《Impulus》CHapter #5


He was like a coment that destroyed evreything in his path. I gaurded us until it was my turn to sleep I went bed. We had made the long house so there was three rooms in the back. One for each of us and ava slept with bella. The next day we were starving so we decided to hunt instead of build a roof for our longhouse. We followed the spring downhill unilt we reached a lake and we decided to go spearfishing. Ben used his claws to catch fish he was really good at it and caught alot of fish. While I stumbled around akwardly inthe water. Haveing wings must be nice. I often wondered if I had evolved wrong because of how usefull wings were. I managed to spear a fish. I had a bad success rate considering how many fish there were. The lake was bursting with vitality. I decided to try and collect clams instead. I was a major success at that. I managed to collect as many as I could carry with my son carrying as many as fish as he could we made our way back to camp. Appernetly we had settled in a safe place there were no strong monsters near were we lived. We had ava cook the freshwater clams and some fish. She cooked them right and they were delicous. I went to bed in my room it was at the end of the longhouse. The next day I awoke I had slept the entire night. I asked ben about it and he said it was his gift to me. No point saying anything now I simply thanked him. We worked on the roofas we had enough food for three days. I was very satisfied with were we had settled. The roof was mostly done by the end of the day. Our rooms now had a roof over them. That night I watched all nigth a unicorn came and investigated our house but diddnt attack. I kapt watch the whole night as a present to ben. The next day he thanked me. We finished the longhouse. It had a eating area and three rooms at one end. That night after locking the dooor we all went to bed in our rooms. It was a peacefull night. The next day I was very happy the start of my village dream had been realized. I decided to try my hands at wood working. Afteral my house needed furniture. We still had fish and clams so I had some time before we had to go out and look for food again. All of us tried wood workind. Ben was the best at it he cut a long board with his claws he was exceptional with his claws. By the end of the day we managed to make one successfull table. We put it at our end of the longhouse and it was elevated. We saw a jaugar it saw us but didnt attack maybe because it was daylight. I locked all the doors and then went to bed. Sleeping all night was what I missed the most. The next day I decided we should all have a break we decided to do whatever we wanted. I decided to have sex with bella she probbably got pregnate. I felt bad for ben as he didnt get to have sex. We should see if we could find any wild imps in the forest. The next day bella told us that she was pregnat. With her abilitys she should give birth in a day and a half. The next day we went down to the lake again to get some food. I collected clams while ben caught a really big fish. It was all he could do to carry it back to our camp. It was at least twenty pounds. And I had a arm load of clams. Ava cooked them for us she hadnt evolved a second time like her mother. The day passed with me trying to make chairs but failing constantly. I went to bed with bella in my room. The next day she was going to give birth I asked ben to gaurd the door while me and bella focused on giving birth. I watched as she gave birth to a imp it had been a day and a half. That was how long it took her to give birth. I decided to name him edward it was a boy imp afterall. He was small as small as a normal imp that wass just born. We decided that he should stay inside for the day. We wspent the day cleaning up the mess the pregnancy had made. And taking care of bella. The next day we had enough food. I let edward sleep with me. The next day we took edward hunting we neeeded to get items that helped us. We went back to the dungeon were we came from. We explored the dungeon we ran into a frog that attacked us it was three feet high and weighed twenty pounds. Ben sidestepped it and cut off its tongue after that it was easy to kill. I put it on my back and we explored some more. We found a sword and i gave it to edward. We left the dungeon and made our way back to the longhouse we had a successfull trip. I decided to make a map of our surroundings. That night came and I slept with bella again. Another kid would be seen soon we had that much sex. The next day she told me she was pregnate. I went out with ben to make a map I was walking through the forest when I heard a phenoix cry and my amulet broke. There was a small snake next to my foot I ran away it was posionus and would have killed me if not for my amulet. I decided to spend the day inside I had gotten scared. Ben thought it was funny. Must be nice to be able to fly. The day passed with me staying inside. I was scared to go outside even though I didnt share it. We still had food but it wasnt food that allowed us to get strong quickly. We needed food that was rich with life essence. And that only came from strong monsters. The next day I had ava help bella give birth appperntly there was twins george and taylor they were both boys. They needed some food so we feed them fish it was going to go bad anyway. Me and ben now were suppoorting a whole group of people. I decded that these two were going to be archers. I made them both bows and spent my time chiseling arrowheads for the two of them. The next day I went hunting and I took taylor and george they both shot there arrows at the deer one hit and the other missed. We followerd the blood trail until we found the dieing deer. While congragulating both of them I hauled the deer back to camp. We all encircled the fire outside of the longhouse and smoked and cooked the deer. And then we ate it. The venison was really good, It wasnt the food we needed to evolve but it was good enough. The amount of mouths that we had to feed had grown. That nigth I locked the doors and went to bed without haveing sex with bella. All the boys slept in one room and I slept alone in one room and the girls slept in one room. The next day came and we were out of food again. I wanted to go adventuring in the dungeon again as that was were loot was found. Ben agreed to go with me we dived into the dungeon sometimes there were humans in this dungeon. We explored the first level without taking the shortest path down. There was skeletons we fought them and they went down easily a slash from a mana spear would cut them in half. Some of them didn't even have weapons. We searched the chest until we found fate dice. Gain the ability of another if below a three is rolled. This item has three uses and can only be used once the monster is dead. This was a major score me and ben made our way down to where the imps lived. We decided to try and find a girl imp for ben. We offered a prostitute that ben liked a better life with us. She agreed to trust us and we made our way to the surface. We all ate togethor in the longhouse apparently george had shot another deer. It was good to eat food that I didnt have to get myself. Evreyone ate there fill and then we went to bed. Ben had sex for the first time in his life with the new imp. Her name was clara. She hadnt evolved at all so there was a high chance she wouldnt get pregnat. George and taylor were jealous of him but didnt say anything. I think they didnt because of me. Our tribe had grown I was happy with it. The forest was scarriest at night that was when the powerfull monsters came out. Me and ben went out exploring into the forest I had to be carefull as I had no phoneix amulet.

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