《BOOK 6: THE SON OF ASMODEUS (a Perth's Accidental Superheroes series) VOL 2.2 POST-TREETON》Chapter 17: The Immaculate Conception
THE UBER RIDE DROPPED THE BLIND-GIRL @Parmelia Hilton. Jane said ‘good-night’ to Alicia who then-left. The doorman opened glass-door for Anthony as he went to his-daughter…
… he complimented…
“…wow-darl, you bought a new-dress and put-on make-up too… you look beautiful, dear…”
“… hehehe, like Nicole Kidman, yea…?” She finished her-father’s sentence…
“… yes, you ‘are’, hahaha…”
They both laughed as they walked into the lobby and-headed to the hotel elevator…
… the blind-girl sighed… as she doesn’t KNOW ‘HOW’ the actress look-like. She regretted that ‘while’ she was a fully-sighted teenager for less-than a-week in PERTHLAND – she did ‘not’ google the actress… but she ‘KNEW’ HOW Stevie-Wonder looks like – with her-doctor-mother’s gripe on her-B-girl’s dreadlocks hairstyle looking ‘odd’ like the blind-singer…”
“… did you have a good-time…?”
“O-yes, Daddy – I had a great-time… we bought Pauly a blue-jacket as his-birthday present – HE ‘LOVED’ IT… I ‘met’ his pet-dog, Kitty – but don’t know-why, she did ‘not’ come to me… I ‘miss’ my-Piper… can we-go ‘see’ him tomorrow, Daddy…?”
Anthony pressed the elevator-button, replying…
“… we can’t… I’m busy tomorrow in the weekend – by-the-way, our-house ‘renovation’ is competing for this-Sunday… we check-out of the-hotel and pick-up Piper on the-way…”
… Jane ‘got’ her dates-of-the days mixed-up… Paul’s 13th birthday was on Friday… it’s the weekend tomorrow with ‘no’ school…
“… O-yes, we’re checking-out ‘soon’…”
The reached-elevator dinged… and they got-in…
“… are you ‘excited’ to go-home…?”
“Yes-Daddy, I ‘missed’ my-bed…” She chuckled…
Jane ‘lied’ – as-she preferred the hotel’s bed ‘better’ to her queen-sized bed in her-bedroom... that ‘gave’ her night-terrors of Peter-the-incubus – where she ‘had’ to drink-alcohol to sleep…
… but ‘not’ in the hotel’s bed, where the demon ‘DID-NOT’ COME to-taunt her for the last-5 days ‘when’ she stayed @the Hilton – even-the bottle of Pinot-Noir that Lola ‘gave’ her was ‘still’ unopened since she doesn’t ‘need’ drinking ever since …
… she had also ‘hurt’ Peter in the Garden-of-Eden in their ‘shared’ Dreamworld…
‘… it’s the ‘weekend’ tomorrow – I’LL DRINK IT-then to ‘entertain’ my-boredom…”
In the moving-lift, she heard’ Anthony sighing…
“… what is it, Daddy…?”
“… I’m worried of ‘how’ you’re going to manage back-home from ‘now’ onwards…? Your-mother ‘took’ the housekeeper-away… who ‘used-to’ cook for-you… and ‘how’ would your-food arrangement-be ‘when’ you’ll come-back from school this Monday…
“… darl… do we-both need a ‘new’ housekeeper…?”
“… no-need for-that worries… Ali-and-I ‘got’ it all figured-out – I’ll return with her-Uber and she’s going to spend-time with me in the afternoons… we ‘order’ food-online and would be doing our-school homework together and she’ll go-back home in the-evening…”
“… but ‘some-days’ I work late… and, you’ll BE ALONE, dear…”
“… I won’t be-alone – I ‘got’ Boyyo… and I got-Piper too – don’t ‘worry’ about-me, Daddy… I’m an independent B-girl like a-Stevie-Wonder…” Jane chuckled to put her-daddy in his-peace of-mind…
The elevator’s door opened on the 33rd-floor…
The father-and-daughter reached the locked bedroom – Anthony saw her unlock the door with her key-card… he wished her good-night…
… Jane hugged him and kissed his-cheek…
“… I love you, Dad – I’m soo-happy that you allowed-me to go to Pauly’s birthday-party…”
“I’m happy you had a good time…”
“… yes, I did – don’t worry ‘about’ me… I ‘can’ take care of myself… and I’ll take ‘care’ of you-too – we’ll both have dinners every-evening when you come-home from work… we’ll ‘order’ our-food – no-need to hire another-Lola…”
“… okay, dear…” Anthony said-and-saw her closing the-door…
Blind-Jane entered the suite-room and ‘switched’ on the lights – to ‘be’ normal, even she doesn’t ‘need-to’… but she was ‘told’ in PERTHLAND that ‘even’ Stevie-Wonder switched his hotel-room’s lights-on when he’s ‘alone’…
‘… what works for Stevie – ‘should’ work for-me-too…’
She chuckled to herself… and went to the bathroom to ‘wash-off’ her-makeup…
As her eyes were closed, she lathered her-face with the hotel’s small-tube of liquid-soap – Jane was startled when she ‘HEARD’ A DEEP-VOICE…
…of a man nearby, calling her…
“Greetings, Virgin-Jane – the daughter-of-Anthony – do ‘not’ be afraid...”
