《Angelic Summons》Summons


Blinded by the flash of light I was not able to see what happened next.

My only clue was the sound of a gun firing and immediately hitting something metal.

Did my summoning work? Had my creature body blocked the bullet for me?

Hell yeah!

I though as my mine

The bullet pierced and whizzed towards me.

It burned.

After the bullet tore into my shoulder, I took the hit and went straight to the ground.

The shock of the impact left me numb for a few seconds giving me just enough time to clutch the wound, Tears welled up in my eyes as I heard a few wet cracking sounds from the direction of my summon which was accompanied by a loud thump as the body slumped.

I looked towards the gunman just to see a corpse with a smashed face and caved diaphragm, folded in on itself.

A wave of calm rush over me. The pain from my shoulder disappeared in an instant and was replaced with a cool sensation.

I looked at my hand and confirmed the bloodstain but was unable to feel or see the bullet hole anymore.

Probably in shock I tried to stand up and get to my home phone, trying to call an ambulance.

My legs gave out after taking a few steps, and I wanted to cry from the stress of the situation which was being smothered by the numb feeling that had just invaded my body.

Calming waves flowed over me again. This time it took hold. It shocked me out of my stupor, and I was able to think clearly again.

I took a second to inspect my situation now that I wasn't having yet another breakdown...

It looks like my summoning skill worked.

There were two of them.

A large skeleton fitted with a crude set of armor was standing near the mangled corpse of my former landlord. While a tall woman with white wings was standing near me. Apparently, she was the source of my quick healing and calm spell.


Looking at the two of them I was more than a little curious as I tried to ignore the dead body by the skeletons feet.

That wasn't scary at all.

I tried to ask their names but only the women responded.

"We do not have names yet".

I waited for her to elaborate however it seemed as If she was being intentionally distant. I pulled up the skill description to try and get some more information about them.

Calling the police could wait until I figured out more about the two very menacing strangers in my living room

Summoning Lvl.1 (Evolution of Vice and Virtue)

See Expanded Details Y/N?

Summoning skill uniquely attuned to conflicting major elements. Tied together using a separate attunement source, evolution between tiers is a staple of this previously unexplored branch of summoning.

Open events log? Y/N


Summoning... Summoned Angel Caster Lvl.1

Summoning Limit Met 1/1



Summoning limit met for common rarity...

Unique attunement interference; Designated Priority level (Low)

Bypassing Restriction...

System autocorrect at uncommon rarity

Summoned Undead Warrior Lvl.1 Summoning Limit Exceeded 2/1

Can I take a look at the summons themselves?

Name? Angel Caster Lvl.1 Skill; Halo Profession(Caster) bonus 50% Intelligence and Wisdom Name? Undead Warrior Lvl.1 Skill; Undead Endurance Profession(Warrior) bonus 50% Strength and Constitution


I closed the blue window as I took another second to think. Both of my summons were standing around and I still had to deal with a dead body.

How could this day get worse? I thought.

No need to tempt fate... I looked towards both of my silent summons.

They took this as their que to start moving again, the tall skeleton grabbing two chairs from my kitchen and brought them to the living room. Both of them sat down.


Putting on a straight face I collected myself with the assistance of the earlier calming buff, and tried talking to them once more.

"To start I would like for us to introduce ourselves". I said as the Caster nodded, the Warrior still remaining silent.

"Should we start with names"?

They gave me a look. Whoops. "My bad, we'll get to that later."

"My name is Fabricat".


"...And I am apparently a summoner now"?

I looked at the two of them inquisitively.

"Pretty Much".



So, the skeleton can talk.

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