《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 16: Happy 13th, Gemini-Twins [PART 2]
This was A ‘NEW’ ARSENAL of the videos TO GET-BACK at his twin, where Peter ‘had’ the ANOTHER-VIDEO of…
… the CCTV-cam upstairs which ‘caught’ – the cripple-POE ‘FLYING’ UPSTAIRS to his-room…
… but that was HIS-EVIDENCE FOR his-inspector-mother… WHEN THE right-moment came TO REVEAL the superhero secret-identity of Poe, LIVING UNDER the-same-roof.
The plotting-twin was deciding of ‘HOW-TO’ use the kissing-video to destroy his-brother’s reputation online as ‘Tarzan,’ now-that…
… he’s famous by the Tik-Tok viral-videos of-the-zoo…
‘… hehehe… Janey’s parents found-out that you’ve been ‘FRENCH-KISSING’ their blind-daughter, hehehe… I ‘got’ you this-time with YOUR ‘PANTS-DOWN, Poe…’
At 4:45 PM, the SHS’ student counsellor, Diane King came in her-old Volvo – Principal Harris had-told her to deliver 2 separate-birthday cakes for the twins …
… Caroline was glad to see her… and ‘invited’ her TO STAY for-the party – to ‘keep-an-eye’ of the ‘lively’ youngsters who were behaving boisterous – while Caroline attended her kitchen-chores…
Everyone was ‘settled-quiet’ in the living-room, especially the band-of the Irish-backbenchers – knowing for-a-fact that Ms King was the ‘eyes-and-ears’ to the principal… and their parents-too…
Peter wanted GET-ON ‘celebrating’ his-birthday – and walking to the kitchen to his-inspector-mother…
“Mom, IT’S 5 PM… the cakes are here… what are we waiting – let’s celebrate…!!?”
“… no, WE ‘WAIT’ for your-principal-Harris… HE ‘PAID’ for the food catered from the country-club – and I only-paid for the cakes…”
“Come-on, Mom… WHAT IS THIS…? My-boys would-be leaving at 5:45 when their-Uber come before the 6-o’clocks’s Zombie-curfew – I’ve ‘ONLY’ 45-MINUTES of-fun… and you want me to-wait!!? What kind-of sucky-mediocre party are you-both throwing…
“… this is my-once in my-lifetime 13th-birthday, Mom – ‘why’ are you-adults screwing it-up with indecisions…!!?”
Caroline was ‘pressured’ – she took-out her cellphone to call-Tom – but the principal ‘had’ switched-off his-phone...
“… okay-Peter… we cut-the-cake…”
The inspector-mother saw her ‘eldest-son’ walking-away victorious when she ‘decided’ to proceed with the birthday without Tom-Harris...
… whose ‘presence’ would be-missed – to-be A FATHER-FIGURE to her-sons…
On a folding-long table, were the 2-cakes – and Caroline was lighting-up the 13-candles of the red-velvet cake that was Peter’s favourite… while her-helper, Alicia was lighting the candles of a chocolate-cheese cake which was Paul’s favourite…
Bella stood with her-boyfriend behind the long-table… and Paul was ‘alone’ with his-cake –until Caroline told Jane-and-Alicia to stand-beside her ‘youngest-son’ before they sang the birthday-song…
The birthday-party commenced when they sang the birthday-song. Caroline ‘recorded’ video-on-her iPhone… and Ms King was ‘photographing’ with her cellphone…
“…Happy-Birthday tooo Peter… and…
“… Tarzan… Happy-Birthday 2-Yoou…” The Irish-boys chorused in-loud laughter…
… Bella ‘blew’ the candles with Peter – while his-twin blew his candles-alone with one big-puff… both the boys cut their cakes with all-clapping…
… Bella fed a piece-of-the cake to her-boyfriend… and they kissed – the upset Caroline stopped her-videoing…
… it was the 2nd-time, the Inspector-of-Perth ‘saw’ the YOUNGSTERS ‘KISSING’ – the first ‘being’ when she picked Peter-up at the Family-Day ‘AFTER’ THE school-trip to ROTTO…
Even the-ethnic Aboriginal descendant, Ms King was mummed. In her 30-year career at SHS since the 90’s… where the ‘present’ generation students’ behaviours-and-attitudes have ‘slumped’ badly… as they no disregard-nor-respecting adults’ supervision-and-their schools’ systems…
