《Meteor High》Chapter 5: Discovery


(Victor POV)

We stood in shock as the creature slowly made its way to us.

It had pale green skin with long jagged claws coming from six grotesque limbs. Its four eyes were blood red with a sharp yellow pupil in the middle.

It looked like a cross between an insect and a wild animal.

“What the hell is that?” Drake asked.

As the words left his mouth the creature looked over at him and sprinted for us with incredible speed.

“Run!!” I yelled.

We tried to make our way to the rundown school but before we could take a step, the creature leaped over all our heads and landed right in front of us. It let out a roar and started to circle us.

“It’s playing with us,” I said.

“We could probably make a run fo- wait…where’s Alessia?” Drake asked.

“What do you mean she’s rig-” I looked over to see Alessia wasn’t next to us anymore.

“Where’d she go?” I asked.

“She was just right her-” Before I could finish my sentence the monster stopped prowling around us.

It turned its ugly jaws towards me and charged. I closed my eyes and put up my hands, expecting the creature to tear me apart. But suddenly I was on the floor and drake was in front of me. The creature’s long sharp fangs were in his arm.


I get up off the ground and picked up a large metal pole that was laying in a pile of rubble.

I made my way towards Drake and the creature, but before I could do anything Drake tossed the creature off him with incredible strength. It landed in a pile of rubble more than four yards away. I stared in disbelieve as Drake ran over to me with a look of surprise all over his face.

“Dude… how’d you do that?” I asked.

He looked down at his hands then back up at me.

“I…I don’t know.” He said.

“I just tried to push the thing off me and…it went flying.”

We stared at each other for a moment when I remembered that the monster bite him.

“Is your arm ok?” I asked.

“It looked like it bite you pretty deep.” He raised his arm to exam it.

“It's fine, it looks like it didn’t even get me.” He said.


“But I saw its teeth…you know what let’s just fine Alessia and get out of here.”

We started for the run-down school when we saw someone waving their arms atop a tall pile of rubble.

“HELP!! GUYS I'M UP HERE!!” It was Alessia.

We ran over to the pile and looked up at her.

“How’d you get up there?” Drake yelled up.

“I don’t know, one minute I was with you guys and the next- LOOK OUT!!” She screamed.

I turned around to see the monster in full prowl heading straight for Drake.


As the monster drew closer to Drake, I grabbed his arm and tried to push him out the way.

But as my hand touched his skin a familiar sharp electric energy spread throughout my whole body. It felt a little like when my eyes suddenly recovered. This time it felt like power was flowing through-

"Rrrrroooooaaaaarrrrr!" The creature let out a deep and guttural roar, interrupting my thoughts, and was on top of me and drake before we could do anything.

It pinned us down by our heads and tried to bite into our throats with its short sharp fangs. But before it could take a bite, a large rock hit it in its face.

“Get away from them!” Alessia said.

She picked up another rock from the pile of rubble she was standing on and threw it at the creature. It got off me and Drake but rammed into the rubble.

“Alessia!” Drake yelled.

He got up off the ground and ran for the monster. He grabbed it by its neck with both hands and throws it across the field into the broken roman statue. The Creature tries to get back up but before it could even get on its feet, the statue tips over and falls on its head.

There’s a loud cracking sound and black blood splatters all over the field. I get up off the ground and run over to the bloodied creature.

“Is it dead?” Drake asks as he walks up behind me.

“I think so. How’d you do that?” He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders.

“I don’t know. I just tried to do the same thing I did last time.” I look back at the creature and stare at it.

“What the hell was this thing?” I ask.

“And how’d it even get here?” Drake comes up beside me and bends down in front of the creature.


“Your guess is as good as mine.” He says.

“But we should probably go back and warn everybody about this thing.” He stands up.

“Yeah, but we need to get Alessia down from that pile first,” I say.

We start to make our way over to Alessia when we see that the rubble she was standing on is starting to fall apart. We sprint over to the pile just when it falling and we see Alessia is falling with it. We both reach out to try to catch her but before we could do anything she disappears right in front of our eyes.

“What…what the hell just happened?” Drake asked.

He looks around and then looks back at me.

“Where the hell did she go?”

I look over at him and see his face is filled with worry.

“Drake, calm down. We'll find her. Ok?”

We split up and start to look around, but there weren’t many places she could have disappeared to. The front of the school was a total mess now. There was nothing left standing except for a single wall from the main building.

“Let’s check behind the school. She might be with everyone else.” I say.

We sprint behind the school to see that everyone that made it out of the building is running around and panicking. But in the middle of the chaos, I spot Emma. She was sitting off to the side, holding a bloody cloth to her arm.

I start to make my way over to her when she spots me.

She gets up, runs over to me, and jumps into my arms.

“Victor! Oh my god, I'm glad you're okay.”

Before I could hug her back she lets go of me and takes two steps back.

“I mean…I thought you died or something.” Her face was a bright red.

“No…I’m ok, but what happened to your arm?” I ask.

I reach out and move the cloth away from her arm. There was a long jagged cut just below her shoulder that was bleeding badly.

“What happened?” I ask again.

“I don’t know, when I woke up it was just like that.” She says.

“But it doesn’t hurt anymore- OOW!” A guy walked past her and bumped her injured arm.

“Hey dude, watch where you’re going!” I yell.

He turns around and I see that it’s Felix.

He’s one of Rick’s 'dogs', that always try to pick a fight with me.

“Tsk, what’s up to Victor? Oh, did I hurt your girl?” He asks.

He walks up to Emma and eyes her up and down.

“You know, the world might be coming to an end right now.” He says while moving closer to her.

“So how about you drop VIctor’s bitch-ass and get with a real man?”

He tries to put his arm around her but before he could, Emma hits him square in the mouth with her good arm.

“Don’t touch me.” She says and backs away from him.

Felix reaches up to his mouth and brings his hand back to see a drop of blood.

“You bitch!!” He balls his hand into a fist and cocks his arm back.

But before he could even make contact with her, I was between them in the blink of an eye. The punch hits me in my cheek, but there was no pain behind it.

“OWCH, MY FUCKN HAND!!” He yells, holding his hand up and shaking it.

“What the hell is your face made out of?!” He asks.

He stops shaking his hand and reaches back to try to punch me again. But I catch his fist mid-swing and push him back.

A little shock spreads through my whole body again.

Felix goes flying across the yard into a group of guys that looked like they were on the verge of crying.

“Aahhhhhhh!” He screams just before he hits the ground with a loud thump.

Drake comes up beside me and looks at me.

“What the hell man?” He asks.

“I thought I was the only one who could do that.” He said with a big smile on his face.

I open my mouth to answer him when I see Felix is back up on his feet. He has blood running down his face and what looks like a broken nose.

“Victor!! You think you can just make me look like a bitch and walkway.” He raises his hand.

“You’re not the only one with a little trick.” He says just before I’m engulfed in a sea of red flames.

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