《Impulus》Chapter #4


There was a village elder female imp here to assisst in the pregnancy. I watched in awe as she managed to push out a baby imp. At the rate of wich she was having children she would have a large family like she walways dreamed of. She laid in bed for the rest of the day but the new born. Ran around the ntire house makeing imp like noises with a scree he made his way into the kitchen for the fourth time. It was a boy bella had another son. I congragulated ben on his new stepbrother. That night before I was about to go to bed words poured into my mind. Evoltuions >Flying Imp >Advanced Spearmen imp >Goblin. I had to choose goblin. with that I collapsed outside of my house as I ddint want to het stuck inside my house. The next day when I woke up what I noticed first was the smell my sense of smell had gotten much better. I lifted my body up with a green arm. I was huge! Evolving had made me roughly double in size I went from two feet too four feet. If I had slept inside I was screwed I dont know how big of a mistake that would have been but I knew it would have been a big one. It was time for me to find my own shield. If I had picked winged imp I could easily fly over to where all the wepons spawned and have my pick. Nstead we had to sneak from chest to chest until we found something suitable. WE also found a pair of bracers for ben. On the way back we were attacked by a frog that could harden the tip of his tongue. It was so fast but we were ever so slightly faster. We decided to not fight it and went back to our camp. It lets us retreat and didnt follow. We had successfully aquired new gear. When we went back to our house wich I was now to large to fit thorugh the door way. The village had all accepted my evoluton and treated me fairly I think it was because of my connection to our leader. Bella gave me a kiss on the cheek while I was sitting down as she wasnt tall enough to kiss me when I was standing up. The week continued to pass. And something speical happened to my son he could evolve as well. He chose to evolve into a flying imp. With wings on his back we set off to go on our hunting trip. The three of us waited in the mantis zone for a imp to bring back our preys location. eventually the king imp and ben returned to us. We were going to hunt another lighting mnantis. It was to the north of us. We made our way there and approached behind the shield imp while ben and the king imp hovered above it. As we got within range it struck out and its claws rang against the shield then we all attacked at once. It had a spear thrust through the top of its head and its head cut of by bens claws. It was in pieces. We carried our successfull hunt home. When we got home I let ava try to cook a little of the mantis that we caught and sh burned it. It was fine though, I had enough to eat and live for a week until the next hunt. I spent the day carving out a comftorable place to rest on the ground as I had doubled in size. The week passed normally until bella came to m and requested a favor. SHe wanted me and ben to take her new son hunting. So we did we brought him hunting with us. I attracted the mantises attention while evreyone attacked it. The hunt was a major success nobody had gotten hurt. We returned and we both gave our portions to bellas son. He neamed himself jeffrey and thanked us for taking him hunting.I had decided I wanted to leave the tribe of imps and live where the sun shined. It was time for me to leave the dungeon. I asked ben if he would come with me and he said yes. I asked bellla as well and she said yes as long as her son and daugter could come along. I agreed it would be good to have them come along. We decided to stay for one more hunt and then ake our way to the surface. The hunt came quick. We ventured out into mantis territory for the final time and waited. Eventually ben came back with news there was a fire mantis that was alone. We all followed him until we found it. Me and the shieldbearer imp got its attention while the king imp and ben dive bombed it. It eventually fell from damage done to its head. We took the carcass back to camp and ate our fill. Bella said she had something to tell me she could evolve again she had chosen >Fertile Imp-half the time of pregnancy. I congragulated her on getting that much closer to having a large family. Tommorow we will set of to the surface I said. The next day I awoke early before evreyone had gotten up. I woke up ben and we went and got ava and bella and her son. Then we began our trip upwards and out of the dungeon. We had to go the way that wepons were found as I knew thats were the entrance was because that was why and where humans came down. We ran into a wolf on the way up but ben easily sliced it to pieces. Flying was a really strong power I thought to myself. We got out of wolf territory and into golem territory I know because we were attacked by a golem made of wood. I had easily sliced it apart with a mana spear. After the golem territory I could see light and what a bright light it was. It looked like the brightest light I had ever seen in my life. We emerged and I could see these tall brown and green pillars it looked like. Bella informend me that they were called trees. I had never been out of the dungeon all of my life so this was all new and exciting to me. We needed water so we had to settle somewhere along a river. We started walking our luck was good eventually we came upon a spring. We decided to build a longhouse for our base to keep us out of the elements. With a mana spear cutting down trees was easy I was finally able to do three mana spears in a row and it felt like it was going up. that night we had to sleep exposed to the elments me and ben took turns gaurding through out the night. That night I was awoken to ben and his clash with a wolf apperntly it had tried to attack us while we were sleeping. I got up and confronted the wolf with ben its strength lay in its speed. But with the two of us working togethor we killed it efforteslly theres something to be said about teamwork.It waas my turn to take over watch so I did. The morning sun came shining through. It had been eventfull ever since we decided to leave the dungeon togethor. We managed to construct a three high log wall by the end of the day. The next night had come and we decided to sleep inside were the the long house was going to be built. We had collected enough straw and leaves that sleep was very comfortable the nigth passed with no attacks. The next day we continued to work on the long house. We got anpther three logs high. THat night I was woken up to a cats shriek ben had been atttacked by a jauguar he had a clawmark on his chest but the jaugar was bleeding way worse. I ran over and defended him while the jaugar bleed out. Eventually it died without me having to spear it. THe next day we were ony able to do two logs because ben couldnt work as well because of his injury. We took turns gaurding again that night while the women of our house slept. The next day ben had healed entirely apperently it wasnt a deep wound. And the regeneration of a winged imp was really good. That day we managed to put another three logs on the long house. We took turns doing gaurd duty it felt weird that my son was stronger in a fight then I was. I guess that was his benfit for pursing the peak of the imp evolutions.

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