“… hey, Tarzan ‘has’ 2-girlfriends…” One boy teased in the-crowd…
“No, that is Tarzan’s mail-order Asian housemaid…” Terry replied, and the-boys laughed…
Ms King ‘put’ her foot-down…
“Terry Donovan, that is A RACIST-REMARK – apologise to-Alicia… or, your-father will ‘hear’ from-me…”
All-of the backbenchers looked at their-mate –who’ was their-leader… who had put his-own foot in-his-mouth…
The awkward-tween apologised…
“… err… sorry Alicia if I had ‘offended’ you – sorry to you-Ms King… if YOU ‘FEEL’ offended-too as a minority…”
The Irish-gremlins snickered at the cynical-response of Terry… the-son-of a lawyer…
“COME-ON, mates – let’s eat!!!” Peter diffused the uneasy-situation of adult-versus-student…
Everyone then feasted on the cakes, pastries, pies and pizzas. Caroline videoed the party – while observing the 2-clicques of her twin-sons at both-ends of:
* Paul’s friends – Jane-and-Alicia were well-behaved-and-respectful…
* Peter’s friends – Bella-and-the Boys were wilful-and-wayward…
Terry Donavan then said-to his-mates…
“Let’s have a pizza-eating contest…”
Churros replied…
“How about Peter vs Tarzan… on ‘who’ eats the most-pizza…?”
Everyone looked at both-the Walker-brothers – Alicia shook Paul’s arm, urging…
“You can ‘do-it,’ Pauly…”
“… no…” Paul declined…
… and so DID PETER – as he ‘reversed’ the-event…
“How about the battle-of the 2-loudmouths – TERRY VS CHURROS… are you-both game…?”
Peter brought a long-sheafing dish of an assortment of cut-pizzas from the food-warmer – and divided the 20-slices of 10-each to the backbencher-contestants…
“… I’ll be the-judge… are you-ready… PLAYERS-GO!!!” Cried the rapt-Bella…
… all-of the backbenchers were supporting Terry – and Peter-and-Bella were cheering-on the underdog, Churros…
From across the-room, even Paul-and-Alicia were rooting-for Churros too – as they both disliked Terry the bully-class-clown…
… blind-Jane only “heard’ the nyom-nom-nom ‘sounds’ of them eating… along with the backbenchers’ cheering…
… Caroline had ‘allowed’ Peter’s friends to have their pizza-eating fest – because Tom had over-ordered the catered-food from the country-club that could-be a waste ‘after’ the party… where her-fridge would-be over-stocked WITH LEFTOVER – that may-tempt the overweight Paul to overeat the next-day…
… but ‘what’ the inspector-mother disapproved-of was – BELLA – who was displaying open-affection to Peter by sitting-on his lap as she was ‘judging’ the contest. Caroline was ‘bitching’ about-it to the school counsellor…
The Irish-boys cheered-out loud when Terry swallowed the 10th-pizza… while Churros the-half-breed Irish gagged on his-7th slice…
Across the room, the Chinese-girl ‘cursed’ in Hokkien with the ‘winner’ outcome – and said to the crippled-boy…
“You could have ‘beaten’ the-loudmouth, Pauly… I-really ‘hate’ Terry-Donovan!”
Paul smiled sheepishly to her-vengeance, only to-reply…
“… no, I don’t think-so… I’m looking-out for MY-DIET these-days – and eat-slowly to appreciate it’s lovely taste…”
… especially, with ‘FEARFUL’ WARNING of Nurse-Joker ‘amputating’ his-legs…
He looked-over at his-quiet, smiling-girlfriend beside-him…
“Jane, have you the lamb-meat Shepard-pie…?”
… she shook-her head, no…
“… you ‘should’ try-it… I had already ‘had’ 2 – it’s better than pizza…”
Both of his-BFFs ‘share’ a pie – while Paul had his-3rd – and he was food-connoisseur-ing…
“… the best part of it is the beef-gravy cooked-in herbs with Worcestershire-sauce – that blends well with the melted-Parmigiana cheese-and-potatoes…”
Everyone heard Peter saying…
“Let’s open my-prezzies…!”