She-then opened her blind-eyes – and her 3rd-eye ‘was’ blinded by a celestial bright-white light in a ‘figure’ of a-tall-man…
… and both her eyeballs were ‘hurting’ just like in the GARDEN-OF-EDEN – when she came-OUT OF THE ‘DARK’ cupid-cave…
IN SELF-DEFENCE, Jane ‘used’ her new-powers of shooting-fiery beams from her-Cursed-scar in her-forehead – the ceramic toilet-bowl shattered and… the 2nd blast smashed-and-splintered the glass-panels of the-shower booth…
The deafening noises terrified the blind-tween as she fled from the-bathroom screaming to the-front suite-room door – TO ‘ESCAPE’ from the intruder in-her-room…
A patrolling hotel-security guard, uniformed in his teal-coat – too heard the blast and ran towards it. At the bend, he saw a frightened blond-girl slamming her fists on a door, crying-out…
The startled Anthony opened his door – with Jane rushing-and-hugging him, crying…
“… there-there… there IS A MAN in my-room…!!!”
The security-guard ‘HEARD’ HER – he ordered the-hotel’s guests…
“Sir, please lock yourselves in the room ‘now’…”
He ran-over to Jane’s room with THE DOOR-AJAR… he took-out his taser-gun and entered the suite…
… there was NOBODY-THERE – but the bathroom was devastated with concrete-ruins and leaking-pipes… as if it WAS ‘ATTACKED’ by a ‘small’ bomb…
Curious guests at the 33RD-FLOOR – were outside their-room as they ‘heard’ a deafening noises ‘happening’ a-minute-ago … and by-then, a team of teal-uniform security-guards ‘responded’ – and were deployed to the-floor…
… there was back-and-forth walkie-talkie communication to the ground-floor where the CCTV camera-room was… checking for the intruder’s presence… the fire-department too came to ‘investigate’ if it was a-possible ‘TERRORIST-ATTACK’…
At Anthony’s room, Jane sat on the couch as she heard her-father was talking to the duty-manager and some personnel-from the front-desk. A couple of unformed-guards accompanied their Head-of-Security who ‘questioned’ Jane…
“… Miss… could you ‘DESCRIBE’ THE MAN you saw…?”
… Anthony answered him…
“Hey-look here, mate – my-daughter IS ‘BLIND’…!”
“… Miss… what ‘did’ he tell-you…?” The man then-asked…
“… err… HE ‘SAID’ – ‘do ‘not’ be-afraid’…” The blind-tween replied…
“… then ‘what’ happened…?” The man-further inquired…
“… err… there ‘was’ AN-EXPLOSION… and I ‘ran’ away…” The blind-TWEEN ‘LIED’…
… she HAD TO… where she was the ‘one’ who created the-HOTEL’S ‘DAMAGES’ by ‘using’ her superpower IN-SELF-DEFENCE… which she ‘regret’…
‘… but… who WAS THAT ‘MAN’ who glowed in the ‘blinding’ white-light…?’
She then-heard her-father arguing with the duty-manager that if this incident went to-the-press and if the minor-Jane’s name was ‘mentioned’ – Anthony ‘WOULD’ SUE the hotel for lack-of-security… that an-intruder ‘had’ set-off an-explosive in Jane’s hotel-bedroom that ‘endangered’ her-life…
… ‘NOT’ WANTING a lawsuit from their ‘valued-frequent-guest’ – the hotel wrote-off their incident-report that a ‘faulty’ generator ‘had’ caused the-explosion…
… they EVEN UPGRADED the Wilsons’ father-and-daughter to the Deluxe-suites at the-upper floor.
