《The Light You Give》16.
"So how long have you two been dating?" One of the guys ask. I glance up to Seth who catches my eye and gives me a small smile.
"Not long. My sister doesn't exactly approve and they're best friends so we're keeping it on the down-low." Seth says casually.
"Oh, shit dude. Going for the best friend." One of the guys says with a chuckle.
"Well, really she went for me," Seth says. I elbow him in the stomach. He lets out a sharp breath. "I'm just kidding. She played hard to get but I got her in the end. Let me say the chase was worth it." Seth says looking down at me fondly.
"Why didn't I know about this," Luke says giving Seth a look.
"Because you'll tell Bea." Seth says giving Luke a look as if to say 'shut up.
"Ok fairs," Luke says understanding Seth's glares.
"Lacey can we talk to you." A girls voice says from next to us. I turn my head and see the blondie.
"Uhhh yeah, sure?" I offer, in the hope of an apology. Knowing I should definitely also apologise for my actions. I'd been a bit harsh.
"Play nice," Seth says to me rubbing my arms up and down gently.
I throw him a look and he returns it with one of his own.
"Just so you know Seth is too good for you. Seth, you should know that you deserve way better." The girl says.
Seth starts laughing.
"Are you serious? Who's the way better? You?" Seth asks the girl.
"Yeah." She says in a duh voice throwing her hair over her shoulder.
"Right. Because I would choose someone who can't get their head out of their ass and treats other people like dirt over Lace." Seth says with a snort, standing up straight.
The girl turns red with embarrassment and she turns on her heel and storms to her car.
"Hey, I'm so sorry about her. She's really uh emotional." One of the girls she was with offered an apology. Her hair is dark and long around her waist, she might be south Asian? And she is extremely pretty. Like extremely.
"Oh, it's okay. I'm sorry too. I was a bit harsh to her on the water I hope she's okay." I offer my apology to the sweet girl.
"I'll let her know. Enjoy your evening." She says with a small wave before following the blonde girl towards her car.
"Play nice he said, get your head out of your ass he said," I say in a mocking voice. Seth looks down at me and smiles at me, resting his hands on my hips and grinning down at me.
"Shut up." He says pressing his lips to mine for a lingering kiss. I slip my hands around his waist gently leaning against him, basking in his warmth.
"You cold?" He asks me. I nod.
"Hey, Luke. We should get going. Lace is getting cold." Seth says to Luke.
"There was talk of a bonfire? Down for that? We can go grab some clothes and stuff and come back if you want?" Luke says.
"Ooh let's stay for a bonfire," I say with a grin.
"I think I have a spare hoodie in my car if you want it?" Seth offers to me. I nod.
Seth makes his way over to his jeep and I follow him. He passes me a hoodie that I know will be too big for me. I slip it on over my sweatshirt and slip my jean shorts on over my now dry tog bottoms. I take out the braids Seth did earlier and tie my wet hair up in a messy bun.
The group of boys has split up. Half have gone to get drinks. The other half has gone down to the beach and started setting a bonfire.
"Is it alright for me to be your boyfriend for the evening? Even though the girls are gone? The boys still are looking at you like your a piece of meat to devour, I hate it." Seth asks sneering slightly in annoyance. I nod.
"Yeah. But call Luke over so we can explain before he goes blabbering." I say gently. Seth nods and whistles towards where the group of guys are gathering wood.
Luke looks up and starts jogging over when he sees Seth waving for him to come over.
"Yeah." He says jogging up the bank.
"Just so you know. Lace and I aren't actually dating." Seth says.
"What? Why not?" Luke asks.
"It was only an act to get those girls to leave Seth alone and stop pestering me and for the guys to stop looking at me like I was fresh meat," I say quickly.
"Ohh. Well, I still think you two should get together. I mean that kiss definitely wasn't acting." Luke says quirking an eyebrow.
"Well, Seth isn't a half-bad kisser," I say quietly.
"Say that louder," Seth says with a grin.
"Shut up," I say punching his arm not so lightly.
"Ok. Ok. Jeez woman you punch like rocky." Seth says rubbing his arm.
"C'mon let's go help them with the fire. You guys are cute and all, but it's making me feel like I'm massively third-wheeling." Luke says with a sigh. With a sigh, I slowly make my way down towards the unlit bonfire, Seth and Luke a few steps in front of me.
Someone has brought out a guitar and it's being passed around the circle to the people who play it.
There are beers scattered everywhere.
It's just eight guys and myself sitting around a burning fire.
Seth, Luke, This guy called Caleb, Carter, Leon, Spencer, Ashton and Maxwell.
They're pretty cool guys, minus the occasional checkout I got earlier I think they're beginning to get the message.
Caleb offers me the guitar and I take it.
I actually did music therapy for a while in the psych ward. They made me write songs and play a few different instruments. I mean to continue it but I've been a bit preoccupied as of lately.
I strum the guitar gently. The chords flowing out into the night sir. Creating a soft vibe around the fire.
