sake," I say letting out a deep sigh. I move away from him and he switches to Mario kart and hands me a remote. We begin to play as the sort swings open.
"Hey, guys," Bea says grinning in relief.
"Hey," I reply. Biting my tongue as I go around a corner.
"Hey ladies," Luke says walking in and flopping onto the bed.
"Get off." Seth and I stay at the same time. Bea and Luke give each other a look before flopping onto Seth's couch.
"Gotcha," I say with a grin before he overtakes me again.
"Some people clearly just aren't meant to play Mario Kart," Seth says shaking his head as he wins.
"Shut up," I say giving him a look he grins at me. One I do not return. I sigh crossing my legs together tightly.
"My turn." Bea and Luke chine. I pass over the remotes.
"We're going to go make Pancakes," Seth says as he gets up. I climb out of the bed and follow him.
"I'm just going to go toilet," I say as I split and head into the guest bathroom.
I return quickly and pull myself onto the bench.
"Wow is this helping you?" Seth asks gesturing to his shirtless, sweatpants, cooking self.
"Fuck off," I say raising my eyes brows at him threateningly.
"I might go home," I say carefully.
"Wait why?" He asks me.
"First of all. I am a word I'm not saying in case I'm overheard. And yeah that's the only reason." I say lifting myself off the bench.
"Don't leave me with these two." He pleads.
"Well, then I need to have a shower," I say pursing my lips together.
"We could go for a drive to check out the surf?" Seth offers to wriggle his eyebrows. I chew the inside of my lip.
"Fine," I say with an easy nod.
"Bea Luke. We're going to go check the surf." I call up the stairs.
"Ok let us know," Bea calls back.
"Will do," I reply before making my way to the car. I get into the passenger side.
Seth plugs in his phone for such and starts playing 'the taken' by Chris brown and I glare at him to which he chuckles.
After what feels like a life time. We get to an abandoned car park. The car pulls to a stop and Seth grins and stops the car. He pushes his seat back and nods into his lap. I jump over the centre console.
"That is mean." I say as he pulls me to him to kiss him.
"I know." He says kissing me hungrily.
"Never again. I was actually about to scream." I murmur.
As our breathing gets heavy his hands squeeze my ass softly.
"We're not fucking." He says as we pull apart. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"I'm not fucking you in my car." He says with a shrug.
"You fucked other girls in here why not me?" I ask. Carefully.
"Your different." He says pulling me back in for a kiss. I let it go as we move in synch. I squeeze my thighs around his. Pressing me closer to his boner.
I pull away and tie up my hair.
After he's well and truly finished I climb back up my legs shaking. I was practically on the brink already from the grinding and bobbing up and down on my knees. Let me tell you.
Seth's hand slips inside my pants as he rubs me hard. Before slipping his finger inside, and then another. He rubbed and circled me until I let out a satisfied moan and let myself go onto him. He grinned and took out his top fingers. Held them up to his mouth and cleaned them.
That was hot.
"Not so horny anymore?" He asks me with a grin.
"Much better. I'm never watching any movie like that again. It's too dangerous to my mood." I say shaking my head as I climb over into my seat. My legs shaking insanely.
"Your legs are going insane." He says. I shrug as my legs bound like a fucking horse.
He pulls out his phone and videos the tapping before saving it to his memories.
"Jus a reminder what good head and a good orgasm does to a girls legs." He says with a grin. I roll my eyes.
"Could you drop me home. I think it's a bit obvious if I come back to yours with shaking legs." I say with a chuckle.
"Sure." Seth says with a smirk. He swings into my driveway.
"Thank you Lace. For calming me down. I'm sorry I got mad at you I was just mad at myself and brought it out on you." He says gently.
"It's alright." I say with a shrug. "Anytime." I say climbing out the door.
"See you tomorrow night. Prom." I say with a grin.
"See you." He says with a grin. I turn around and head inside. Attempting not to collapse with my shaking legs.
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