《The Light You Give》24.
Warning: Mature themes.
An alarm blares, pulling me from my weighted sleep. Seth's phone buzzes on the windowsill next to me. His arm is draped carefully around my waist. His breaths tickled the back of my neck.
I roll over carefully, after turning his annoying alarm off.
"Seth." I whisper prodding his shoulder gently.
"mmm." He moans snuggling further under the covers.
My lips pull into a grin.
Fuck he's cute.
"Seth wakey," I whisper again prodding him. He stays silent. I roll my eyes and begin to trace the features of his face. When it gets to his lips I trace them carefully. They move forwards and kiss my finger, before pulling into a smile.
"I knew you were awake," I mutter pulling my hand away. Seth frowns and grabs my hand bringing it up to his face again. I roll my eyes and trace it carefully.
"Your alarms went off," I inform him.
"I don't care." He mutters with a moan, not bothering to open his eyes.
"Do you want to leave my house without getting caught?" I ask him tracing the shape of his lips.
"I don't care." He pouts again pretending to bite one of my fingers softly, his eyes still closed.
"Your such a baby when you wake up," I say with a roll of my eyes. His lips tug into a smile as he pulls me closer to him.
"Just shhh and cuddle with me for a while longer." He mutters, resting his hands on my lower back.
"but-" I start.
"It's still dark out." He mutters and his hand reaches for my face as he pats it gently, finding my lips and pressing his finger to them. I roll my eyes poke out my tongue.
"Yummy." He says jokingly.
Yes, you are.
I think to myself. I run my hands down his neck, tracing the lines of his abs gently. His stomach tenses underneath my touch.
"Be careful with that princess." He says opening his eyes. A smug smirk resting on his lips.
"With what?" I ask him innocently. Bringing my finger up and traced his collarbone. He looks at me sleepily, his hair messy, a half-smile resting on his face.
Father my kids holy shit.
"What was that?" He asks grinning.
"What was what?" I ask him confused.
"Father my kids?" He says grinning. A small blush creeps into my neck. My hands trace the muscles of his back gently.
"I-" I start biting my lip.
"Fuck your beautiful." He mutters, his green eyes passionately meeting mine. "sorry." He says his gaze dropping.
Without thinking my hand reaches up and brushes his cheek carefully. Running down his neck and resting on his bicep. His eyes meet mine, sending a burning passion coursing through me. And with one slight movement, we collide.
My lips find his and I'm enveloped in a world of everything nice. His tongue carefully traces along my lip, asking for entrance to which I easily let him. He moves on top of me, holding his weight up of me, his lips working magic, sending shivers down my body.
I run my fingers down his back as he lets out a satisfied sound. We break apart for a second to catch our breaths before colliding again. I push his shoulder and he rolls over, I climb on top of him, wrapping my legs around his torso, leaning down and kissing him passionately. His hands find my waist before slipping down to my ass giving it a light squeeze, to which I let out a soft moan. He grins. I squeeze my thigh's around him and I feel him slowly stirring.
I move slowly, grinding around, teasing him as he gets harder and harder. A low growl emerges from his fault to which I let out a grin. He shifts my weight and spins me over so I'm back on the bottom, lifting his weight off me with one arm he trails his kisses down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Moans escape from my lips as I bite my lip struggling to keep them in.
His fingers trail up and down my thighs. My hips surge towards him, wanting him. He holds my hips firmly in place.
"Fuck me," I whisper. He grins against my neck, before pulling away.
"Not here." He whispers, pressing a kiss to my ear nibbling it slightly. I nod, agreeing with him.
"You're making this frustratingly hard." He says carefully. "but.." He says his hands working up my leg, He tugs gently at my shorts and I pull them off. His lips collide with mine again. His fingers trace the waistband of my panties.
"Lace always wears lace." He murmurs between kisses. I smile into the kiss. His fingers press through the fabric as he begins to rub my core.
"Fuck." I say letting out a soft moan. He quickly silences it by kissing me again, his lips working fast and passionately. His hands slip inside my underwear. I take in a sharp breath. My hips gravitate towards his hand. He holds off a small smirk. I dig my nails in gently to his back and he presses into me. He moves it gently, putting another one in.
"Fuck ." He smirks into my ear. Kissing at my neck. I struggle to keep the moans that threaten to escape my lips.
