《Impulus》Chapter #11


With all of the enemies killed we checked in the wagon to see the loot. It looked like pole axes that had been enchanted. I had the horse pull all of the loot back to our camp. We had been successfull event htough we had a causualty. I couldnt perdict evreything. That night me and ben were given the options to evolve. My options where >Onlooker >Goblin War Lord >Goblin Spearmen. I chose goblin warlord. I asked ben about his options he said >Goblin >Spatial Cutter >Imp warrior. He said he picked Spatial Cutter now he could cut through iron armourer by using mana. I had gotten a stronger body and better instincts. That was what a warlord evolution had done for me. I decided that I was going to make a bunch of pole axe army. When I got back I gave the poleaxes too two of the goblins and told them to start training. And that they did. That night we drank moonshine and partied I gave a toast to our fallen comrade. I congragulated evreyone that had evolved apperently two of the bowman had evolved one was a quick string archer. The other was a long range archer. Both of these evolutions were welcomed. That night I took bella to my bed to have sex. Soon there would be another goblin with how fertile bella was. The next morning she had told me that she had evolved again and that her new evolution made giving birth twice as easy. it was called >reporduction goblin. I decided to take my unicorn for a ride the next day. I rod to the south past the lake I ran into a herd of unicorn and the leader was a black unicorn with a firery horn that looked like it could penetrate anything. I only watched the herd as I would need bens help if I wanted to try and obtain that unicorn. I rode on and made my way into the forest there was giant spider webs and huge spiders all around me I decided to retreat. Those spiders were to strong for me if I got caught in those webs that would be the end of me. I resolved to come back when I was stronger. I made my way back to the camp as it became night. The next day bella was going to give birth. I watched as my son was born most of the people in the camp were related to me in some way. I gave our son a pole axe as a present. The pole axe shined with a black light that increased its sharpness. I decided to explore to the north of our camp. I took my unicorn and eventually I was in the prarrie. I saw a huge lion it would eat me if it caught me luckily it didnt seem to care about me as I kicked my unicorn to flee. I made it away safely. I decided to stop adventureing for a little while as it was getting dangerous. I slept with bella again that night we didnt party. The next day I sparred with the two goblins in camp who I had given my pole axes to I was able to beat them both. I decided to spar agaainst ben but he said no as his claws would ruin my shield by cutting into it. That was too strong I thought to myself. I decided to explore the east the farther I went the stronger the monsters got I was chased by a huge bear luckily my unicorn was faster if I had been caught I might have been killed. Evreytime I went out to go exploring I would always run into a monster that was too powerfull for me the only way that I hadnt explored was to the west that was where the road was. I went to bed and aanother night passed. The next day I gave a pole axe to my son now we had three pole axe goblins. I knew there next evolution would give them a pole axe evolution. I rode my unicorn across the road and to the other side of the forest. Eventually it turned into a swamp and my unicorn failed to be able to walk. I decided to turn back. My unicorn was bit by a snake in the swamp and fell over dead. I couldnt find the snake I decided to salvage the unicorns horn and make a run for it. I cut off its horn and ran away. That could have been me dieing from a snake bite. I crossed the road and made my way home. Ben was shocked to see me without my unicorn and immedetly asked me what had happened. He told me that he would help me find another unicorn. That night I had sex with bella again there was going to be another one of our sons in the world soon. Bella was just that fertile. The next day me and ben made our way south and found the herd of unicorns with the black unicorn we tried to capture the black unicorn. But we could never catch it even with bens high speeed flying it was almost double as fast as a normal umicorn. It must have been a normal unicorn that evovlved. We did however manage to catch a normal unicorn. I rode it back to camp happy with our successfull hunt. That night bella had another goblin I gave him a poleaxe and told him to train with it. The next day we prepared to party again we had only drank half of the moonshine. That night we all feasted in the longhouse and raised our cups up to clink. I got drunk and had sex with bella again I had lost track of who in the village I was related too. Me and bella had that many kids. The next day we were all hungover so we werent going to attack anyone on the road. I decided that we better train thebow man were excellent shots and they had good cordination. They also all had knife skills. The day passed with me sparing with evreyone.

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