《Impulus》Chapter #10


Eventually it got tired and accepted me on its back I put a bridle in and lead it back to camp now I had my own means of transportation and the unicorn was very fast. That night I said no partying and that we would party the next day. I went to bed and slept soundly. The next day when I got up all the imps were out on the hunt I decided to ride my unicorn around the forest. It was a fun expierence I wondered if I could get my unicorn drunk on moonshine. I decided not to try. That night when I went back to camp it was time to party again. The moonshine got passed around and difffrent imps would take diffrent female imps back to there house. Most of the imps had evolved into bow man. I drank alot of moonshine I could outdrink any imp as I was larger. Ben wanted to challange me to a drinking contest. I accepted then we both drank a cup of moonshine. Ben threw up and I won the competition. I took bella back to my room it had been a good day. All the women of the village had followed bellas evolution path and now were all better at giving birth. I knew I had gotten bella pregnat again except this time instead of giving birth to a imp she was going to give birth to a goblin. Goblins were stronger and was a higher species so I considered it a good thing. We still had enough moonshine to party. But I didnt want to party two nights in a row I was hungover. I laughed all the imps of our village had turned into alcholics. It was a constant party at our village. I had learned to really like my unicorn stead it was so fun to ride. The day passed with me daydreaming. I decided to figure out evreyones classes tomorrow. I went to bed alone that night. The next day I asked all the imps and goblins to write there class and evolutions on a sheet of paper. There were twelve hunters that had evovled into bowman two goblins one swordsman and one magic imp. That was all of the evolutions of the men of the village. I was glad to see they had evolved into bowman I was even glad to have a magic imp as they could take out a knight with a fire spell. The swordsman was someone that I hadnt met yet I said hi. He said hi back and I offered to spar with him. He couldnt get past my shield and I could easily poke him with my spear although I didnt this was the gap in skill between us. That night I went to bed peacefully. The next day we decided to party. My village loved moonshine. We started partying at lunch the hunters had shot deer and they were being cooking it over the fire. The meat was being carved off while they rotated on a spit. It was the funnest party of my life. I loved moonshine. I showed evrreyone my new unicorn I had gotten I could see the jelousy in all of there eyes. We feasted and drank well into the night. It was a party to be remembered. The next day I took stock of how much moonshine we had left and we had drank roughly one third of the moonshine. I decided that I was going to lead a dungeon exploration squad. I got togethor all of the imps with combat classess and dived into the dungeon. We first cam across frogs that had a steel tongue that if hit would puncture a hole right through you. Our bowman were able to kill it from a distance without it killing any of us. We stopped for linch and had frog legs. Then we went deeper into the dungeon and found these massive lizards. We hunted a few on our way down they were hard to kill and very fast. Me and ben kept evreyon alive. Eventually we got down to the level were the chest were and we found items. Bows and arrows and a magic staff for our magic imp. We kept looking through chests until we found enough bows and arrows to outfit our entire group then we headed for the surface we made it there with no cuasilties. It was night time and we all made our way back to our houses and went to sleep. The next day I had evreyone practice with there new equipment. They had all gotten to be really good shots and the magic imp learned the spell I wanted him too, I called it inferno. The swordsman imp was ready to do battle so I spared with him a little. He was weak so weak in comparison to me. After spending a day training we decided to attack someone on the road again the next day. That night I went to bed glad to be alive. The next day when I woke up I walked out of the longhouse and gathered up evreyone and made our way to the road. We waited to ambush anyone that ddnt have a star. Eventually a group of knights in full platemail body armour came in front of us. I gave the signal not to attack as there was no way our arrows would have any effect on them so we let them pass. The next group that came past looked to be mercenarys I decided it was time to take them out. I gave the ready signal and all our bowman drew back there bows. Then I gave the fire signal and they loosed there arrows nearly all the mercenarys fell over with arrows sticking out of them. One of the mages on the mercenary side broke a little hourglass and cast a firespell towards us. It incenerated one of our imps. I was mad me and bencharged out of the brush and cut into them. It was four versus two but ben and me easily dispatched the first two and then we killed the enemey mage and archer.

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