Peter led Bella-and-the boys to the dining-area where the IKEA table with the presents-were…
“Mom, where are you…? Come, take videos…”
Peter who had the most boxes ripped-off the coloured wrappers of his-prezzies to-receive:
an MCU’s Thanos’ infinity-gauntlet glove (from Terry) a bow-and-arrow set (from Churros) a remote-controlled drone a pair of Nike tennis-shoes a Sonic-the-Hedgehog tee-shirt
Next, Paul opened his-2 presents that the-girls gifted:
a Navy-blue faux-fur velvet-jacket a handheld Nintendo-Switch console
They all saw the rapt-Paul exclaiming in joy…
“Thank-you, Alicia… wow! What a Beauty…it comes with a Dark Soul Remastered-game – I’ve ‘not’ played that…”
The boys too were fascinated by the Chinese-gir’ls ‘gift’ that was the MOST-EXPENSIVE – Peter ‘too’ felt-it that his-twin’s prezzie HAD OUT-staged his-prezzies and was ‘bitter’…
Caroline went to the storeroom and returned with 2-more boxes – of one-each for her-twins…
“… this is from Tom…”
… Peter ripped-opened the package – and exclaimed-aloud in-ecstasy when he received his-wish-list of a Rafa-racquet…
… he-was satisfied that his prezzie was-now ‘MORE’ EXPENSIVE than his-twin… and-was showing-off and bragging to his-mates on-how – his path-to his-world domineering of his-tennis-sports had ‘begun’… where he ‘would’ use his-robotic arm and ‘best’ equipment to ‘win’ tournaments from this-day-forth…
Paul sighed and shook his-head…
‘… Principal Harris had-indeed used the ‘SCHOOL’S FUNDS’ to buy the-devil the-racquet… ‘JUST’ TO-impress mom…’
Paul opened his Tom-Harris’ present – it was a folding-box of a boardgame of chess… the backbenchers were ‘not’ all-all were impressed with the gift – even-Paul ‘felt’ so that it would be an ‘white-elephant’ that would-be idle in his windowless bedroom…
“Do you ‘know’ how-to play-chess…?” Alicia then-asked…
“… huh… no, I don’t…”
“I can ‘teach’ you… and I can even introduce-you to some of my friends in the chess-club – and YOU ‘CAN’ join-them…” The Chinese-girl suggested…
“… huh… okay”
Everyone next-heard idle-engines of cars at the main-gate – IT’S EITHER the-Ubers of the-girls or the Irish-boys… but ‘WAS’ NEITHER…
… Caroline went out to porch to the Mercedes-Benz and Bentley Continental-GT… to receive the late-visitors…
At closer-to 6 o’clock, Principal Harris came with 3 men:
Topheth Jared Wilford, a millionaire-businessman – who was Bella’s uncle Michael Donovan, a lawyer – who was Terry’s father Albert Wang, a real-estate broker – who was Alicia’s father
The presence of the newly-arrived ‘adults’ intimidated the Irish-boys the most – seeing their school-Principal Harris. Terry was terrified the-most by the attendance of his father – thoughts-of – if the-counsellor, Ms King had called-him over for misbehaving-and-slurring as a visitor under-the-roof of the Inspector-of-Perth…
… his-Irish-cobbers ‘feared’ Terry’s father-too – because Mr Donovan ‘knew’ every one of their-fathers…
Except FOR-ALICIA who seemed ‘sour’…
… as she ‘despised’ seeing her-father, Albert Wang – who was estranged to her… and she hated’ him for all-of-the ill-treatment the MAN ‘DID’ TO her-and-her mother, Robin…
… especially, taking-away her-2 younger-brothers to live separately with her-maternal grandmother…
Paul noticed the ‘resentment’ on her-face…
… where in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’… ‘when’ she was his-girlfriend, Alicia had told-him of her-father’s wrongdoings…
… but in PERTHLAND – it was ‘reversed’ as Paul HAD ‘APOLOGISED’ to Albert-and-Robin in the Vice-principal’s office for ‘kissing’ their-daughter…
Paul did ‘not’ know WHO THE 3RD-man was – who was in his-50s, a Caucasian with a large-stature with sharp-European features… who looking-up and seemed to-be impressed with the high-ceilings of the Walkers’ house…
… his-darting-eyes met Paul’s – and he came-over to him and shook-his-hands…
“Happy Birthday, laddie – ‘ere a gift for you… it’s a Krugerrand… from my-country…”
… his English-accent was strong-and-plucking – certainly ‘not’ Aussie – but he ‘had’ heard the accent ‘before’ in the Black Panther-movie…
Paul’s jaw dropped when the visitor had gifted-him with a rare-and-old bullion-gold coin – in the head-side was an engraved face-of-a man with a long-beard with the inscription…
‘Suid Afrika’
… on the tail-side of the coin was an engraved image of an antelope – with the date, 1892…
When he was thanking the South-African visitor – Bella called-him…
“Uncle Jared!”
