《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 16: Happy 13th, Gemini-Twins [PART 1]
ANTONY WILSON PICKED-UP HIS DAUGHTER after school. From the Mercedes-cabin, the father saw Jane was accompanied by her Chinese best-friend as they walked to the black-car. As the passenger-door opened, he heard Alicia whispering to Jane… ‘ask him’…
… Alicia then-greeted him through the open-door…
“G’day Mr Wilson…”
“Hi-hallo, Alicia…” Anthony responded… with-her CORRECT-NAME – as he was often confused-her with her-cousin Lily-Wang’s name…
“… oh-that’s my-name…hello…” Acting ‘surprised’ – Alicia joked and … the 3-of them laughed...
“… bye, Ali…” Jane sat and buckled her-seatbelt…
“Cheers…” The Chinese-girl waved-bye and walked to the bicycle-bay…
During the drive back to the-Hilton, the father noticed that Jane ‘seemed’ troubled and was quiet as she winced-emotionally in her-seat – Anthony ‘suspected’ it has something to-do with her-BFF ‘whispered’ earlier…
“What’s wrong, darl…?” He casually-asked…
“… nothing…” Was-Jane’s immediate response…
The father saw the blind-girl’s body-language was still-unsettled and he ASKED-AGAIN…
“Did something ‘happen’ in school, dear…?”
“… no, Daddy… nothing happened…”
“… you can-tell me… I’m your-Daddy… what IS IT…?”
… Jane took-a-deep breath and blabbered…
“Daddy, I’ve been ‘invited’ to Paul’s birthday this weekend… I ‘know’ I’m ‘not’ allowed to go to any of my friend’s birthday parties… even-Alicia’s… mummy will give-some medical excuse that candle-blown cakes ‘have’ germs that would-make me sick if I ate it… and I can’t go… ONLY-TO listen-to stories the next-day in school… hearing how they had so-much ‘fun’…
Anthony smiled to his-daughter’s gripes – and the blind-girl went-on rambling…
“… even on my-birthday… mummy won’t let my-friends come… and I had been having in-the-family birthdays all-of my-life… and I don’t like that… Alicia and Paul are my ‘only’ friends I have… and I would love to-go to their-birthday parties when-invited…”
It got Antony thinking ‘when’ she MENTIONED PAUL for-the 2nd-time…. the son-of-the Inspector-of-Perth WHO CAME for-lunch during the Walker’s zoo-apology… where…
… he-LATER SAW JANE ‘kissing’ Paul in the backyard…
… he didn’t know what to MAKE-OF-IT then – just as-a blind-girl and a quadriplegic students’ ADOLESCENT-CRUSH… will would-only ‘last’ when they graduate…?
“Sure, fair-enough… you’re ‘not’ a youngling-any more… and I reckon your body’s immune-system are stronger-now to eat birthday-cakes – yes-my-dear, you ‘CAN GO’ to Paul’s party…” The father chuckled…
“… huh-what? I CAN GO…? Ooo thank-you, Daddy… you’re THE-BEST…!!!” The startled Jane jumped-up from her-seat… wanting to HUG-HIM…
… the blind-girl’s hand knocked on the driving steering-wheel… that ‘almost’ made the Merc to go-off the road to a near-collision on-with the road rail-guard…
Jane’s head snuggled to the father’s side-arm… and kept-uttering ‘thank-you’…
“How are-you going…?”
“… Alicia would pick-me-up…”
Her-father was worried about her-safety…
“Go-on Uber – no public-busses, okay…”
“Ok, Daddy… I love-you…” She murmured…
… it got blind-Jane thinking ‘when’ her-father mentioned ‘public-buses’… where…
… in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ – SHE WENT with SIMY on bus to-school…
She then heard Anthony’s gripes that ‘got’ him into trouble with the ‘doctor-wife’ – for permitting Jane-to take THE BUS…
“… she is taking her-frustrations of ME ON-YOU… ever-since you ‘had’ convinced-me that your-uncle’s technology ‘works’… and after seeing blind-people taking the public-transport… I reckoned ‘why-not’… my-girl can do-it-too – but your-mummy thought ‘not-so’ … and-she ‘feared’ for your safety…
“… and she then called-me an irresponsible father – and ‘not’ a good father to both-of my-children…” Anthony told with a heavy-heart…
“No, she’s wrong… you’re ‘BEST’ DADDY in-the-world… YOU ‘HELP’ ME grow-and-learn ‘new’ things… unlike Mummy who is a control-freak…”
Jane changed subject – as she doesn’t want to ‘badmouth’ her mother in front of her-father… which she ‘never’ did @home… and was a ‘silent-sufferer’ like-him… where…
… she ‘had’ heard their open-arguments – where the strong-willed doctor-mother insults were humiliating-and-degrading… and she ‘FELT’ THE HURT for her passivist-father – who ‘always’ lost in his quarrels…
‘… would Jaheem-too be-like mummy ‘when’ he’s older?’
“Daddy… I missed Samuel… and I called him yesterday…”
“… ‘how’ did you call him…?’ The father was curious…
“… through Lola’s phone – Samuel ‘spoke’ to me…”
“Is he okay…?”
“Yes-Daddy, HE-IS… he’s watch cartoons in Uncle Topher’s house… and HE ‘ASKED’ about-you…”
“Did he…?” Anthony smiled as his-heart melted…
Blind-Jane felt bad THAT SHE LIED – in fact, she DID ‘NOT’ SPEAK to him too… as her baby-brother ‘shooed’ her-off – and called her a B-girl …
… she changed the SUBJECT-AGAIN…
“… I spoke to Melisa too…?”
