



A young man is running in a thick forest from a dog or rather a monster dog,

"Damn it, I just retired from military and wanted to spend my life peacefully, Aaah.. shit , I wanted to marry too, why did I crossover to this goddammn place !!"

Yes he is not from this world, he transmigrated to this world from earth 🌎. As soon as he came here, his mind went blank. He didn't hit by truck-kun or choked on noodles, he didn't even die ! he just slept peacefully in a Aeroplane and opened his eyes to find himself in the wilderness, he was an orphan and he had very few friends, so he wasn't worried much. He is low ranking military officer but he still know his stuff, by the way his name is Maximo Tyler.

"Take it!!"

Maximo picked up a rock and threw it towards monster dog's eye, the monster dog got hit by the rock and let out a painful cry,


The dog spotted him with its other eye and moved towards him, he just ducked down and kicked dog's chin with all his strength,


The dog flew back, he didn't miss this chance and plunged the knife 🔪 on his waist at dog's heart,


"Die you dogg!!!"


Maximo was surprised by the dog's strength because it almost has the strength of an adult human and it has high dexterity too, after 20 minutes of piercing, the dog 🐕 finally died. Maximo ran out breath and fell down on his butt, he calmed both his mind and body, he started to recall memories of the guy he transmigrated into.

The boy's name is also Maximo, he was a small village boy in the domain of Viscount Ripple Ashe who is the head of Ashe house, which belongs to the Bluefin kingdom of Santok Empire. There are hundreds of villages and tens of towns in the Viscounty of Ripple Ashe. He belongs to one such village, his father was a hunter in the village who is well respected, but tragedy struck, his father has unfortunately died, and his also mother became sick. He tried to buy medicine from nearby town but he didn't buy enough money, so he took loan from his fellow villagers, but he is unable to repay them. Soon his mother also passed leaving him alone in this world, in a desperate attempt to save himself from loan sharks, he fled into nearby forest after that, things happened and he died giving Maximo Tyler a chance to transmigrate.


After recalling memories of the poor boy, Maximo just sighed and payed a silent respect for him, after that he got up and started to look for a river because he was thirsty, but he couldn't carelessly move because of the monsters, he picked up some dry wooden sticks and made a bow and arrow out of it with stone. He made about 20 arrows and put them in the basket which is made out of bamboo sticks and hung on his back.

He cautiously moved forward taking one step at a time, then he heard a voice which startled him,



He heard footsteps of huge monsters and quickly hid himself in the opposite direction in the bushes.

After all the monsters have passed through he slowly made his way towards the direction from which the monsters ran away, he is not a fool to confront a enemy which terrified tens of monsters but he had a hunch that it is going to be fine and also the flora in the area is fine and the land is fertile too. He went in the direction and saw a pink lake with a deep pink flower 🌺 in the middle of it but there are fumes coming out of the lake. He picked up a huge rock and threw into the lake, he saw that the rock has completely dissolved in the lake, he has done couple of experiments while keeping a proper distance from the lake and came to a conclusion.

"It is type of liquid which is similar to sulphuric acid but it is sort helping in the growth of specific type of plants, the pink flower must be the main reason behind the pink lake, if it hadn't been this dangerous, it would have made a great dating spot"


Maximo brushed off all the useless thoughts from his head and looked at the beautiful lake, he is a little relaxed because he saw that the monsters have ran away from the lake with fear,

"I can make this place a temporary settlement before I sort things out, but I have to be cautious because I don't know what happens in this acursed place better stay at some distance from it"

Maximo made a tent ⛺ with help of wood and leaves by a tree 🌲 near the lake.

He put fire around his tent making an attempt to scare away monsters and any creatures?

After everything was done he sat down exhausted,

"I couldn't get water in the end*sigh*"

He wandered around the perimeter and found something amazing,

"Isn't it....Cholla cactus, no it is a bit different"

He also found so many trees which bore fruits and berries, Maximo had survival training back in his military camp, so he is well acquainted with different type of plants and trees.

Maximo carefully approached other plants and picked up their fruits, berries, stems and everything which looked edible, he extracted water from cactus using traditional method he was taught, after extracting it he didn't directly drink it but he did some experiments on the rats and other small creatures whose appearance is similar to rats but had sharp fangs and violet skin, since he didn't know it's name he decided to call them Rat2.

After experimenting fruits and water on Rats and Rat2's he found some poisonous ones and threw them out, he ate the safe? stuff.

"What is this ? it tastes like shit"

It's taste was worst but Maximo knew that complaining is of no use, so he decided to continue eating.

"Even though it doesn't taste good but it's still edible . I can't go on like this, although it is not a wise decision to go this dead brat's village, but I have to find other villages or towns. There are different beasts here, even a dog has strength comparable to me. Are there things like magic in this world? or people are biologically greater and stronger than from my world? but from memories of this brat and his body I can say that that's not the case, this brat stayed in most rural place in the entire kingdom so he has no knowledge about anything other than food and bed, tch...it's tiresome, I should sleep for now."

By the time Maximo stopped eating, it was already night and he slept in his tent calmly, he wasn't in a deep sleep but just shallow sleep enough to rest his body while being vigilant.

In the mid night he heard a voice from bushes,


"A human?"

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