《Impulus》Chapter #3


I told him to think heavily about how he wanted to evolve. He didnt have a wepon so soldier imp was a no. He wanted to help more in the hunt so he chose blader imp so we could work togethor better. I let him stay in my sleeping quarters while I gaurded him all night. The next day when he got up he had grown blade like claws and his movement speed had increased alot. We went out with the shield imp again. With the three of us working togethor there was no way we would let anyone get hurt. As a celebration for our evolution the shield imp said we could hunt two mantises. The first mantis was killed easily by us my son had ran by it and slashed along it with his knife like claws. After the fight he told me he was glad he had picked blader imp. We came across another mantis by itself and attacked it. It was another easy kill I made sure it was dead with a slash to the back of the head. We returned and ben and me went to visist bell she was two days along in her pregancy. I decided that we should all feast together. We all ate mantis togethor. Bella told us that she had the option to be a chief instead of becoming more fertile but she always dreamed of having a large family so she picked fertility. Ben said he would consider the next kid that bella had to be his step sibling and be family with them. After that I went back to my place of rest and fell asleep. The next day me and my son showed up to hunt there was a suprise waiting for us. Our shieldbearing imp had evolved I activated omnipotent view >Great shield warrior a imp that has fought with his shield and can block all manner of attacks. I decided to take the first step to forming a group. I asked for the shield imp to always pick us to be on his team. He happily agreed I liked working with a shieldman the most. We ventured out and I asked if we could kill two mantises he siad yes but only this time out of celebration for our new found partnership. We came across a mantis and we took it out easily my son got the finishing blow by cutting its head off. He had grown quickly he was as good as me during the hunt. We managaed to find another mantis on the way back and I managed to nick its neck in the right place and it fell dead. We came back and shared our food with bella it was a good night. I secretly wish that she had picked cook but I didnt share my thoughts with her. The next day I watched as she gave birth to a imp from one of her custoumers. When we went out it was easier to hunt a mantis then ever although the single mantis wasnt enough to satiate eaither me or my son. I wondered if we were strong enough to hunt a mantis by ourselfs. Then I remembered what would happen to us if we ran into a evolved mantis by ourselves and then I didnt want to try. My son shared his entire portion of mantis with bellas son his father didnt care about him and he didnt know who his father was. Bella had lots of customers. The next day I asked the shield imp to include bellas new son. I gave him a name it was tom. We went into the mantises part of the dungeon. The shield bearer imp kept the mantis busy while we all cut at it the mantis was to dumb to disengage the shield imp. It was our victory. We came back there wasnt enough food for either me or my son. There was enough food for tom. We ate our portions and then went to talk to bella. She had gotten pregnat again instantly ben felt bad for not sharing any food with his mother. I told him it wasnt his fault. I decided that I was going to build bella a sleeping space she could have next to were I slept. I asked ben for help and we created a bed for her made of straw. She slept just a few feet away from were I slept. The next day we went out on a hunt we managed to kill one mantis and on the way back we saw another but our leader didnt want to bother with it as he had enough to eat his fill. Me and my son came back to try and kill it ourselves seeing as it was within the safezone of our village. I decided that I would confront it while he would come from behind and slash its neck. With that we attacked i managed to block its first strike and sidestep the second it was risky but that was all the time ben needed he cut its neck and it fell dead.It was our first success we brought it over along with our share from the hunt with the group. We had a feast I went to bed with a bulging stomach. It was the first time I ever had this much food. There was big news the leader of the village had evolved again and now he had wings. I couldnt believe it but he had wings on his back. There was now a fourth level evolved imp in our village. I activated omnipotent view as I looked at him >King Flying Imp-Unique class granted to the king of a village. There was a benfit to being the leader I thought to myself. we went out on the hunt again this time we killed a mantis and brought it back my son offored his entire portion of the food to his mother. I ate my portion but I still went to bed hungry. The next day we were paired up with the village leader. We were able to find a mantis quickly because he could fly. We killed it and he ate the entire thing. We were granted the next day off because we didnt get any food. The next day me and my son decided to look for a item in the dungeon. We ventured out into the area were there was such a thing we were in luck we found a chest with a glass necklace of a firery red bird. Its item descripion that was written on a note in the chest was block one fatal attack. I took it and my son said I could have it. I wore it around my neck. When we got back we talked to bella she was having her kid tommorow. I wished her luck and then walked over to where I slept in a bed of straw. The next day when we got up me and ben went on the hunt. With the shieldbearer as our leader we found and attacked a single mantis. Then on the way back we were attacked by another mantis. Both either fell under bens claws or were cut through with my spear. We took our share and then went back to our resting place. Bella had given birth to a daughter I wanted a cook so I asked her if she could try and cook a portion of the mantis. She said she would try she ended up burning it but I still ate it I told her good job and then went over to my bed and just layed there I had gotten enough food for the day. The next day when I got up I walked over to where ben was resting we decided to walk together to the hunting grounds. We went out on the hunt with the shield imp it was easy to kill a ordinary mantis. We killed one and then made our way back. I took our portions over to where bella lived and started a fire. I let bellas daughter ava cook a part of the mantis she burned it black again but we both still ate our portions. That night as I laid in the hay I got the option to evolve >Mana Imp >Spearman Imp >Giant Imp >Researcher Imp. I assumed researcher imp was a option because of omnipotent view. I picked mana imp and went to bed. The next day when I got up I felt diffrent. Like there was power coursing through my veins. I had reached my second evolution and quickly at that. I told my son who was a blader imp. He got jelous but in the end ended up praising me. I found the utilization of mana was hard I decided to take a day of and learn how to use this