IN HIS WINDOWLESS BEDROOM, Paul was in front of the closet-mirror, levitating and trying-on the bright blue-velvet jacket that his-girlfriend bought for-him … admiring the design of the exquisite fashion-cut which brought-out the macho-in-him…
… which urged him to take ‘personal’ selfies… ‘not’ to share on the ‘social-media’ – as ‘being’ an-introvertly ‘private’ person – but he might ‘share’ the-photos though with Blind-Jane – and if she ‘was’ curious…
‘… let ‘her’ Boyyo ‘DESCRIBE’ THE photos-to-her…’
… Paul grinned as he was ‘drunk-in-love’ – his 13th-birthday was ‘filled’ with best memories of his-whole-life ‘when’ Jane ‘surprised-him’ and came to-be-with him… he felt his-and-her deep-love at the party just-now – with their ‘attraction’ aura-glowing that brighten the house-of-Walker…
… but he was trying hard to-forget THE 2ND-HALF of his-birthday when the-visitors ‘came’… and auctioned-and-placed THE HOUSE-DEED of their-father’s house ‘under’ THE NAME OF his-devil-twin…
… which was A DIRE ‘THREAT’ to him and-his-dog from ‘now’ on…
Paul wanted to call-her to ‘update’ of the outcome of the visitor’s visit where Bella’s uncle decided of transferring the deed from Caroline-to-Peter…
… but Jane had switched-off her-Samsung…
… he looked at the-time – 9:03 PM…
‘… it’s late… she’s tired after a long-day shopping and doing ‘girly-stuffs’ with Alicia ‘before’ coming to the-party – LET HER HAVE a ‘goodnight-rest’ – tomorrow I’ll tell-her ‘about’ the house-deed’…’
He was tired-too and wanted to go-to-bed with ‘positive’ loving thoughts of the evening with ‘both’ of his ‘best-friends’…
… but he ‘needed’ to pee before changing into his-adult-diapers…
… still-wearing his macho-jacket, he sat on his-wheelchair to go to THE BATHROOM…
All of the house-lights were-on in the house – ever since the party was over an-hour-ago. Paul ‘noticed’ the front-door was ‘still’ open…
… he doesn’t ‘want’ to-know what his-mom and the-principal ‘were’ doing outside in-the-dark…
… Paul chuckled to himself as he thought of – the 2-brief kisses HE-HIMSELF ‘SCORED’ with his-girlfriend – that he-managed to-get that-evening:
The-first was outside at the backyard – ‘when’ they were ‘alone’ with Kitty The 2nd-was when the Uber-came – and-the goodbye-kiss ‘came-too’… at the-back of the adults who were walking up-the-stairs
… those ‘kisses’ were what both-of-the budding-youngsters cherished…
… as they ‘WERE’ 2-VIRGINS ‘madly’ in-love…
In the bathroom, the levitating-Paul hummed his-birthday-tune as he trinkled into the-bowl – it was a whole-2 minutes-hum as he had so-much-to-piss… while drinking lots-of cool-drinks-and-juices at the party…
He then washed his-hands in front of the bathroom-mirror… carefully and ‘not’ to be clumsy to wet his velvet-jacket. Paul looked-up-onto the mirror and was ‘shocked’…
… to see the Burning-man ‘standing’ behind-him…
“… Dad!!? Dad…?”
… Paul turned his-head and ‘SAW’ NOTHING – but ‘then’ turning to-the-mirror – he saw the-reflection of his father who DWELLED-IN-PURGATORY…and-the soul was grimacing-in-pain as – he communicated from the ‘OTHER-WORLD’…
“… help-Peter…help-Peter…”
“Help-him ‘HOW,’ DAD…!!?”
“… help-him…”
“… how-Dad… TELL-ME…!!?”
… Paul heard pounding on the bathroom-door – with Caroline’s VOICE CALLING-him outside… he glanced-back at the mirror – and, his father was ‘NOT’ THERE…
Paul opened the door… the mother saw the-shocked-look in her son’s-eyes…
“Poe, why you ‘shouted’…!? WHAT HAPPENED…? You ‘look’ like you’ve seen a ‘ghost’…”
“… err… nothing… I was ‘talking’ to-myself…”
“What talking-to-yourself? You WERE ‘SHOUTING’ just now like YOU ‘DID’ this afternoon with YOUR-BAD-DREAMS…!?” Caroline was concerned…
“… it’s nothing, Mom… just-talking to-myself aloud…”
“… Poe, what’s ‘TROUBLING’ YOU…? You want to talk-about-it…?”
