《The Elementals》Chapter 9: Something in the Air


Tarah woke up early in the morning to go get some fruit for breakfast for everyone. It was nice to have her own place especially since it was in the woods. She walked a few feet away for her home and asked the trees for some fruit to feed everyone. The tress gladly gave her some. She stuck all the fruit in her basket and headed back to the main headquarter to prepare the fruit. As she was walking back she saw Wayne. It looked like he was trying to control water, but wasn't have much luck with it, so Tarah decided to go over and talk to him.

"How are things going?" She asked.

"Well not to good. I have been up since the break of dawn and I still can't control this water," Wayne replied in a frustrated voice.

"Why don't you take a break. I bet your hungry," Tarah said tossing him a pear. When Wayne caught it, his stomach gurgled.

"Seems your right," he said with a laugh. He came out of the water and he and Tarah headed to the Headquarter.

When they arrived at the Headquarter, everyone one was waiting on them to eat.

"What took you two so long?" asked Randolph.

"We got side tracked talking," replied Tarah.

"Sure," teased Rachelle. Tarah frowned but was blushing.

"Well now that you two are here, we can cut up the fruit and eat," said Randolph taking the basket from Tarah's hands. A few minutes later they began to eat. The room was filled with talking and laughter. Everyone was about either the upcoming attack or they were asking Liam how his leg was feeling. The food tasted wonderful to them and it wasn't long before it was gone. Everyone set their dishes by the sink for Wayne to clean. Today was his day to do the dishes.

"Would you like me to help you with the dishes," Tarah asked Wayne.

"If you want to, you can," said Wayne smiling at her. Tarah was always nice and he liked that about her. So, they cleaned the dishes while everyone else went to go practice their skills. Kimberly was having trouble remembering how she made that crack in matter. Mercy was having trouble making her fire power stronger. Liam was having trouble learning how to control the air. Randolph was teaching himself how to summon metal without having any metal near him. Kristopher was having trouble shooting ice sickles from his hands. Ethan couldn't practice because he need it to storm in order to try and control where lightening would strike. So he decided to go walking around and see how everyone was doing. He decided to go see what Calvin was doing. When he arrived at Calvin's place he saw Calvin and Mercy practicing together.


"You two look like you're having fun," said Ethan.

"What are you doing here," Mercy said in a disgusted voice.

"Well I can't practice so I thought I would walk around and see what everyone was up too," replied Ethan ignoring the tone of Mercy's voice.

"Well if you don't mind we would like to get back to training," replied Calvin.

"Okay," said Ethan as he turned and walked away from them. With a sigh Mercy said,

"The guy gets on my nerves."

"I see nothing wrong with him," said Calvin laughing at Mercy's face. Mercy smiled then lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouch! That hurt," he lied as he fell to the ground.

"Oh whatever," Mercy said laughing at him.

"Oh the darkness its closing in," Calvin joked as he grabbed his heart.

"Is there anything I can do," Mercy said playing along with Calvin. Pulling her to the ground he said,

"The only thing that can help me is if someone stays with me as I pass." No longer able to hold back her laughter, Mercy started to burst with laughter. Calvin started laughing as well.

"You two are weird," said Erinn as she walked by.

"But not as weird as you and Kristopher," teased Calvin. Erinn frowned and continued to walk until she found Kristopher.

"Still having trouble with shooting ice sickles," Erinn said.

"Yeah," replied Kristopher.

"I am sure you will get it down soon enough," said Erinn smiling at him. Kristopher smiled back.

"I have a surprise for you," said Kristopher.

"Oh and what is that," Erinn said in a curious voice.

"Close your eyes first," said Kristopher. Erinn closed her eyes then asked,

"Now what?"

"You just keep your eyes closed and I will guide you," replied Kristopher. Erinn stood there for a few seconds before she felt Kristopher's cold hand grab her's. He led her around until they stopped and he said,

"Now you can open your eyes." When Erinn opened her eyes, she saw a small body of water frozen over.

"I thought I can give you some sort of a thank you gift for all you have done for me," said Kristopher stepping out on the ice.


"I have never been ice-skating before," said Erinn in a nervous voice.

"That's okay. I will be right here with you," said Kristopher as he extended his hand to her. Erinn slowly grabbed his hand and put both feet on the ice. She started to fall when Kristopher grabbed her waist. Erinn looked at him and smiled. Kristopher smiled back and said,

"Now you take small gliding steps." Erinn tried it. At first she had trouble but as she went it got better. Kristopher let go of her to see if she could balance on her own. She could.

"Wohoo," she said as she skated around on the ice. Kristopher smiled and laughed as he watched her skated around him. After a few minutes of admiring her, he decided to join her.

"One might think that you have been ice-skating before by how well you are skating right now," remarked Kristopher.

"Don't say that then you will jinx," Erinn said as she started to lose her balance. Kristopher tried to catch her but it was too late. Erinn had fallen on her butt.

"I told you," Erinn said laughing. Kristopher went to help her up but when he started to pull her up he lost his balance and started to fall. Lucky for Erinn he could stop himself from falling right on her, but he was only a few feet away from Erinn's face. They both smiled at each other. Kristopher started to lean in to kiss her, but stopped when he heard a voice call out,

"Looks like you two seemed to be pretty friendly with each other." Erinn started blushing. Kristopher smiled at her, fell to the left side of her, then looked up to see Liam and Paris staring at them. He blushed.

"We would join you two on the ice but Liam's leg isn't ready to go ice-skating yet," said Paris breaking the silence. Liam smiled and said,

"We better leave those two love-birds only." Still blushing, Erinn and Kristopher said,

"We aren't love-birds." Liam and Paris just smiled and continued to walk.

"Do you need to sit down yet?" Paris asked Liam.

"No, I can walk a little longer," replied Liam.

"Okay." After a few minutes of silence Liam said,

"I think Erinn and Kristopher have a crush on each other, wouldn't you agree."

"Yes and I think they would make a great couple," replied Paris.

"I know I have told you this a million times but thank you for taking care of me," said Liam smiling at her.

"What else do you expect a friend to do for another friend," Paris said smiling.

"So you see me as a friend," said Liam slightly frowning. She him frown she said,

"No, I just want to get to know you a little more." Liam smiled at her.

"Good," Liam whispered under his breath.

"You guys mind if we join you," said a voice behind them. They turned around to see Ethan and Rachelle walking up to them.

"No. Not at all," replied Paris.

"So what are you two up too?" Ethan asked.

"Just walking and talking. What about you two?" Liam asked.

"The same really," replied Ethan.

"Well by the look of the sun we should probably head back to the Headquarter. It's probably about supper time. So they headed back to the Headquarter.

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