… Paul then realised that HE WAS BELLA’S UNCLE – the millionaire, Jared Wilford…
‘… ooo, I see… Principal Harris had mentioned HIS NAME ‘before’ while-a-month ago, when he delivered the Marciano-pizzas during the lockdown… he told-me that MR WILFORD ‘would’ help Mom ‘settling’ in my-father’s gambling debt…’
Paul seated at the IKEA table then saw his mom-and the principal in the kitchen with low-voiced discussion…
“… but Tom, it’s the boys’ birthday… and you invited them-over…?”
“… the time is ‘now’ – act on-it, Carol… all your debts ‘would’ go-away…”
Peter shook Wilford’s hand as Bella made the-introduction – the newly-initiated teenager had a ‘funny’ feeling that HE HAD ‘SEEN’ the big-nosed man with the-European feature ‘before’ but doesn’t know-WHERE-FROM…
… Tom-and-Carol ‘interrupted’ the visitors by saying that THEY WOULD take-them on a-tour to see the rest of the Walkers’ house…
The youngsters saw the 5-adults walking-up the stairs… while at the same-time, the 2-Uber rides arrived ‘before’ the curfew…
… before Alicia led Jane-away, Paul ‘sneaked’ a kiss to his-girlfriend… behind the back of his-mom and-the-principal…
… Peter-and-Bella led the Irish-boys to the main-gate – and saying goodbyes to the backbenchers who-all were driven-away in the 7-seater Toyota…
Outside the window, Paul peeked at his-twin kissing Bella in the-darkening garden after the sunset…
‘… why is Bella ‘NOT’ GOING-HOME before the ‘curfew’…?’
Wheelchairing to the living-room, Paul heard the adults’ voices upstairs… he sighed in-relief…
‘… our ‘house’ is finally-sold… mom WOULD-BE ‘FREE’ of dad’s gambling debts…”
Upstairs, the visitors were led-to the 6-of-8 rooms in the upper-tier of the House-of-Walker… where Caroline was unlocking the doors of the unoccupied-rooms – of the late-Solomon’s music-room, and 2-spare guest-bedrooms…
… along with the ones-used – Caroline’s, Peter’s… and Paul’s ‘former’ bedroom…
… with a broken-window by the willow-tree-branch ‘crashing’ during a thunderstorm – but ‘now’ taped-by large sheets-of-plastic…
UNKNOWN TO CAROLINE, Topheth-Jared Wilford, the grand-wizard of the Moloch-cult was sprinkling Blackmagic-dust on the open-doors-steps of each-of-the rooms that the Inspector-of-Perth ‘had’ unlocked…
… grains of dust-powder that were made of pounded skulls-of-child sacrificed victims – with dark-rituals would place ‘HEXES’ to MARK – the ENCHANTMENTS territories of the ‘Dark-Lord’ dominance in-Perth…
Caroline said to the-visitors…
“… these are the 6 rooms – and 2-rooms at the ground-floor that my late-husband used as his-office… the other is supposed to be a large storeroom but was ‘converted’ into Paul’s bedroom after the-accident, so that he has bathroom convenances…”
… Jared Wilford stopped-her…
“… my-dear, Mrs Walker… I really ‘like’ your-house... but I’m ‘not’ buying-it now…”
“… what…? If the asking-price of 4-million-dollars is too steep – I’m willing to ‘knock’ it down a-bit…” Caroline negotiated…
“… I ‘know’ the financial-problems that you’re facing now… earning $15,000 a month as a police inspector with 2-handicapped sons to maintain ‘after’ a bulk-of your salary goes to pay ‘only’ the interest of the late-Solomon’s debt amounting to $1.6million… which you-can’t pay his-debt in your-lifetime…”
“If you ‘buy’ the house – then, I can ‘pay’ the debts of my-husband…” The woman-inspector rejoindered…
Albert Wang, the real-estate realtor spoke…
