《Impulus》Chapter #13


There was only five knigts that lived they charged into the forest and lanced two imp hunters the bowman shot them down with the armour piercing arrows. We looked to see what they were carrying and it was mushrooms used for drugs. I brought the mushrooms back to camp it didnt seem worth it to lose to lives for mushrooms. I decided to party that night I got evreyone in the longhouse for supper and then I put the mushrooms on the fire to create smoke. I took back what I said about it not being worth it. It was super fun to get high off the mushrooms. We were all partying really hard. There was some imps who were dancing on the table. It was one of the funnest nights of my life. The next day when I got up I wasnt even hungover. Mushrooms were the best. I decided to raid the road again. We had collected the armour piercing arrows to be reused. We waited next to the road. There was a group of fifteen knights that passed that I didnt signal to attack our losses would be to large to justify attacking them. We did eventually find a group that we could attack. I had evreyone draw there bows and then I gave the signal to attack. The knight in front charged into the forest and started to kill us. It was a female knight she cut down two imps before ben attacked her she dodged I ran over to help with the two of us we managed to fight her off. She road down the path and escaped. She was strong ridiculously so. All the others had been killed with four casultys I went to check the loot. It was moonshine and gold bars. Appernently this was a moonshine caravan. We brougt our spoils back to camp. I put the two gold bars with the other two I have. The next thing I did was announce we were partying again. I gathered evreyone in the longhouse and we ate deer and drank moonshine. We partied deep into the night . I saw the female imps take there pick and leave with imps. I took bella to my room we were going to have another kid. I didnt know it yet but it was going to be my first girl goblin. The next day when I woke up I took the gold bars and traded them for enchanting stones. I went back to camp and enchnted a hundred arrows with armour piercing. The next group that came through the road was all knights but we had armour piercing arrows so it didnt matter. I gave the signal to attack all the arrows were loosed and all ten of the knigts fell dead. The leaders armour glowed red and runic patterns flashed apperntly he had enchanted armour. And armour piercing wouldnt work on him. He charged into the forest and cut into one of the hunter imps. Me and ben decided to try and kill him. I got a spear stab at him that knocked him offf his hourse we surrounded him ben slashed through his helmet appperntly thaat wasnt enchanted. It wasnt enough to to kill him and he killed another hunter imp. Before one of the bowman shot him in the head with a armour piercing arrow. We stripped of his armour and collected it then we went to see what was in the wagon. We found a mana forge thats what hey were transporting. I brought it back to our village and made a seprate hut for it. That night me and ben got options to evolve >Enchanter Goblin >Researcher Goblin >Hog goblin. I chose hog goblin. I asked ben what he chose he said that he chose.>Superior mana imp. He said it meant that his mana pool was larger. I had grown stronger and was the highest evolved species in the group. Most of the imps decided to stay as imps and not evovlve. I decided that me and ben were powerfull enough to try and catch that unicorn I wanted. We looked south were I had seen the heard last. I had been carry a net and toss it on the unicorn and it was a success the unicorn was ensnared. I took of the net and hopped on its back.I rode it until it submitted to my will. I gave it a apple I had found in the forest. I rode it back to our camp. When I was riding it I kept my shield on my back and just used my spear. I tied up my unicorn outside of my longhouse so it didnt run away. I decided to party I brought all of the imps and goblins into the longhouse and we feasted and drank moonshine my daugther had been born today. There was starting to be a goblin population in the group. I made sure that there was no racial boundries. I told the bowman if they could evolve into goblins to do it. The next day I saw some goblin bow man. I decided to go to the north and fight a lion with ben I got on my unicorn and rode out. On my unicorn I could keep up with ben. We made our way to the prarie where the lion lived. I found it the lion was gold with black in its mane. I decided that we would attack it togethor. We approached one of us on foot the other flying. The lion seemed to sense the threat we posed but didnt run away.

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