《Impulus》Chapter #12


The next day I decided to attack more travelers on the roadway. I had bowman wait on either side of the road. It wasnt long before we saw a group of soldiering leading a wagon. They didnt have a star so I gave the signal to attack. All the archers drew there bows and waited until I gave the release signal. The arrows all reached the enemys neck that two knights charged into the forest one lanced a goblin. Ben released a mana claw wich cut through the knights helmet and deep into his neck. The other knight was knocked of his horse by me and then the pole axe group and me repheatedly cut at him until I stabbed through a kink in his armour and he fell dead. We had lost a imp bow man and gained nothing it seemed like until I checked the back of the wagon. I found a enchanting table I had only ever heard about them. I brought the wagon back to camp by leading the horse. I decided to try and enchant one of the archers bows. Nothing happened I wondered what I needed to enchant things. I guess I needed enchanting stones. I didnt know where to get those. I guessed a mana stone would work as well. You could only get those from evolved monsters that used mana. It was usefull to have I decided to build a enchanting house. I had the help of the entire village and ben was able to cut down trees quickly. We were able to make the enchanting hut in a day. We partied that night the amount of imps in our village had doubled. Evreyone had been busy. Most of the females of our group had birthgiver evolutions. Chefs like ava were rare although she cooked for the entire village and our party. We now had ten or so hunter imps and ten bowman imps. We needed armour piercing arrows or we wouldnt be able to attack large groups of knights as they would just slaughter us. I needed to find a way to enchant arrows I went to the south with ben the next day to try and get some mana stones from fish. We caught a massive fish and cut off its head to find a mana stone. It was the only large fish we could catch. When we got back I made a spatial arrow using it. The arrow would make a hole through armour and pierce the knight. I gave this arrow to a trusted bowman. I decided to attack a group along the road. We went to the road and laid in wait. All the groups that came past had a star. We went home that night unsuccessfull. The next day we went to the road and waited until we saw a group of soldiers come by I gave the signal to attack. With a rain of arrows ten of the gaurds dropped dead the four knights attacked. One of the hunters was killed. Before a goblin pole axe knocked him off his horse and then evreyone jumped on him another knight killed another hunter. Me and ben both took out one knight each. Then ben flew over and cut off the final knights head. The armour periecing arrow hadnt been used in this fight. I checked the wagon to see what our loot was and it was full of gold bars. There were four gold bars. We took the entire load back to our camp and I had the gold deposited in my room. We partied that night and evreyone partied like they might die the next day becuase they might actually die the next day. Some of the archers got evolutions I could tell because I activated omnipotent view. >Quickstring Archer >power bow archer>Heavy pull archer. These were some of the evolutions that I saw. We had drank two thirds of the moonshine by the time the party was over. I took bella to bed again. The next day she was pregnat again. I decided to take the gold and trade it foe some usefull things so I put a gold bar in a backpack and followed the road into town. I was let in as a equal apperntly it was a nutrel city that accepted monsters I found a mana crystal store and traded my gold bar for enchanting crystals. I mad my way home. The next day I saw that all of the goblin pole axe men had evovlved into pole axemen. I decideed to enchant my spear. I enchanted it with sharpness. Next I made enchanted arrows I was able to make thiry of them with the resources I had. I passed out the arrows to the bowman that had evolved. We partied for the final day our village had grown to thirty people. There was fifteen men and fiffteen women. The swordsman imp had evovled into a mana swordsman. That night I went to bed by myself the next day I woke up hungover. It was a good life I thought to myself as I walked out from the longhouse. Evreyone was hungover so we just practiced sparring and arrow target practice. It was a good day we partied that night too it was our second day in a row partying. The next day I had another rest day. During this time our village had risen from thirty people too forty people. The next day nobody was hungover we had drank all the moonshine. We waited beside the road until soldiers came along with four knights I told evreyone to get the armour piercing arrows ready. I gave the signal evreyone released there arrows most of the gaurds fell dead.

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