

Survivng the forest was a hard task but I was up for it. The next day when we went out. I decided to make a long table. I cut down a tree with a mana blade I could use mana blades five times before i would collapse from exhaustion. I spent all day on it but by the time I was done there was a super long table in the middle of the longhouse. We ate lion again that night. Nobody was aloud to go outside at night. The forest was that dangerous at night. I got bella pregnat again and she had a daugther I had been crafting for the most part of the days that passed. I made a bench to sit on for the long table. And then I made another one for the other side. Ben had been trying to have a kid with clara the prostitute we had brought up from the dungeon. They had a daugter she wanted to be a cook like ava too. So I let her burn a bunch of our good meat until she got the class. Her and ava were now cooks. I had a village to portect now that I was a goblin village leader it was a unique class suited for only me. I got bella pregnat again and ben got clara pregnat. We had to provide for them so we went down to the lake again there were fish that would try to eat ben as he was so small but he would cut them up with mana claws mid air. We brought back food for our lovers. Our village had grown we now had one hunter, one swordsman, and two cooks, one birth giver and me and ben. The rest of the village hadnt evolved yet. The next day we explored to the west of our village and found a human road. We waited by it until we saw knights and a horse drawn carriage. We decided to say hi. I activated omnipotent view and they were strong too strong they would kill us. We retreated back to our village. We ate some lion and the lions skin was used as carpet in bellas room. The next day we went out hunting we decided to attack a unicorn. The unicorn charged me and it broke punctured through my shield. And then it threw me high into the air. I landed flat on my but ben had slashed its throat it died very quickly. I decided to use my fate dice. I rolled a five you have aquired the ability charge. It was the ability to run really fast in a straight line. I activated charge and pounce at the same time. I could move insanely fast now. I was now as strong as ben although I needed a new shield. We went home with the unicorn and ate it. The unicorn was bursting with life energy. Me and ben had gotten strong. Bella evolved into a goblin that was what happened today. We had sex and she gave birth to a goblin. Our village needed rules now all the girls had to sleep in one room and all the guys had to sleep in another while I got a room to myself. The next day we all went down to the lake to catch fish when one of the imps that had just been born was swallowed by a fish. We tried to kill the fish but it was to late it sunk to the depths of the lake. It was a bad day it was bens kid who had been eaten by a massive fish. Ben howled with fury. Our village expanded me and ben started building huts for our village. They were made of adobe. THey werent as safe as the longhouse but the longhouse was getting full. We went down into the dungeon and brought two more prostitutes up. Eventually our village had twenty people. Me and ben were the leaders of the village. We went out to explore our main goal was to draw a map of the forest. We knew that to the south of us was a lake and to the west of us was a human roadway. We also knew that too the east was our old dungeon so we decided to find out what was to north of us. We went exploring in that direction. We were attacked by a giant snake it tried to swallow ben whole although he cut his way out of it. To the north there were abrnormally large trees. We wrote thet down on our map. With our map completed we went back to our house I dragged the snake behind me. We feasted on snake that night. There were a bunch of evolutions happening in our group most of them were either hunter or birthgiver evoutions. We had grown into a large tribe. I went to the road today I met a mercenary who told me that I should join up with him and make some gold. I lead him back to our camp. He said to me your group should join up with the army if you want to survive this camp cant be allowed to exist if anyone figures out about it. They will send a monster subjecation squad. So you should sign up to fight in the war for them its your only option. I decided to listen to him.

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