“… no-Mom, I’m ‘fine’… goodnight…”
… avoiding his-inquisitive inspector-mom… he wheelchaired-away to his windowless-bedroom…
… little-did ‘both’ the mother-and-son ‘knew’ of that-THE VISITOR, Topheth Jared-Wilford ‘had’ hexed the Walker-house with a BLACKMAGIC-SPELL dust…
… that ‘tortured’ the SOUL-OF-SOLOMON Walker…
Back in his-windowless bedroom, Paul was ‘troubled’ by the presence of the Burning-man – where Solomon ‘ALWAYS’ WARNED him of future ‘disaster’ to come…
… but his-father HAD ‘NEVER’ given him answers-nor-solutions to overcome the-disasters in every-realm that Paul encountered his-father from-Purgatory’s visits:
In the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ – Solomon warned Paul…that Peter had ‘something’ to-do with Jane’s brother’s kidnap In PERTHLAND (hospital) – Solomon warned Paul… that to ‘escape’ from trapped in-that realm… one had to commit the ultimate self-sacrifice – to-reincarnate In POST-TREETON (Samsara) – Solomon warned Paul… that his-father was self-sacrificing himself for the sins-of-Peter In POST-TREETON (bathroom) – Solomon warned Paul… to ‘help’ Peter
… Paul sighed…
‘… help him-how, Dad…? I’M CLUELESS – you have to-be ‘more’ specific…
‘… I don’t have a rule-book or a user-manual here to look-up with every-premonitions you ‘give’ where-ever I-go… I used to have a ‘trustworthy’ ally in the Red-demon, Mercury – who ‘knows’ what to do… but he-too had ‘gone’ MIA…
‘… leaving me-and-Jane as a redundant-pair of… the-useless Defenders-of-Perth ‘duo’…’
Shaking his-head, Paul sighed each time he thought of his-clueless dilemma @POST-TREETON… till his-mind was tired-and-sleepy – and, he went to bed…
… talking to-himself to-sleep…
‘… Poe… no-worries, mate… enjoy ‘your’ problems – Birthday-is ‘over’… but the ‘show’ must go-on – Go-Gemini-Go…’
IT WAS ALMOST 11 O’CLOCK, before the father-and-daughter checked-into their Deluxe-rooms after the ‘explosion-incident’ of Jane’s room happened… ‘more’ than an -hour ago. Blind-Jane was fully-alert in ‘what’ was going-on the post-incident ‘scene’… by careful-listening to the conversation back-and-forth in the-adult-world that ‘protect’ its-minors…
… in-her quiet-self, SHE ‘LISTENED’ to the hotel-authorities were ‘covering-up’ the reports with the ‘police-and-fire’ departments… that there a ‘faulty-generator’ had overheated-and-blasted when Jane was-away for a birthday-party…
In the-conversation, there was ‘NO’ MENTIONED of an-intruder – as there was ‘no’ evidence of-one captured by the-hotel’s CCTV-cameras in the control-room…
But the blind-tween FELT ‘GUILTY’ too – that she caused a mess in public for-a 2nd time… where she had-once caused a fire in the janitor’s room, while ‘demonstrating’ HER-NEW superpower to Paul, at school…
‘… fish-me… I’m getting careless… and I was startled-and-panicked ‘WHEN’ I HEARD the MAN’S ‘VOICE’…
‘… ‘WHO’ IS HE…? Jane racked her-brains in-quiet…
The trio got-off the elevator. Anthony held Jane’s hand and… was talking to the duty-manager who accompanied-them to the Deluxe-rooms. Her-father had reminded-him of ‘protecting’ his minor-aged daughter from the media…
A bellhop with their-luggage was waiting outside their rooms – when they-arrived. Blind-Jane was in #3535 – while her-daddy ‘reminded’ her that he was in #3534 beside-her… if she ‘needed’ him…
Finally, Jane was ‘alone’ in her-suite room – and, she wanted TO-BE ‘SURE’ that the ‘intruder’ was ‘not’ there…
… by-using her ‘OWN’ METHOD…
… where she switched-off the room-lights – and placed her-hand out that glowed in-luminant yellow-light… and ‘used’ her 3rd-eye TO SEARCH EVERY CORNER of the room – especially the bathroom…
She was satisfied that she was ‘alone’ – before changing into her pyjamas… and hanging her ‘new’ yellow-dress on a closet-hanger…
On the king-sized bed, she fluffed the soft-pillow before placing her-head on it. And, she then ‘dozed-off’…
“…Jane… Jane…”
She opened her eyes to the female’s voice – her 3rd-eye ‘sensed’ a yellow-orb near her-face, and responded in a startled-voice…
“… huh… SIMY is that ‘you’…?”