“… is it…? I thought you 2-cousins DON’T LIKE each-other…”
“I don’t ‘know,’ but she was super-nice to me…”
‘… typical…’ Anthony thought…
… now that Jane’s ‘was’ popular in the social media – ‘every’ long-forgotten rello would come-out from the-bush to be ‘SUPER-NICE’ to-her…
Anthony then-said…
“… by-the-way, in the next 2 days… our-house renovation would BE-DONE… and we’ll move-back… but your-mummy ‘coming-back’ is unlikely…
“… she does ‘not’ want to take my calls – and if I go-over to Christopher’s place to see your-mother… she would create a-scene and her-brother would throw-me out of his house…”
“… Daddy… please DON’T GO-there…”
… she ‘knew’ her-Uncle Topher who worked as stock-broker in the ASX… who a had a terrible temper like her doctor-mother…
… peas-of the ‘same’ pod…
… Melisa was like that… SO WOULD-Jaheem be-in the-future…
Jane sighed-and-said…
“When we go home… I’ll take care of you, Daddy….”
In-reveries, the blind-daughter casually said – even-though she doesn’t know ‘why’ she-said-it… but it was appropriate thing to-say for assurance…
…so that Anthony would ‘know’ that he can ‘count’ on-her… to-be on HIS-SIDE…
“You can take-care of me by ‘not’ getting into any-trouble – your mummy is ‘watching’ you, although SHE’S ‘NOT’ with-us…” Anthony said as the Merc’s engine was idle, waiting at the traffic-light…
“… okay-Daddy…”
Jane got his-hint… that the-B-girl’s popularity in the social-media was ‘growing’…
‘… does Daddy ‘follow’ the-silly Tarzan-and-Jane news online…? By-the-way I don’t…’
She heard Anthony sighing, before he spoke…
“I’m your mummy’s punching-bag… she’ll ‘BLAME’ ME IF anything goes ‘wrong’ with you…”
“… no worries, Daddy… I’ll be your Good-girl…” Jane said-and-touched his-arm… so that he would ‘not’ worry…
… she had ‘NOT’ TOLD HIM of the ‘incident’ where a senior-girl, Bella – ‘had’ attacked her-and-Alicia in the school’s bathroom the other-day…
They reached the Hilton-hotel… and before parting-ways to go to their-suites – Anthony reminded to ‘get-ready’ for the-evening dinner later…
The moment she reached her-bedroom – she called Alicia to tell her that her-father gave her permission TO ATTEND PAUL’S birthday party…
Both the tweens were rapt… and were next-discussing ‘what’ they would-be wearing for the ‘occasion’…
Soon, the girls were discussing ‘WHAT’ PRESENT to get for Paul… Alicia was buying a video-game …
… and Jane had no-idea ‘what’ to get for her-boyfriend tomorrow… with her-allowance saving of a-100-bucks…
… and, judging by-her-beacon’s colour-of his-COSMIC-GLOW – through her 3rd-eye…
… she decided to ‘get’ him a BLUE SHIRT…
HE WOKE-UP FROM HIS-NAP feeling extremely-hungry – he was ‘still’ in 2-worlds from his-kip… and could ‘not’ even-levitate his-heavy body-up. But his wheelchair was in-arm reach…
… he huffed-and-puffed himself onto the chair – and left the windowless bedroom…
In the kitchen, he went straight to the-fridge… TO ‘EAT’ what was ‘leftover’ of his-yesterday’s birthday-cake…
… he cut a huge-portion-size of the chocolate-cheese cake to a paper-plate… and, to eat-it – so-to ‘drown’ his-sorrows of-that Jane DID ‘NOT’ COME for his 13th birthday yesterday-evening…
He sighed-and-scoffed in-thoughts as he forked-out chunk-of the cake to his mouth… and was eating it with a vengeance-of-regret…
‘… only the devil’s backbenchers-cobbers came… and Alicia-too… she ‘was’ with her-boyfriend…’
Then, he felt SHARP-PAINS IN BOTH of his legs – and he bent over from his-eating… to look as his-crooked legs with the ugly scars…
He was shocked that it was both-black from the shin-down…
… infected by GANGRENE…
Stunned-next by the excruciating hurting-agony, the paper-plate of cake flung-over and messed the floor. He held his thighs as the anguish-pain was creeping-up to his-upper body… in-tears, he cried-out aloud…
“MOM! Mom… where are-you…? Come here… now-pleaseee….!!!”
He-then heard his devil-twin’s voice… singing-from-upstairs – as he descended the stairs…
“… I’m a tin-man – I ‘never’ had a heart…
… I’m a tin-man – but you’ll make me a-star…”
He looked-up to the direction of the singing-voice – and, was ‘shocked’…
Lo’ and behold…
… the-devil was dressed-up in the Joker’s NURSE’S UNFORM… all in-white… with heeled-shoes and flaking clown-makeup…
… and held a donkey-jawbone in his-robotic arm, as he approached while saying…
“… Mom’s ‘not’ here… she left-me IN-CHARGE to look-after you… her-pathetic twin-son… I’M HERE-now…”
“Hey! Why you-dressed up like a fool!” In-pain he-cursed…
“… tsk-tsk… never speak-ill of the dead… I’m just ‘honouring’ my-countryman… a great Aussie-actor who sadly-passed ‘before’ his-prime, and ‘true’ recognition to even-more of-his-greatness…”
The pain was intense… and his twin was ‘annoying’ him with cosplay… and he shouted ‘again’…
“HEY! Where’s mom…? I NEED herrr – Arrggghh…”
“… you ‘know’ our-mom… she’s a root-rat – ‘not’ at-all faithful to ‘our’ late-dada… remember Perthland… where she was Mrs Dick-Dickson over-there, hahaha… she was a hoot, our-mom… and I can’t stand her and I moved to the Stamford-Hotel…
“… ‘now’ she’s back with her-tricks ‘again’ in this-Treeton realm… lusting after ‘our’ mediocre-principal… wanting to be a Mrs-Harris, it seems, hahaha!!!”