After my fingers begin to hurt I pass the guitar over to Maxwell who takes it gratefully and starts strumming. I turn and quickly glance at Seth, watching him laugh at a joke someone cracked. His smile was wide. He looked really laid back his hair messy, dried from the surf.
Seth turns to meet my gaze as he smiles softly.
"You alright?" He asks me. His voice was so calmly genuine, it sent warmth to my chest. I nod gently.
Seth pat's in between his legs from where he is on the log. I sit down at his feet on the sand. He pulls out my hair from its messy bun. Running his finger through it gently. I lean my head against his leg as he plays with my hair, braiding a few small parts of it.
"You guys look so in love," Spencer says suddenly. My eyes snap to him and I raise my eyebrows in surprise.
"What even does being in love look like?" Maxwell asks Spencer with a laugh.
"How carefully he's running his fingers through his hair. How protective they are of each other. But mainly. How they constantly stare at each other when the other isn't looking." Spencer explains.
"If you guys don't get married I'm gonna be hella disappointed," Leon says with a shake of his head. Luke raises his eyebrows at us as if to say I told you so.
I just shake my head at him and rest it back on Seth's knee. Closing my eyes gently as he continues to brush my hair.
"You should see them cuddle while they sleep. It's adorable." Luke's voice says.
"How have you seen us cuddling?" I ask Luke, keeping my eyes closed.
"When you snuck to his room when I was in bed with Bea. I woke up to go to the bathroom, except I didn't want to use Beas so I used Seth's. And I saw you two cuddling and it was the most adorable thing. I even have a photo of it." Luke says. I open one eye and see him pull out his phone and bring up the photo. Passing it around the circle.
Seth takes it and his face remains emotionless before he passes it to me. I glance at the photo and see Seth's head nuzzled into my neck his arms wrapped around me. While my head rests against the top of his head gently.
It's true. We did look cute. But deep down I knew he didn't think of me like that. I mean we were pretending to be a couple to ward off boys.
I pass it to the next person. Closing my eyes again. The feeling of my hair being played with so comforting and relaxing.
"And they were in bed together while they both missed school today. Which I thought personally was a bit suspicious. But apparently, they didn't do anything." Luke says in a voice.
"We haven't done anything," Seth says seriously.
"The way you too were kissing made it look like you definitely have," Carter says.
"No, we haven't. My sister would lose her shit if we did." Seth says with a sigh.
I'm not asleep but I might as well be. The boys tried to see if I was awake but I couldn't be bothered replying.
"I can't believe Bea is letting you take Lacey to prom," Luke says.
"I can't believe I'm letting you go to prom with my sister. And that I haven't beaten you up for sleeping with her." Seth replies and I can feel him tense.
I let out a soft sigh which makes Seth soften instantly.
"I know man. I'm incredibly lucky I get it. I love your sister you know that right." Luke says seriously. I almost gasp.
"I know," Seth says with a sigh.
"I wish Bea could be more understanding like you. I want to see you two together. Like properly together." Luke says with a sigh.
"Yeah," Seth says softly. The other boys keep talking. I can feel Seth's gaze on me as he tucks my hair behind my ear and continues brushing his hand along the same piece of hair he tucked behind.
I can feel sleep grappling at me and I finally succumb to it. Letting myself fall into the darkness.
"Lace." I hear a whisper attempting to pull me from my sleep but I immediately fall back into a slumber.
I wake a few times as I feel myself being carried before I almost immediately slip into a slumber.
I wake up to light streaming in my window, a small smile playing on my lips, surrounded by my soft duvet.
I push myself out of bed. Getting into the shower and washing quickly and thoroughly. I pull on some ripped denim jeans and a bandana top, slipping on some shoes and tying my hair up in a low messy bun.
I do my makeup simply and make my way downstairs.
"Hey, munch." My dad says as I enter the kitchen kissing the top of my head.
"Good to see you are feeling alright this morning." He says noticing the effort I've put into my getup.
If I was feeling good, I would put the effort into how I look. If not. I barely would.
"How'd I get home last night?" I ask him.
"Seth put you to bed." My dad says passing me an iced coffee.
"Oh," I say with a small nod. I pull out my phone and text him.
Thank you for putting me to bed last night. Sorry if I was heavy.
It's alright you weigh next to nothing. Are you eating alright?
I'm eating fine. Also thanks for the fake dating thing. Saved my ass.
It's alright. You too. Those girls were nasty. Are all girls like that?
Oh yeah. No, a lot of girls are actually quite nice. But If you're not friends with them they can be super hostile.
Over boys?
No over camels...
Yes over boys.
Little Miss Attitude. Are we coming for dinner?
I'll ask.
"Hey, dad are the Nixon's coming over for dinner?" I ask.
"No. They came instead earlier in the week." My dad says reading through the paper.
"Where is everyone?" I ask noticing the lack of people in the house.
"Moms in bed. Roy and Jake are with their mates and Molly is in bed still." My dad informs me.
"Ahh. I might head to the Nixon's for the day." I inform him.
