《The Elementals》Chapter 10: Tarah Has Changed


After supper was finished, Leann and Erinn left to do their job and everyone else went back to their homes.

"Mind if I walk you home?" Wayne asked Tarah.

"Not at all," replied Tarah smiling at her.

"How has your training been going?" Wayne asked.

"Not good. I want to say I am getting back but it feels like I am getting weaker," replied Tarah with a frown.

"I am sure you reach your goal in no time," said Wayne smiling at then grabbing her. Tarah grabbed his hand back, but suddenly she started feeling dizzy. Wayne looked at her and asked,

"Tarah are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine," Tarah said in a slushy voice.

"No, you are not. You need to sit down," replied Wayne in a stern voice. But it was to last. Wayne saw her eyes roll back and he immediately felt the weight of Tarah falling. Wayne grabbed her and laid her on the ground.

"Tarah can you hear me?" Wayne asked in a concerned voice. Tarah wanted to answer him but she couldn't. Her world was black, but it started to get lighter. But instead of see Wayne, she saw large figures. They looked like they were asleep. Suddenly she felt the ground shake and saw the figures starting to stand up.

"Who are you," she called out to them. Turning towards her they said,

"We are the guardians of the Earth and we have awakened to put the Earth back into balance."

"How will you do that?" Tarah asked.

"Putting an end to the Elementals," said a guardian.

"You can't do that!" exclaimed Tarah.

"You have 3 days until we arrived," said a guardian. But before she could answer her world started to go black. A few seconds it started to get lighter. Soon she saw Wayne's face.


"Tarah what happened? You were talking aloud," said Wayne looking at her. Tarah went to answer him a tell him what happened but all she would say was,

"They are coming." Her mouth wouldn't let her say anything else. Again, she felt a sudden change. She didn't feel like herself instead she felt like Wayne. She suddenly felt relaxed and claim.

"Who is coming?" Wayne asked.

"Never mind that everything is fine we can worry about it when the time comes," Tarah said. She was shocked. That wasn't what she was going to at all. Wayne was very confused. Tarah had never acted like that before. She was acting like him not like herself at all. Wayne saw the confused look on her face. Something wasn't right with her, but he had no clue what it was.

"I think you need to get some sleep," said Wayne, "I can stay here with you if you want me too."

"I wouldn't mind that," said Tarah with a smile. Wayne slightly smiled back at her. Tarah went to sleep, but Wayne had a hard time sleeping.

Tarah woke up and saw Wayne asleep on the floor. She smiled and decided to left him sleep. She started walking to the Headquarter when Ethan came up to her and asked,

"Hey, how are you. I heard what happened."

"Oh yeah I am fine," she said quickly. She suddenly felt very energetic and talk-of-did. And that was what she hated about Ethan. Now she was taking on his personality. She arrived at the headquarter and started talking to everyone even the ones she didn't like. Everyone finally made it to the Headquarter. Randolph quickly grabbed Wayne and said,

"Tarah has been acting strange. What all happened last night?" Wayne then explained to him what had happened that night.


"Hmm, so by the looks of it she is taking on the personalities of the people around her," said Randolph. Just after saying that Ethan came up to them and said,

"Something isn't right with Tarah. Normally she hates me now she is acting just like me and when she would just start acting like anyone who got near her.

"We know," said Randolph, "Tell everyone except Tarah we will be having a meeting tonight after Tarah goes to sleep. Wayne, you will stay with her until she is asleep the come and wake us up." Wayne and Ethan both nodded.

Night came and Tarah was asleep. Wayne got everyone up and they headed to the Headquarter to discuss Tarah's condition. Meanwhile Tarah was having that dream again. She saw the guardians. She for the first time felt like herself again. She called out to them saying,

"Why will you not let me warn my friends?"

"Because if they find out we are coming they will practice more thus hurting the Earth even more then they are now," replied the guardian.

"Is that why I seem to be taking on everyone's personality, because the Earth is unbalanced?" Tarah asked.

"Yes and until the Earth is in balanced again you will ask like everyone around you," said the guardian. Tarah thought about Wayne. What if she ended up saying something that would make him upset with her? The last thing she wanted to do but if she had taken on the personality of Mercy and ended up saying some about him that wasn't true.

"Is there any way I can avoid this?" She asked.

"Only if you are talking to us will you be yourself. Other than that, you can't avoid it," said the guardian. Tarah wanted the Earth to be balanced again, but she didn't want her or her friends to be killed. She soon woke up. It was still night. She saw the lights on in the Headquarter but decided that she should stay home and go back to sleep.

The meeting had been going for about thirty minutes. They still hadn't figured out what to do with Tarah.

"How about everyone she doesn't like stay away from her and everyone she likes take turns staying with her," suggested Wayne.

"Or she could just stay in her house and not come out until we find out what's going on," said Mercy.

"No, that wouldn't work. She wouldn't like that one bit," argued Wayne.

"Oh that's right you know so well," said Mercy in a sarcastic voice.

"Well I do. Well at least better than you. You don't know her what so ever," replied Wayne.

"That's enough you too," said Randolph, "I think that everyone should do what they want. If you don't want to have Tarah act like you just stay away from her. If you can handle her acting like you then you can help by taking a day to watch her and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"One thing we know is Tarah has changed," said Liam.

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