“… ARRGGGHH! Mommm…” He winced in agony… as the ‘evil’ clown approached…
… and pointing the donkey-jawbone at his-legs…
“… tsk-tsk-tsk… Eww, look at your legs… I ‘told’ you, right…? Sugar is ‘bad’ for you – over-eating is ‘bad’ for you… but you DIDN’T LISTEN to your-first-born elder-brother…
“… no-point crying now – the coke had ‘spilt’ and the black-ants are ‘coming’ – just like the-maggots from your-gangrene ‘would’ creep-up into-your arse to ‘feast-and-eat’ your-brain, hahaha…
“…well, here I-am in the nick-of-time – your-Saviour – to ‘perform’ your-surgery… by-myself on-you, hahaha…!!!”
“NO!!!” He cried-out…
… as he put-up his-arm… wanting to blast the-evil clown with his electro-powers from his-fingertips…
… but ‘nothing’ HAPPENED…
His-twin mocked with a-maniacal laughter…
“… why-you show-off… hahaha, YOUR POWERS are non-existence in my-realm – you-bloody ‘mediocre’ Defender-of-Perth…
“… come-come-come – let’s DO YOUR SURGERY – nooo, I don’t wanna do-it-here… you’ll bloody mess-up my father’s house… bleeding your-mediocre B-group tomato ketchup-blood all-over…
“… let’s DO-IT outside at the front-lawn as an open-surgery theatre… for the world to-see ‘when’ I bloody-maim their ‘Protector-of-Perth’… their-star-sensation – The-Gemini-Blue, hahaha!!!”
The evil-clown pushed-and-ran with the-wheelchair with his helpless-twin struggling in the rough-ride…
“… wheee… hahaha – remember the time… you ‘modified’ your-chair… and you ‘got’ into-trouble, you loser…!!?”
“NOOOO…. Mom! Mom…!!!”
“Wheee… off-we-go…”
Paul saw the front-door ‘open’ ON-ITS OWN – with the afternoon scorching-weather…
… he fell on the grass like soil emptied from a wheelbarrow when his-twin heaved the-chair – and was blinded by the sun as he-turned on-his back… hearing the neighbour’s voice nearby…
… it was Mr Kiperman from across-the-road… on his-porch nagging at his-wife – who was watering the lawn…
“… save your-breath – just ‘what’ you think that one-legged ol’ man would-do…? Nag-me to-death, hahaha… in fact, you ‘would-be’ his bosom-buddy, mate once I ‘CHOP-OFF’ YOUR legs… and you’ll ‘join’ his legless-club as his Vice-wheel chairman, hahaha…”
Paul was ‘suffering’ of both fear-of the amputation and-also the intense pain from the gangrene – seeing the-standing evil-clown wielding the donkey-jawbone at his-face…
Squatting, the twin brought the weapon closer to the-brother’s face…
“Do you know ‘what’ this-is, you-quad…? This is the very-donkey jawbone… where the world’s first ‘murderer’ CAIN USED AND ‘KILLED’ his ‘show-off’ brother, Abel… mind-you and-be warned, you-cripple – that I ‘bear’ the MARK-OF-CAIN on-me… therefore, you don’t ‘mess’ with me-and-my Plans or… I’ll bash your-brains-in, hahaha…”
The Joker in the nurses-garb stood-up…
“… ‘not’ today – I’M ‘SPARING’ your-mediocre life for-now – but today it’s YOUR-AMPUTATION-DAY, hahaha!!!”
He threw the weapon over-his-shoulder… just like Luke-Skywalker ‘DID’ WITH the-lightsabre…
“…hah! What an old-fashioned low-tech weapon of a biblical-crap proportion… I’m ‘NOT’ USING-this to ‘chop-off’ your-legs – as it would-be too-messy… when I ‘got’ my super-duper high-tech weapon to-do the ‘SAME’ JOB, hahaha!!!”
The fallen-brother saw the BLACK-ROBOTIC-ARM’S fingertips ‘MORPHED’ INTO a buzzing-loud chainsaw…
“… hereee-izzz Charlie-Chainsaw…!!!”
Blood-splatted on the white-nurse uniform – as the Joker sang:
“… I’m a tin-man – I ‘never’ had A HEART…
… I’m a tin-man – but you’ll make me A-STAR…”
Carol was in the kitchen boiling water for-tea – she heard hollering in the-windowless bedroom… the-mother rushed to HER-SON…
“… NO! You-devil – don’t cut-me up… NO! DON’T…!!!”
… when she-entered, to discover Paul with his-eyes closed, and-his spine arched from his-crippled-body… and violently-struggle in his bed as he was yelling-and-bellowing in his-nap…
“POE! Poe, WAKE-UP – you’re having a bad dream!” Carol caught-hold of his-hands that were punching-the-air…
… Paul opened his-eyes to his mother’s voice… TO SEE the alarmed-Carol trying to comfort-him – he then hugged her-in-relief… and sobbed…
… Caroline embraced Paul who was shaking-a lot all-over in-fear…
“It’s okay, Poe… you’re ‘ONLY’ DREAMING…” Carol assured-him…
He was tongue-tied and was unable to response… of-the visceral-image of his-twin dressed-up as the Nurse-Joker with a chainsaw … STILL-HAUNTED him to-the-bones…
The kettle-whistled in the-kitchen, Carol left the room… saying…
“… it’s ‘not’ good to have long-nap in the afternoon – quick-go, take your-shower, Poe – you got a birthday to-celebrate…”
… dazed, sitting-up in-between HIS-DREAMWORLDS… he muttered…
“… huh… birthday…?”
