《The Light You Give》15.
"Anyone home?" I call into the house. The smell of food wafting into my nose.
"Hi, honey." Seth's voice calls mockingly out from the kitchen.
"Hi, honey." My dad says copying Seth's mocking voice and I hear their chuckles.
I step into the kitchen.
"Hey losers," I say with a roll of my eyes. Seth stands at the pan flipping an omelette.
"Did you just call your dad a loser?" My dad asks wrapping me up in a hug.
"The biggest," I say with a grin.
"Is this the dress?" My dad asks me, pointing to the black bag in my hand.
"It is. But you can't see it." I say moving it away from his reach.
"Oh, what colour is it?" Seth asks me. Looking away from the omelette again. His hair was messy, an intrigued look on his face.
"Baby blue. It came with a pocket square as well so you should be set." I inform him.
"Can I see the dress?" Seth asks me a hopeful look across his face.
"No, neither of you can," I say sticking out my tongue at them.
"Where's mom?" I ask them.
"Work still," Dad says with a small sigh.
"Is she coming here tonight?" I ask with a wince.
"She is." My dad says.
"Ok. Well, I'll make dinner and head to my room." I say with a sad sigh before making my way towards the stairs.
"Want an Omelette?" Seth calls out.
"Yes please," I call back and open my mouth to say what type.
"Onion and cheese only right?" Seth calls.
"That's the one," I reply, surprised that Seth knows my omelette preference.
I hang up my dress in the closet and change my jean shorts to PJ shorts. Leaving my braids in.
I wipe my makeup off and take off the jewellery before making my way downstairs.
"My braids are pretty damn good," Seth says with a grin as he sets the plate of omelette down and tugs them gently.
"Thanks, Gordon Ramsay," I say with a grin and take a bite of the cheesy goodness.
"Anytime," Seth says with a grin sliding into the seat beside me and taking a bite of his own omelette.
"We're back." Leroy, Molly and Jacob say as they emerge from the entrance hall.
"How was your surf?" My dad asks from where he's sipping his beer.
"Amazing. Hell, I missed surfing." Jacob says with a grin.
"The surf was so good," Molly says to dad with a grin.
"Wow, I hope the missus wants to live here because otherwise, I will miss the surf," Leroy says with a grin.
"Look at them. They're frothing." I whisper to Seth. He grins in response.
"Seth, have you been out to the point lately?" Leroy asks Seth as he goes into the fridge and pulls out a beer.
"Yeah, Luke and I went for a dawn surf the other day. It's been pumping lately." He says with a chuffed grin.
"I haven't surfed in ages. I need to go." I say to myself.
"You should go tonight the waves are perfect," Jacob says popping the cap off a beer Leroy handed him.
"Yeah, a Sunset surf sounds perfect," I say with an excited grin.
"Mind if I join?" Seth asks scrubbing the pan in the sink. Something about guy's doing dishes.
"Not at all. Only if you promise not to drop in on me." I say raising my eyebrows at him.
"I never do." He says holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"Lies. You know those are lies." I say finishing the omelette and stacking my plate into the dishwasher.
"I can drive. Go get your stuff and I'll load up your board from the garage. Which one are you using?" Seth asks me.
"The Pyzel phantom," I call out as I rush upstairs to grab my bikini.
I grab just my maroon striped sport set and slip it on. Before chucking on my lakers sweatshirt over top and some jean shorts.
I rush downstairs slipping on some Burks and grabbing a towel. I say my goodbyes and jog out to where Seth is waiting in his car.
"The board with the teal, coral deck-pad?" Seth asks me.
"That's the one," I say with a nod. I pull out my phone checking through it seeing I have a message from Carlos.
A bit overdue.
With a sigh, I type a reply.
With that, I click my phone off. As Seth pulls the car into his driveway.
"I'm gonna grab my board and some wax. Want to run up and see if Bea is keen for a surf as well?" Seth asks me.
"Sure thing," I say jogging inside after him.
"Hey, Lacey," Trina says from the kitchen.
"Hey, Trina. Just going for a surf with Seth. Just asking Bea if she wants to join." I say with a quick wave.