"Ok honey. Hey uh, I noticed you and Seth have been getting a lot closer lately." My dad comments.
"Yeah, uh he understands stuff," I say vaguely. My dad nods in understanding.
"I noticed he's got colder towards your mother. I assume your confiding in him." My dad says.
"Yeah," I say cautiously.
"Ok. He's a good boy you know." My dad says gently.
"I know," I say with a small smile, making my way upstairs.
You guys aren't coming for dinner.
Disappointing. Also, I got an answer from my therapist after you left on Friday.
She said you've got a slot right before mine on Wednesday after the game @ 8:30. She prefers working at night because like you said, people are a lot more giving at night.
Ok, cool that works well. Thank you so much.
I put my phone into my pocket and head back downstairs.
"Heading to Bea's now," I call out as I open the door.
"See you later munch." My dad replies.
"See ya," I say right before the door closes behind me. I make my way towards the Nixon's house.
I step inside The Nixon's house. The smell of omelettes hit my nose.
"Man something smells delicious," I call out as I pull my shoes off.
"Courtesy of Gordon Ramsay." I hear Seth's voice reply.
As I walk into the kitchen I see Seth standing shirtless in front of the pan. Grey sweatpants hung low on his waist. And does he look like a snack.
It is majorly hot watching a shirtless guy cook. I must say, speaking from experience.
He might be gorgeous but I knew nothing would ever happen.
"Admiring me are you?" Seth says with a cocky grin.
"Nope just wondering how such a cocky person can make such delicious food," I say rolling my eyes.
"Ouch. It's the Gordon Ramsay in me what can I say." He replies holding a hand over his heart and staggering backwards.
"Oh yes, I'm sure. Where are your parents?" I ask him looking around.
"At mom's shop. They're rearranging stuff." Seth says with a shrug.
"Ahh. Is Bea upstairs?" I ask him.
"No, she's at Dallas's." He says casually shrugging.
"So I'm stuck in a house with you," I say making a face.
"Lucky you," Seth says with a grin.
"Depends. Is there an omelette involved?" I ask him swinging myself onto the bench.
"Onion and cheese," Seth says surely.
"You know me well," I say with a smirk.
"Of course I do." He says with a grin.
"What's my favourite colour?" I ask him with a grin.
"Trick question you don't have one." He says with a cocky grin. I nod impressed.
"Favourite fast food restaurant?" I ask him.
"Chipotle." He says effortlessly.
"Country I want to visit?" I ask next watching him as he pours my omelette mixture into the pan.
"Greece. And Bora Bora." He says scooping some of his omelettes into his mouth.
"Favourite food?" I ask him.
"Apple crumble." He says easily.
"Favourite store?" I ask him impressed.
"Mom's one and Victoria Secret," Seth says with a grin.
"Wow. I'm impressed." I say raising my eyebrows.
"My turn. What's my favourite food?" Seth asks.
"Spaghetti and meatballs," I answer easily. He nods and folds my Omelette pressing it gently.
"Favourite colour?" He asks me.
"Forrest green." I say easily again.
"Country I want to visit?" He asks me.
"New Zealand. For the surf." I say with a grin. Seth nods again.
"Biggest fear?" He asks me. I think for a while.
"Losing people you love?" I ask him.
"That was a question." He states with a small smile.
"Well, Mr Fearless. I had to dig deep for that one." I say as he passes me the plate.
"Yeah, that's right though." He says with a small nod.
"What are you afraid of?" He asks me.
"Never getting better. Always just feeling this shit. I just want to be able to have moments like last night and like the stargazing and the tree." I say with a sigh.
"I haven't gone to my spot in so long," I say randomly thinking about my abandoned spot.
"We could have a picnic there for lunch. You can make your apple crumble. And I'll make spaghetti and meatballs." Seth suggests.
"Perfect," I say with a grin. "Do you have all of the ingredients?" I ask opening the fridge looking for green apples.
"Knowing my mother yes we do," Seth says scooping up the last parts of his omelette. I pull out a bag of apples.
I place them on the bench and take out the box of flour as well as the sugar and butter. Placing it all on one side of the bench. I then take a bite out of my omelette while Seth gets out his ingredients.
"Ok, we just need a can of tomatoes." Seth says surveying the ingredients.
"Go put a shirt on and we can drive to the 7 11," I suggest.
"Ok mom," Seth says rolling his eyes.
"And don't wear sweatpants out of the house," I say to him.
"You do." He points out.
"Yeah but I don't have a dick," I say to him. He chuckles.
"Worried some girls would see me and want me?" Seth calls down from upstairs.
"Not worried. Plus like you need to show off the size of your dick to get girls." I reply with a roll of my eyes.
"Checking it out were you?" He replies now with a pair of shorts on and pulling on a sweatshirt over his T-shirt.
"No." I snap, rolling my eyes.
"Funny guy." He says grabbing his keys off the counter. I stuff the last piece of Omelette into my mouth. And follow Seth towards the car.
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