BOTH THE GIRLS WERE ON A SHOPPING-SPREE – Alicia came-by the Hilton to pick her BFF-up… Anthony had given Jane $200 to buy a dress – and the blind-daughter was excited…
… the last time she went shopping was in PERTHLAND – where she ‘spent’ less than a week as a 16-year-old teenager who had ‘her-sight’… and was dating Douglas Zimmerman as his-tennis mixed-double partner in that realm…
… IN-PERTHLAND-where, she followed her doctor-mother shopping – the ‘BEST’ VERSION-of-the Shelley-variants of the 3-Mothers-of-3-Perth realms where SHE ‘HAD’ been thrown-in…
… in PERTHLAND-where, the best-version of Shelley had bought her an expensive-dress and heeled-shoes so that she would go-to ball with Dougie at the 131th-Anniversary of the Stamford High School…
The Uber dropped them-off at the Perth’s shopping district. The Chinese-girl was in a-nice dress… and was holding-hands leading her BFF who-was in a casual-attire of tee-shirt-and-jeans…
… Jane did ‘not’ pack any nice-dresses in her-duffle bag during the 2nd-stay @the Hilton – and all her-dresses were in the bedroom-closet, at the now under-renovation Wilson-residence…
They shopped in a list-of-priority – the first being-Paul – and blind-Jane ‘let’ Alicia pick a ‘blue-shirt’ that Pauly-WOULD LIKE…
‘… she would ‘KNOW’ BEST…’
… Alicia was Paul’s girlfriend in the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ – and they were ‘deeply’ in-love…
… and when Alicia was attacked-and-hospitalized in a-coma – Paul was devastated and was visiting her every day… after-school with a-bouquet of flowers…
… when the comatose-Alicia was in a near-death-state, Paul went the-distance for ‘their-love’ as his-soul went to hell-an-back where he ‘confronted’ the grim-reapers to bring back Alicia into the world-of-the living…
‘… Paul ‘had’ said-so to-me…’
Alicia asked her something… and the blind-girl was unresponsive deep-into HER REVERIES…
“Oyy-Janey, let me touch-you, are you-here…?” She touched Jane’s-nose…
“… huh… what…?”
“I was saying… maybe Pauly has a lot of shirts – why ‘not’ get him a blue-jacket instead… if it’s okay, Ms-girlfriend of-Tarzan…?” Alicia chuckled…
“… ya-yes, great idea, Ali – Paul would ‘love’ it – do-it… CHOOSE IT…” Jane gave her seal-of-approval…
Alicia choose-one from the rack…
“… this is the best-one… costing $89…”
“… Ali… let me TOUCH IT…”
The blind-girl touched it… and liked-it – placing the material-on her-cheek…
“… soo-soft…”
“… it’s velvet, my-dear…”
“I love-it… GET IT!”
“… I think we get him a ‘plus-size’ – Pauly is a ‘growing’ boy…” Alicia chucked…
“… more of-him for me to-hold onto…” Blind-Jane joked-too…
The Chinese-girl laughed aloud at the joke in the small store – the customers and sales-girl turned to look-at them…
“Hahaha, you’re so ‘daring’ these days, girlfriend – I like-it…” Alicia hugged-her – and…
… teased her by singing a fast-song from the Swedish-supergroup, ABBA…
“Take-it easy… take it easy…
“Better slow-down, girl…
“That’s no-way to go…
“Does your-mother know…?
“Take-it easy… take-it easy…
“Try to cool-it, girl…
“Take-it nice-and-slow…
“Does your-mother know…?”
They were rapt… and-both holding the jacket’s 2-long-sleeves-ends as they ballroom danced with the imaginary-Paul in-the-middle…
… everyone in the store were amused by the 2-tweens’ ‘crazy-antics’ – someone took a phone-video of them…
… then someone voiced-out…
“IT’S JANE… that Tarzan’s Jane from-the-news… SHE’S HERE…!!!”
The blind-girl ‘realised’ that it was TIME-TO-GO with the-unwanted attention-lurking… they made their way to the cashier-counter with a dozen customers-still gawking…
… even the cashier gave them a complimentary 40% patronage-discount FOR A SELFIE…
Alicia exclaimed…
“Wah-lau-way! Sooo-cheappp… cos’ you’re ‘famous, Janey-gee! You ‘should’ follow-me when I shop the next-time…”
Next, the girls went to another store to buy a dress – Jane thought-of-PERTHLAND…
… where her mother bought-her a sexy-black dress – to ‘impress’ her Zimmerman boyfriend… hoping that the tennis mixed-double pair would hit-up to be ‘perfect-match’ after they graduate…
… even Mrs Zimmerman wanted the ‘same’… so that Jane would ‘marry’ her-son, Dougie – when Martha found-out that she-was-dating Paul in PERTHLAND… even badmouthed about Paul’s father, Solomon was a ‘playboy’ – and, Paul would-be the ‘SAME’ BAD-APPLE like his-father once graduated…
“What colour do you-want…? I’m wearing orange – so, do I go for your-favourite pink…?”
“No! My mummy-choses ‘pink’ always… Ali, you choose something-else…?”