"Luke is here in Seth's room waiting for Seth to get back," Trina informs me.
"Luke! Bea! We're going for a sunset surf." I call out looking in both doors. Bea's lying on her bed surrounded by chem books.
"I'm alright. I went yesterday morning." Bea says with a small smile.
"Luke!" I call out peeking my head into Seth's room. Where Luke looks up from his phone.
"Seth and I are going for a surf. Join?" I ask him. He grins and get's up. We jog downstairs waving to Trina as we head into the garage where Seth is quickly waxing his board.
"Hey, Seth," Luke says clapping Seth on the back.
"What are you doing here?" Seth asks curiously.
"Waiting for you. You seem to be ditching me for Lacey over here." Luke says ruffling my hair. I shove him off.
"Sorry. You coming for a surf?" Seth asks Luke.
"Wouldn't miss it. Do you still have my rip-curl here?" Luke asks looking around and finding his surfboard.
"Yep throw it in the jeep," Seth says nodding towards his car.
"I've got shotgun, Luke," I call out as he carries the board towards the jeep.
"Screw you," Luke calls out. And I smirk. Seth slides the board into his board bag and steps out of the garage. Closing it with the remote.
We climb into the car and get on our way.
We pull into the pretty busy parking lot. I climb out of the front seat and pull off my sweatshirt and Jean shorts, revealing my bikini. There are a few guys I know from school in the carpark who all say their hey's to Seth and Luke and give me a nod.
A few checking me out.
I slip my board out of the board bag and assess it. I add a touch of wax before folding up the board cover and putting it into the boot of the car.
"Fuck that's a nice board." A voice says from behind me. I turn slightly and see Carlos.
"Hey, Carlos," I say with a grin.
"Hey, Lacey." He says pulling me in for a lingering hug.
"You guys going out for a surf?" He asks gesturing to us three.
"Yep," I say with a small nod.
"Damn I came in a bit earlier, right before I text you. Enjoy the waves, they are absolutely pumping." He says with a nod.
"Thanks. See ya." I say with a small wave as he makes his way towards a small group of guys.
"So many eyes are on you Lacey." Luke states.
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Well it's not every day you see Lacey Carter out surfing the point," Luke says jokingly knowing full well I used to surf point almost every day way back before everything got bad.
"No, it's because they think you're hot," Seth says with a roll of his eyes.
"Oh," I say surprised.
"This is the third time on the pyzel." I say randomly, switching the subject.
"Third? Is it good?" Luke asks me energetically.
"Insane. I love it. Probably my favourite board so far." I say with a grin.
"That's saying something," Seth says nudging me slightly with his hip.
"Shut up. I have a quiver of boards like any other surfer." I say defensively.
"Ooh, she's calling herself a surfer," Seth says mockingly. I shove him playfully.
"We both know I could kick both of your asses in the surf," I say rolling my eyes.
"We'll see. We both know you can't." Seth says with a cocky grin.
"Whatever," I say with a chuckle.
We reach the point and I walk down the rise in the sand down towards the water.
"The point" is practically a walkway of sand that goes out into the water and if you walk to the end of the point and surf across there's a pretty decent break.
I start paddling out, hearing Seth and Luke catch up behind me quickly.
"Slowpoke," Seth says grinning back as he powers past me. I reach out and hook my hand through his leg-rope and he slows down as I pull him back, making him wobble massively.
I try to push off his board but he grabs my hand pushing away from me and paddles quickly. I paddle after him with a chuckle.
"You are so mean to me," I call out to him.
"First in first serves," Seth calls back.
"You're second in," Luke calls from in front of Seth.
"Not for long you dipshit," Seth says with a grin paddling faster to catch up to Luke who also kicks it in. Leaving me to paddle by myself. Which is peaceful.
I make it to the break where there are about twenty surfers. Half of the people from my school the other half older, middle-aged, men. There's a small group of girls out but that's it.
That's because the boys are super hostile over this spot so the girls usually go to backs.
"Lace," Seth calls from further out next to Luke. I paddle towards him and straddle my board, waiting for a set.
