《Quick Transmigration: I Don't Want To Follow The Scripts!》7.2


Liu Xu Yuan’s days are back to being a complete workaholic. After unfolding the plot, he’s sure to put his plan into reality. Isn’t it just being a top doctor and crushing the protagonists? That’s nothing on him. Since the plot deviates from the original timeline, Ye Lan will find it sickening or a waste of her effort to try and get close to Li Hao now after Wang He actually admits to him liking Li Hao. However, that doesn’t mean she won’t try to drug him. Because their relationship is closer, Liu Xu Yuan agrees to Song Yu’s offer. His hospital was meticulously constructed larger and better but Liu Xu Yuan decides to not rush them.

Liu Xu Yuan can see Ye Lan’s efforts to try and get him fired, although she is the Ye young miss, Li Hao is an important figure as well. If news were published about her using her position to get him retired, the results won’t be pretty. Liu Xu Yuan pays her no attention, rather he even helpfully lends her a hand. Secretly, he had a research laboratory built. Liu Xu Yuan then asks for a week time leave from the hospital and spend the week inside the lab, doing research. Since he never personally asks for a vacation, he gave an excuse of him needing a short break from the overworking hour. Nobody knows Li Hao is doing research meanwhile Ye Lan uses this time to get the higher up’s favor. Since she’s also likely to be the head of the Ye family, they didn’t decline. Ye Lan got promoted and misinform information, spreading false words saying Dr. Hao is abusing his position to not work. The patients love Dr. Hao but it is true that they haven’t seen him in the hospital lately, when asked the respond was that he had took a break. Nobody knows if it’s true or fake, from Dr. Hao’s temperament, naturally they knew that this is him being falsely accused but is there a person who hates him?

A person naturally has a few enemies and friends, Dr. Hao is nonetheless the same. Being a young, prodigy, there’s bound to have envy and jealousy arise. The other doctors do not know who had started this fake concept but they didn’t come to correct them. So, Dr. Hao’s reputation sinks during the time Liu Xu Yuan is locked in his research conducting campaign. Before he went in, he had talk to the man to not act out any unnecessary actions while he was gone, no matter what happen Song Yu must stay calm and still.

Because he is used to being alone and getting things done all by himself, Liu Xu Yuan did not hire any assistants. With the system, he can further upgrade his own work to a better one. Both him and the system had worked themselves to the bone creating new upgraded pills, original medication… His family’s business needs to be personally remade all by himself ah. He divides one third of his brain and develop a bunch. Once he needs a break from the brain storming, Liu Xu Yuan also went to the other part of the laboratory to teach and give assignments to the scouts he’d picked for the hospital. When he’s not there, he had the system check and if there’s any misconduct, he quickly came over.


A week passed, Dr. Hao’s name is in the rubbish. Ye Lan keeps on getting promoted, Wang He is busy keeping up with the increased workload because of a certain person. Song Yu has a very gloomy week because he can’t get to see Liu Xu Yuan. If he’s unhappy, then it’s also likely other people will suffer as well. Because he had always had people follow to protect Liu Xu Yuan, he knows about Wang He’s little toy trick to play his baby. So, he starts to attack the He’s business but his baby told him not to play too much… Song Yu didn’t directly use his family’s power instead the smaller company to make issues for Wang He. Therefore, Wang He was also troubled so he doesn’t know about Li Hao’s name in the drain. The others had no way to get into contact with Li Hao, running around the group came to ask Song Yu about Li Hao’s condition and what they should do. They can quickly stop the news but since Li Hao didn’t respond, they also couldn’t start fighting. Song Yu grumpily said two words.

“Sit still.”

…The friends left.

Being kept inside a huge room without going outside, Li Hao’s skin turns paler so when Liu Xu Yuan finishes his work, he looks like a haggard soul having just escaped from death. He hadn’t had enough time to eat and sleep well, with very dark circles under his eyes, Liu Xu Yuan had a hard time staying awake. So, the boy… fainted to the cold ground, dead asleep after noting the last data. His brain automatically cut off the connection with the system. He doesn’t know he had slept for a whole day so the man waiting outside with anticipation had turn completely depressed and downcast. When it was finally the seventh day, Song Yu rushes from work to come pick his baby up but it’s been nearly a day after and he still doesn’t see Li Hao. He’s been getting calls about the unfinished work, annoyed Song Yu turns off his phone and stood outside the big door. Waiting, he had promised Li Hao that he would wait for him and not be impatient. The seven days were spent being tortured as if his soul was being flamed in the underworld. Even when his eyes redden, fingers bleeding and the throbbing headache, Song Yu waited. He waited and waited, keeping true to those words.

Liu Xu Yuan’s students saw the man standing for hours without moving, worried. This person should know their teacher since he’s come to see the doctor, right? Did they fight? Some of the courageous ones came to hand the man something to eat, saying.

“Teacher’s probably busy in his research, we don’t know when he’ll come out. It’s going to be very long, you shouldn’t…”

The student didn’t get to finish the words before the man spits out.