“Hahaha, are you ‘sure’…? Your-mummy doesn’t like me cos’ I wear loud-colours… so-scared that I might influence’ her Barbie-doll to odd-fashion choices…” She chuckled…
Jane thought of her-3rd-eye – where she ‘saw’ herself ‘glowing’ in…
“…yellow… choose me ‘something’ in-yellow…”
“Excellent-choice – yellow ‘goes’ with your blonde-hair… you’ll ‘stick-out’ a golden-statue later @the Walkers, hahaha…” The Chinese-girl made a comparison…
“No, lighter-yellow, please… and, no short dresses – below-the-knees like our uniform…”
… her fashion-sense benchmark was the short-black dress from-PERTHLAND – where she was a busty-voluptuous teenager over there… unlike her tween-body had ‘not’ matured in POST-TREETON…
‘… wait for next-year, Pauly – you’ll get so-MUCH-MORE to ‘see’…’
“…oookay… hahaha, dressing-up appropriately for your-future mother-in-law, is-it…? Or the inspector-of-Perth would-give you a ‘ticket’ for dressing-up like Sailor-Moon, hahaha….” Alicia teased-her…
“…. huh … who is Sailor-Moon…?”
Alicia did ‘not’ want-to-get into ‘explaining’ the manga-character to her blind-BFF who don’t read-comics… nor watch-telly…
They went to a couple of stores before entering MNG deciding-on for frill strapped-tier dress that looked grand-on Jane… she wore it and wanted to go wearing the yellow-dress-to Paul’s party… while using the empty-bag-pack to dump-in her tee-shirt-and-jeans…
They next-shopped for-shoes…
“No, high-heels for me…”
Jane said casually without-thinking – recalling the shoes-that-went with her black-sexy dress of-PERTHLAND…
“Hahaha, do you ‘think’ you can-walk in high-heel…?” Alicia laughed…
Jane just-smiled at her-own slip-of the-tongue… in fact she had used-heels before… and even danced in-heels too…
“Way-no-way… even-I don’t ‘like’ heels… as I don’t have the-ass to-jiggle when-walking in-it – with me-and-my-flat Asian-bums like a tomboy…” The laughing Alicia continued…
Jane giggled as she was led to a shoe-store… to buy brown-shoes to go with her yellow-dress – and, their shopping was done…
… until…
… they passed a cosmetic-store that had a display by Loreal – that OFFERED A ‘FREE’ facial-makeover… which got the Chinese-girl excited…
“… a make-over would-be perfect for your-yellow dress… trust-me, you would be arriving-over like a blonde-goddess. and with you-wearing dark-glasses – you’ll be like-a movie-star walking-on the red-carpet… Pauly would-be mesmerized by your-beauty… he then-would miraculously get-up from his-wheelchair and walk-over to kiss-you, hahaha…” Alicia guffawed…
“YOU’RE CRAZY! Hahaha… too-much of Korean-dramas, I guess…” Jane responded…
They both laughed…
“… how ‘about’ it, Janey-gee – are you game, OR-WHAT…?”
“… no, I don’t think-so… what-time is it…? We ‘got’ to GET-GOING…”
Alicia looked at her-swatch and-exclaimed…
“Hai-yah! We HAVE TIME! Let’s go to have your-first makeover, girlfriend… you won’t regret it…” Alicia said and dragged her-BFF to the makeup-counter…
… Jane too thought ‘WHY-NOT’…
… in-fact it was her 2nd facial makeover – her-first being in PERTHLAND, when her-mother took her-shopping… and the end-results were phenomenal when even the beautician mentioned that she ‘looked’ like a-model…
Anthony at home, even told that she looked beautiful like-Nicole Kidman Dougie Zimmerman said that she looked gorgeous when he pick-her-up for the dance Paul Walker complimented that she looked-lovely when he asked-her for a-dance
AFTER HIS-SHOWER, PAUL LOCKED HIMSELF in the windowless-bedroom – his mother had bought him ‘new’ clothes for his birthday-party. Normally, he wore polo-collared t-shirts but Caroline had bought him a ‘printed’ round-neck tee-shirt this-year…
… it was a Mortal Combat-merch from the 2020-movie… that Caroline bought since seeing-him always playing videogames. He was glad it was a plus-sized 3XXX that fitted well with his grey-cargo pants slacks – which had waistband-gutters ‘not’ zipper-fly… unlike his-school uniform-pant that was ‘SUFFOCATING’ TO-wear-and ‘felt’ just-like – the Red-Guardian suiting-up from the Black-Widow movie…
After dressing-up, he sighed-alone… looking at the closet-mirror – he was ‘not’ in the-mood to celebrate his-13th birthday…
… because ‘when’ he invited Jane – she said that she would ask her-father’s permission – which was a DEFINTE NO to Paul because:
Her-father caught-them both kissing at the Wilsons’ backyard Her-mother doesn’t like him as he took-Jane to the zoo… behind her-parent’s back
He ‘knew’ what the menu was too… which was from the John-Blake Country-Club catering – where Tom Harris had asked during a Walkers’ Sunday-dinner invitation. Peter requested a-lot of pizzas for his friends – when Paul was asked…
… he said ‘meat-pies’ – and vegan-pies for his-mom…
His stomach-growled at the thought of the juicy-pies… hours before the-party began – so to counter-action, he distracted himself with YouTube – looking at some Brazilian dance-videos…
… despite reminding-his subconscious to ‘watch’ his-diet – especially his sugar-and-carb intake OR ELSE…
… Nurse-Joker WOULD COME… and chainsaw-off HIS-LEGS…
Moments later, he heard the caterers coming – then of Principal Harris’ voice talking to his-mom… followed-by Peter’s voice – insisting-of wanting to help in setting-up party’s deco…
… then Donald-Duck’s voice-followed… when Peter was ‘fooling’ with the helium-gas as they put-up the balloons – despite Caroline scolding-him that inhaling the-gas was harmful…
… but Peter ‘kept’ doing-it…
…which irritated Kitty @the-backyard… and she barked her-head-off – and that continued with an ‘abusive-insults’ between boy-and-dog…
The leader of the backbenchers, Terry Donovan and the 6-Irish boys were travelling-over in a 7-seater Toyota-Crysta Uber to go for the birthday-party. The tweens were drinks beers-and-smoking a joint in the car driven by the cousin of one-of-the boys…
Soon, Paul heard the loud-voices of the-backbenchers greeting his-twin in the living-room – Paul sighed that Peter’s friends-came, while…
‘… Jane wouldn’t be-here… ‘probably’ Alicia WOULD-COME… riding on her ‘new’ boyfriend’s superbike…’
And-minutes later, a raft-of Donald-and-Daffy ducks were NOISY-AT-PLAY in the house – that annoyed the dog-further at the backyard – which was barking-mad…
Paul had to go-out…
… to calm-down his-dog… before the neighbours complain…
When Paul opened the bedroom-door he saw the main-door was open. The caterers left but leaving the food-warmer – that looked-like an uptight metal-coffin on-wheel…
… reminding a recent’ nightmare – of his-twin ‘LOCKING’ HIM-UP in the hot-box while they ‘stole’ pies…
Principal Harris was ‘not’ there as he ‘left’ with the caterers – Caroline was at the front-gate…
While wheelchairing in the kitchen, he peeked at the IKEA table with Peter’s prezzies…
“Hey-Paul! Happy Birthday, mate!!!”