"I hate how many eyes are on you," Seth says to me quietly from where he's straddling his board a few feet away.
"Says yourself. You've got a few admirers over yonder." I said nodding towards the group of girls. Seth looks towards them before looking back at me with a small shake of his head.
"Hey, gorgeous." A voice says from next to me as I hear the splash of water moving.
"Uh hi," I say turning to see a good looking blonde guy.
"What's your name?" The boy asks politely.
"Lacey," I say with a polite smile. Polite boys were so much easier to talk to than dicks.
"Nice to meet you, Lacey, I'm Josh." He says with a small nod.
"You from here?" I ask him, I hadn't seen him around before.
"Nope. Just here with my parents for a business trip." He says politely.
"Oh, that's cool. Know anyone here?" I ask looking around. I see a small group of boys, varying ages eyeing up the situation carefully.
"Yeah, my brothers." He says nodding towards the group of boys.
"Ahh, that's cool. Brotherly love." I say politely with a small chuckle.
"When they're not annoying." He says with a small chuckle.
"Hey mate." Seth directs at Josh, before turning to me. "Lace. Once you're done with your little convo, there's a set coming." Seth says his voice tense.
"Ok thanks," I say waving to Josh as he goes to paddle back to his brothers and I turn and watch out for the set.
Seth lines himself up for the first wave paddling into it, his head disappearing down the top of the wave meaning he caught it.
A rookie mistake. The second wave is always the best wave of a set.
As I float over it getting ready for the second. I start paddling into it. I feel the flow of the board catch as I pull myself up.
The wave breaks slightly beside me meaning I have rights on this wave. I do a few cutbacks. Before doing a 360. I'm nearing the end of the ride and I see the tip curl and I go for a ramp off the back.
I jump the board for some speed before cutting back quickly. Lifting my feet allowing a jump over the back of the wave. Before the wave continues and my board sinks slowly into the water. I bring myself back to a sitting position on the board and start for the paddle out.
I hear clapping and I see Seth grinning.
"That was crazy Lace." He says a smile spreading from his face as he paddles towards me. I duck under an incoming wave and resurface.
"Well remember Seth. The second wave of a set is always the best." I say giving him a knowing look.
"Yeah yeah. I taught you that remember." Seth says with a grin before ducking under another wave.
"Well, apparently the student has become the master," I say sticking my tongue out at him.
"Seth. Hey Seth." A girly voice says as we make our way past the break. To where Luke isn't so I can only assume he caught a ride.
Seth turns his head towards the sound as do I. A blonde girl is paddling towards us.
"Hey." The girl says with a small smile.
"Hi," Seth says politely.
"I just wanted to say that was a cool wave you caught." The girl says to him.
"Thank you. Lace's wave was better but that's nice of you to say." Seth says with a polite smile. The girl's gaze flickers towards me and her smile falters. Obviously pissed off that I was there.
"Yeah. Well, I just wanted to say nice wave. And uh hopefully talk to you on the beach?" The girl asks. Slowly beginning to paddle towards her friends.
Seth just nods casually before he paddles away, I follow him.
He stops in the centre of all the surfers and stops. I stop a few feet away from him.
"This lighting is really working for you," Seth says suddenly, as I'm looking around at the golden sky. My head snaps to him, and I see that his face is crossed with a sense of genuine emotion.
"Thanks. Not so bad yourself." I say studying him. His features are defined by the light from the setting sun. His abs especially.
I spot Luke a few people over chatting to a few guys.
After a while, another set comes through and Seth waits for the second wave. I give him a look and take the third one. I paddle onto the wave, catching it. I'm by the break of the wave again so I have rights again. I start down the wave, a surfer drops in front of me.
I notice that it's the blonde girl who was talking to Seth and I swerve off the wave in order not to hit her. She stumbles and falls off. I wait for her to resurface.
"Are you fucking kidding me? I had rights to that wave." I say to her. She glares at me.
"No, you didn't." She says to me.
The audacity-
"I'm sorry. The break was on my inside. Not yours.." I say angrily.
"Whatever. Just stop trying to impress Seth." She says paddling and rolling her eyes.
"I'm sorry what-" I say before I burst out laughing and she glares at me.