“… yes, it's me’ – go to DEEP-SLEEP… Mother Venus wants TO ‘SPEAK’ to you in the-OTHER-SIDE…”
Her 3rd-eye ‘followed’ the voice-of-SIMY as it led Jane into the corridor-passages of the cosmic-Universe… the blind-girl was talking-in-her sleep…
“… SIMY… you ‘came’ during… the-baboon attack… thanks…”
“Don’t mention-dear… your brother-the-Prince ‘was’ IN DANGER – it’s your ‘duty’ as his-sister to safeguard HIM-ALWAYS…”
“… okay… BUT… ‘WHO’ WAS the-man just-now… who ‘spoke’ TO-ME…?”
“Jane, he’s ‘nobody’ – don’t listen to-him…”
“… is he a ‘bad’ person…?”
…Jane got ‘no’ answer – as the-soul of her-AI led her – to a transport-portal to ‘transfer’ them to the ‘OTHER-SIDE’…
… the blind-tween felt her-feet ‘moving’ like its-on a fast conveyor-belt – and all-of her-hairs-of her-body stood-and-tingled…
… she then ‘felt’ someone hugging-her as she-spoke…
“Greetings, My-virgin daughter – it’s a blessing to see-you again…”
“… Mother-Venus… huh… is that you…!?” Jane-cried...
“… yes, it’s me, my darling-Chosen-one…”
They were all-in the cockpit of the Cube-of-Apollo… with Dora as the-pilot, who’d set-the drive to-autopilot, and... the-fellow Virgo too ‘greeted’ Jane…
… while the yellow-orb transformed into the hologram in the likeness of the doctor-mother, going by the cloud-moniker, Ayn-Wilson…
“Jane, my-Virgo-sister – how are you…?” Dora hugged her…
“… err… Dora… I’m ‘fine’ I guess…?”
Then there was a ‘sudden’ displeasure in Jane’s tone of voice, as she ‘questioned’…
“Mother Venus, ‘where’ were-you for the past 6 months…? You left Paul-and-me clueless in the POST-TREETON realm – WHY!!? Peter had-been ‘disturbing-me’ and giving-me horrible nightmares…
“… where is ‘Mercury’…? Isn’t he ‘suppose’ to-guide the Defenders-of-Perth…?”
“You’re doing-fine, my-dear – as, I’m watching over-you… and, even bestowed ‘additional’ superpowers for you to-protect yourself from any ‘evil’ that might want-to harm you. And, as-for Mercury… he’s on his search-and-destroy quest in-hunting the-soon to-be ‘betraying’ Iskur, the-son-of Baal…
“… and, the Army-and-mercenaries of Asmodeus are ‘hunting’ us-too – and we’ve been hiding in ‘different’ realms… but eventually the-peacock of a-1000-eyes, Argus would ‘find’ us… and we’re on-the-run again…
“… but whenever I ‘see’ you’re in dire-situation in Perth-earth – I’ll send my-holy-Spirit ‘through’ SIMY… to assist-and-guide you, My-daughter…”
“We are here ‘always’ TO PROTECT you, Jane…” SIMY rejoindered…
Jane in her pyjamas WAS SATISFIED with their ‘answers’ – and she-nodded…
The Roman-Goddess of Beauty further-said…
“My-daughter… you are ‘called’ here today to PLAY A ‘BIGGER’ ROLE in ‘our’ Cause because the end-times are-near – where in less-than 20-years FROM-NOW… the-Perth that you’re defending would-be annihilated to-RUINS BY MANMADE-hell-fires… that ‘would’ spread through-OUT THE WORLD…”
The hologram translated in-clarification…
“… what Mother-Venus is saying is that Perth would-be destructed by a nuclear disaster that ‘only’ you can prevent by a decision that YOU MAKE ‘right-now’ – that would ‘avert’ the end-times…”
“Tell me ‘how’ – so that, Paul-and-I can ‘prevent’ it as the Defenders-of-Perth…!” Jane cried-out…
The Goddess continued…
“But My-daughter… it’s beyond-that of saving your-homeland – YOU SHOULD ‘save’ the world-too…!