He turned to the voices of-the Irish boys greeting him in the-presence of his-inspector-mother… ‘PRETENDING’ THAT they were his-buddies in-school – Paul ‘too’ put-up with the charade…
… where he’s ‘not’ their-friend – as the backbenchers-were mean-verbal bullies in-class…
… Peter got the strayed-crowd’s attention by showing-off with tricks – that he could crush a can-of-coke into the size of a golf-ball with his-titanium robotic-leftie… that was recently ‘cured’ with hydrogen to make it stronger…
… soon his-cobbers were drinking-up their drinks – as his-twin was crushing aluminium-balls to-be taken home as-tokens…
Paul ignored-them and went to ‘calm’ Kitty-down – as the dog was ‘not’ used to the ‘many’ strangers in her-Master’s house…
… at the-backyard he was playing Dota in his iPhone – as the dog went-about smelling the-grass...
Jane-and-Alicia soon arrived @the Walker-house – and Caroline welcomed them at the door. All the Irish-boys felt a-diva ‘presence’ with the 2-tweens of their-class who-then looked ‘plain’ – but ‘now’…
… dolled-up in cosmetic-makeup and looked-attractive in their dresses like catwalk models…
… BUT ‘NOT’ Peter – he glared in-ire at his-blind-ex… who-had HURT HIM – by ‘burning’ his-groins in Garden-of-Eden in their-game of ‘HIDE-AND-SEEK’…
From afar, Alicia greeted Peter ‘happy-birthday’ – and he was taken-aback at the surprise-gesture of the enemies’ camp…
… giving the Chinese-classmate a tacit-nod…
… BUT ‘NOT’ Blind-Jane – she did ‘NOT’ ACKNOWLEDGE him at-all… ignoring-him like he ‘was’ an-invisible red-glow… as she followed Caroline to the dining-area…
Peter was ‘more’ annoyed-and-jealous that his twins’ girlfriend WAS HERE… but ‘not’ HIS…
‘… where is the Frenchie-b****!? Mediocre-girlfriend…’
When his-mother and the-girls went to the dining-area – Peter whispered racial-insults of the-visitors to his-cobbers…
“Poe might have ‘invited’ Chinatown along with his blind-school girlfriend… but I ‘invited’ her boyfriend, KC – he’s a cool-guy and a filthy-rich Asian…and I been to his-house and it was huge – it’s 3-times the size of this-house…”
The dark-haired Terry rejoindered…
“… what is-it with bloody Asians who dye-their hair to ‘look’ Caucasians… whoa… stop ‘staining’ with our-races’ identity and bloody robbing it – the end doesn’t justify the means does ‘not’ ‘apply’ to you-boat-people…”
The boys laughed to the class-clown’s derogating-remarks – an Irish-mate nicknamed-Churros then followed-up…
“… it’s the case of the shit-and-the-fly, you ‘know’ – the ‘free-food’ had attracted the hungry-Vietcong…”
They had half-hour wait before the birthday-party started – and the restless boys wanted to go upstairs to Peter’s bedroom to see his Boris Becker tennis racquet that Ken Chan presented to-him…
“… hey-Mom, I’m going upstairs with the boys – they want to see my-room…”
The moment the-tweens entered the closed-bedroom – the-mates had their ‘personal-party’… they drank beer snuck-in their backpacks and vaped lying in the-bed…
… it was Terry’s daring-challenge that he-and-the minor-aged cobbers would ‘drink-and-smoke’ under the-roof of house-of-the Inspector-of-Perth, that-evening.
Both Jane-and-Alicia did ‘not’ inform Paul that they were coming for the birthday-party as they want to surprise-him…
… Alicia at the kitchen’s backdoor peeked-at the backyard…
… Paul on his-wheelchair was playing videogames facing the backyard fronting the grass-lawn and his dog was rolling-over the grass…
The Chinese-girl led her-blind BFF as they ‘sneaked’ on him from his-rear – Jane too was ‘gamed-excited’ being led to the blue-glow…
Kitty saw the girls and barked to-warn her-Master – which annoyed-Paul and shouted…
“NO! Kitty, bad-girl – always-barking!”
The giggling Alicia pounced from his-back by covering Paul’s eyes with her-palms. The startled-quadriplegic classmate ‘nearly’ electrocuted-her in SELF-DEFENCE…
Paul was overjoyed TO SEE his-friends…
“YOU-CAME… the both OF-YOU!!!”