I feel myself building. Fuck this boy was good. He begins moving faster, before bringing his other hand down and rubbing me at the same time.
"Fuckk," I say, biting my lip hard. I pulsate furiously as I can feel myself nearing closer and closer to the edge as he works his way around.
"I'm about to come." I moan huskily.
"Hold it, baby." He whispers huskily in my ear. My breathing pitches.
"I can't," I say struggling to hold myself in. As his fingers pump in and out of me I release myself. My walls begin to shudder and contract, my legs tensing, shaking violently, I feel myself release. Seth pulls his fingers out of me, respectfully wiping them. I try biting my lip to stifle the moan that my body aches to give. My back arching.
After my orgasm finishes Seth presses his lips to mine.
"Your turn," I mutter, pulling a hair tie off my wrist and tying up my hair into a ponytail, his eyes widen at this.
"Are you sure?" He asks me. I nod with a sure smile. He grins and presses his lips to my own.
"You are so fucking perfect." He murmurs between kisses.
"Wow," Seth says flopping back onto the bed. I untie my hair and run my hand through it gently. Before flopping back also. Letting my violently shaking legs attempt to relax.
"That's what I've been missing out on. Jesus fuck." He mutters running a hand through his hair.
My eyes widen in the realisation of what we have just done.
"We just," I say looking down at the duvet in disbelief. I really had a death wish.
"Hey hey hey. Look at me." Seth says rolling on top of me, lifting my chin for my gaze to meet his.
"I can't stop myself when I'm with you. It's like all I'm focused on when we're together is you and I completely forget about the consequences. I'm so stupid." I say to myself, avoiding his gaze.
"Lace. You're not stupid. We both know the consequences. We both went against it. Bea doesn't want us dating right. She never really said anything about anything sexual." He says gently looking into my eyes. I nod carefully.
"I'm um. I'm sorry if that wasn't good. I uh." I start.
"Lace. That was the best head I've ever received." He says grinning. I reach up and stroke his cheek gently.
"I'm sorry. That I need so much reassurance." I say quietly.
"It's okay baby." He says with a small smile. Then his eyes widen at what he said. "Sorry." He says clearing his throat. I press my lips to him gently for a lingering kiss.
"So. Now I know how good your head game is when's our next appointment." Seth says cheekily. I roll my eyes and smack his arm.
"I need to get changed. You should probably head home or figure out a game plan. In order to make sure you can leave this house and get in yours." I say nodding for him to move off me so I can get up. He pouts at me. He shifts his weight down and folds his hands across my stomach, resting his head on his hands with a cheeky smile.
"Seth. It's 7 am. We have to be awake in half an hour." I say to him seriously. He just smiles at me cheekily.
"Seth Tate Nixon. I need to get ready." I say seriously. Suddenly a loud knocking at the door makes me jump.
"Lacey?" Molly's voice calls from the door, rattling the locked door handle.
"Just waking up leave me alone," I shout in the best-tired voice I can.
"Open up." She says banging on the door. I look to Seth panicked. I point to the bathroom and he slowly climbs up moving past me. I smack his ass for him to hurry up and he throws me a grin over his shoulder. Closing the door without a noise behind him. I pull open my bedroom door.
"What do you need?" I ask her.
"Just to get you out of bed. We both know you take ages to get out of bed." She says with a smirk before flouncing down the stairs.
"Oh my god," I say with a groan slamming the door shut and locking it again leaning against the wall next to the door. Seth opens the door slowly, peeking around.
"Yes. It's clear." I say my arms crossed at him. He grins and steps inside.
"So. What's your game plan?" I ask him. Not moving from my spot against the wall. Seth walks over to me and places a hand on my waist and one against the wall.
"Well. Maybe I can just 'pick you up' I'll just jog home and grab my car, pick up some coffee's and come back here and if anyone asks where I was this morning. I was grabbing coffee's after my run." He says easily with a smirk, looking down at me.
"Good," I say with a small smile.
"Your legs are really shaky." He says with a sly grin, looking down at my legs. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"We get it," I say rolling my eyes at him.
"Your so cute when you're mad." He says pressing his lips to mine. I let myself get lost in the kiss before pulling away.
"Uh uh. We gotta figure this out." I say gesturing between us.
"This?" He asks me cocking an eyebrow. I give him a look before he lets out a chuckle. "I'm kidding." He says grinning.
