《The Light You Give》14.
Light pours in to the room. My eyes slowly open as I draw into consciousness. Where they land on Seth's peaceful sleeping face.
The wall my bed sits against is pushed lightly against my back, Seth's arms are draped around my waist gently. I watch Seth's face as he takes in deep even breaths.
I reach up and push his hair out of the way of his closed eyes. Shifting my hand from his hair tracing his eyebrows, nose, cheekbones, jawline, eyes and then finally his lips. Admiring the symmetry his face has, admiring his soft full lips. I trace them gently as they twitch in to a smile.
"Admiring my face princess?" Seth asks me sleepily, his eyes still closed.
"The symmetry of your face is admirable." I say with a smile.
"You should see yours." Seth replies snuggling in to me. Resting his head in the crook of my neck.
"What time is it?" I ask him carefully.
"The others have already gone to school, they came in earlier and tried to wake us up. I offered to hang with you for the day. Bea said she'll pick you up for dress shopping after school." Seth mumbles against my neck. His lips tickling my neck softly as he spoke, sending shivers down my spine.
"Your tickling my neck." I say to Seth. I can almost feel him smile against my neck as he mumbles something.
"What did you say?" I ask him.
"I said if I wasn't half asleep I would tickle you." Seth says, his lips once again tickling my neck.
"Go back to sleep then, I don't want to be tickled." I say with a small sigh.
"I will, this is very comfortable." He says with a yawn.
"Your such a baby when you're tired," I say my eyes closed as I rest my chin on top of his fluffy soft hair.
"Shhh, I'm trying to go back to sleep." He says smiling against my neck.
"Point proven," I say with a small sigh.
After a while, Seth's breathing falls even again and I know he's asleep again. I reach one arm up behind me to the wide windowsill. To where my phone charges, careful not to move to much and wake Seth. I wrap my arms around Seth and rest them on his shoulders.
Which is surprisingly comfortable.
I answer my DM's on insta. Text Bea. And go on to snap chat. I reply to my snaps and send streaks, just snapping a photo straight away and sending it.
I go on to Twitter and as I'm scrolling through I start receiving a lot of snaps. A few people screenshotting. A lot of replays.
I open Snapchat again and open a few chats with people.
I reply before opening a few others.
I sigh and turn on Love Island on my phone, reaching one arm and skilfully finding my AirPods in the process. Before settling in to watch it. After an episode and a half of love island, I attempt pulling myself from Seth's embrace. So I can go cook some Pancakes.
He stirred slightly and tightens his grip around me. Not allowing me to leave.
"I'm going to make pancakes. Let me go." I tell him.
"But you're comfy and warm and you smell nice." Seth moans sleepily.
"Blueberry pancakes?" I ask him as I once again attempt to pull myself out of his arms. He loosens his grip on me and I climb out of bed, in the process climbing over him.
I fix my hair into a bun as I climb down the stairs. The smell of freshly roasted coffee filled my nose.
"She awakens." Leroy's voice rings out from the dining table.
"Ahh yes, the beast has risen from her cave," Jacob says peering over his laptop. Steaming hot coffee in front of him.
"Wheres your Mr Beauty?" Leroy asks, returning a fist bump from Jacob for his slick joke.
"Seth. Is still asleep." I say rolling my eyes at them emphasising the Seth part to indicate he is not 'mine.'
"There's some leftover pancake batter there," Jacob says pointing to a bowl.
"You guys are my favourite," I say with a grin. I might as well pray to the gods. Dear gods, thank you for saving me the work.
"We know," Leroy says with a grin.
I pull a punnet of blueberries out of the fridge and sprinkle half the punnet into the mixture.
"I thought you liked cinnamon pancakes?" Leroy asks me as soon as the first pancake into the hot pan.
"I do," I say popping a fresh blueberry into my mouth.
"Then why are you making blueberry pancakes?" Leroy asks confused.
"Because they're Seth's favourites." Jacob jumps in and throws me a knowing grin.
"Do you see what we're trying to tell you?" Leroy asks me grinning at that.
"Nope," I say flipping the pancakes. Perfectly golden brown.
"Ok so your not making his favourite pancakes over yours," Leroy says rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his coffee.