“Happy-Birthday-Pauly!!!” The girls-chorused…
Being the closest, Alicia hugged and-kissed his cheek – she then ‘freak-out’ excited when she saw the-tee-shirt Paul-wore…
“Mortal-Kombat! That is my favourite VG! Pauly, where did you buy it…!!?”
“… err, my-Mom bought it…”
“Did you ‘see’ the movie-remake…? It’s on Netflix…?”
“… err… no, I would ‘put-it’ on My-List and check it out…”
The Chinese-girl geeked and told of the characters in the movie like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano and Raiden – while Paul listened to his talkative-friend…
… BUT DEEP-inside… he was looking-forward to his GIRLFRIEND’S KISS…
The eccentric-Alicia then ran-off after saying…
“I want to go-ask Mrs Walker ‘where’ she bought it-from – I want to-buy one for Ken – he would love-it…”
The lovebirds were finally-alone at the backyard – Paul looked at his doll-faced girlfriend in-makeup…
… look lovely like-in PERTHLAND – during their dance-night at the SHS gym-auditorium…
… Jane sheepishly-grinned as she-went to him – with a full-32-teeth wide-smile like Julia Roberts. Paul guided her-reaching hand as she came-down…
… to give his-birthday kiss – it was ‘only’ a brief-5 seconds-kiss… as they broke-up ‘when’ Belgian Malinois barked…
… Paul jolted at the-warning-bark and-jumped his buttocks on the wheelchair – fearing his-mom had SEEN-HIM kissing – just-like Anthony ‘CAUGHT’ HIM kissing his-daughter @the Wilsons’ backyard…
He released a nervous-laughter, saying…
“… my-dog wants my-attention, hahaha…”
Jane too laughed…
Paul licked his-lips and liked-her cherry-tasting lipstick of their brief-kiss – and, called-out…
“Come-here, Kitty – look ‘who’s’ here – IT’S JANE… who ‘rescued’ you…”
… but Kitty WAS AFRAID and remained on the-grass, whining…
… as it remembered the female-human with fiery-fingers of IMMORTAL-POWERS …which ‘melted’ the padlock of the cage that she was-in at the dog-pound, a couple of-months-ago…
Paul called-out several-times – but Kitty ‘refused’ to come – Jane then-said…
“… it’s okay, Pauly – ‘maybe’ Kitty is-shy…”
Blind-Jane ‘remembered’…
… OTHER-PERTH – ‘where’ Kitty was Piper substitute as the cursed-Piper became a lone-wolf – and Kitty gave birth to 4-puppies @the Wilsons’ backyard…
… Jane ‘spoke’ to the frightened-dog at a distance…
“… Piper loves-you… and MISSES-YOU – he’s ‘recovering’ fast from his-wounds… and would ‘come’ home-soon…”
The 8-boys rushed downstairs when they saw a white BMW-Uber at the front-gate – to welcome Bella at the door…
… she hugged-and-kissed her ‘birthday-boy’ IN-FRONT of everyone…
Caroline disliked the-behaviour and the flirtatious-reputation of the senior-student, Bella – who was ‘caught-and-suspended’ a few times from-school-for… having SEX WITH BOYS in the gym-bathroom…
… and with PETER-TOO…
The Irish-boys ‘asked’ the 14-year-old who came to the party empty-handed… of ‘where’ her PREZZIE FOR her-boyfriend ‘was’ – she replied-that she would give-it-to him-later…
… the inebriated-tweens laughed-aloud to her-double MEANING JOKES…
… by-then the annoyed inspector-mother left the deviant-and-pervert youngsters – where she would want Tom-Harris to deal with the senior-girl WHOSE ‘FLIRTING’ was a bad-influence to others…
… she would ‘hope’ it would lead to her ‘BREAKING-UP’ with her-son, Peter…
Terry-too misbehaved and poked-fun at Bell’s printed t-shirt with an-image of lorikeet-bird – with a raunchy-joke…
“… our-lorikeets are squawking in our pants-too…” Everyone laughed…
Soon, Kitty barking her-head off again – ‘after’ hearing-the ‘familiar’ Bella’s voice… and ‘wanted’ her to come-over to play…
The animal-lover Bella ‘left’ the-boys… and wanted to go and pet the dog…
Peter ‘was’ angry at Poe’s pet – the-dingo – who had DISTRACTED HIS-girlfriend ‘when’ he needed-her to be-around… to ‘SHOW-OFF’ TO his-mediocre-cobbers that he was the only-one among-them who ‘HAS’ A GIRLFRIEND’…
Alicia was helping Caroline by setting the food from-the-warmer to the kitchen marbled-counter – Jane-and-Paul were talking at the IKEA table…
… ‘when’ Bella entered…
… and was ‘surprised’ to-see the ‘presence’ of the 2 girls – whom she ‘fought’ at the Girls’ room last-week… but all-the 3-girls DID ‘NOT’ REACT in their animosity under the roof-of the Inspector-of-Perth – and would settle their-difference in-school…
“Happy Birthday, Paul…” The teenager shook his hands…
“Can I go-out and play with your dog…?” She asked and left-him to go-outside the-backdoor…
… Paul left Jane and followed the visitor and – ‘supervise’ his ferocious-breed dog in Bella’s presence…
The dog was friendly to Peter’s girlfriend… as she had been playing with the dog ‘before’ during Peter’s treasure-hunt visit…
She was recommending food-brands and supplements to Paul… as-a ‘new’ dog-owner…
The robotic one-armed Peter was fuming-in-humiliation as it had been 10-minutes Bella had left his group... to-go play with his-twin’s dog. The intoxicated-Terry irritated-him too by his crude-jokes…
… with remarks of Tarzan-Gone-Muslim by being-a ‘polygamist’ – and-having many-girlfriends… as the POPULAR-TWIN in his-Perth-fame with his viral-Tik-Tok videos.
