《Impulus》Chapter #15


The knigts charged into the forest and attacked us. But we were quick I gave the signal to retreat and all of us ran off into the forest. They still managed to cut down a imp and a goblin before we all managed to get away. It had been a failure but retreating had been the right call. That night we drank moonshine but it wasnt a party it was to drown our sorrows. We had been unsuccessfull in our hunt I wondered what was in there wagon. Even though two of us had been killed the villag ewas still growing and at a rapid rate. There were sixty villagers. That night me and ben got evolution options. Ben evolved into a >Speed Imp and I evolved into a >Hog goblin king. Ben now hurtled through the air with extreme speed. And I was able to lift a small boulder like rock. The next day I decided to party. Evreyone was in we drank moonshine well into the night. The next day a human was caught spying on our village. I had him executed. The next day our village was attacked there were knights that road in with enchanted armour and started slaughtering us. Apperently the group that kept traveling on the road was tired of getting attacked and there stuff stolen. The pole axe goblins took down one knight I knocked one of his horse with my spear. And then evreyone jumped on him. Ben was the most deadly he took down knight after knight eventually all of them were dead. We had lost ten of our village members. It was a loss no matter how I looked at it because we hadnt gained anything. I take that back to imps evovled into goblins because of the expierence provided by taking down the knights. I was now worried because now my village was known. They would send someone to figure out what happened to the knights. I had ben watch the forest aarea around where a spy would come. A few of the imps this time got flying evolutions. I congragulated them and had them gaurd the village from spies along with ben. It wasnt long before they found a human that came to spy on our village. I had him executed. Now evreyone knew where our village was. I decided to not go too the road for a while as we had been doing too much looting. Maybe then the humans would leave our village alone. The day passed with nothing out if the ordinary happening. I went to bed that night thinking that it would be nice if the humans left us alone. The next day ben caught another human coming to spy on us. We enterogated him and found out that there was a bounty on our village and who ever destroyed it would get three gold bars. We made reaady to defend and I had nightly watches assigned. That was about all that I could do. The next day I decided to go hunting. Maybe we could kill another lion. I liked the lion skin on my floor it felt good for my feet. I toook ben and we made our way north of the village to where we had killed the other lion. We found a lion and I activated omnipotent view. >Strong Lion it was apperntly a reallyy strong lion. It was a evolved lion. We could take it I approached from behind but it heard me coming and turned around. It leaped at me and slammed into my shield it knocked me over. My life flashed before my eyes. It had to leap back or take one of bens slashes. He had saved me. I got up quickly and held up my shield again meanwhile ben slashed at it again. He cut into the side of the lion and blood ran out. Witha confused roar the lion pounced at me again. I wasnt dumb enough to let it knock me over again so I sidestepped out of the way. The lion went hurtling past me. I turned to face it again and jabbed with my spear. My spear came back bloody i had cut into the lions mane. Ben slashed at it again and cut its spinal chord. It died almost immeadetly. I called over my unicorn and put the lion on its back. We made our way back to camp. I checked in with the winged imps and they said they hadnt caught any spies. That was a good thing maybe we could go back to raiding the road. I had one of my village members skin the lion for me. We had lion stew that night I laid out the lion rug inside my room. Now my room almost had rug covering it in entirety. It would keep my feet warm during winter. I wondered if I should have got the flying evolution before I evovlved into a goblin. It was useless to think about so I stopped it. The next day one of the winged is informed me that there was a human knight squad attacking our village. I grabbed my spear and ran over. I saw a fire and it was one of the thatch huts that was on fire. They were a group of knigts with enchanted armour so armour piercing arrows were useless on them. Ben arrived at the same time I did. I wasnt prepared for this attack there was four knights. Ben cut into on of them using his mana claws. I tried to stab one were the breastplate connected to the legs and I missed. Ben came over to help me all the while my comrades were getting slaughtered. They had killed ten or so of us. Ben cut down the knight I was fighting. I used a mana step meaning I put mana beneath my food and launched myself at one knight knocking him off his horse. Once he was down on the ground evreyone jumped on him and pounded him to death. There was only one more knight and seeing the situation he turned and fled. I wanted to pursue on my unicorn but I was scared I knew I might loose a one versus one fight. So I didnt. I helped put out the fire instead. We had suffered heavy loses and it was not a good day. Although we had more evolutions into goblins. The first winged goblin was seen. As a winged imp had evolved into a goblin. The goblin could only fly for a short time. ALthough once he evolved some more I was sure he would be able to fly longer. That was the cost of evolveing. Before he could fly for as long as he wanted. I was jealous I wanted wings. I should have put of evolving into a goblin until I got my wings. Oh well with being a mana creature I was able to make mana footholds in the air to leap off of. ALthough the amount of times I could do it was limited. I decided to do some dungeon raiding to try and get stronger wepons for our village so we could portect ourselves better. I made my way back to the dungeon were I was born. And went chest looting. I went to the area were the most chest were located I was able to get a full suit of armour and some mithril ingots.

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