
In a complete white space, a young man is standing looking around but everything he could is white light,

"Damn where did I come now?, I just slept after eating, did I transmigrate again?"

Just when these type of thoughts are coming to his mind he saw a bright golden light, it was too bright so he closed his eye, then he heard a tender but arrogant voice,


Maximo opened his eyes and saw a young lady with a white pair of wings on her back, she was wearing full white dress and gold ornaments, she was holding a silver staff which has a blue orb it it, her skin was pure white, her eyes well blue and she had rosy lips and blue hair, she looks like a..


"Human, you guessed it right, I am an angel from third order, my name is Dina angel of learning and I am appointed as your personal guardian angel"

"What should I call you?"

"You can call me Dina"

"Okay, Dina can you tell me, why did I transmigrate into this world?"

"Generally, after humans die they go for rebirth or if there are sinners they will be punished based on the weight of their crimes, and if there are pure and kind hearted humans who commit very less crimes are given a opportunity to work in heaven, but in your case something strange happened, highest order seraph lord Uriel has used his powers to transmigrate you into this world."

"So I am a prophet or God's messenger?"

"No, you are not, prophets are directly chosen by Lord God himself or by all Seraphim and Cherubim, and prophets have Archangels, Watchers and in rare case Principalities watching over them, but I am just one of thousands of angels in the third order."


"Third order?"

"Yes, there is a hierarchy among angels, third order is the lowest and first order is the highest. Generally, many people in the Nexus, the world in which you are transmigrated have Angel companions"

"For real?"

"Don't view this world from the point of your previous world. There are many Gods in these worlds like Dragon God, Elven God and so on. We are just a race like you here, there are many powerhouses in this world and each of them rule over their own domains"

"Can you explain clearly about this world?"

Dina nodded her head and clapped her hands and screen appeared in front of Maximo.

"Yes, this world is divided into various realms they are:

1. Celestial realm or heaven, Angel kin

2. The Great Spirit Earth, Fairies, Giants and Spirits

3. Hell or Abyssal realm, Demons

4. Land of Dragons, Dragons

5. Elvgaider and Elvgolsle, Elves

6. Dwarf Utopia, Dwarves

7. Land of Fyn, Beastmen

8. Loswarire, Undead and Ghosts

9. Mortal realm, Humans

10. Forsaken realm, leftovers mostly fugitives

These are the 11 realms, elves have 2 realms while remaining have a single one. Every realm except Celestial realm have different type of monsters ."

"Is this... the hierarchy too?"

"Yes, it is but if you see in terms of strength, Abyssal realm and Land of Dragons come under same spot, humans are strong and have high potential too but that is only for the strong ones ,most of the humans only live for 100 years which is not even 1/100 of life span for even the lowest species of Dragons. So, humans are ranked at the end."

"where does earth stand?"

"Earth is one of thousands of mortal planes which is managed by Celestial realm, and I can't give you anymore information"


Maximo pondered for a bit and asked,

"Okay, is it prohibited for members of one race to go into other realms?"

"No, there is no rule like that but generally lower ranked races face discriminations from higher ranked ones, they simply look down on them like Elves and Dwarves look down on beastmen, and almost each and every race above human realm look down on human not just because of their weakness and less life span but also because humans are devious, manipulative and easily entranced to evil"

"Okay, forget about others, Dina do you.....look down on me?"

Dina has a surprised look on her face but soon she recovered her cold and haughty expression and replied,

"Yes, human I look down you"

Maximo narrowed his eyes and smiled gently and asked,

"Okay, Dina what is your mission and what can you do?"

"My mission is to look after you till your death, I only exist in this plane and I can't come out."

"Then will you give any abilities or equipment to protect myself ?"

"I am just a lower ranked angel, I don't have any items to give you and also I am a non-combatant angel, I don't have any abilities which I can 'bestow' upon you"

"Nothing? then what is the use of you? Aren't you just low ranked trash?"

"You mere human are you looking down on me?"

Maximo's words flared up Dina she yelled at him releasing a huge amount of pressure on him, even though Dina is non-combatant she is still a angel with pure divine power, she can easily overpower a weak human with just her presence but what surprised her most was no matter how much pressure she applied Maximo didn't kneel down, he gritted his teeth and looked at Dina's deep blue eyes with determination and replied,

"Yes, ANGEL I look down on you!!!"

Dina was shocked seeing his guts, she could kill him here if possible but she would be violating her orders like that, so she sighed helplessly and took back all here pressure, Maximo was relieved, he trembled a bit and looked at Dina, while she said in a cold tone,

"I have some place here you can store non living things but the place is not infinite, I can weaken undead and if they are lower ranked then I can kill them too, I can also read seven sins namely: Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Pride, Greed, Lust and Gluttony in creatures and inform you, with these you can find hostile people around you, I can also purify unholy and evil things. I am angel of learning, I can improve your intelligence, comprehension, memory and analytical power."

"Those are some good abilities, you are not a complete disappointment"


"Now can you tell me about magic or something, if I can't learn from you atleast you can give some tips from your experience right?"

"No, you can't use magic"

"Then anyoth-"

"Nothing you are a waste!"

"Damn you are vengeful!!!

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