《Meteor High》Chapter 6: Family


(Victor POV)

As I stood there, fire surrounding my entire body, I heard people calling out my name.


From the voices, I could tell that it was Emma and Drake.

Ignoring the flames around me and looking over, I could faintly see both of them standing at the edge of the fire, clueless as to how to help. I tried to tell them to stay back, but my mouth wouldn’t move. Then I tried to back away from them, but it felt like my legs were stuck in cement. My body was completely frozen with fear.

Is this how I’m going to die?

Finally coming to terms with my death I notice that I still couldn't feel the flames. I looked down at the fire that licked my skin and noticed that my skin didn’t burn at all. Instead, it felt like the fire was...feeding me?

The flames suddenlysnuffed out and I was standing there in front of everyone, my body completely unharmed. I glance over at Felix and saw that his face was caked with sweat and he was breathing heavily. When he looked up the smirk on his face fell, he was just as shocked as I was.

“What?! What the fuck are you?!” He yelled, rage filling his voice.

“You shouldn’t even be alive right now!” He raised his hands again and I expected another stream of fire to come at me. A tiny spark lit up in his hands but before it could become a full flame, Felix dropped to the ground.

“Are you ok Victor? It looked like he burned you pretty bad.” Alessia asked.

She was standing behind Felix’s now unconscious body with a long metal pipe in her hands. It looked like she had been walking in mud or something because her clothes were drenched in something black and musky. Drake ran over to her and gave her a big hug.

“Where the hell have you been?” He asked, still holding her in his arms.

“We looked everywhere for you.” She finally broke away from him, when he noticed that both their clothes were now covered with the substance.

“What happened?” He asked concern leaping into his voice again. She looked at him with confusion on her face then glanced down at her clothes and realized what he meant.


“I’ll tell you later, but right now we need to see if Victor’s alright first.” They started to walk over to me when Alessia’s cheeks turned bright red and she put her head down.

“What?” I ask.

Emma came up beside me, her cheeks as red as Alessia’s, and she glanced down at me. I followed her gaze and noticed that I was standing in front of them completly naked. My clothes were gone, leaving only ash caked across my body.

“Oh!” I said, trying to hide the embarrassment I now felt. Drake took off his jacket and threw it to me.

“Here, I got some extra clothes in my truck you can use too.” He said, trying hard to hide his laughter.

“Just…try not to stretch them out.” He started laughing out loud but Alessia hit him in the shoulder.

“So…what do we do now? I mean…schools canceled for today.” She motioned to the huge pile of bricks that used to be Mountainview High School. I looked around at everyone and saw that they were all really worried.

“We should probably go see if our families are all ok,” I suggested. When I said that a bit of realization hit them that this might have happened everywhere else also.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Drake said, he got a look like he just remembered something and started looking around.

“Where’s Damon?” he asked.

“I didn’t see him anywhere in the crowd.” Alessia stated. They both looked over at me.

“Last time I saw him we were standing by those huge meteors, then…” I trailed off.

“Then what?” He asked.

“Boom. After that... I don't know. My heads still a little cloudy.” I shook my head, trying to clear it.

“Wait…Meteors? What are you talking about?” Emma asked.

I opened my mouth to respond but Alessia stopped me.

“Guys, I think we should talk about this on the road.”

She motioned to the chaos that was going on around us. For the first time, I noticed that everyone that was in the courtyard seemed to be losing their minds. Either they were trying to cause fights and destroying even more of the school building, or they were huddled up crying and calling for their “mommies” and “daddies” to save them.


“Yeah, your right. The farther away we are from this place the better.” I said, we turned around and headed for the parking lot. When we got there I noticed that some of the cars looked like they had been tossed through a Hurricane.

“Amm…which one is yours.” Emma asked, probably hoping it wasn’t any of the ones we were looking at.

“It’s over there.” I pointed to the back of the parking lot and we started walking. We passed by Drake’s old pickup, and he reached in the back and pulled out a blue workout bag.

“Here ya go. Try not to destroy these.” He tossed me the bag.

I reached inside and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt.

“Thanks.” I mumbled. When we got to my car, I slipped on my new clothes and went to open everyone’s doors, when I remembered my phone and wallet were in my pants pocket.

“Dammit!” I yelled, anger filling my voice.

“What’s wrong?” Alessia asks, looking over to see if I was ok.

"Keys were in my pants pocket." I said motion towards my new shorts.

"Ok..so anyone knows how to hotwire a car?" Drake asked looking around at the group.

Alessia and I both shook our heads then looked over at Emma who had a small smirk on her face.

"Wait, you know how to hotwire a care?" I asked her.

She shrugged her shoulder and started to examine somewhere under the wheel.

"I'm an army brat with an overprotective and paranoid family." She stated flatly.

"Still.. teaching your daughter to hotwire cars? What did they think would happen to you-" Drake was caught off by the sound of the engine coming to life.

Emma stood up with a triumphant smile on her face.

"Good job," I stated then turned to Alessia

“Can I borrow your phone for a sec?”

She tossed it to me and I quickly dialed Beth’s number.

“Please pick up...please pick up.” It went straight to voice mail.

I tried to dial my Mom’s number, but the phone “wasn’t in service”. I tossed Alessia her phone back and we got in the car.

“You guys mind if I go see if my little sisters ok first.” They shook their heads as I finally peel out from the school.


As we made our way to Beth's school, I told everyone about everything I could remember of the Meteor’s, Damon and Rick, and the voice that appeared in my head.

“So what do you think it all means?” Emma asked.

“Honestly? I don’t know, I was half-way hoping you guys would know something.”

I steered the car around another destroyed vehicle, the fourth one we’ve seen since we left the school, and I started to think about the Meteors and the voice inside my head. Then I thought about the weird things some of us could do now. Like Drake being able to throw that monster or Alessia disappearing into thin air, and me being able to survive Felix’s flames.

“Whatever those meteors were, they're the reason all this strange stuff is happening.” I noticed that Alessia hadn’t said anything since we got in the car.

“Alessia, you ok? You haven’t said anything since we left.” She glanced at me thru the rearview mirror then looked down.

She looked like she was going to say something but I slammed my foot hard on the brakes of the car, making everyone lurch forward.

"What the hell m-" Drake cut himself off as he looked forward. We had arrived at Beth’s school

The school looked like a war had broken out in it. There was blood all over the front of the doors and the windows and smoke pouring from parts of the building. I moved to get out and go see if Beth was alright when I noticed movement in the windows.

Suddenly the doors of the school were ripped open and out came three more ugly creatures like the one at our school and they were heading right for us.

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