“But your big-house is ‘built’ ‘currently’ in a-bad zone-location where middle-class property-depreciation are prevalent – look at your house that is ‘damaged’ with many-cracks on-the-walls, broken-windows and whatnot… that’s ‘why,’ Mr Wilford HAD DECIDED to bid an-option…”
“… what option…? What…? Do I have to ‘renovate’ the-house before I sell…?” Caroline was confused by their unclear-bargaining…
Tom Harris interceded…
“Listen to them, Carol… it’s a good-deal that you would ‘not’ regret…”
The businessman Wilford clarified…
“… as I was saying Mrs Walker… I’m here for a possible outcome that I might help you to pay-off all of your-bad-debts – so, I’m ‘optioning’ the-house for 5-years… but you cannot sell it to anyone – and you may also ‘stay’ here till your-sons ‘graduate’ their-Uni… and once, they’re 18… which-is 5 years from-now, I’LL ‘THEN’ BUY your house for $2.4millon… ‘minus’ the bad-debt, of-course, whether the-future possibility of the property-and-land prices appreciates-or-depreciates…”
“… this is too-good to be ‘true’ – you-said that I can stay ‘here’ for the next-5-years…” Caroline was ‘still’ doubtful as she found-it dodgy…
“… yes, with your-sons in the house-that their ‘father’ BUILT FOR-THEM… I ‘don’t’ want to ‘rob’ the ‘good-memories’ of their childhood… till they’re 18, and they can have the option to-buy the-house for themselves or sell-it to-me – it’s a WIN-WIN deal…!”
Caroline was still in-doubt – Tom urged…
“Carol, it’s a ‘good’ deal – TAKE IT…”
The lawyer Donavan added…
“Yes, take-it, Inspector Walker – your-house ties-in as a ‘collateral’ of the bad-debt… touch-wood, if anything that happens to you-in your-line of police-work – the-dollar amount of your death-insurance payment is still ‘not’ a sufficient-amount to pay-off the debt… and you’ll lose the house, one-way or the-other…”
The real-estate Wang continued…
“… no-bank will give-you a ‘loan’ to pay a bad-debt – this-house is ‘your’ Trump-card – ‘auction-it’ to Mr Wilford and he ‘pays’ your debts-off… and-for the next-5-years you’ll have the financial-freedom to ‘provide’ for both your sons’ education…”
“… so, in-under ‘WHOSE’ NAME would the house-be – if I-were to-agree…?” Caroline enquired…
The businessman Wilford took-her question…
“It’s a good-question, my dear – and I don’t want to-be a ‘shady’ businessman in your police-records either... I’m here this evening on the request of my-niece… who ‘urged’ me to help the Walker-family off-their financial-problems…
“… so, TO BE ‘FAIR’ to you and your-family… I feel it should-be in the name of ‘your’ eldest-SON, PETER – as he’s close-friends with my-niece, Bella…”
“… but Peter is a ‘minor’…” Caroline clarified…
The lawyer Donovan responded...
“There is ‘no’ age-limit to ‘own’ a property – all you have to-do is ‘transfer’ the deed to his name… and the next 5-years, you and your-family can ‘live’ under the same-roof…”
Caroline thought a-moment, before saying…
“… what-if, Peter ‘CHASES’ US-OUT ‘once’ the house is in his-name…!!?”
All the 4 men laughed… the lawyer replied…
“… no-worries, Inspector Walker… that CANNOT’ HAPPEN because he’s a ‘minor’ under your-care and guardiancy until he’s 18, which is 5-years from ‘now’ – it’s in the clause of the ‘option-contract’ that ‘protects’ you and his-twin, Paul…”
Tom held Caroline’s arm and whispered…
“… it’s a good-deal, CAROL – TAKE-IT, and sign the-papers…”
In the living-room, with the Nintendo in-his-hand, Paul saw the adults ‘again’ after their 10-minute tour-upstairs – and hearing his-mother’s voice calling…
“Poe! Where’s Peter…?”