"It's not funny you bitch." She scowls.
"You think I'm trying to impress Seth? We're friends, I don't even know you." I say with a roll of my eyes.
"Then you won't mind staying out of my way." She says.
"Out of your way? You had no one in front of you and you still absolutely kooked your ride. After stealing a wave I could have actually ridden." I say aggressively.
"I can surf! I've won competitions." She defends.
"Probably grommet comps," I say with a snort and by the colour of red she's turning I can only assume that to be the truth. "So first of all. Seth can talk to who he wants. Second of all don't fucking drop in on me again." I threaten before paddling away from her.
I catch up to where Seth and Luke are chatting to the group of guys Luke was talking to earlier.
"You alright Lace?" Seth asks me gently.
"Yeah, that little.... bad word I'm not saying.. who was talking to you earlier dropped in on me and then kooked the wave. Wasted a perfectly good wave. And then continued to threaten me for trying to impress you." I say with a scowl. I notice his tense jaw and my gaze softens.
"Are you alright?" I ask him quietly. He nods.
"The boys here keep making comments about you," Seth says to me quietly. I turn and catch blondie and her little group glaring at me. I turn the other way and catch a few guys looking at me up and down, making my skin crawl. It was weird, having boys attention.
I hold one side of Seth's board gently and bring our boards together.
"Kiss me," I say quietly. He follows my gaze to both groups and nods in understanding. Though a slight hint of surprise behind his eyes.
He tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear and presses his lips to mine gently before his hand slips onto my waist. His tongue runs along my bottom lip and I let him in. We break apart gently before he plants another quick kiss on my lips then one on the tip of my nose.
I grin at him and turn to see the girl staring at me in shock. I give them a friendly wave showing off my victory and the blonde girl's eyes narrow. I turn back to the group we are slightly separated from and see Luke grinning at Seth, while the other boys are throwing Seth looks.
Luke opens his mouth to say something.
"Shut up," Seth says raising his eyebrows towards him. Luke shuts his mouth quickly with a grin.
"Problem solved hopefully," I whisper to Seth as the group chatters away.
"Maybe we should chuck in a few more here and there," Seth suggests a small smile playing on his lips.
I look around and notice a few sceptical glances.
"Sure. But don't get your hopes up." I say with a cocky smirk, wiggling my eyebrows at me.
I didn't half mind kissing Seth.
"I never do." He says with a small smile.
We eventually make our way back to the break and I catch a few more waves. Some earning impressed whistles from some guys. A few middle-aged men came up to engage in a polite conversation and commented often about how cute Seth and I were. And how I should be competing.
After a while the sun set's and the sky turns darker and darker, making each surfer harder and harder to distinguish. Was it Seth or a 40-year-old man? So, we make the decision to head in. I catch a wave all the way in. Picking up my board as the water began to lapse around knee-deep.
I walk up the beach in between Seth and Luke as they chatter about the waves they got. Once we were back in the carpark. Car open and boards in covers. I pull myself onto the edge of the car boot, swinging my legs gently. The boys had fallen into a conversation with the group of guys they had been talking to earlier every so often in the surf. I get a few looks and I raise my eyebrows at Seth who looks around, noticing the looks.
He says his goodbye and pats Luke on the back before walking over to me, and stepping in between my legs.
I slide my arms around his neck.
"They keep looking at you huh." He says with a small smile placing his hands on my hips gently.
"What can I say. Apparently, they like looking at cows." I say with a shrug.
"You're not a cow," Seth says rolling his eyes at me. I spot the girls walking up the stairs to the carpark and I turn to Seth, meeting his soft lips.
I run my tongue along his bottom lip, but he refuses to budge, a small smile tugging on his lips before he tries the same. This goes back and forth for a while before I open my mouth, letting his tongue massage my own. His hands draw my hips closer to him and I let out a small involuntary sigh of content. I feel Seth's lips tug into another smile at my reaction.
"Get it, Seth!" I hear Luke yell from the group of boys. I flip him off over Seth's shoulder, continuing to kiss Seth, before we break apart for a few seconds, for a breather before we collide again.
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