《Impulus》Chapter #6


We were walking when we came across the corpse of a dead lion it looked like it had been locked in a life or death struggle with another lion. It looked to be the strongest monster we had come across in the forest. I decided to use my fate dice. I rolled a four aquiring ability words poured into my mind. Pounce ability aquired. That was the ability I got? I decided to try it out. I tried to pounce and I moved abnormally quickly through the air.and landed on my feet. It was a super usefull ability I thought to myself. I thought it was useless. We made our way back to camp because we diddnt want to venture into lion territory. When we got back taylor had killed a deer and we all had some food. It was so nice to live in a tribe. I showed of my new pounce ability to evreyone they were amazed. That night I had sex with bela and ben had sex with clara. It was a happy time in my life. We went out to hunt the next day me and ben came across a deer that had evolved and had sharp antlers I pounced on it and speared the back of its neck. It fell dead it was almost to easy. We carried it back togethor it had rich life energy. WHen we got back there was only taylor. I asked where george was and taylor said he had been killed by a lion. I was fury itself. Nobody killed my son. I walked inside evreyone looked sad. We locked thhe doors and cooked the deer. I cut the antlers up and gave the antlers to be used as daggers as they were razor sharp. That night taylor got his first evolution and it was >Hunter Imp was what he picked. His instincts got upgraded and he was better with a bow and arrow. That night I went to bed thinking about hunting a lion. The next day me and ben went to where george hhad been killed. It wasnt long before we found a lion. We decided to try and sneak up on it. Its perception was to sharp it noticed me and turned around. I activated pounce and flew towards it we slammed into each other mid air. The lion clawed at my shield. Ben swooped down and tried to cut its head off but it dodged and he only slashed its side. I pounced again this time the lion didnt pounce back and instead clawed at me and knocked me away. It tried to follow up and kill me while I was knocked on my butt but it had to dodge ben. I was able to stand back up again and get back into the fight. I approached slowly the lion was bleeding from its side. I spear poked at it but it batted my spear away. It leaped up in the air in a attempt to catch ben but he swiped with his claws and they cut into the lions claws. Having mana claws was overpowered I thought to myself. Most of the damage done to the lion had been from ben. The lion then decided to pounce on me. I pointed my spear out from behind my shield and the lioon landed on it. The lion died while on top of me franticlly clawing at me. We took the lion back to our camp. We were both dead tired we had avenged george. At least we had killed a lion. Evene if it wasnt the lion that killed george. We cooked it and ate it. It was bursting with life energy. That night me and ben were given the option to evolve. My options were >Spearmen Goblin >Slayer Goblin >Goblin Village Leader. I selected goblin village leader. I asked ben what he had chosen he said he had chosen >Mana slasher I activated omnipotent view able to send mana slashes through the air. That was over powered. I grew a foot and my muscles strenghtned apperntly I got a stat boost and my class just made my body stronger.

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