power. I walked up to the side of the dungeon and formed a small line of mana on my spear up to the tip then I slashed at the cave wall. A long verticle slash was seen I decided to try and make a oven I tried to slash again but a wave of exhaustion hit me appently I only had enough mana for one slash. I rested and in five minutes I tried again and it worked. I repheated this process until I cut out a oven in the stone. And it was close to my place of rest too. Ben came back and shared his portion of the food with me. It wasnt enough for me at all. I had ava try out the new oven. She tried to cook it but she messed up again and it wasnt cooked all the way through. I still ate it though. The next day we both went on the hunt together the shield imp was stronger then me. We hunted one mantis I tried out my mana blade by slashing the mantis in half. We retreated out of mantis territory and into our village. We were given our portions of food. I had ava try and cook them again in the oven I had made. She actually succeded they tasted better then they did raw. That night she was given the evolution path for cook and she took it. She told me about it the next morning. I was happy having a good cook would make it so the food would be more nurtional and give us more energy. The next day I learned how to utilize mana to make a foothold I used it to leap at a mantis and cut the back of its neck mid air. When we got back we had ava cook our portions of the mantis. Now that she had the cook job she was able to cook the mantis correctly. It tasted so much better! Bella siad she wanted to have sex with me so I spent the night at her resting place her area was big enough for the both of us. The next morning when I met up with ben we set off together. We found a mantis and were able to kill it easily. We got back and had our food cooked bella said she was pregnat again. I was going to have another kid. That night I fell asleep in my own bed. The next day we went out with the shield imp we were attacked by too mantises that had snuck up on us. I was able to quickly cut one in half. The other was taken out by bens claws while he was being distracted bt the shield imp. We brought both mantises back. Me and ben had enough food to eat until we were full and it was cooked by ava. The next day we were asked to join the king imps party in hunting down a evolved mantis. We said yes we will join the party was made up of the shield imp, me, ben, the king imp, and a swordsman imp. We ventured out and it wasnt long before the king imp flew back and told us he had found our prey. We made our way to where he lead us to. I saw the mantis and activated omnipotent view >Lighting Mantis-this mantis is capable of striking very fast. We approached all of us behind shield imps back. The mantis attacked shield imp me and ben came around from either side and cut its claws of. Now with only the nothing to worry about king imp thrust his spear down from above with lighting fast reflexes the mantis slams its head into his shield.He got knocked higher into the air. The mantis turns to face me and the swordsman comes out from behind the shieldbearer and cuts of its head. We take the mantis body home with us. The mantises body is bursting with energy. Evrey bite fills you up considerbly. This is the exubarnt life energy of a evolved mantis. Its to important to us to risk cooking we eat it raw. With this food in our belly we wont go hungry for a week. As the mantises energy gets digested and enters our bodies. We take the week of theres no point in fighting for more food if were full because of the evolved mantis. I decided to make a house out of the dungeon wall with mana blades. Its usefull training to get more mana. I spend the enire week to make a two bedroom house with a kitchen. I offer to let bella live with me. She moves in and brings ava with her they live together in one of the rooms. Ive gotten to where I can do two slashes with a mana blade. Ben came to me with good news he got to evolve again. He chose the evolution >Mana Blader Imp he can now infuse his claws with mana becuse its part of the blader skill line he can keep mana in his claws and cut with it for a very long time. That was his benfit from following a evolution tree unlike me. Maybe I should have picked researcher imp. No I felt like it was more important to have mana. The king had requested us to do another hunt with him. Of course we wanted to last hunt had let us have that much free time. So we followed our flying king out into the mantis hunting grounds. We went out into the hunting grounds and waited for the king imp to find a target. Eventually he came back with a plan there was a fire mantis that he would lead us to. We followed along beneath him until the mantis was in sight then we all took our postion behind sheild imp. Then we moved forward the mantis attacked the shieldbearer imps shield. We both went to cut off its claws while they were on the shield. Both me and my sons attacks landed. Both claws got cut off. The mantis turned to face us and as it did the king imp speared its head. The mantis toppled over dead. It was another big victory for us. I activated omnipotent view on it >Fire mantis-Able to emit burning tempatures from its claws. We took our prize back to the village and ate it. With life energy bursting from our bodies we had another week to do whatever we wanted. I worked on the house and installed a second story for ben to live in it took me five days. With the other two days I went hunting for food for bella. She had gotten pregnat again but not by me. She could live in my house anyway. Ben had gotten stronger then me in a one on one he could beat me easily. Even with two mana spear uses I couldnt beat him and my mana seemed to never go above two uses of my mana spear. No matter how hard I trained. The next week came and we were requested to go hunting with the king imp again. The swordsman imp had evolved again I activated omnipotnet view >Advanced Swordsman Imp- Able to weild a sword with very good tekqniue. I wondered if my mana blade could cut through iron like it did rock. I didnt think it would. With all our congragulations said we set out on the hunt. We followed our leader the King imp into the hunting grounds and then waited until he came back. He came back and told us that he had found a lighting mantis and to follow him. We followed him all the way until we found it. We approached the ligthing mantis behind the shieldbearing imp. We waited until the claws of the mantis rang against the shield of the sheildbearer. Then we each stepped forward and past it by cutting off its claws. My son was almost bitten by the mantises mouth on the back. But he managed to get out of the way quick enoguh he wasnt hurt. The mantis was finished off by the king imp with a spear through the top of its head. We returned to the village happy with our victory.We took our portions of the mantis back to our cave house. We both shared a lttle of our food with bella she was going to give birth tommorow. We wouuld be here for it. The next day I slept in. I got up lazily and went into bellas room. I could smell flesh and sweat as soon as I entered the room.

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