"He helped me out so yeah he can have his favourite flavour pancakes in return," I say pouring the second lot of mixture into the pan.
"You're still in denial," Jacob says tapping away at his laptop.
"I'm not," I say turning back to the pan.
The twins tap away furiously on their laptops as they slurp coffee. I finish the pancake batter and put three on each plate. Even though I'll only eat two of them. I top them with whipped cream and half the punnet of fresh blueberries. I grab two knives and forks before making my way upstairs.
"Ok sleepy head. Get up. I made pancakes." I say waiting for Seth to turn around. He rolls over, his eyes narrowed with sleep. He smiles lazily as he sees the blueberries.
"My favourite." He says with a yawn. He sits up and I pass him a plate and climb onto the end of my bed, crossing my legs and balancing my plate on my legs.
"Cinnamon pancakes are definitely better," I say with a shrug.
"Uncultured," Seth says with a shake of his head.
"Whatever you know I'm right," I say finishing the first pancake and moving to the second.
"What's the time?" Seth asks me. I point to my phone on the windowsill and he presses it.
"1:23." Seth reads aloud.
"That's earlier than I thought it would be," I say surprised. I finish my second pancake. My stomach almost bulging. Seth has practically finished his third.
I reach over and flop the last pancake onto his plate.
"Calling me fat?" He says with a grin.
"Oh hold on let me ask your abs?" I say sarcastically. Seth chuckles.
"Checking me out?" Seth asks.
"Only sizing up my soon to be prom date," I say with a shrug.
"Soon to be. I thought I was?" He asks me confused.
"I need a good promposal remember," I say rolling my eyes at him.
"Oh right," Seth says with a small smile to himself.
"Do you have your tux yet?" I ask him.
"Yeah I have a black one, I just need a pocket square. What colour dress do you think you'll have? We can co-ord." Seth asks me.
"I'm looking at maybe a white or emerald green one. But it could go anywhere so I'll send you a photo of the colour. Or if they offer a complimentary pocket square or tux adornment then I'll let you know." I say with a nod.
"How about a corsage?" Seth asks me.
"They're way expensive. Wouldn't worry about it." I say with a shrug. I didn't want him spending a lot of money on me.
"Hey, Lacey!" Jacob yells.
"Yeah," I call out.
"We're going to the point with some mates for a surf, see you later," Jacob calls out.
"Laters," I call back.
"I need a shower," I say smelling myself.
"Here I'll take that and you can jump in the shower," Seth says pointing towards the plate.
"Thanks," I say passing him the plate before closing the door to my bathroom and starting the shower.
With a sigh, I pull off my clothes and climb in. I let the water run over my skin before I sit down. Thinking to myself gently, what about? I don't really know. Why did I feel so, comfortable around Seth? I'm not even that comfortable around Bea. I climb out of the shower pulling a towel around me.
I walk out of the bathroom clutching the towel to my chest, Seth's lying casually on my bed scrolling through his phone. He looks up as I walk in his eye-widening. Travelling the length of my body attempting to be subtle.
I pretend not to notice as I pull open my wardrobe. I pull out some underwear and slip it on underneath my towel, skill. Slipping on some sports shorts. Before attempting to put on my bra. I struggle to reach around my torso as I struggle with the clasp.
I hear a rustle from the bed and suddenly a warmth envelops me, Seth's breath tickles my neck as he takes the clasp from my struggling grasp and I let my arms drop to the sides.
His warm hands brush my back as he fumbles with the clasp.
"Thank you," I say turning once it clicks. Seth's face is close to mine, his eyes guarded. Our bodies pressed together softly.
"No worries," Seth mutters quietly, holding my gaze. I try pulling myself from his gaze but I can't. Warmth flooded my stomach joined by butterflies. With a jolt, I do so. Turning back to my closet and drop the towel away, so I have on jean shorts and a bra.
"What should I wear?" I ask mainly myself as I survey my closet.
"The turquoise lakers sweater with your hair in dutch braids," Seth says flopping back onto the bed.
"Ok," I say with a small nod. I pull out my lakers sweatshirt and slip it on over my bra and shorts. I add a few necklaces and some earrings.
"How do you braid so easily?" Seth asks me as I start on the right braid easily.