“He will. He promised me… a week and I’ll get to see him. Today is the day.”

The student turns quiet, looking at the man’s strong, serious gaze at the door and silently puts down the sandwich and left. The other sees the student shaking head and all sighs then walk back to study.


Liu Xu Yuan wakes up, full of energy. He felt like a dead fish a moment ago.

[Xiao Tong, what time is it?]

Liu Xu Yuan waits but there was no respond. He was about to ask again before his visions blurred and the next moment, the door is knocked down, crash! Liu Xu Yuan looks up, dumbfounded then angry. Watching the debris and dust flying, he opens his mouth to reprimand the hoodlum who dares to destroy his precious lab! But he felt his mouth blocked and his eyes open wide, staring incredulously ahead. Liu Xu Yuan’s overworked brain has shut down and he can’t tell what’s happening and that quick kiss has already ended before he could react. His body is then lifted over a strong shoulder and a hand pinch his butt. Liu Xu Yuan, muddleheaded, immediately blush and he starts struggling. Shouting and hitting the back, his legs kicking nonstop.

“LET GO! L-LET ME DOWN-! YOU-” bastard…

His words pause when he is thrown down to the car back seat, his head miss the soft cushion. The door frame is to his right. His eyes close, waiting for the impact to hit… but, he didn’t feel anything. Liu Xu Yuan peeks a glance, his body stiffens as he felt someone clenched their hold on him. He chokes, tears rushing to flow then he heard the familiar voice he had missed but it sounds so weak and fragile… there was none of the usual imposing tone rather… anxious and distress.

And self-depreciating at his own pathetic self.

“You lied…”


Liu Xu Yuan blurts out without thinking and quickly shuts up. He glances at the face burrowed in between his neck and shoulder and his body stiffens seeing it. The grip on him tightens, Liu Xu Yuan feels his thin body being crushed but he didn’t push him away. He doesn’t dare to… because.

Because Song Yu looks like he’s about to cry.

I made him cry…

Liu Xu Yuan immediately panics, the one thing he finds most annoying but when he sees his man cried, he doesn’t feel annoyed. Fear and trepidation rise from the bottom of his heart, his chest heaves up and down, aching. There were many emotions he’s feeling yet also nothing but emptiness. Liu Xu Yuan raises his hand to pat the man’s back but pause halfway, hovering in the air awkwardly. He wants to comfort the man, wants to tell him that he doesn’t want to see them, that he didn’t mean to make the man like this… many words swirl in his head but his body only still and not behaving, the words choked in his throat. No matter how he tried to open and let it out, they fell back down. His lips can’t utter any words.

Liu Xu Yuan lost his voice.

He lost the ability to speak. Inhaling the sweet scent of the young man in his arm, Song Yu’s breathing eases back and his grip loosens but he still doesn’t let go. Loosening the hold, Song Yu notices the stiffen body relax and quietly nuzzles closer against his chest. A hand gently flops on his back, grabbing his shirt reassured. His heart softens and Song Yu retreats out from the burrow and turns sideway but his gaze darkens before he gets the chance to see his baby’s face.

Song Yu panics, his hand reaches to remove the glaze that blinds his sight. His body turns rigid as he felt a wet and moist object around his neck. The dampened texture of that sly tongue licks and sucks above his collarbone. Pecking sweetly then sucking forcefully as if trying to find juice to lessen the thirst… and finally lightly lick around the outline of that sore spot but never touching there. Song Yu’s hand drops to the side and he hums, hoarsely. This continues for awhile with Song Yu not moving and allowing complete access for his baby to tease around.

Liu Xu Yuan removes the hand on Song Yu’s eyes and stops his action. Raising his flat blue eyes, he looks expressionlessly at the man however his heart is nervous and in trepidation. Song Yu’s vision blurs from the long darkness and he first came sight to a deadpan Li Hao looking at him. His lips gently curl up and he drops a long kiss in between the boy’s tired brows. His lips stayed there and he whispers with a soft-spoken tone. Liu Xu Yuan’s pupils’ contract and his heart sinks.

“I know… baby.”

Not thank you or don’t worry’s, just that. Liu Xu Yuan feels like crying. Song Yu did not act out as he had imagined, instead the man just said he knows. He said he understands what he’s trying to do. Liu Xu Yuan grips on the cloth clenches, his eyes firm and resolute. Holding back the tears, he beckons the man for a kiss.

“Kiss me.”

Song Yu happily leans down and kiss the bitten, pursed lips. His eyes open, scared that once he closes them, he’ll go back to that never-ending cycle of waking up and the space beside him is empty. The kiss is long and sugary affectionate and loving, not too intense or too light. They reluctantly parted. Liu Xu Yuan eyelashes tremble as he opens his misty blue eyes to look at the dark, serious gaze of the man on top of him. He understands what his man is thinking, his lips pursed and spoke.

“I’m back.”

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