《Impulus》Chapter #14


I approached with my spear out. The lion roared and then pounced on me. It felt like the heaviest thing i have lifted but I threw it off with my shield. Ihad stabbed it a little with my spear. Bens mana claw strike tore into it. I knew that it was going to die now. I waited without moving until it bleed out in front of me. I put the dead lion on the back of my unicorn and walked home with it. I got home and evreyone was amazed with my hunt. I skinned the lion and put it on the floor in my room now I had a carpet. The lion didnt have a mana stone. If it was a evolved lion it probbably would have one. Oh well I thought to myself. I decided we were going to party tonight. I had ava cook the lion and my village ate lion and drank moonshine that was the last of the moonshine. The next day I woke up with a hangover. It was going to be a lond day. I walked around are village there were huts that I looked at. The village had really expanded. The women of our village had been evolving constantly. Bella had a huge family like she always wanted. I didnt know who exactly her family was but she did know. There were now five goblin pole axe men. I was the only hog goblin in the village. I had become strong and very strong at that. The day passed with me just talking to the villagers I went back to my house and climbed into bed. The next day I decided we would raid the road again. I had evreyone wait in hiding there came a group without a star. I gave the comand to draw your arrows. A archer from the carvan realized we were there and shot a imp. I gave the release signal the archer dodged he then sat back up in his horse and tried to shoot but he missed. A imp shot him and he died. There were no knights in this group not that it mattered our armour piercing arrows would take care of them. We checked the wagon to see what they were transporting it was full of gold coins. I took the whole wagon back to the village with the gold coind in it. The next day I made plans to go to the human city. I went to bed that night thinking about the bowman. The next day some of the imp bowman had evolved into goblins. I took the wagon and had my unicorn pull it. I eventaully made it to the city. I decided to trade my gold in for armour I needed armour to stay alive. I went to the blacksmith and got custoum armour made for me and a set for ben. THen I got sets made that would fit goblins. I loaded all this up and then I made my way back to camp and I gave all the armour away. We now had military power. Evreyone wished for moonshine so we could party again. I decided that the next day we would go and raid the road. The next day I got up and walked out of my longhouse our village now had close to fifty people. It was a large village. I brought evreyone to the road. I let one group pass because I activated omnipotent view and there was a ahero in the group. He probabbly had enchanted armour and would slaughter us. So I waited until the next group came along. We pulled back our arrows and let them loose. Allmost all the warriors fell dead. The remainder fleed and they got away down the road. I checked the loot and it was barrels of moonshine. Evreyone got excited and one imp even did a dance. We pulled the wagon back to camp. I had the barrels moved inside the longhouse. I said that we wouldnt party tonight but we would party the next day. The day passed with evreyone excited and ready to party. I went to bed that night thinking about the moonshine the next day I had the cooks start prepping for a feast. Then I had them make a feast it was supper time before I knew it and it was time to party. I invited evreyone into the longhouse it could barely fit evreyone from our village. But it could fit evreyone. I was proud of our village and how far we had come. I was glad that we hadnt attacked the party with the hero in it. I knew about enchanted armour and how our armour piercing arrows wouldnt work on it. That night during the party I had bella sitting on my lap. She was a goblin now and she curled up against my chest. Evreyone was partying and drinking moonshine was a favorite of my village. I decided to eat some food. I carved some meat of the pig that was roasting on the spit. I walked back to my postion in the longhouse that was a raised platform at the end of the longhouse. I gave bellla the chair next ti mine and she went and got food too. We ate the food togethor in silence. it felt so natrul to be next to bella. Before the night ended I took bella back to my room we walked across the lion carpet and got into bed togethor. We had sex then we went to sleep togethor. It was a good night. The next day when I woke up bella was gone. She must have left while I was asleep. I decided that we were going to party two nights in a row. I told evreyone and they said they didnt want to party so I decided we werent going to party tonight. I had evreyone eat in the longhouse anyway it wasnt a party it was judt a tribal gathering. I wondered if they regretted not wanting to party tonight. It was probbably because they were all hungover. The next day I decided to stay in bed all day. I had bella come and roll around in bed tigethor with me. We eventually ended up having sex. I wondered if she could have a hog goblin kid. We passed the whole day in bed it was a good day. That night I decided that we were going to party we all met up outside of the longhouse and started partying around the fire. The females of my tribe took the males back to there houses and had sex. All this partying served to make the village bigger it was now slightly to large of a village to fit in the longhouse. The night passed and I went back to my bed I had the postion of honor in the village as my bed was in the longhouse. So was bens but he was ridiculously strong. In a one on one I could never beat him because he could fly. Flying was overpowered I thought to myself as I fell asleep. The next day bella got me up and I rembered how beautfull she was. I exited my longouse and decided to attack the road again. I gathered evreyone and waited in hiding along the road. A group eventually came along and it was four knigts and a wagon. I had evreyone load the armour piercing arrows and I gave the signal they all loosed the arrows. All of the knigts armour turned red with runic patterns and the arrows bounced off.

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