"Practice. I can teach you if you want." I say jokingly sticking my tongue out at him.
"Yes please." He says with a small serious smile.
"Really?" I ask him stopping the braid and undoing it.
"Yeah." He says with a small nod.
"Okay," I say grabbing a comb.
I start him off just normally plaiting lengths of my hair and after a few attempts, he gets a reasonable looking one. I then teach him how to dutch braid. I let him practice a few times and the first few ones come out sloppy but a rather good attempt. We laugh at each failed attempt. I watch his reflection in the mirror as he toys with my hair, his face hardened with concentration, biting his lip in the process.
Honestly, it's extremely attractive.
Eventually, he does the right side rather cleanly, with barely any bumps.
"Oh my god, it's great," I say looking in the mirror.
"I thought so," Seth says with a joking cocky smirk.
"Ok, now other side," I say turning my head so it's easier for him.
"So demanding." He says with a roll of his eyes and a grin. With that, I slap his leg beside me with a small chuckle.
He starts on my hair eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Taking his time on it.
"Isn't this much braiding boring for you? It would be for me?" I ask Seth curiously as it felt like I'd been teaching him for hours.
"Not with you it's not," Seth says quietly focusing on my hair. My heart skips a beat.
You guys are good friends. Fun to be around. Nothing more.
I stay quiet as he finishes the end.
"Your hair is so long," Seth says as he passes me the end of the braid to tie up with a hair-tie.
"Yeah, it's a pain sometimes," I say checking the other one in the mirror.
"I like it long," Seth says quietly his eyes meeting mine in the mirror.
"These are really good. Are you secretly Brad Mondo?" I ask him jokingly.
"How'd you know?" Seth asks me with a grin.
"Must be the hair," I say with a grin sticking my tongue out slightly.
"I am just so talented," Seth says rolling his eyes at me.
"That you are," I say pulling out my makeup. After he chooses out a few colours for me he goes quiet.
"How are you doing?" I ask him seriously, lying on the bed next to him. Thinking I hadn't really asked him how he was doing since then.
"Huh?" Seth asks me snapping from his quick daze.
"What's going on in here?" I ask him tapping my own head to indicate what I mean.
"Oh. Uh, there's been a lot of good moments. But there's also been some pretty shit ones." Seth says truthfully.
"I wish I could take away the shit ones," I say with a sad smile.
Seth mutters something under his breath quietly that sounds like 'you do.'
It was probably thank you.
"What's the time?" I ask him. He flicks on his phone and show's me.
The time reads 3:21.
"Huh, angel number." I point out.
Bea and Callie would be here soon.
With a quick movement, I grab Seth's phone. I go to the camera and start spamming.
Seth reaches for it but I switch it to my other hand. I press record.
"Hey, guys welcome back to the vlog," I say with a grin as Seth's hands grab my waist and he starts tickling me. A loud squeal leaves my mouth.
"Give me my phone," Seth says as I try to clamber away from him, holding his phone up while it still records.
"No," I say with a grin before Seth pulls me back and I land on top of him with a small oof.
Seth lets out a laugh.
"What was that sound?" He asks laughing hard his chest heaving below me.
"Shut up!" I say with a grin smacking his arm. He jostles still laughing and I can't stop smiling.
His laugh is one of the best things in this world. The sound, how he looks laughing, the feeling. It makes me feel truly warm inside.
I bring the phone up to my chin so it looks stupid and I poke my tongue out at it. Seth's laughter slowly dies down as he watches me.
"So guys in today's vlog. Seth tickled me to death, and he laughed at me because I made a funny noise. So overall Seth is not doing well in the good-books is he." I say to the phone.
Seth takes the phone from me quickly and I pout. He holds it above me so I turn my head slightly to try to see it.
"As you can see, Lace here is trying to SQUISH me. Which is funny because she's so tiny." Seth says to the phone joining in the vlog.
"I am not tiny I'm literally 5 ' 6," I say smacking his arm.
"And I'm 6 ' 3. What's your point." Seth says raising an eyebrow challengingly.
"Your really comfy to lie on," I say resting my head, giving my neck a rest from craning it uncomfortably.
"You're like a personal blanket," Seth replies bringing the phone back down and resting it against my head.