I move from against the wall, my shaky legs carrying me over to my wardrobe. I grab the costume that I had set out at the beginning of the week. For today. It was Angels and Demons. I was going as an angelic demon. Because I'm great.
"Well, we have sexual tension. I know that much." I say carefully.
"That we very much do," Seth says with a grin.
"So we just, casually hook up?" I ask him. Turning to him cocking an eyebrow. His shoulders slump quietly.
"Yeah that works." He says with a half-smile. "No strings attached right?" He asks me as I turn away. "Yeah." I sat simply. Biting my lip ignoring the disappointment flooding over me. I put on my robe and slip a clean pair of underwear on. I tug on a maroon lace bodysuit and pull it up. I tug on a pair of tight jeans. I drop the robe and move my hands around to do up the back of the lace bodysuit.
Seth moves towards me and his warm hand's takeover. As he zips me up.
"Thank you," I say turning around and smiling at him gently. He looks me up and down.
"That's what you're wearing?" He asks me his lips drawing together in a line.
"Yeah," I say shrugging. Checking myself in the mirror. I pull on some simple black pumps. Before adding a few necklaces and earrings. I sit down in the mirror and brush out my hair.
"I'll go downstairs once I'm changed and message you when it's clear. Or you could climb down the banister outside?" I offer as Seth tugs on his shirt from last night.
"I don't want to risk going downstairs. The banister will do though." He says looking carefully outside.
"Okay. I'll see you soon. Bea can't know. We can't tell her. Even if it's no strings attached okay." I say standing carefully brushing my hair.
"Okay. I'll see you soon." He says pressing a lingering kiss to my lips. Before he opens up my ranch slider to the balcony and lowers himself down. Throwing me a quick wink. My mouth tugs into a smile.
As I finish getting ready I'm unable to get rid of the grin that stretches across my face. Once I'm ready I begin making my way downstairs.
"Morning," Molly says chirpily from the kitchen.
"Morning," I say smiling. She looks at me smugly.
"What?" I ask her as I sift through the fridge for some leftovers.
"So first I hear you say Seth's name. And then I see him drop from your balcony. You know your really lucky mom and dad already left for work and Leroy and Jake have gone surfing. Otherwise, you'd have some serious explaining to do." She says crossing her arms.
"Look Molly he was just comforting me and making sure I was okay," I tell her, ignoring the panic that shoots through me.
"Lacey. That boy is in love with you. You are in love with him. Date already." She says excitedly.
"Bea doesn't want us to date. It's that easy. And he's not in love with me." I say rolling my eyes at her.
"Wow didn't realise you were literally BLIND. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you?" She says her mouth dropping.
"Like a friend?" I say in a duh tone.
"Like he wants you to have his kids." She says in a serious tone.
"No, he doesn't," I say shaking my head at her.
"Whatever." She says shaking her head in return, returning to her toast.
I take a bite of a muffin. I hear a honk outside.
"Gotta boost. See you at school." I say my mouth full of muffins.
"See you." She calls back. I grab a bag and make my way outside to the car. The cool wind hits me sending goosebumps down my bare arms.
Should probably wear a little bit more clothing. Eh.
"Didn't even get caught," Seth says the minute I drop into the front seat.
"Are you sure about that?" I asked him raising my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah?" He asks me hesitantly.
"Molly saw you climb from the banister. She also heard me telling you to get off me." I say shaking my head.
"Damn. She won't tell though. Molly's good like that." He says with a nod handing me a coffee. "Extra sugar in that to give you some energy to replace what's lacking in those legs of yours." He says with a smirk.
"You're really proud of yourself huh," I say chuckling taking a sip of the coffee. He just grins at me, taking a sip of his own coffee.
"Where's Bea?" I ask him.
"Luke's taking her." He says with a shrug. "Right," I say nodding.
He looks back over me, looking me up and down.
"I can't believe you're wearing that." He says his jaw tensing.
"Why?" I ask him carefully.
"Because it makes you look stunning. And all the boys are going to be looking at you like they want to devour you." He says with an easy shrug.
"Just like you then huh," I say grinning at him. He let out a sigh.
"You don't make being Bea's brother very easy. Is all I'm going to say." He says with a shake of his head.
"Is that a compliment?" I ask fake shocked.