“… as we ‘speak’ – The Abrahamic-Creator would-initiate the path-of-destruction where His-tribal followers of His-Trinity-faiths WOULD-GO TO WAR with one-another – and someone ‘needs-to-stop’ the annihilation of Mother-earth – and, the world ‘NEEDS’ A SAVIOUR…”
“WHAT!!? I don’t understand – I can’t be the ‘Saviour’ to the-world… it’s beyond-me… I’m just’ a blind-girl living-Downunder…” Jane doubted-herself…
The hologram intervened her from-ranting…
“Be-quiet, Jane… just LISTEN TO-Mother!”
“It’s ‘not’ you-is the Saviour, My-daughter – but ‘you’ AS-A MOTHER to the-daughter of your ‘future’ –who would-be born in Perth-earth… ‘WHO’ WOULD-BE the deeming-Saviour…
“… so, it’s time to TAKE ‘YOUR’ PLACE in this Holy-Cause…”
“… my-future daughter…? What’ Holy-Cause…!!? The blind-tween further confused…
“Your-role in the-Holy-Cause is to attain the highest SELF-SACRIFICE as the ‘Chosen-Virgin’ that is-to ‘get’ PREGNANT TODAY… so that the chain-of-events would make it possible for the redeemer TO-COME tomorrow to save the world…!”
“WHAT!!? I should ‘get’ pregnant-today…!!? Are you-all BATSHIT-CRAZY? My doctor-mom WOULD ‘KILL’ ME if I ‘get’ pregnant… and how can you-all ‘DECIDE’ ON-this crazy-idea when I’m ‘just’ ONLY-12…!!!”
“… but the role you-play in the Holy-Cause would ‘SAVE’ THE WORLD – and ‘not’ only that… the daughter in your belly would-be the SEED-OF-GOD APOLLO the Healer… whose daughter’ would be the one, you-the-Virgin would bear in-childbirth as the Messiah-of-Peace of the ‘future’ Mother-earth…”
“FISH-YOU ALL!!! I’m ‘NOT’ DOING IT! Furthermore, I’m an atheist – GO ‘FIND’ yourself another virgin-fool to be a ‘sucker’ to your religious-Cause…!!!” Jane was mad…
The hologram pacified-her…
“… Jane you’re ‘NOT’ BEING-rational here… the fate of the-world ‘hangs’ on the binary-choice you MAKE TODAY – please don’t ‘deny’ mankind its-peace… and by-SAYING ‘NO’ would bring misery to 7-billion people on-earth…”
The blind-girl shouted at the-AI…
“SIMY! You of-all the ‘moronic-people’ are saying that a 12-year-old ‘should’ get-pregnant by a ‘strange-god’ – where are the savant-logics to this, TELL-ME…!?”
“… ‘age’ is ‘not’ the factor-here – the Abrahamic-Creator had ‘DONE’ IT ‘before’… and, based on-the calculation of ‘previous-studies’ – I ‘compute’ the HIGH-RATE in-the empirical probability-and-chances of-strategic ‘success’ that YOU’LL GIVE-BIRTH to a healthy ‘baby-daughter,’ whose ‘role’ is to-BE THE SAVIOUR’ – 20-years from-now to mortals-and-sentients alike…”
“NO!!! ‘NOT’ HAPPENING! This is my-body – and, I would ‘not’ let-it to-be a ‘garbage-bin’ to your ‘twisted’ beliefs! This is my-body – and, I would ‘not’ be blackmailed nor emotionally highjacked into-my-own guilty of ‘not’ willing to save’ mankind…
“… ‘who’ GIVES THE RIGHT to this-God to ‘invade’ my-body ‘against’ my-will…!!?” Jane was back-shouting…
The hologram reasoned…
“Jane, you’re ‘not’ seeing the-whole-picture… this is a ‘noble’ act-of self-sacrifice that you ‘owe’ to mankind as the Defender-of-Perth – just ‘AGREE’ TO-US… and, get ‘pregnant’…”
“NO!!! ‘NOT HAPPENING! Where is ‘my’ freewill in all of this…!!? I don’t KNOW ‘WHO’ this ‘bloody-God’ Apollo-is… nor do-I pray to-Him… or believe in-Him… nor even love-Him… but-yet I’M ‘CHOSEN’ like a ‘lottery-winner to ‘bear’ his-daughter…
“I’m ‘not’ doing-it! Get yourself, SOMEONE ELSE – I’M TAKEN!!! I ‘love’ Paul… and PAUL ‘ONLY’…!!!” THE BLIND-TWEEN yelled at-them…
Mother Venus then-spoke…
