《When There's Quiet》Sonia


Violet woke up early today at 3 a.m. in the morning, due to a nightmare. Violet sat straight up, giving Beast Boy the jumpscare of his life.

"What are you doing in my room, Beast Boy? Oh, you're trying to prank me."

"Well, yeah. Uh, so where'd you get that harp?"

"My sister."


Violet then ran to her window, startling Beast Boy.

"Oh no."

"What's wrong, Violet?"


"Who's Dina?"

"Not now, Beast Boy."

Violet runs out of the tower, right as the alarm sounds, waking everyone. Showing the location of Jump City. The titans rush to Jump City.

When they reached, the first thing they couldn't help noticing was the coloured lasers shooting randomly from buildings and the people screaming.

"Ah, the teen titans."

The titans looked around to lacate where the voice came from.

"Over here, humans, demon and alien."

All the titans looked down and saw a woman.

"Uhh......what's with the red, glowing eyes." quivered Beast Boy.

"Why does this woman have such terrifiying looks?" asked Starfire.

The 'woman' took no notice of them.

"Violet, how nice to see you again." Sonia said while glaring at Violet.

Violet was trembling. "What have you done to Dina?"

"Oh, Dina. Come out Dina, Violet wants to see you." Dina appears out of nowhere. Her blue eyes had turned crimson, her black hair had lost it's shine.


Just then, the dark sky turned a lightish shade of blue.

"What on earth. My clock just went from 3.30 to 10.00!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"Violet, all your sisters have been possessed. It's your turn now."

Before Violet could answer, Sonia grew up to 10 feet tall. She flung Violet to an erupting volcano 124 miles away from Jump City, she then blasted Violet to a snowy mountain 200 miles from Jump City. Sonia made Violet come back and trapped her in a sound shield, along with her possessed sisters.


The titans had gotten mad and had started to attack the shield, while Robin sent distress signals to anyone who had a communicater.

"Oh, poor you, Violet." mocked Sonia as Violet had started to tear up. "It hurts, doesn't it?" Sonia presses her hand on Violet's burnt leg. Violet can't help but scream a soundless scream. "Give in, Violet. Let me possess you and you won't have to feel this pain anymore."

Just then, all the other titans arrive.

"We have to free Violet from that shield." yelled Robin.

Starfire shoots starbolts at the shield, Cyborg aims his arm cannon, Beast Boy morphs into an elephant and charges at full speed, Kid flash,Mas and Menos throw some fast attacks at the shield.......

Violet doesn't say anything, she just lies on the floor, looking at them, looking like she's dead.

"Aww, isn't that sad? Your friends willing to sacrifice themselves to save you, but I'm afraid they are wasting their time."

Sonia then expands her shield, sending all the titans flying.

"The stronger the power, the badder the parent." said Sonia, her eyes gleaming with evil.

Sonia jumped when she noticed a crack in her shield done by Raven.

"Elementia, GO!"

Elementia charges out of the shield, knocking out Raven from a kick to the neck.

"No! Mom, stop! Just take me, don't hurt them!"

"Too late."

Stella, the godling of stars, tackles Starfire and soon there was a battle of starbolts and starballs.

Tina began fighting Kid flash, Mas and Menos as she had manipulation over time, their super speed couldn't fool her.

Elementia fought with Aqualad, Hotspot, Kole and Gnarrk.

Rowlette went for Jericho. Violet lost it at that point. She stood up, loosing control of her emotions. Her hair turned to blue and purple fire, her eyes glowed an ultra violet, her outfit burned into a greek-style dress. Violet's fist filled with white smoke. Sonia smiled.

"That's my girl."

Violet started to enchant something.


Then there is blinding light and a strong wind.

When Jericho awakes, Violet is nowhere to be found, neither are her sisters.

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