"I compliment you all the time." Seth protests.
"Sure sure," I say with a small smile.
"Well, none of them have quite hit the mark of. Father my kids. But I'm sure you can let that slide." He says with a cheeky grin. Immediately I smack his arm.
"That was a private thought that should not have left my lips," I say rolling my eyes at him.
"What other kind of thoughts are you having about me then?" He asks with a grin.
"Oh, you know. Damn, he's so annoying. Nerd. Stuff like that." I say jokingly he rolls his eyes at me.
"Sure sure." He says chuckling as he pulls the car into the car park. I climb out of the car.
"What do we have first?" Seth asks me as we walk towards the building.
"Today's a casual again. So I don't know. Dallas will know." I say with a shrug as we push through the double doors leading into the hallway.
"Hey, Seth." A guy says clapping hands with Seth.
"Hey mate." He returns, dapping up. The guy who I recognise as Daniel from the soccer team.
"Damn Lacey, you never fail to impress huh." He says looking me up and down hungrily.
"Thank you," I say politely.
"What are you doing this morning?" He asks me hopefully. I open my mouth to politely shut him down.
"She's busy," Seth says quickly. The boys lock their eyes and seem to have a battle of their own. A staredown.
"Okay. I'll see ya around." He says waving to me carefully.
"See ya," I reply giving him a small wave before we continue walking towards the English classroom.
"You alright there?" I ask him confused. He nods at me.
"I just hate how guys here look at you." He says with a shrug. I nod as I push open the door.
"Hey, guys," Callie says looking up as we walk in.
"Seth. Lacey." Luke says grinning and dapping up Seth.
"Hey," Oscar says softly from next to Callie.
"Hey, guys," Dallas says giving us a smile.
"Heya," Bea says grinning.
I drop onto Bea's lap and wrap my arms around her shoulders.
"Your rather shaky this morning?" She asks me carefully. Nodding to my still slightly shaky legs. I hear Seth snort.
"Yeah. Coffee and a mix of Anxiety. Nothing bad." I say waving off the thought as her face twists with worry at anxiety. I meet Seth's eye and he's struggling to hold in his smug laughter.
"Ok, you sure you alright?" She asks me.
"Yeah. I'm good actually." I say with a small nod.
"I'm glad." She says grinning.
"How are you?" I ask her.
"Good." She says grinning. She pulls out her phone and starts typing on it and then hands it to me.
'Luke asked me to be his girlfriend. He's going to ask Seth if it's okay like soon.' it reads. My emotions twist. I was so happy for Bea. But worried about Seth.
I play the part of best friend and grin. Mouthing 'Oh My God.'
"I know," she says with a grin. Before typing something else.
'we're going to ask him now so he can get his anger out before prom. And hopefully, accept it. Do you think that's a good idea? Or do we wait until after prom? We want it to be okay for prom so we can enjoy prom as a couple you know.' she types. Again my emotions are conflicted.
It seemed wrong that she could just so easily attempt and twist the rules. But who was I to judge? I'm breaking them.
'I mean yeah. Maybe. I wouldn't even know how to begin to approach that issue.' I type.
She nods carefully before texting Luke.
Luke takes out his phone and nods towards Bea. Before asking Seth to go for a walk with him.
"Should we go just in case?" Bea asks me.
"No," I say firmly. "This needs to be a man to man. You and Seth can discuss it afterwards if it goes well. Best stay out of it for now." I say carefully. Bea nods and I move off her lap into a seat beside her.
Bea taps her leg anxiously as we wait. The others engaged in conversation, oblivious to the possible commotion that could occur.
Bea's phone buzzes and she picks it up immediately and reads it. She looks at me.
"You need to go to the end of the hallway. But I have to stay here." She informs me.
"Okay. I'll see you shortly." I say kissing the top of her head before making my way out the door. Confused as to why I would be called.
I jog down the hallway, pushing my way through the bustling people.
"Please Seth," Luke says carefully. Seth is standing angrily, his face showing conflicting emotions.
"First you fuck. I push it away. Secondly, you tell me you love her. I push that away. I didn't think you actually meant it. Fucking hell. Do you realise what the fuck this causes? Bea's got me in a fucking corner." he says slamming a fist into the locker.
"Seth," I call out, wincing at the sound. His head whips around his eyes softening at me. Before they narrow again move away.
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