“… outside… he’s ‘playing’ with Bella…”
His-mother and the 4-men looked at-him, and each-other OF ‘WHAT’ the teenager had-said…
Stammering, Paul self-corrected and-clarified…
“…err, I ‘mean’… they are in the-GARDEN… FLYING the birthday-drone present…”
“CALL HIM…” Caroline said as she led the-men to the IKEA-table…
“I don’t talk to him, Mom – you ‘call’ him…”
The inspector-mother sighed and left the-men at the-table… as she went to the front-door to step-out in the porch…
In the dark lawn, the Perth’s inspector saw Bella under the SLEEPING WILLOW-TREE – looking up at Peter who was 3-meters-up on the tree-trunk… and still climbing with the grips of his metal-arm…
“Oii! Peter, what are you ‘doing’ at this-hour climbing the-tree – COME-DOWN ‘now,’ before you fall-and-break you-neck!!!” Caroline shouted…
“Mom! My drone is ‘stuck’ – I’m ‘getting’ it…” Peter shouted-back…
Peter was balancing on a horizontal-branch…
“… careful, dear…” Bella cautioned…
“Oii, the tree-branches are ‘rotten’ – even ‘broke’ the window-upstairs in-that-storm – COME-DOWN NOW!!!” Caroline warned-and-ordered…
“… no-worries, Mom – I ‘got’ this…” The 13-year-old replied…
… Peter retrieved his-toy – and tossed it below to his-girlfriend…
“… Frenchie…catch…”
Peter hung on the branch like a horizontal-bar, and – leapt 3-meter down… alighting to show-off his superhero-landing-stance…
The laughing teenagers raced to the front-door…
In the living room, Paul saw his-mother leading them to the IKEA table – Caroline called…
“Poe, you come-here too…”
The crippled-teen sighed at his-mom as he wanted to be left-alone to play his-new videogame. As he wheelchaired-over, he saw Ms King serving the 4-men freshly-brewed coffee – and was housekeeping by picking-up Peter’s torn-prezzie coloured papers littered on the floor.
Peter noticed Jared Wilford sitting on his-chair… that was used to-be his late-father’s seat…
“Peter – sit!” Caroline told her-firstborn…
… he ‘joined’ the 4-men and his-mother as they sat in the IKEA table-for-6… as Bella-and the student counsellor stood-beside… Paul was the furthest at the kitchen-counter – playing his-games in-mute…
The curious-Paul ‘paused’ the game…
‘… why is the ‘DEVIL’ SITTING at the table…?’
Terry’s father, the lawyer was ‘explaining’ to Peter and showing him some documents – gave details of what the adults ‘had’ discussed earlier-upstairs…
‘… what’s going-on…?’ Paul scratched his-head…
He saw the rapt-Peter who stood-up exclaiming…
“Beauty! This is the BEST BIRTHDAY-PREZZIE ever!!!”
Peter shook Jared-Wilford’s hand… and Bella hugged him and kissed him…
“… thanks, Bella – this is the ‘BEST’ GIFT you had ‘given’ me…”
Paul was ‘more’ confused… and he saw the lawyer, Donovan giving a document for Caroline to peruse-and-sign…
‘… what is ‘happening’…? What ‘gift’ did Bella ‘GIVE’ THE-DEVIL…?’
The South African businessman officiated…
“Son… your father’s house ‘would-be’ UNDER YOUR-NAME for the next 5-years!”
… Paul’s jaw-dropped ‘when’ he heard-that – and his-antagonist twin saying…
“… no-worries, Mr Wilford I’ll BUY THIS-HOUSE from you ‘before’ I reach 18 – cos’ I’ll-be a world-class tennis-player by then!!!” Peter bragged…
“You CAN DO-IT, Champ!!!” Bella patted his-back…
“Yes-yes-yes!!! My-good-luck stars are-aligning ‘when’ I got my-invincible robotic-arm… then, this course of ‘owning’ my-dad’s house is like my-father in-heaven is looking-down at me and giving’ his-blessings on my-birthday that I’m born-and-destined to greatness to come, hahaha – Go, Gemini-Go!!!”