It almost ended with a fist-fight – and 5 of the-Irish mates took-Terry out of the house… so-that Peter ‘might’ NOT-KILL-HIM with his robotic-arm. They went to the Walkers’ lawn-garden – walked-around to find a ‘safe-spot’ to-vape in the-compound of the Inspector-of-Perth’s house.
In the living-room, only Churros remained with Peter…
Churros’ real name was Jorge McFly – who was ‘not’ pure-Irish blood because his mother was Spanish… thus-the nickname…
… Peter got-along well with him – being ‘not’ a pure-Irish blood himself… because his-late father was English…
Churros gave Peter the idea-and-material where he could get ‘even’ with Paul… who ‘stole’ his girlfriend – with the KISSING VIDEO shot during the recent SHS’ Family Day outing @the South Beach recorded by Raymond Donovan…
… who was the ‘elder-twin’ of Terry… from the B-Class at school…
… where, 2-days prior to the beach-trip, Raymond and an-Irish-mate from his-class were injured in a downhill skateboard accident… where the boys were hurt considerably with wounds-and-bruises on their arms-and-legs – with-Raymond suffered the-most as he was hurt on his-groins too – when the hurled skateboard stuck-him during the-fall…
When the SHS’ Family Day came, Raymond’s parents did ‘not’ want their-son to follow his twin to the island-beach of Rotto – instead, he went with the other-group in the busses to Freemantle’s South Beach… where teachers can ‘keep-an-eye’ of their injured-son…
… it was in the inland-beach of the ‘OTHER’ GROUP – he and his fellow injured-cobber went hiking… and they-both chanced on Paul-kissing-Jane at a secluded beach-away from the main-crowd…
… and they ‘recorded’ the STEAMY-VIDEO from afar, in-secret…
… Peter was watching the video of his-twin kissing Jane rolling-over the sands like Hollywood stars of a romance-movie… and he was both jealous-and-angry as Paul – who ‘kept’ stealing his-girlfriends in EVERY REALM they-went…
This was A ‘NEW’ ARSENAL of the videos TO GET-BACK at his twin, where he ‘had’ the ANOTHER-VIDEO of…
… the CCTV-cam upstairs which ‘caught’ – the cripple-POE ‘FLYING’ UPSTAIRS to his-room…
… but that was HIS-EVIDENCE FOR his-inspector-mother… WHEN THE right-moment came TO REVEAL the superhero secret-identity of Poe, LIVING UNDER the-same-roof.
The plotting-twin was deciding of ‘HOW-TO’ use the kissing-video to destroy his-brother’s reputation online as ‘Tarzan,’ now-that…
… he’s famous by the Tik-Tok viral-videos of-the-zoo…
‘… hehehe… Janey’s parents found-out that you’ve been ‘FRENCH-KISSING’ their blind-daughter, hehehe… I ‘got’ you this-time with YOUR ‘PANTS-DOWN, Poe…’
Project Looking Glass: Freelancer
When a game can set you up for life, a man with a talent for analysis gambles his future for a new lease on life. While traveling on the colony ship Pioneer Michael Wolfe and many others are logged into Project Looking Glass, a fully immersive Virtual Reality MMORPG set on the world they are traveling to. At the end of the journey all players will be permitted to keep the land they hold in the game as their homestead for the new colony. Michael Wolfe must put away the books of myth and folklore and push himself to his limit to achieve the start to his new life. Updates will come by chapter as I write them, so don't count on a solid release schedule (though I will try for a few chapters each week). Edit advice is always welcome, but please keep it polite. ((Cover is just a working cover until I can get some decent artwork)) Be advised that I am currently focusing on Hero's Call. Project Freelancer will continue/be rewritten in parts when I have finished the story arc I intend for Hero's Call.
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Ascendant: Online | Book Two | Crash Through
Ascendant: Online isn't just a game. For Antonious King, it's his life, literally. His soul torn from its body and flung fifteen hundred years into a bleak future for mankind into an augmented body made in his image, but not his own... Tony is one of three hundred humans in the Ascendant Program. One of three hundred humans left. After being confronted by The Archon, Tony finds himself back on Arach to make things right with Jorogu and drive back the Padinus Swarm, but is captured and forced to entertain through gladiatorial combat. In the face of waning powers Tony must take drastic measures to escape the grasp of the Padinus Queen, Serketzi, to fulfill the Oath sworn to avenge mankind before all of his powers are stripped away. Meet your enemies head-on and Crash Through in Ascendant: Online!
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Do Dungeons Dream of Goblins?
a Man accidently passes through a spatial crack arriving in another plane, to prevent his presence from corrupting the world the gods force him to revive
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The Shape Of A Heart (SouDam)
Gundham passes by an injured Dog on the side of the road, little does he know, that the dog has a secret of its own :00
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Falls ihr Lust auf mein Gekritzel habt, dann schaut gerne vorbei. Verbesserungsvorschläge sind selbstverständlich willkommen. ;)
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The ThickGirl and The Badboy
"Well, well, well. Who do we got here?" An annoying voice mocked me.I clenched my teeth and faced him with a glare, while his eyes raked my whole body. Again. He stopped in my thighs, his eyes widening a little.I couldn't help but pity myself. Surely he's never seen legs like mine, with his sex crimes he's probably used to seeing long, thin, sexy legs, while mine are short, strong, but stubby. "What do you want?" I snarled. His eyes came back to mine, and he smirked."Chill ThunderThighs."I gave him a mean look, is he seriously insulting me right now ? ☆☆☆☆ Disclaimer:I'm still editing the first few chapters but i promise you it gets better:)
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