"I am not a tripod!" I say head-butting the phone. It flops onto Seth's chest again and I pick it up again. I end the video and scroll through the photos. I find a suitable one and make it his wallpaper, replacing a photo of him and Luke being stupid.
I go on to Snapchat and give myself a shout out. Before doing the same on insta.
"You have a lot of followers," I say impressed as I tap through his Instagram.
"Nearly as many as you." Seth comments. I look up and see him scrolling through my phone.
"Hey!" I exclaim reaching for it. Seth holds it up high so I can't reach.
"You have mine and I have yours all's fair," Seth says with a grin.
"Fine," I say with a roll of my eyes, spamming his phone some more. My phone starts ringing, Seth answers it for me.
"Hey Lace. Bea's outside." Seth tells me, before throwing Bea a sibling-like remark through the phone.
"Ok cool," I say climbing up and chucking his phone. "Thank you for staying with me today," I say to Seth checking myself in the mirror before I leave.
"Anytime," Seth says pushing himself off the bed and making his way downstairs after me.
Callie is waiting in the back. Bea starts up the car.
"Hey Callie," I say with a grin.
"Hey, Lacey. Feeling better?" She asks me with a sincere smile.
"Much," I say with a small smile and a nod. Bea scoffs.
"Bea is there something you would like to say?" I ask her politely.
"Why are you feeling better after being with Seth?" Bea asks, her voice more curious than angry. For now anyway.
"He was just comforting me, you know after a rough couple of days." I ramble. I knew I was lying. I mean I wasn't. But I was.
"Okay.." Bea says with a small nod. Dropping the subject. After a while, we finally pull up to the store.
"Ok, Bea we need to get you a dress to absolutely knock Luke's socks off. And Callie one to knock Oscar's socks off." I say almost pep-talk style. There was an art to prom dress shopping. And you had to be motivated. Otherwise, you were definitely, gonna come up empty-handed.
She leads us to our room, where we place our bags down before heading into the rows of dresses to choose a few.
I choose four dresses that I really like the look of and Bea and Callie grabbed six. We take them back into the changing room and Callie tries hers on first.
"I can't believe you and Seth are going to prom together," Bea says with a pissed-off attitude.
"I'm sure he feels the same about you and Luke," I say matching her tone, pissed off at how she's being. Bea stays quiet.
"Ok, I've got the lilac one on," Callie calls out.
"Bring it in." I call back. Callie steps out in a decent looking lilac dress. She does a spin and looks in the mirror.
"Mmm nope." She says heading back into the changing room. After a few more definite no's she comes out in a red silky dress.
"Oh my god. Yes." I say as she steps out. Callie grins in the mirror and flattens the dress out on her torso even though it's already flat.
"Wow. That's the one." Bea says clapping her hands excitedly.
"I think so," Callie says with a grin. Before she changes again hanging the others up onto the return rack and puts the red one gently on the spare couch.
"Ok, Bea you can go next," I said nodding towards the changing rooms. She carries the dresses to the changing room with a thankful nod. After three loads of dresses, she comes out in a navy blue dress.
"This one," Bea says with a grin.
"It looks insane. Luke will barely be able to keep his eyes off you." I say with a grin.
"Drop dead gorgeous," Callie exclaims.
Bea changes into her clothes and drops the others onto the returns rack.
"Your turn," Callie says excitedly. I bring my dresses into the changing room and try each of them on, showing the girls.
"They're all really nice," Bea says looking at all of them in my arms.
"I might find some more. None of them has really clicked as your ones did." I say go for a second load.
I find a light blue one that might suffice, as well as a white and gold one and an emerald one.
I try on the white one first but the skirt isn't long enough. The emerald one is pretty nice.
I slip on the light blue one and exit the changing room and do a spin.
"Wow. That's the one." Bea says with a grin.
"You look wow." Callie says smiling.
"I think we've found our dresses." I say excitedly clapping my hands.
We go pay for them and load them in to the car. Excited.
We drop Callie home before pulling in to my driveway.
"Coming in?" I ask her curiously.
She shakes her head.
"Dallas needs chem help." She says.
"Ok. I love you tons. I'm sorry about today." I say giving her a massive hug.
"Me too." Bea says with a small smile kissing my cheek.
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