《INFINITE SCHOLAR》4.Enslaving a Lich


Can you tell me about power system of this world"

"Yes, there is a power system for each and every energy like for example for magicians who use magic, the order of strength is mage apprentice, novice mage, junior mage, senior mage, Arch mage, inferior master mage, superior master mage, magician king, Grandmaster magi, demi god mage, magic god , these are called 11 stages of magi supremacy, not only that the strength of two people in same stage is not equal, because of attributes, a novice mage with 2 attributes can easily defeat a novice mage with 1 attribute but he can't defeat a junior mage with one attribute, if he had 3 or 4 attributes he may stand a chance but it is also highly unlikely because if he can use his attributes freely he will automatically become a junior mage instead of a novice mage."

Dina stopped for a second and looked at Maximo to check whether he is following or not, Maximo just gave her a quick nod and said,

"Okay, please continue"

"There are also warriors who use warrior energy to fight, warrior energy unlike mana is generated within one's body, one can use warrior energy to harden one's body, increase sharpness of weapons, enhance senses and various uses, the downslide is cultivating warrior energy is far more difficult than mana and the advantage is you don't need to have high intelligence and comprehension to use it like magic and there are more no of warriors in this world compared to mages due to this reasons."

"What are the stages of warriors?"

"Stages of warriors are different compared to mages , warriors are divided into 7 stages ,1 star warrior to 7 star warrior after 7 star warrior there are warrior general, warrior king and warrior god."


"Wait, I have a question"

"*sigh* What is it?"

"Who do you differentiate between two stages?"

"Energy, you can feel the energy of the person to say their strength, generally weak people can't feel the strength of strong people so we use some devices to do it, Onthullen stone is a invention from celestial realm, it can be used to find out strength of mages and warriors, it is first introduced in 3rd epoch, slowly it has spread all over, now you can find them even in them smallest of the kingdoms"

"Other than mana and warrior energy what are the other energy system?"

"Dragons use dragonic power and Demons use demonic energy, Demons and Dragons have similar type of hierarchy that is low class, mid class, high class, epic class, legendary class, ultimate class, demi god and true god, each and every class has 3 sub classes namely early, intermediate and advanced."

"It's over now?"

"No it's not, should I stop?"

"No, continue"

"There are other professions such as tamers who tame monsters to fight but they themselves are not strong, so it's not popular one, there are potion masters, healers and many more, there are also spirit warriors who form a contract with spirits to borrow their power and fight, spirit warrior is also a difficult, unpopular and rare case, you don't have talent in magic or warrior energy or anything, the best you can do is to become a tamer or alchemist, I am Angel of learning and I have so much knowledge about this world, so I can help you with that what do you say?"

"There is nothing I can do, atleast I can perform well in the field I have talent and potential in(murmur) hey Dina!!!"

"Take care of me from now"


"Yes, I will that's my duty, now let's tal-"

Maximo suddenly fell unconscious, he slowly opened sleepy and what he saw made him horrified,

"Why is a human here?"

It was a undead lich which wore black cloak, it looked towards Maximo with empty eye sockets, under the light of two moons, it's figure looked terrifying, Maximo was afraid inside but put a calm and cool exterior, he looked towards lich and asked,



"Mister Ronald, what do you want from this humble one."

"Ho ho, interesting you are not affected by my negative aura, you are a fascinating human, I never saw you here, who are you? what do you intend to do in my territory?"

While lich was speaking, Maximo was simultaneously talking with Dina in his mind,

(Maximo: Dina, is he a enemy?)

(Dina: No, he isn't trying to commit any sin towards you, it's just plain curiosity)

(Maximo: That's good, you told that you can weaken undead right? can you weaken him? is he strong?)

(Dina: His strength is in early stages of junior mage, I can't kill but weaken him significantly)

(Maximo: Don't be vague, just by how much percent can you weaken him?)

(Dina: 82%)

(Maximo: Do it when I say)

(Dina: Okay)

"Mister Ronald, this humble one's me is Maximo Tyler, I am from nearby village, intially I went to hunt but he got lost, please show mercy"

"Lost? I don't care about your story, you have different constitution which is resisting my negative aura, so I want to make you my test subject, be obidient human!!!"

As he finished speaking he formed a magic circle in his hand and pointed it towards Maximo and said,

"[Dark magic:- Bound to the dead]"

"Dina now!!"

A huge golden light flashed from hands, the magic circle on lich's hand vanished and his bones started to burn,


(Dina: He is showing greed and wrath, he is obviously a enemy, continue the light he will be dead in 5 -10 minutes)

(Maximo: Wait, can I not kill him?)

(Dina: do you want to enslave him?)

(Maximo: I am weak, you are there with me but, you are a non combatant and I don't want to expose you to anyone, so let's take him as a slave servant)

(Dina: Okay leave it to me)

{Dina: Oh god, Almighty Lord, bless this poor soul, guide him through darkness and give him the light of Love and peace, Under the command of angel Dina - ENSLAVE}(A/N:- the spell is long but she says it very quickly)

As she completed chanting the spell, golden chains appeared out of nowhere and bound the lich.

"You enslaved me?"

"Yes I did"

"You bastard, how dare you!!!!"

"Don't yell, even if you are angry you can't do anything, I've got an angel at my side not to mention you are my slave now"

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't have any combat powers, lend me yours, you want to know why I have resistance towards negative aura right? you can't have me as experimental subject but I can still allow you to study me without giving me any type of physical or mental stress, pain and your research should be useful to me or else you are dead!!!"

"Why did I became slave of a waste and weak human? How did things end up like this?"(murmur)

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

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