… Peter boasted as he hit his-chest with the metal-arm…
Paul was totally-stunned in-the ‘bombardment’ of events– then, he heard his-mother’s stern-voice…
“You STUDY-HARD too and graduate…!”
“… no worries-Mom… I ‘got’ that covered-too WITH MY-AI coaching-me to get ‘good’ grades…” He smirked at both to Tom-and-Carol…
His speechless-wheelchaired twin was in bewilderment as the 2-adults nodded-and-consented… Caroline then penned-stroke her-signature on the contract… as Paul gapped his-mouth – but ‘inside’ OF HIS-HEAD he ‘screamed’ …
‘… NO!! DON’T do-it. Mom…’
When the property-contract WAS SIGNED – the 4-MEN CLAPPED…
… which ‘provoked’ Kitty @the backyard – AND SHE BARKED… that shortened Peter’s acknowledgement tribute…
“… first-things-first – that bloody-dingo ‘SHOULD’ BE-RID-OFF from my-house…!!!”
The speechless Paul’s jaw dropped once-again – but he ‘heard’ Caroline protesting…
“… but-Mom… it’s a nuisance… and a noise-and-safety hazard…”
“No, leave Poe’s DOG ‘ALONE’…!”
Terry’s lawyer father reminded Peter…
“… you’re still A ‘MINOR’ living-under your-mother’s care – and ‘what’ she says-and-do are binded-and-mandatory in every-decisions you ‘make’ from now-on… until you reach adulthood when YOU’RE 18…”
Peter scoffed…
“Hah! I’ll win international-tournaments and with the prize-money – I’ll ‘SOON’ BUY my-father’s house – and, I’ll get rid of ‘both’ the stinking-dogs!!!”
Everyone was quiet to the teenager’s animosity…
Bella’s businessman uncle reminded Peter…
“Listen-Son, the reason I agreed to Bella… was that you ‘can’ live debt-free under the ‘same’ roof with your mother-and-brother – but if you ‘oppose’ to the contract’s terms-and-agreement. I can nullify- it by tearing-up the contract ‘now’ – do YOU ‘WANT’ that, Peter…?”
… the ‘fear’ of taking his-prezzie away ‘struck’ Peter…
“… no, please don’t…” he mumbled…
“… then… listen to ‘your’ mother… be an obedient-boy and respect her… and live in-harmony WITH THEM… can you do-that, son…?”
… Peter nodded in-submission…
A little-before 7 PM, after their 2nd coffee-and-eating birthday-cakes, the visitors left. At the front-gate, Peter-and-Caroline sent them off – with the black-Bentley and the green-Volvo were the first to leave the house-of-Walker…
Look out of the window, the wheelchaired-teen WAS PROCESSING the chain-of-events which ‘happened’ during his-birthday – where…
… it was pleasant in the first-half when JANE CAME … a great-surprise which he did ‘not’ expect where-her-presence WAS ‘GIFT’ IN-its-own rights for-him…
… but-until ‘when’ the visitors-came later in-half-time… bringing good-tidings… and bearing ‘gifts’…
… that ‘was’ too-good to BE-TRUE…
His-late father’s gambling-debt WERE ‘PAID-OFF’ by Bella’s uncle – now, his-inspector-mother would have financial-freedom after 3-years of money-woes… … in her expense-of transferring THE-DEED TITLE to his-twin’s name – for the next 5-years…
‘… the bloody-devil is having such-good-luck EVER SINCE the-3-of ‘us’ got-into this POST-TREETON realm 6-months ago…
‘… okay… you’ve a ‘rich’ girlfriend’s uncle… I GET-IT… just-like PERTHLAND – Jezebel’s uncle… Lord Stamford Crowley who brought you-gifts ‘back’ there…
‘… ‘what’s’ the-catch… ‘what’s’ YOUR ‘ENDGAME,’ you-devil…?