“…O’ My-Daughter, ‘FORGET’ THE WALKER-TWIN – they both as your Cursed-Soulmates are ‘NOT’ WORTH of you… you are the ‘Chosen-Virgin’ of the highest-ordeal for THE ‘OLD-GODS’ – as we go ‘against’ the Abrahamic-Creators’ followers who-all would ‘BRING’ FUTURE DESTRUCTION to the world and to-all of MANKIND…”
“NO!!! I love Paul and I’ll ‘not’ forget-him… Peter – yes, I ‘hate’ him… he’s possessed by-evil and want to ‘ravish’ my-body in my-dreams to make-into nightmares… I ‘want’ to forget Peter… BUT ‘NOT’ PAUL who’s ‘my’ highest-ordeal of-love…” Jane professed…
“But he’s ‘not’ worthy of you… who-also ‘IS’ THE SON-of-Solomon – the unfaithful womaniser when he was-alive… Peter-and-Paul WOULD ‘USE’ YOU… manipulate-you… and ‘FORGET’ YOU when their lust is ‘done’…”
“… ‘not’ true… ‘NOT’ MY-PAULY – and he ‘loves’ me and I love-him too…!!!”
“… then ‘why’ did YOU ‘CHOOSE’ to love Peter ‘instead’ of-Paul in the ‘OTHER-PERTH – you should ‘love’ Peter more because HE ‘DEFINED’ you…”
“… what are you ‘saying’…!!? I HATE PETER – and I ‘love’ only-Paul…!” The blind-tween was confused in the enigmatic-twist…
“NO! You ‘LOVE’ PETER ‘more’…!”
“No, that isn’t true… I love ‘ONLY’ PAUL… I ‘hate’ Peter!!!” Jane argued…
Mother Venus placed her-forefinger on Jane’s forehead-scar…
… her white-magic jogged the blind-GIRL’S MEMORY of the ‘OTHER-PERTH’… rewinding all-thoughts of Jane ‘LOVING’ PETER:
Jane ‘remembered’ when she ‘was’ 10-years-of age, and coming from the school-for-the Blind to SHS – and, her classmate-was, Peter who had ‘won’ the tennis inter-school’s championship… and Jane admired him FOR ‘BEING’ a confident-and-arrogant rebel @Home… she ‘learned’ self-confidence FROM PETER – and she was ‘rebellious’ to her doctor-mother… who was in-control of her-B-girl daughter @SHS… she got ‘jealous’ of other-girls who was going ‘after’ the tennis-protégé – and she was ‘often’ depressed when she was ‘only’ a secret-admirer from afar… and, the fear-of-rejection by-Peter because she was ‘blind’ [Then ‘came’ the accident where Peter ‘LOST’ HIS-ARM… and, the world rejected-and-had forgotten his past-glory – everyone ‘treated’ him as a ‘loser’ but ‘not’ Jane] Jane-then ‘pursued’ Peter… after she made a ‘challenge’ her-BFF that she ‘would’ give Peter A ‘PURPOSE’ in his loser’s life – by supporting-him when he was training tennis-again ‘after’… losing his dominant leftie-arm @The Treeton dairy-farm fieldtrip – she blindly-ran into the ‘evil’ thunderstorm to RESCUE PETER… and she was ‘cursed’ herself (as the Cursed-trio) ‘when’ she was structed-and-Sigel marked by a lightning, together with his-crippled twin To ‘woo’ Peter on, the ‘introverted’ blind-Jane ‘USED’ HER-AI to get Peter the ‘recognition’ he-deserved… as she went-on being ‘a-blind-girl-playing-tennis’ who was coached by Peter – which ‘became’ a viral-video sensation in-the ‘OTHER-PERTH’ Soon after-that, Jane-and-Peter were-the PERTH’S FAMOUS-COUPLE – and, Peter finally fell-in-love with her … Peter came to her-bedroom when her parents-were at work – and Jane had her-FIRST KISS from the boy whom she ‘loved’
Mother Venus reminded-again…
“You ‘did’ LOVE PETER ‘MORE,’ My-daughter… and Paul would be ‘no’ different and he’ll ‘betray’ your love-too – they ‘both’ are 2-peas in a pod… both the sons of the incorrigible Solomon Walker…”
Jane ‘was’ still in-denial… but went-on to say…
“I ‘KNOW’ PAUL – he’s ‘not’ like Peter…”
The hologram gaslighted…
“Jane, what if YOU’RE ‘WRONG’… what if you find-OUT AFTER the damage is ‘done’…?”
