《When There's Quiet》Hope


After hours of searching, Jericho was finally able to accept that Violet was gone.

All the titans went to the tower, all tired and weary.

Jericho went straight to his room, and found a note.


Ask all of the titans to go to the peak of Everest, and look for the 13-point diamond. Once they've found it, they have to plead to my father, Dc Fate, for me to come back. He says that's the only way for me to come back. Oh, and you all have have to complete a few tasks to get me back.


Jericho showed the titans the note. Robin told Starfire and Kid flash to pack the coats.

"I never your real name was Joseph, Jericho."

Two hours later, they were on the mountain. Melvin, Timmy and Teether didn't look so well. Melvin was wearing three jackets, Timmy had wrapped himself in a thick cloak and Teether was wearing five layers of clothing but they were still shivering.

Finally,they found the diamond, barely visible between the other stars. They did excatly as they were told and a portal opened. With no hesitation, one by one, they hopped in.

When they came out, they saw that they were in a giant hall.

"I see you have come for Violet." a voice boomed from behind them.

Everyone turned around, seeing Dc Fate and his daughters. Melody was holding Violet.

"Let her go."


"Why not?"

"Sonia has left evil. Violet has no reason to go back down."

"But she's our friend."

"Not anymore."

"We are not leaving without her."

"Fine, complete five tasks and she can go."

Dc Fate left, leaving them in the hall. The hall soon changes into a jungle. Felicia appears.

"I am Felicia. Your first task is to survive half an hour in this jungle."


She disappeared, as suddenly as she appeared.

"Thats it? Surviving in a jungle for half an hour?" scoffed Speedy.

Just then, a polar bear jumps out from a bush and charges at them.

"What is a polar bear doing in a jungle?!" yelped Cyborg.

"This jungle isn't real." answered Robin, dodging a flying paw.

Beast Boy morphed into a gorilla and charged at the bear. It wasn't long before the bear was on the ground, dead.

"How long before this task ends?" asked Beast Boy.

"13 minutes." Cyborg replied.

"Great. What next? A tiger? A bull?" yelped Beast Boy.

An anaconda slithered out from behind a rock and curled around Argent. By the time she noticed, the anaconda looked ready to crush her bones. "Help!" Everyone looked around. Starfire grabbed the snake's head and Bumblebee spinned Argent around, uncoiling her.

Robin threw a bird-a-rang at the snake, killing it.

"Phew, that was close."

Felicia reappeared.

"Oh, hi Felicia. Thanks for trying to kill us." glared Cyborg.

"I wasn't going to kill any of you."

"Yeah. Of course that anaconda wasn't going to crush Argent's bones." said Cyborg, pointing toward the anaconda and it's guts.

"It wasn't."

"Ugh, what's your deal with Violet anyway?"

"She's my younger sister."

"Just because she's dead doesn't mean she can't come back." protested Raven.

"What are talking you about? She's not dead."

"Isn't she dead? She said she's from Heaven. She's not an angel?"


"Then, what is she?"

"She didn't tell you? Of course."

"Tell us what?"

"She's a godling."

"What's a godling?"

"A godling is a child of a god or godess. The diffrence between a godling and a god is that a Godling forever remains young with stronger powers."

"I can't believe Violet never told us."

The titans completed the three task quite easily. But on the fifth task, Kole made an error. Failing their mission.

Dc Fate didn't hesitate to open the portal back to Earth. Violet waved sadly as they jumped in.

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