‘… but deep-down in-my-guts – I ‘know’ your endgame ‘leads’ to the destruction-of-Perth BY THE-NUCLEAR DEAL that Mayor-Blake made… but ‘what’ has ‘owning our-father’s house would HAVE ‘CONSEQUENCES’ to the annihilation of-Perth…?
‘… I don’t ‘get’ it… and ‘CAN’T’ FOLLOW-the-breadcrumbs…
‘… but one-thing for ‘sure’ I’LL BE THE-THORN on-your-side to stop ‘whatever’ you’re planning, you-devil… yes, I’VE ‘SUCCEEDED’ BEFORE when I killed-you in-PERTHLAND, remember…?’
Paul’s deep-reveries were ‘interrupted’ by the-devil’s whistling as his-twin came to the front-door – the crippled-teen ‘recognised’ the familiar-tune… Kill Bill Vol.2 it was…
… when the villain ‘taunted’ The-Bride with his-whistling…
Peter snickered at him… that irked Paul…
… but he supressed his-anger – where he easily ‘could’ USE HIS SUPERPOWERS… by putting-down the-devil by electrocuting-him dead…
… but that ‘would-be’ the SAGA’S END of the-Perth’s-accidental-superhero’s quest to be the-Defender-of-Perth…
… once his-inspector-mom FOUND-OUT of his ‘secret’ of superhero identity…
… ‘turned’ supervillain – and, arrest-him FOR ‘KILLING’ his-twin, Peter…
Peter was chuckling in Paul’s presence as he ‘taunted’ him with the eerie-whistling – mocking that he was having their-father’s house IN-HIS-NAME…
… where he could ‘DO-WHATEVER’ to his-twin-and his dog ‘behind’ Jared-Wilford’s back…
The pissed-off Paul left the living-room… and wheelchaired towards his bedroom as he passed the open front-door – peeking outside to see in-the-dark…
… Tom-and-Carol kissing at the front gate…
He then heard the-devil laughing at-his-back, saying…
“HaHaHa! Let the games-begin…!”
… Paul ignored him – and did ‘not’ respond to-the…
‘… bloody-psychopath…’
- In Serial47 Chapters
Life Sentence
Nick’s life took a turn for the worst when he ended up in a prison cell with his killer! The story surrounds the main protagonist Nick as he gives you the story of his first love, the struggles, and responsibilities that come with his powers, the new world set in the future, how he ended up in prison and of course, his death.
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The All-Knowing Nobody [A Progressive LitRPG Fantasy]
Maybe some dreams are never meant to come true, no matter how hard you try. They always stay in the faraway land. Unattainable… untouched… Tim was also the same… running after an unattainable dream, leaving everything behind. But regretted his every decision soon enough… Waking up inside his own novel filled with magic and monsters, Tim has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however. Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for finding himself again. ---- Hope you guys like it.Join Discord - Discord Patreon is Live with 4 chaps ahead. I am working my best to bring new. English is not my first language. I hope you will be kind enough to forgive my mistakes.
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Spiritual Point
Kyle has always been an unlucky boy. Ever since he was young, he has already experienced countless unlucky situations. Getting Crashed by a car, being a victim of landslides, and even creating a massive incident just by slipping on a banana peel. however, all of these jinx will suddenly show a massive change in his life with one simple incident. One which before he'll know it, will change the world forever. (This story is completely fiction. Anything that is remotely similar to real life is purely coincidental. With that said, please enjoy.)
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Transformers *My Little Sister* Book One
This is a story about three siblings. A little sister and two older brothers.Moonlight is Optimus's and Megatron's little sister.Moonlight love both her older brothers and was unable to choose a side in this horrible war that has cost the lost of there beautiful home planet. So she flea. She left her home planet. Away from where she thought she will never have to see both her older brothers. But she didn't leave as far away as she thought.
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Love or Obsession
This is an Asano × Nagisa. They have an odd relationship. Well Nagisa thinks they do. Asano loves Nagisa to a point of obsession. Asano would do anything for Nagisa. Asano won't let anyone take Nagisa away from him. There will be swearing and some inappropriate stuff. Don't read if you are a innocent little muffin. The cover was made by 'ISpeakOtaku'.
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New life
Barry has been betrayed when he came back from speed force team flash and team arrow too and they took away Barry power what happen if speed force took Barry to another earth to see a familiar green hooded
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