“SHUT-UP ALL-of you! You HAVE ‘NO’ RIGHTS to my love life – so, stop meddling-and-interfering in my-affairs…!
“… I’m leaving-now – and I don’t want to see ‘any-you’ ANY-MORE – DON’T ‘COME’ into my-dreams-ever ‘again’… GOODBYE, YOU-betrayers !!!”
The angered blind-tween walked into THE TRANSPORT-PORTAL – and vanished from the Cube-of-Apollo…
I'm fully aware of who I am.. aware-that I am the person who I thought I was. Being in a place- I know nothing at all. There were a lot of things I wasn't able to understand from here, but despite all of that- everything seemed natural and strangely familiar to me. As if someone inside influencing me...but who is he?
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My Universal beast system
"Wha...are you!?" Asked a Hero with a terror filled expression on his face. No matter what he does, nothing seems to work on the being in front of him. Hearing his question, a tawny yellow coloured beast with a majestic face reminisced. "Me? I am a Lion, what else?" "Lion?" Confusion apparent on the Hero's face as he didn't know what a Lion was…. (Story can be dark) New Update(March): I am having an exam, rare updates of chapters for a while. Please understand.
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The Rising of The Young Demon Lord
Can anyone imagine a world where a single species has the whole world at its whims and yet worship a being that practically is non-existence? The dominant species who would lie to their brother in arms, hurt their family…... betray their loved ones to gain some kind of blessing from their so-called "Gods". This sickening way of life is what we humans live by, thinking that the gods are the reason we have lived for over millions of years and not the perseverance of we homosapiens who have met many disasters over the years and prevail. What's even worse is that there are extremists who believe that these disasters are a trial for humans to take to reach the sacred ground of the gods…. This is a story of a young 15-year-old Asagami Haruki who faced the truth of the world face first.
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A Warrior's Love (BL)
"Your mind is dark, your eyes are dull, your life is bleaker than feces, and your heart is covered in ash." She removed one hand to keep her veils on her head as the topmost shawl slipped down her neck. She continued to speak, "Your blood is cold. If you remain this way, you will die before you can find your love." The Krasean lowered his veil, revealing his face to us. He tipped his head upward so I can see his honey coloured eyes that were duller than his peoples'. Black eyeliner outlined the rim of his eyes, drawing attention to his enchanting eyes. "Whoever your lover is, they are your other half. You will endure hardships and pain because of them. You will also make them feel the same." She looked conflicted like she did not know whether to tell me this was good or bad. "In their eyes, you are the evilest and the godliest. How contradicting this is!" "Did you slap me?" I held the helmet between the pit of my elbow and my waist. One hand slowly reached up to rub my numb cheek. It has been forever since someone last slapped me. Now, no one who knew my identity would dare to hit me directly. "The blood coursing through your veins, it's hot and dangerous. You cannot be tamed easily and this may be the cause of your downfall." A strange grimace graced her wrinkled face. I swear to the gods she is ageing each second! "I see your fall. Someone with too much power automatically becomes a threat. You're no longer seen as an ally, but a monster."
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Xiuzhen dragon dream city
Super evolver Qin Mu passes through 500 years ago earth, attach body abandons son body in a family. Force value burst table, step on the bully, heaven and earth free! Medical skills unparalleled, life and death of human flesh and bones! First into the Dan road, but talent evildoer, elixir optional refining!
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Halloween Vault 2
Halloween Vault 2 is back!This year, we're hosting lots of thrilling prompts, fun activities and mysterious scavenger hunts. We have collaborated with 43 Ambassadors-run profiles including 26 English profiles and 17 International profiles to bring you a marvellous creepy and spooky event called HALLOWEEN VAULT 2. All Wattpadders are welcome to join us.Join our VAULT and find out more now!Graphic credit: meckymeck
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